85 research outputs found

    IntelliBeeHive: An Automated Honey Bee, Pollen, and Varroa Destructor Monitoring System

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    —study, we developed a honey bee monitoring system that aims to enhance our understanding of Colony Collapse Disorder, honey bee behavior, population decline, and overall hive health. The system is positioned at the hive entrance providing real-time data, enabling beekeepers to closely monitor the hive’s activity and health through an account-based website. Using machine learning, our monitoring system can accurately track honey bees, monitor pollen gathering activity, and detect Varroa mites, all without causing any disruption to the honey bees. Moreover, we have ensured that the development of this monitoring system utilizes cost-effective technology, making it accessible to apiaries of various scales, including hobbyists, commercial beekeeping businesses, and researchers. The inference models used to detect honey bees, pollen, and mites are based on the YOLOv7-tiny architecture trained with our own data. The F1-score for honey bee model recognition is 0.95 and the precision and recall value is 0.981. For our pollen and mite object detection model F1-score is 0.95 and the precision and recall value is 0.821 for pollen and 0.996 for ”mite”. The overall performance of our IntelliBeeHive system demonstrates its effectiveness in monitoring the honey bee’s activity, achieving an accuracy of 96.28% in tracking and our pollen model achieved a F1-score of 0.831

    IntelliBeeHive: An Automated Honey Bee, Pollen, and Varroa Destructor Monitoring System

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    Utilizing computer vision and the latest technological advancements, in this study, we developed a honey bee monitoring system that aims to enhance our understanding of Colony Collapse Disorder, honey bee behavior, population decline, and overall hive health. The system is positioned at the hive entrance providing real-time data, enabling beekeepers to closely monitor the hive's activity and health through an account-based website. Using machine learning, our monitoring system can accurately track honey bees, monitor pollen-gathering activity, and detect Varroa mites, all without causing any disruption to the honey bees. Moreover, we have ensured that the development of this monitoring system utilizes cost-effective technology, making it accessible to apiaries of various scales, including hobbyists, commercial beekeeping businesses, and researchers. The inference models used to detect honey bees, pollen, and mites are based on the YOLOv7-tiny architecture trained with our own data. The F1-score for honey bee model recognition is 0.95 and the precision and recall value is 0.981. For our pollen and mite object detection model F1-score is 0.95 and the precision and recall value is 0.821 for pollen and 0.996 for "mite". The overall performance of our IntelliBeeHive system demonstrates its effectiveness in monitoring the honey bee's activity, achieving an accuracy of 96.28 % in tracking and our pollen model achieved a F1-score of 0.831

    Transportation Needs of Latinos in Pittsfield, MA

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    Latinos in Pittsfield are a small but fast growing population. The most significant issue they face is related to transportation. Because the area\u27s lack of population density, Berkshire County Regional Transportation Authority provides limited bus routes. In Massachusetts in 2012, 72% of the population drove to work, while in Berkshire County 86% did. Likewise, in Massachusetts, 9% used public transit but in Berkshire County only 2% did. Massachusetts has failed to enact a Safe Driving Bill, even though Sen. Patricia Jehlen and Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier have sponsored H.3285

    Imported cysticercosis in Spain: A retrospective case series from the +REDIVI Collaborative Network

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    Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common parasitic neurological disease worldwide and a major cause of epilepsy. Spain is the country reporting the highest number of NCC imported cases in Europe. Retrospective case series of NCC patients registered in the +REDIVI Network from October 1, 2009 to July 2018. A specific questionnaire, including clinical and diagnostic characteristics, was created and sent to the collaborator centers. 46 cases were included in the analysis. 55% were male, mean age of 40 years. 95.6% were migrants. The median duration since migration from an endemic area was 10 years. Predominant nationalities were Ecuadorians (50%) and Bolivians (30.4%). Frequent locations were parenchymal (87%), subarachnoid (26.1%) and intraventricular cysts (10.9%). Serological analysis was performed in 91.3%, being 54.8% positive. Most prevalent clinical manifestations were persistent headache (60.9%), epilepsy (43.5%) and visual changes (13%). Patients were mainly treated with albendazole (76.1%), corticosteroids (67.4%), and anticonvulsionants (52.2%). 82.5% had a favorable clinical outcome. Most NCC cases were long-standing migrants. Few clinical differences were observed depending on the cysticerci location. The treatment was often not according to current recommendations, and no uniform criteria were followed when it came to the therapeutic regimen. NCC case management in Spain (including clinician awareness and laboratory capacity improvements) needs to be strengthened.We would thanks María Jesús Perteguer from the National Center of Microbiology for the information and update on NCC lab techniques currently performed in Spain. The corresponding author’s affiliation centre belongs to the ISCIII-Sub. Gral. Redes- Network Biomedical Research on Tropical Diseases (RICET in Spanish) grant RD16CIII/0003/0001, RD16/0027/0020, RD16CIII/0003/0001 and the European Regional Development Fund. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Structural basis for delta cell paracrine regulation in pancreatic islets

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    International audienceLittle is known about the role of islet delta cells in regulating blood glucose homeostasis in vivo. Delta cells are important paracrine regulators of beta cell and alpha cell secretory activity, however the structural basis underlying this regulation has yet to be determined. Most delta cells are elongated and have a well-defined cell soma and a filopodia-like structure. Using in vivo optogenetics and high-speed Ca2+ imaging, we show that these filopodia are dynamic structures that contain a secretory machinery, enabling the delta cell to reach a large number of beta cells within the islet. This provides for efficient regulation of beta cell activity and is modulated by endogenous IGF-1/VEGF-A signaling. In pre-diabetes, delta cells undergo morphological changes that may be a compensation to maintain paracrine regulation of the beta cell. Our data provides an integrated picture of how delta cells can modulate beta cell activity under physiological conditions

    Nematodes as indicators of shrimp farm impact on an amazonian estuary (Curuçá, Pará, Brazil)

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    Abstract Shrimp farming reduces demand on wild fishery stocks and avoids environmental damage resulting from fishing practices, however, it has the potential to affect the water quality if not properly managed. In this study the impacts of a shrimp farm in an Amazonian estuary were evaluated, focusing on changes in nematodes regarding taxonomic composition, richness, density and diversity. Sampling was conducted in August 2004 (dry season) and January 2005 (rainy season) in the river at stations situated upstream and downstream at different distances from the main source of farm effluent discharge. Thirty-eight genera were recorded with Terschellingia dominating in the dry season and Terschellingia, Daptonema, Ptycholaimellus and Gomphionema in the rainy season. Abundances were within the range recorded in other estuaries and together with genera richness and diversity showed a strong temporal pattern with significantly higher values in the rainy season. No clear patterns of changes were observed at the stations. Some signs of organic enrichment were detected but they were not yet intense, probably a consequence of the strong local hydrodynamics and the age of the shrimp farm, which was just starting its operation. We recommend that in future studies on farming impacts a combination of factors, beyond the physical and chemical parameters of the water and sediments or taxonomic refinement, should be taken into account - such as the duration of the operation of the farm, the area occupied by ponds and the farm's production. Furthermore, we also believe that nematodes are a useful tool for evaluating aquaculture impacts due to the ease of sampling and because they are organisms at the base of marine food chain

    Mexican radiation dermatitis management consensus

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    Abstract Background: Radiotherapy (RT) is an essential element in cancer treatment: 50–70% of cancer patients receive RT at some time of the course of their disease. Of these, almost 95% experience some grade of radiation dermatitis (RD). RD can affect patient’s quality of life during and after treatment. Consequently, the management of RD is important. There are few randomized controlled clinical trials on interventions used to prevent and treat RD and no standardized consensus on RD management. A panel of opinion leaders of the Mexican Society of Radiotherapy (SOMERA) took part in a study of oncologic practice in Mexico. The following clinical guide is referenced both by the national practice reality and international evidence. Materials and methods: This RD management guide is based on input provided by 25 Mexican radiation oncologists, whose criteria were gathered using the Delphi Method and article review. Results: Twenty-one questions about experience in RD treatment were voted. More than 80% of the panel agreed with: the use of dermocosmetics/medical device in prevention and in treatment of RD grades 1–2. As for grade 3, they recommend individualizing each case and dermatologist evaluation. Topical steroids should be used when there is skin itching or pain. Consider the use of natural soaking elements. Skin care must be continued to avoid or reduce severity of late radiation skin lesions. Conclusion: This consensus was developed as a supportive educational tool that can be adapted to individual clinical needs, useful for professionals involved in the treatment of RT patients.  