752 research outputs found

    Constructing the Capital of Peace: Changing Branding Strategies for Istanbul’s Eyüp Quarter

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    This article analyzes how the Justice and Development Party (AKP)-led local municipality changed branding strategies for Istanbul’s Eyüp quarter since its predecessor took office in 1994. Portraying itself as the savior of Eyüp’s heritage and Eyüp as the symbol of a larger imagined Islamic-Ottoman community, the AKP legitimizes its political rule on various levels. The diachronic comparison of municipal city guidebooks illustrates how the framing of Eyüp and its branding strategies changed with shifting political contexts. The recent strategy to attract diverse tourists as multipliers to consume and spread the AKP’s identity narratives demonstrates the political nature of tourism branding

    Morphological complexity of the word

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Although there is much linguistic work concerning morphological complexity of words no study tries to scale their physical form. In this paper firstly we present a scaling of word's morphological complexity considering reduplication, compounding, derivation, inflection and suppletivism. Secondly we show some quantitative analyses of morphological complexity with respect to arc, motif, and distances of words in a Slovak poem as an example

    Contributions to the theory of boundedness in uniform spaces and topological groups

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    First, we discuss the behavior of boundedness in uniform spaces with respect to subspaces, projective limits, and suprema in relation to precompactness. A special uniformly isomorphic embedding of un arbitrary uniform space in a bounded uniform space is presented and examined in 2.6. Hejcman’s characterization (by B-conservativity) of uniform spaces in which boundedness can be tested by a single pseudometric is proved in a new way, see 3.13, using a version 3.1 of the metrization lemma. We comment briefly on boundedness in topological vector spaces. In topological groups we investigate a hierarchy of partly new notions of boundedness, strongly interrelated among themselves, and exhibit various situations in which certain of these notions coincide. "Boundedness respecting subspaces" of a uniform space prove useful. Many examples illustrate and complement the general theory, see, e.g., Example 6.4


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    Meningiomas represent the most common primary brain tumor and comprise 3 World Health Organization (WHO) grades, the most frequent being WHO grade I (90%). Surgery is mandatory to establish the diagnosis and to remove the tumor; however, complete resection can be achieved in only <50% of patients. Depending on the extent of resection, tumor location and the WHO grade radiation therapy can be applied. The issue of systemic treatment such as chemotherapy or targeted therapy (eg, somatostatin receptors, antiangiogenic agents) is yet not solved, particularly as current data are derived from small uncontrolled series in patients with long-standing disease and after several pretreatments. A more thorough understanding of molecular genetics, signaling pathways and prognostic factors in meningiomas should lead to the design of studies which stratify according to these factors. These studies have to be conducted in newly diagnosed patients after incomplete resection and in tumors of WHO grade II and II

    'The time where the British took the lead is over': ethical aspects of writing in complex research partnerships

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    Writing reflects some of the different characteristics of the language being used and of the people who are communicating. The present paper focusses on the internal written communication in international and inter-disciplinary research projects. Using a case study of an international public health research project, it argues that the authorship and the languages used in internal project communication are not neutral but help to generate or reinforce power hierarchies. Within research partnerships, language thus raises ethical issues that have so far been neglected. Current ethics guidelines often focus on interactions between scientists and participants of social research and clinical trials, with less attention paid to the interactions among the scientists themselves. Describing all the different project phases based on writing within a research project, the paper distinguishes different influences on the distribution of power that emerge through a focus on written communication. The focus of the present paper is to illuminate the issues of ethics, power and the dimensions of hierarchy, physical location and native versus non-native English speakers that arise from paying attention to such communications

    Exaktheit – Eindeutigkeit – Eigentlichkeit. Zur semiotischen Explikation terminologischer Grundeigenschaften

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    Zusammenfassung. Die terminologischen Eigenschaften Exaktheit, Eindeutigkeit und Eigentlichkeit können anhand des semiotischen Dreiecks von Ogden und Richards erfasst und aufeinander bezogen werden: Mit Blick auf Bedeutung, Ausdruck und Wirklichkeit erweisen sie sich dabei als referentielle, semantische und mentale (motivierte) Unmiss­verständlichkeit von Termini. Sie werden im Rahmen eines systemlinguistischen Inventar­modells, eines pragmalinguistischen Kontextmodells und eines kognitionslinguistischen Funktionsmodells jeweils unterschiedlich konzipiert. Exaktheit, Eindeutigkeit und Eigent­lichkeit werden systemlinguistisch postuliert, pragmalinguistisch analysiert oder kogniti­onslinguistisch interpretiert. Argumentativ wie historisch zeigt sich hierbei ein dialektisches Verhältnis der drei Modelle.&nbsp; Summary. The terminological properties of exactness, uniqueness and authenticity can be related to each other on the basis of Ogden and Richard’s semiotic triangle. With respect to meaning, expression, and reality they have to be understood as referential, semantic, and motivated comprehensibility of terms. They are conceptualized in diffe­rent ways within the framework of an inventory model in the tradition of system-orien­ted linguistics, a context model in the tradition of pragmalinguistics, and a functional model in the tradition of cognitive linguistics. Exactness, uniqueness and authenticity are systematically postulated, pragmatically analyzed, or cognitively interpreted. Argu­mentatively and historically, the approach demonstrates a dialectical relationship bet­ween the three models

    The twofold politics of psychiatry: Ernst Rüdin and the German delegation at the International Congress of Child Psychiatry in Paris, 1937

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    At the First International Congress of Child Psychiatry held in Paris in 1937, the German delegation was led by Ernst Rüdin, a fervent eugenicist, and president of the Society of German Neurologists and Psychiatrists (GDNP). Rüdin had a twofold political agenda: on the one hand, he acted beyond the medical community in the broader framework of German foreign policy which aimed at the expansion of Germany’s international reputation. On the other hand, he sought to secure the core claims of the GDNP as a professional body. It was his aim to integrate the newly emerging field of child psychiatry firmly into the broader field of psychiatry and neurology. The article reconstructs the politico-legal ramifications within which German physicians acted when attending professional conferences abroad and the broader context of the international congresses in Paris in 1937. Finally, it describes the impact of these contexts on the lectures of the German delegates.Au congrès international de Psychiatrie de l’enfant tenu à Paris en 1937, la délégation allemande était conduite par Ernst Rüdin, un eugéniste fervent et le président de l’Association des neurologues et psychiatres allemands (GDPN). Rüdin avait un double objectif politique : d’une part placer l’action de sa communauté médicale dans le cadre plus global de la politique étrangère de son pays en contribuant à la consolidation de la réputation de l’Allemagne à l’étranger. D’autre part, il cherchait à répondre aux principales attentes de la GDPN en tant qu’instance professionnelle. Il avait pour objectif d’intégrer la psychiatrie de l’enfant, une spécialité émergente, dans le champ plus général de la psychiatrie et de la neurologie. Cet article reconstruit les ramifications politiques et le contexte légal que les médecins allemands devaient prendre en compte quand ils participaient à des conférences internationales se tenant à l’étranger et plus particulièrement lors de ce congrès de 1937 à Paris. En outre, l’article décrit l’impact de ces contextes sur les interventions des délégués allemands

    The topological structure of direct limits in the category of uniform spaces

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    Let (Xn)n(X_n)_{n} be a sequence of uniform spaces such that each space XnX_n is a closed subspace in Xn+1X_{n+1}. We give an explicit description of the topology and uniformity of the direct limit u−limXnu-lim X_n of the sequence (Xn)(X_n) in the category of uniform spaces. This description implies that a function f:u−limXn→Yf:u-lim X_n\to Y to a uniform space YY is continuous if for every nn the restriction f∣Xnf|X_n is continuous and regular at the subset Xn−1X_{n-1} in the sense that for any entourages U\in\U_Y and V\in\U_X there is an entourage V\in\U_X such that for each point x∈B(Xn−1,V)x\in B(X_{n-1},V) there is a point x′∈Xn−1x'\in X_{n-1} with (x,x′)∈V(x,x')\in V and (f(x),f(x′))∈U(f(x),f(x'))\in U. Also we shall compare topologies of direct limits in various categories.Comment: 10 page
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