2,353 research outputs found

    Influencia de la emulsión gasificable SAN-G y HA 73g en la fragmentación de la roca en Chaviña, Ayacucho - 2018

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    RESUMEN Se estudió la influencia de la emulsión gasificable SAN-G y HA 73G en la fragmentación de la roca por voladura en minería a tajo abierto en una mina de Chaviña-Ayacucho; la cual se inició con la revisión bibliográfica de la emulsion gasificable SAN-G y se definió la zona de pruebas para la aplicación de este explosivo y compararlo con el HA 73G que se utiliza actualmente en mina. El desarrollo de estas pruebas se realizó en 11 proyectos de voladura de producción que representa un total de 2922 taladros cargados. Se concluye que todos los disparos realizados con SAN-G tuvieron menor Factor de Potencia (0.42 a 0.55 kg/Tm), obteniéndose a pesar de ello un p80 promedio con granulometría de 3.76” mayor de lo requerido (2.50”); mientras que todos los disparos realizados con HA 73G tuvieron un Factor de potencia de 0.48 a 0.61 kg/Tm, obteniéndose un p80 promedio de 2.84”. La VOD que presento el SAN-G está en el intervalo de 4958 m/s a 5343 con un promedio de 5143 m/s utilizando una densidad promedio de 1.05 gr/cm³. La VOD que presento el HA 73G está en el intervalo de 5082 m/s a 5215 con un promedio de 5148.50 m/s utilizando una densidad promedio de 1.08 gr/cm³. Estos explosivos presentan un íntimo contacto entre el oxidante y el combustible, permitiendo que la reacción de óxido reducción sea veloz, lo que genera una mejor calidad de gases de voladura y un color de humos gris claro cómo se percibió en los 11 disparos realizados. El costo de voladura promedio obtenido con Emulsión Gasificable SAN- G está en 0.22 /TmpordebajodelcostodevoladuradeHA73Gqueestaˊen0.24/Tm por debajo del costo de voladura de HA 73G que está en 0.24 /Tm esto representa una disminución de 7.22 %. Teniendo en cuenta las condiciones litológicas propias del terreno; la mezcla con que se obtuvo buenos resultados es el HA 73G (Heavy ANFO 73 gasificable). PALABRAS CLAVES: Emulsión gasificable, fragmentación, p80, taladro


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    Introdução: O intestino é um órgão vital, entretanto, seu mau funcionamento pode gerar alguns distúrbios como por exemplo, “A síndrome do intestino irritável”. O quadro desses pacientes são dores na barriga, inchaço abdominal e alteração na frequência das evacuações e na consistência das fezes. A fisioterapia tem apresentado meios que favorecem analgesia. Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos da Estimulação Elétrica Nervosa Transcutânea (TENS) e do Ultrassom (US) nos sintomas da síndrome do intestino irritável. Método: Foi utilizado o TENS na região abdominal, durante 15 minutos. O Ultrassom foi usado durante 3 minutos em cada região abdominal, somando 12 minutos ao total. O tratamento foi realizado durante um mês, com 9 sessões. Utilizou-se a Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) e o questionário Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ). Resultados: Nos sintomas intestinais obteve-se progresso de 5 pontos no questionário IBDQ e nos sintomas emocionais houve uma evolução de 9 pontos, sendo este, estatisticamente significante. Na escala EVA a média de escore diminui de 5,6 para 3,6 ao final da intervenção. Conclusão: A intervenção fisioterapêutica surtiu efeitos positivos e contribuiu para a diminuição da dor e os outros sintomas como: inchaço abdominal e diminuição na quantidade de evacuações e essa evolução auxiliou na qualidade de vida do voluntário

    Estabilización de talud en el barrio José Santos Rodríguez de la ciudad de Ocotal, Nueva Segovia

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    El presente proyecto que se realiza en la ciudad de Ocotal en el barrio José Santos Rodríguez muestra un problema de un talud que mediante los factores de erosión y escurrimientos superficiales provocada por las lluvias torrenciales y constante viento a lo que está expuesto además el rio que se localiza cerca de su base, crea una inestabilidad del mismo, tanto así que es la preocupación por sus pobladores que se encuentran encima del mismo talud y por tanto se formula este proyecto, que consiste en dar una solución eficiente a la necesidad que se presenta

    New VVV Survey Globular Cluster Candidates in the Milky Way Bulge

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    © 2017 The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.It is likely that a number of Galactic globular clusters remain to be discovered, especially toward the Galactic bulge. High stellar density combined with high and differential interstellar reddening are the two major problems for finding globular clusters located toward the bulge. We use the deep near-IR photometry of the VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) Survey to search for globular clusters projected toward the Galactic bulge, and hereby report the discovery of 22 new candidate globular clusters. These objects, detected as high density regions in our maps of bulge red giants, are confirmed as globular cluster candidates by their color-magnitude diagrams. We provide their coordinates as well as their near-IR color-magnitude diagrams, from which some basic parameters are derived, such as reddenings and heliocentric distances. The color-magnitude diagrams reveal well defined red giant branches in all cases, often including a prominent red clump. The new globular cluster candidates exhibit a variety of extinctions (0.06 < A Ks < 2.77) and distances (5.3 < D < 9.5 kpc). We also classify the globular cluster candidates into 10 metal-poor and 12 metal-rich clusters, based on the comparison of their color-magnitude diagrams with those of known globular clusters also observed by the VVV Survey. Finally, we argue that the census for Galactic globular clusters still remains incomplete, and that many more candidate globular clusters (particularly the low luminosity ones) await to be found and studied in detail in the central regions of the Milky Way.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Do difficulties in emotional processing predict procedure pain and shape the patient's colonoscopy experience?

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    Objectives Pain and fear of colonoscopy are inter-related; they make the colonoscopy experience unpleasant and impede adherence to colorectal cancer screening and prevention campaigns. According to previous research, fear and pain have been found to depend on patients' maladaptive cognitions and exaggerated emotional responses. The present study investigated whether emotional processing difficulties predicted colonoscopy pain and the associated catastrophising thoughts. Design Prospective, observational, blinded. Method A sample of 123 patients was assessed for specific emotional processing difficulties (ie, suppression of emotions, unprocessed emotions, failure to control emotions, avoidance of emotional triggers and impoverished emotional experience) and anxiety-related variables (ie, worry, anxiety and depression) before colonoscopy. A trained medical doctor rated patients' behavioural manifestations of pain during colonoscopy. After complete recovery from sedation, the patients rated the endoscopy experience using perceived pain and situation-specific pain catastrophising scales. Results About half of the patients were above the cut-off for anxiety before the procedure. Notwithstanding sedation, behavioural manifestations of pain during colonoscopy indicated probable or moderate pain for about one-third of the patients. Failure to control emotions, poor emotional experience and avoiding emotional triggers were positively correlated with behavioural manifestations of pain, self-reported pain and pain catastrophising. Regression analyses, controlling for gender, age, colonoscopy experience and sedation, revealed that avoidance of emotional triggers uniquely contributed to predicting pain outcomes. Conclusions Early identification of emotional processing difficulties associated with pain catastrophising can help define personalised psychological preparation paths to manage negative emotions in patients who fear colonoscopy pain

    From local monitoring to a broad-scale viability assessment: a case study for the Bonelli’s Eagle in western Europe

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    Population viability analysis (PVA) has become a basic tool of current conservation practice. However, if not accounted for properly, the uncertainties inherent to PVA predictions can decrease the reliability of this type of analysis. In the present study, we performed a PVA of the whole western European population (France, Portugal, and Spain) of the endangered Bonelli's Eagle (Aquila fasciata), in which we thoroughly explored the consequences of uncertainty in population processes and parameters on PVA predictions. First, we estimated key vital rates (survival, fertility, recruitment, and dispersal rates) using monitoring, ringing, and bibliographic data from the period 1990-2009 from 12 populations found throughout the studied geographic range. Second, we evaluated the uncertainty about model structure (i.e., the assumed processes that govern individual fates and population dynamics) by comparing the observed growth rates of the studied populations with model predictions for the same period. Third, using the model structures suggested in the previous step, we assessed the viability of both the local populations and the overall population. Finally, we analyzed the effects of model and parameter uncertainty on PVA predictions. Our results strongly support the idea that all local populations in western Europe belong to a single, spatially structured population operating as a source-sink system, whereby the populations in the south of the Iberian Peninsula act as sources and, thanks to dispersal, sustain all other local populations, which would otherwise decline. Predictions regarding population dynamics varied considerably, and models assuming more constrained dispersal predicted more pessimistic population trends than models assuming greater dispersal. Model predictions accounting for parameter uncertainty revealed a marked increase in the risk of population declines over the next 50 years. Sensitivity analyses indicated that adult and pre-adult survival are the chief vital rates regulating these populations, and thus, the conservation efforts aimed at improving these survival rates should be strengthened in order to guarantee the long-term viability of the European populations of this endangered species. Overall, the study provides a framework for the implementation of multi-site PVAs and highlights the importance of dispersal processes in shaping the population dynamics of long-lived birds distributed across heterogeneous landscapes.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia CGL200-64805/BOS CGL2010-17056 SAB-2006-0014/Roge

    Implementación de automatización de proceso de producción de leche ultrapasteurizada /

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    En la actualidad, el crecimiento global, presenta grandes retos en cuanto al abastecimiento de los alimentos para la población. Puesto que es necesario producir grandes cantidades a una velocidad determinada. Es ahí donde el “sector alimenticio” o la “industria alimenticia”, suple gran parte de las necesidades de una sociedad tan acelerada y cambiante, haciendo que los alimentos producidos por está, brinden una calidad de vida sostenible. En este caso, la industria de lácteos, es uno de los sectores productivos que conlleva una secuencia para obtener la leche, comenzando por: Crianza de Vacas (Selección genética) Métodos de explotación de las vacas productoras (extracción de la leche). Procesamiento de la Leche. Distribución del producto y sus derivados. Siendo la pasteurización uno de los principales procesos para la conservación y la calidad higiénica de los productos lácteos. Cabe destacar que para conseguir una mayor reducción de microorganismos presentes en la leche es necesario aplicar un proceso de Ultra-pasteurización. En dicho proceso es en donde, se enfoca la implementación de un sistema automatizado, que brinde las fases esenciales y secuenciales necesarias para el tratamiento de la leche y se encuentre en las condiciones adecuadas para posteriormente ser almacenada o envasada.Incluye bibliografía, anexo

    Prevalence and factors associated with peripheral and central adiposity in primary school students in Brazil

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    The objective was to identify the prevalence of excess central adiposity and peripheral schoolchildren and its relationship with sedentary activities and physical activity level. Cross-sectional study was conducted with 524 elementary school student’s city of Bauru (SP). Structured protocol was used, the PAQ-C and measured subscapular skinfolds thickness (PCS) and triciptal (TSF). There were descriptive analyses, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression. The PCT and PCS rates were respectively 13.6% and 16.5% in boys and 15.4% and 12.6%. In girls the frequency above three times a week on the computer and its use for more than three hours if associated with elevated PCT, low level of physical activity was associated with elevated PCS in boys, low level of physical activity and use of computer and / or video games for morethan three hours/day were associated with higher PCS in boys. The frequency and number of hours in sedentary and low physical activity are important predictors of adiposity among children

    Tiered Approach to Resilience Assessment

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    Regulatory agencies have long adopted a three-tier framework for risk assessment. We build on this structure to propose a tiered approach for resilience assessment that can be integrated into the existing regulatory processes. Comprehensive approaches to assessing resilience at appropriate and operational scales, reconciling analytical complexity as needed with stakeholder needs and resources available, and ultimately creating actionable recommendations to enhance resilience are still lacking. Our proposed framework consists of tiers by which analysts can select resilience assessment and decision support tools to inform associated management actions relative to the scope and urgency of the risk and the capacity of resource managers to improve system resilience. The resilience management framework proposed is not intended to supplant either risk management or the many existing efforts of resilience quantification method development, but instead provide a guide to selecting tools that are appropriate for the given analytic need. The goal of this tiered approach is to intentionally parallel the tiered approach used in regulatory contexts so that resilience assessment might be more easily and quickly integrated into existing structures and with existing policies

    Health-Related Quality of Life and Experiences of Sarcoma Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Sarcomas are rare cancers with a spectrum of clinical needs and outcomes. We investigated care experiences and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in sarcoma patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients with appointments during the first two months of the UK lockdown were invited to complete a survey. Questions included views on care modifications, COVID-19 worry and psychosocial impact, and EORTC-QLQ-C30 items. 350 patients completed the survey; median age 58 (16–92) years. Care modifications included telemedicine (74%) and postponement of appointments (34%), scans (34%) or treatment (10%). Most felt the quality of care was not affected (72%), however, social life (87%) and emotional wellbeing (41%) were affected. Worry about COVID-19 infection was moderately high (mean 5.8/10) and significantly related to higher cancer-related worry; associated with lower emotional functioning irrespective of treatment intent. Curative patients (44%) with low resilient coping scores had significantly higher COVID-19 worry. Patients who did not know their treatment intent (22%) had significantly higher COVID-19 worry and insomnia. In summary, care experiences were generally positive; however, cancer-related worry, low resilient coping and uncertainty about treatment intent were associated with COVID-19 worry. These patients may benefit from additional psychological support during the pandemic and beyond.</jats:p