753 research outputs found

    Crop diversification across scales : implications for resource use and cropping systems sustainability

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    The industrialization of agriculture and efforts to maximize yields of commodity crops are major drivers of biodiversity loss and disruption of ecosystems balance. To become more sustainable, agriculture needs to be aligned with the delivery of multiple ecosystem services, and reduce its dependency on external inputs and its negative environmental impacts. Increasing crop diversity may be a key strategy to promote multiple benefits and enhance the sustainable development of agroecosystems. More specifically, introducing crop diversification practices such as intercropping, cover crops, or diversified crop rotations may allow for efficient use of resources and enable the synergies of ecosystems processes and functions. In this thesis, I combined theoretical approaches and scientific methods along several scales to assess the sustainability of diversified cropping systems and increase the knowledge of complex cropping systems. The studies include a systematic review, field experiments, farmer interviews, sustainability assessments, and landscape analysis. I found that increasing crop diversity at field, farm, and landscape scales may enable synergies in these agroecosystems without causing yield reductions. Further, crop diversification showed promising effects on nutrient-use efficiency, reduced risk of nutrient losses and promoting associated biodiversity, thereby ensuring environmental sustainability and increasing the resilience of these diversified cropping systems. However, there are still several socio-economic factors that cause disadvantages in these diversified systems, demonstrating the need for increasing policy support or higher market demand for food produced in diversified cropping systems. The findings of this thesis support that increased crop diversity across spatial and temporal scales can contribute to resource-efficient production and enhance the delivery of ecosystem services, thus contributing to more sustainable cropping systems

    Immigration Picture Books by #ownvoices Authors

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    Reviews of Latinx immigration picture book

    Opportunities to improve farming systems to achieve adaptability to climate change

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    The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge about farmers’ perception of how the climate change might impact agriculture in southern Sweden and therefore how cropping systems diversification could enhance the adaptation to climate change. 16 farmers including owners and managers of conventional and organic production systems and a consultant at SLU participated in the study. Other stakeholders from the agricultural sector were also part of the participatory process. The study was based on a qualitative research study including semistructured interviews and the initiation of a process of participatory action research. In general, cropping systems have been influenced by various factors such as legislative frameworks from the EU and also at national level. These systems have advanced by the use of technology and have become intensive farming systems dependent on external inputs such as fertilizers and agrochemicals. The change in agricultural practices that promote sustainable production is occurring slowly and that may be due to the conservative behavior of farmers in general who are reluctant to change the way they farm. The perception of farmers on climate change was mainly attributed to natural processes rather than a consequence of human activity. However, many advances have been made in order to reduce GHG emissions particularly influenced by the national government. Farmers have realized the importance of improving soil health, as well as the water management and increased biodiversity. Farmers perceived diversification in cropping systems as the use of cover crops to keep the soil covered throughout the year. Although farmers did not see the introduction of new crops feasible at the moment, they were aware that the effects of climate change would bring opportunities to grow new crops. Finally farmers mentioned the importance of generating more knowledge about these new practices. In addition, government support with clear and concise policies that promote sustainable production practices that are in line with the needs and demands of the farmers are needed. This study indicates that understanding farming systems with a holistic approach, allow us to comprehend the effects of various social, economic and environmental aspects that influence farmers’ decision making and also the choice of their farming approach. Although new CAP reforms and regulations at nation level have made room for aspects of environmental conservation, it is still unclear which is the most practical approach to implement these regulations. New practices have emerged towards improving sustainable production. However, the sector needs to understand the benefits of ecosystem services as well as the restriction of an entirely economic perspective. Furthermore, this study suggests that diversification is an adaptation strategy that would be possible to implement to address climate change in the region. It is necessary to promote the active participation of various stakeholders in order to find joint solutions that are tailored to local needs

    Use of LANDSAT 8 images for depth and water quality assessment of el Guájaro Reservoir, Colombia

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the viability of using Landsat 8 spectral images to estimate water quality parameters and depth in El Guájaro Reservoir. On February and March 2015, two samplings were carried out in the reservoir, coinciding with the Landsat 8 images. Turbidity, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, pH and depth were evaluated. Through multiple regression analysis between measured water quality parameters and the reflectance of the pixels corresponding to the sampling stations, statistical models with determination coefficients between 0.6249 and 0.9300 were generated. Results indicate that from a small number of measured parameters we can generate reliable models to estimate the spatial variation of turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH and depth, as well the temporal variation of electrical conductivity, so models generated from Landsat 8 can be used as a tool to facilitate the environmental, economic and social management of the reservoir

    Diversifying European agricultural systems by intercropping grain legumes and cereals

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    Cropping system diversification is a key factor in developing more sustainable cropping and food systems. The agroecological practice of intercropping, meaning the simultaneous cultivation of two or more species in the same field, has recently gained renewed interest as a means of ecological intensification in European agricultural research. We discuss some recent research developments regarding 1) intercropping for ecological intensification in agroecological and conventional cropping systems, 2) studies on nitrogen resource use by cereal-grain legume intercropping cultivation, 3) the role of intercropping in the management of biotic stressors, especially weeds, and 4) intercropping as a means of creating cropping systems that are more resilient to the abiotic and biotic stress associated with climate change. Finally, we propose methods for the greater adoption of intercropping in European agriculture by unlocking farming systems from upstream and downstream barriers, with the aim of developing more sustainable agricultural and food systems

    Aproximaciones a la valoración económica de productos no maderables del Bosque Atlántico del Alto Paraná, Paraguay

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    Corresponding author: Natalia Carolina Peralta Kulik; [email protected]: The economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by forests is a necessary effort for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems. Objective: Estimating the economic direct use value expressed by non-timber forest products (NTFPs) of the Alto Paraná Atlantic forests, Paraguay. Materials and methods: The study was carried out in a 1-ha permanent monitoring plot and the direct market price method was used. Non-timber species were identified and classified according to their uses, they were prioritized according to commercial importance and national market reference prices were applied. Results and discussion: A total of 36 species with potential non-timber uses (medicinal, ornamental, food and handicraft) were identified, among which the following were prioritized: Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J. Sm., Miltonia sp., Oeceoclades maculata (Lindl.) Lindl., Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum (Schott. ex Endl.) Sakur., Calazans & Mayo, Billbergia nutans H. Wendl. ex Regel, Acianthera sp. and Chusquea ramosissima Lindm. The medicinal category was the strongest category (71 %). The economic value of the prioritized NTFPs with ornamental uses and market prices per unit was 2 270 USD∙ha-1. Conclusions: The economic value of NTFPs from the Alto Paraná Atlantic forests represents a reference value indicating the important role of non-timber products in the sustainable management of tropical forests.Introducción: La valoración económica de los servicios ecosistémicos que brindan los bosques es un esfuerzo necesario para el manejo sostenible de los ecosistemas forestales. Objetivo: Estimar el valor económico de uso directo expresado a través de los productos forestales no maderables (PFNM) del Bosque Atlántico del Alto Paraná, Paraguay. Materiales y métodos: El estudio se llevó a cabo en una parcela permanente de monitoreo de 1 ha y se utilizó el método directo de precios de mercado. Las especies no maderables se identificaron y se clasificaron de acuerdo con sus usos, se priorizaron según su importancia comercial y se aplicaron precios referenciales del mercado nacional. Resultados y discusión: Se identificaron 36 especies con posibles usos no maderables (medicinal, ornamental, alimenticio y artesanal), entre las cuales se priorizaron: Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J. Sm., Miltonia sp., Oeceoclades maculata (Lindl.) Lindl., Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum (Schott. ex Endl.) Sakur., Calazans & Mayo, Billbergia nutans H. Wendl. ex Regel, Acianthera sp. y Chusquea ramosissima Lindm. La categoría medicinal fue la mejor representada (71 %). El valor económico de los PFNM priorizados con usos ornamentales y precios de mercado por unidad fue 2 270 USD∙ha-1. Conclusiones: El valor económico de los PFNM del Bosque Atlántico del Alto Paraná constituye un monto de referencia que representa el rol importante de los productos no maderables en el manejo sustentable de los bosques tropicales.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPrograma Paraguayo para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y Tecnología. Programa Nacional de Incentivo a los Investigadore

    Un analisis sobre la efectividad del control interno en el sector público

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    En el presente artículo se tratará el Control Interno en el sector público, su normatividad, sus principios, el diseño y la implementación de cada una de sus fases. Cómo se ejerce el mismo en las entidades públicas; además, de qué tan efectivo ha sido y si ha logrado disminuir, controlar los fraudes y los delitos de cuello blancos que comúnmente se presentan. Además de esto, si los encargados de aplicarlo son responsables y asumen el compromiso. En Colombia se ha venido experimentando una serie de sucesos lamentables para la economía del país y la efectividad del mismo. A partir de la implementación del MECI, (Modelo Estándar de Control Interno) se ha tratado de establecer un esquema lineal para todas las Empresas Públicas y aquellos particulares que manejen dineros del Estado, trabajen de manera única, logrando uniformidad en los principios y procedimientos de las mismas

    Estimation of water quality parameters using landsat 8 images: application to playa Colorada Bay, Sinaloa, Mexico

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    In this study, empirical models were generated to estimate water quality parameters, with the objective of showing the benefits of the satellite remote sensing application in the characterization of coastal waters. The study area was Playa Colorada Bay, located in the northwest of Mexico, in the eastern part of the Gulf of California. In two seasons of the year, on-site and laboratory characterizations were carried out to determine the spatial and temporal variation of phosphates (PO4), electrical conductivity (EC), total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, and pH of water. Samplings were selected to match Landsat 8 satellite overpass in the study area. Radiometric and atmospheric corrections were applied to the images, prior to the generation of the models. The models were generated using the linear regression technique of successive steps; water quality parameters and their logarithms were used as dependent variables, and as independent variables were used corrected reflectance values of Landsat images. The results showed that the concentration of PO4 in the analyzed water samples were higher than those recommended in the Mexican ecological criteria of water quality, to protect the aquatic life of marine water in coastal areas. In autumn, PO4 was correlated with turbidity, T, pH, and TSS. The highest correlation coefficients were presented by TSS with PO4 (r = − 0.979) and pH (r = 0.958). The water quality models that were generated had coefficients of determination (R2) in the range of 0.637 to 0.955 and show the viability of the application of Landsat 8 images in the characterization of water quality parameters in Playa Colorada Bay. Models allowed the estimation of the distribution of water quality parameters over the whole bay instead of only at the sampling stations, favoring a better understanding of their spatial distribution

    Grain legume-cereal intercropping enhances the use of soil-derived and biologically fixed nitrogen in temperate agroecosystems: a meta-analysis

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    Grain legumes are known for their benefits to deliver ecosystem services on provisioning of protein-rich food and feed, reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the symbiotic nitrogen fixation function and diversification of cropping systems. Intercropping is an agroecological practice in which two or more crop species are grown simultaneously in the same field, thereby maximizing the use of resources to enhance yields in low input systemsand the resilience of cropping systems. We quantified the effect of grain legume-cereal intercropping on the useof N resources in temperate agroecosystems, focusing on dinitrogen (N2) fixation and soil-derived nitrogenacquisition using a meta-analysis of 29 field-scale studies. We estimated and compared effects of different intercrop compositions (proportion of each species in the intercrops), fertilization rates, crop species, soil properties, and other management practices on the symbiotic N2 fixation and the acquisition of soil-derived nitrogenby the cereals and grain legumes. The proportion of N derived from N2 fixation was on average 14 % (95 % CI =[11, 16]) higher in intercropped grain legumes (76 %) compared to legume sole crops (66 %). On the other hand,intercropping reduced the amount of N2 fixed (kg ha−1) by about 15 %, when N2 fixation in inter- and solecropped legumes was expressed at equivalent density by compensating for the sown legume proportion in intercrops relative to their sole crop sowing rate. The results were mainly influenced by the intercrop composition,legumes species and the method used to quantify N2 fixation. Soil-derived nitrogen acquisition in intercroppedgrain legumes was significantly reduced (−47 %, 95 % CI = [−56, −36]) compared to sole crop legumes,expressed at equivalent density, while the soil N acquired by intercropped cereals was much higher (+61 %, 95% CI = [24, 108]) than in sole crop cereals. Total soil N acquisition (legume + cereal) was significantly higherin intercrops than in legume sole crops (+25 %, 95 % CI = [1, 54]), while there was no significant differencebetween intercrops and cereal sole crops. The meta-analysis confirms and highlights that intercropping consistently stimulates complementary N use between legumes and cereals by increasing N2 fixation by grain legumes and increasing soil N acquisition in cereals. Based on the results of this analysis it would be suggested thatcropping systems diversification via intercropping can be used for simultaneous production of both cereals andgrain legumes, while increasing the use of N-sources and reducing external inputs of N fertilizers, thereby enhancing the sustainability of agriculture
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