28 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pengaruh komunikasi organisasi, komitmen organisasi, dan iklim organisasi terhadap kinerja guru di lingkungan Sekolah Maitreyawira Batam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian expost facto, dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Februari 2012. Responden penelitian adalah guru-guru dan kepala sekolah di TK-SD-SMP-SMA Maitreyawira Batam sebanyak 120 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket terhadap guru dan angket penilaian oleh kepala sekolah terhadap guru. Pengujian validitas butir dilakukan dengan korelasi Produk Momen Pearson, sedangkan uji reliabilitas dengan metode Alfa-Cronbach. Analisis data menggunakan teknik regresi linear sederhana dan ganda. Hasil analisis statistik deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi organisasi dalam kategori baik (rerata = 71,41 dari skor maksimal yang mungkin dicapai sebesar 96), komitmen organisasi dalam kategori baik (rerata = 44,59 dari skor maksimal yang mungkin dicapai sebesar 64), iklim organisasi dalam kategori baik (rerata = 70,37 dari skor maksimal yang mungkin dicapai sebesar 96), dan kinerja guru dalam kategori baik (rerata = 122,47 dari skor maksimal yang mungkin dicapai sebesar 152). Hasil analisis regresi linear sederhana menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi organisasi meningkatkan kinerja guru (sig = 0,012<0,05; � ); komitmen organisasi meningkatkan kinerja guru (sig = 0,009<0,05; � ); dan iklim organisasi meningkatkan kinerja guru (sig = 0,008<0,05; � ). Hasil analisis regresi linear ganda menunjukkan komunikasi organisasi, komitmen organisasi, dan iklim organisasi secara bersama-sama tidak meningkatkan kinerja guru karena koefisien regresi tidak signifikan (sig > 0,05; � � � ) Kata Kunci: komunikasi organisasi, komitmen organisasi, iklim organisasi, kinerja gur

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Pemasok Terbaik dari Pemasok Tersedia dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Studi Kasus Divisi Power PT Guna Elektro

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a decision support system to support supplier selection process in PT Guna Elektro and also to develop a system that could provide alternatives to the selection of the best suppliers. The methodologies used in this study are analysis, design, and literature study. Analysis will be done by conducting a survey about the current company system, conducting interviews with system users, and then analyzing the survey results. The literature study is conducted by searching reference sources related to the study while the design is conducted by designing a data management subsystem, model, knowledge base, and user interface. The result on the development of the decision support system application can be used to select the most appropriate supplier which are suitable with the criteria required. The developed decision support system helps support the decision making process for supplier selection

    The Na+/H+ Exchanger Controls Deoxycholic Acid-Induced Apoptosis by a H+-Activated, Na+-Dependent Ionic Shift in Esophageal Cells

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    Apoptosis resistance is a hallmark of cancer cells. Typically, bile acids induce apoptosis. However during gastrointestinal (GI) tumorigenesis the cancer cells develop resistance to bile acid-induced cell death. To understand how bile acids induce apoptosis resistance we first need to identify the molecular pathways that initiate apoptosis in response to bile acid exposure. In this study we examined the mechanism of deoxycholic acid (DCA)-induced apoptosis, specifically the role of Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) and Na+ influx in esophageal cells. In vitro studies revealed that the exposure of esophageal cells (JH-EsoAd1, CP-A) to DCA (0.2 mM -0.5 mM) caused lysosomal membrane perturbation and transient cytoplasmic acidification. Fluorescence microscopy in conjunction with atomic absorption spectrophotometry demonstrated that this effect on lysosomes correlated with influx of Na+, subsequent loss of intracellular K+, an increase of Ca2+ and apoptosis. However, ethylisopropyl-amiloride (EIPA), a selective inhibitor of NHE, prevented Na+, K+ and Ca2+ changes and caspase 3/7 activation induced by DCA. Ouabain and amphotericin B, two drugs that increase intracellular Na+ levels, induced similar changes as DCA (ion imbalance, caspase3/7 activation). On the contrary, DCA-induced cell death was inhibited by medium with low a Na+ concentrations. In the same experiments, we exposed rat ileum ex-vivo to DCA with or without EIPA. Severe tissue damage and caspase-3 activation was observed after DCA treatment, but EIPA almost fully prevented this response. In summary, NHE-mediated Na+ influx is a critical step leading to DCA-induced apoptosis. Cells tolerate acidification but evade DCA-induced apoptosis if NHE is inhibited. Our data suggests that suppression of NHE by endogenous or exogenous inhibitors may lead to apoptosis resistance during GI tumorigenesis


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    Energy crisis that hit the world, especially in Indonesia, has made various parties to find a solution and do some research to find alternative energy sources that can generate electrical energy. Several studies began to harness the sun's energy, water and wind energy to generate electricity in both small and large scale. The energy source is converted into electrical energy by using a permanent magnet generator. Electrical energy that can be generated by the permanent magnet generator is very advantageous. Thus came the idea to create a radial flux permanent magnet generators. This research will test the characteristics of radial flux permanent magnet generator. Testing was held at Ristek Laboratory which located in Srandakan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. On this test it will be shown the characteristics of these machines at various value of resistive loads. In addition, variations in testing also involves testing a constant frequency and constant prime mover testing. From the tests conducted, the result shows that the generator has been able to produce 50 Hz electricity at 333,33 rpm rotation and has a no-load voltage at which tend to be small, which is 43,68 volt

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Pemasok Terbaik dari Pemasok Tersedia dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): Studi Kasus Divisi Power PT Guna Elektro

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a decision support system to support supplier selection process in PT Guna Elektro and also to develop a system that could provide alternatives to the selection of the best suppliers. The methodologies used in this study are analysis, design, and literature study. Analysis will be done by conducting a survey about the current company system, conducting interviews with system users, and then analyzing the survey results. The literature study is conducted by searching reference sources related to the study while the design is conducted by designing a data management subsystem, model, knowledge base, and user interface. The result on the development of the decision support system application can be used to select the most appropriate supplier which are suitable with the criteria required. The developed decision support system helps support the decision making process for supplier selection


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    An earthquake is one that occurs as a result of a sudden shift in the soil layer below the earth's surface. Purwokerto as the city of Banyumas Regency is a city that is currently trying to develop as well as other big cities in Indonesia. The lecture building is a public service facility in terms of education for the community As the lecture building must be able to provide feasibility and comfort so that activities inside and outside the lecture building become comfortable. This aims of the reasearch to assess the vulnerability of several buildings at Wijayakusuma University to earthquakes. To find out the feasibility of the building, the analysis approach was carried out using the RVS method contained in FEMA 154, besides that the load calculation was carried out using SAP 2000 modeling with the 3D Response Spectrum method. The results showed that the multi-storey buildings at the University of Wijayakusuma Purwokerto were safe against earthquakes when assessed by the RVS method, whereas when assessed by the 3D response spectrum method in accordance with SNI 1726-2019 these buildings were less safe for fundamental natural vibration times, but for the third loading the building is safe.Gempa merupakan salah satu yang terjadi akibat kejadian pergeseran tiba-tiba dari lapisan tanah di bawah permukaan bumi. Purwokerto sebagai kota Kabupaten Banyumas adalah kota yang saat ini berusaha berkembang seperti halnya kota-kota besar lainnya yang ada di Indonesia. Gedung perkuliahan merupakan fasilitas pelayanan umum dalam hal pendidikan terhadap masyarakat Sebagai gedung perkuliahan harus mampu memberikan kelayakan dan kenyamanan sehingga aktivitas di dalam dan luar gedung perkuliahan menjadi nyaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan meninjau kerentanan beberapa bangunan yang terdapat pada Universitas Wijayakusuma terhadap gempa bumi. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan bangunan tersebut pendekatan analisa yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode RVS yang terdapat pada FEMA 154, selain itu perhitungan pembebanan dilakukan dengan pemodelan SAP 2000 dengan metode 3D Response Spektrum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gedung bertingkat pada Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto aman terhadap gempa apabila dikaji dengan metode RVS, sedangkan apabila dikaji dengan metode 3D response spectrum yang sesuai dengan SNI 1726-2019 gedung-gedung tersebut kurang aman untuk waktu getar alami fundamental, tetapi untuk pembebanan ketiga gedung tersebut aman