382 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Energy Generation by Reusing Domestic Gray Water

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    This study explores the potential of converting domestic graywater into electrochemical energy as a sustainable energy solution amidst growing environmental concerns. Employing a custom-designed galvanic cell prototype, the research aims to transform the chemical energy in graywater into electrical energy through redox reactions, quantifying the electrical potential generated. Results demonstrate the prototype's success in generating an average no-load voltage of 5.1907 volts, effectively powering low-power devices like LEDs and validating the viability of greywater as an alternative energy source. However, the study acknowledges limitations such as the prototype's small scale and the potential impact of varied graywater compositions on energy efficiency, suggesting cautious application at larger scales. Future research directions include enhancing prototype efficiency and scalability, understanding the effects of different graywater compositions, and conducting long-term performance assessments. The study contributes to sustainable energy research by offering a novel approach to wastewater energy recovery, promoting environmental sustainability and efficient energy utilization.Universidad Nacional Mayor de San MarcosRevisión por pare

    Legislative Casework: Where Policy and Practice Intersect

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    Legislative casework is an ongoing activity in many state and federal legislative offices. Although the activity carries the implication of being a social work activity, there is little evidence from the literature, or in the field, that social workers are more than marginally employed in these positions. Reasons for the lack of professionally educated social workers in this important area of practice and politics are not clear. This paper explores the field of practice known as legislative casework, its history and purpose, and presents generalist social work examples from a Congressional district office wherein which professional social workers are employed. In conclusion the authors encourage social work presence in legislative casework and suggest increased attention to this field of practice in social work education at both the BSW and MSW level

    Ambiente virtual de aprendizaje apoyado con realidad aumentada

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    112 Páginas.Con el creciente uso de los dispositivos móviles y la implementación de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje en las instituciones de educación superior, resulta pertinente identificar cómo se establece la combinación de estos dos componentes tecnológicos y de qué manera emerge la Realidad Aumentada como un elemento que apoya el proceso de aprendizaje en los cursos virtuales. Mediante un estudio de tipo cualitativo y descriptivo, esta investigación buscó determinar los diferentes aportes que contribuyen al fortalecimiento de un curso virtual -que en este caso se trató de un juego gerencial en el marco de una asignatura del programa de Tecnología en Gestión Industrial ofertado por la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia de Colombia-, a partir de la integración de elementos de Realidad Aumentada en sus diferentes unidades

    Sistema de avaliação para a promoção e gestão do estilo de vida saudável e da aptidão física relacionada à saúde de policiais militares

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Estilos de vida inadequados e aptidão física diminuída são motivos de preocupação no ambiente de trabalho pois afetam a saúde e o bem-estar com conseqüências para indivíduos e empresas. Trabalhadores com baixos níveis de aptidão física e estilos de vida inadequados podem ser menos produtivos, apresentar menor capacidade de decisão e estão mais predispostos ao absenteísmo. Este estudo, caracterizado como descritivo e normativo, teve o propósito de elaborar um sistema de avaliação para a promoção e gestão do estilo de vida saudável e da aptidão física relacionada à saúde de policiais militares (PMs). A amostra foi composta por 369 PMs do sexo masculino que ingressaram na Polícia Militar de Santa Catarina em 2002. O estilo de vida foi avaliado pelo questionário Estilo de Vida Fantástico e a aptidão física pela bateria de testes critério-referenciada Plano de Avaliação da Atividade Física, Aptidão e Estilo de Vida propostos pela Sociedade Canadense para a Fisiologia do Exercício (CSEF, 1998). A aptidão cardiorrespiratória foi avaliada por meio do teste de Vai-e-Vem de Léger (1988). Desenvolveu-se um software denominado Sistema de Avaliação para a Promoção do Estilo de Vida e da Aptidão Física (SAPEVAF) em Excel para windows com recursos do Visual Basic for Application onde os dados foram armazenados e classificados segundo os critérios da CSEF (1998) e das normas percentílicas do próprio grupo. Para a caracterização dos PMs e a geração de referências normativas que permitissem a classificação e comparação individual, utilizou-se a estatística descritiva. Os resultados indicam que os PMs apresentam idade média de 22,7 anos, massa corporal de 70,5 kg e estatura de 175,1 cm. A maioria dos avaliados (73,3%) pertence às classes econômicas B2 e C. Embora os valores médios do estilo de vida e da aptidão física permitam caracterizar o grupo como apresentando uma adequação para a saúde, uma análise detalhada das variáveis revela que com relação à composição corporal, 27,9% não atendem aos critérios para o IMC, 41,2% para o somatório de 5 dobras cutâneas, 2,2% para o perímetro da cintura e 29% para o somatório de 2 dobras cutâneas. Com relação à aptidão neuromuscular, 83,7% não atingiram os critérios para o teste de preensão manual; 18,7% para o teste de flexão de braços; 53,1% para o teste de flexibilidade; 1,6% para o teste de impulsão vertical e 7,8% para o teste de potência dos membros inferiores. Em relação às questões pontuais do estilo de vida, 72,9% não praticam atividade física de vigorosa intensidade na freqüência recomendada, 56,1% não praticam atividade física moderada, 33,9% não seguem uma dieta balanceada, 9,8% fumam, 11,1% bebem, 19% tem problemas para dormir, 14,4% não praticam sexo seguro, 19% aparentam estar sempre com pressa, 17,7% sentem raiva e hostilidade, 11,1% não têm uma visão otimista e 23% se sentem tristes e deprimidos. O software SAPEVAF mostrou-se uma ferramenta eficiente para gerenciar os dados das avaliações, gerar relatórios individualizados e auxiliar no processo de orientação para o estilo de vida saudável e para a prática de atividades físicas

    Open-Access Geographic Sources And Data For The Study And Management Of Natural Resources

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    The objective of this systematic review is to describe and analyze open geographic data provided by governmental sources in order to provide an overview of open geographic sources and data for the study and management of natural resources in Peru. For this purpose, the web was explored and scientific articles were reviewed, finding a huge cartographic archive offered by the Peruvian State. On the one hand, public institutions put their respective geoportals into operation, and on the other hand, the launching into space of the PeruSAT-1 satellite. This increased the supply of official geospatial information in the last five years. In addition, geotechnical data was found in raw and processed form from global initiatives. All of this documentary collection is available to the public in an open, free and free form in cyberspace, which can be used in the study of the use, restoration, conservation and valuation of ecosystems and other elements of the environment

    Wire Harness Assembly Process Supported by a Collaborative Robot: A Case Study Focus on Ergonomics

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    Products and assets are becoming increasingly “smart”, e.g., mechatronic, electronic, or cyber-physical. In the lack of fully reliable wireless solutions, extensive wiring and wire bundling into wire harnesses are needed. This has manufacturing implications, leading to increasingly complex wire harness assembly processes, where numerous components, connectors, and cables are assembled, connecting critical and non-critical electric and electronic systems in smart products and assets. Thus, wire harnesses demand is rapidly rising in most industries, requiring human or robotic work. Often, required work tasks are repetitive and physically demanding, while still needing people for quality reasons. An attractive solution would therefore be humans collaborating with robots. Unfortunately, there are very few scientific studies on automation solutions using collaborative robots (cobots) for wire harness assembly process tasks to increase process productivity and improve work ergonomics. Furthermore, wire harness assembly process tasks are presently carried out 90% manually in this industry, causing serious ergonomic problems for assembly workers who perform such tasks daily. The challenge is reducing the ergonomic risks currently present in many established wire harness assembly processes while improving production time and quality. This paper presents an early prototype and simulation to integrate a cobot into a wire harness assembly process, primarily for work ergonomic improvements. The use of a cobot is specifically proposed to reduce ergonomic risks for wire harness assembly workers. Two methodologies: RULA and JSI were used to evaluate the ergonomics of the task of cable tie collocation. The real-world case study results illustrate the validation of a cobot which significantly reduced non-ergonomic postures in the task of placing cable ties in the wire harnesses assembly process studied. An ergonomic analysis without the cobot (the actual process) was conducted, based on RULA and JSI methodologies, presenting the highest possible scores in both evaluations, which calls for urgent changes in the current wire harness assembly process task studied. Then, the same analysis was performed with the cobot, obtaining significant reductions in the ergonomic risks of the task at hand to acceptable values

    Multifunctional albumin-stabilized gold nanoclusters for the reduction of cancer stem cells

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    Controlled delivery of multiple chemotherapeutics can improve the effectiveness of treatments and reduce side effects and relapses. Here in, we used albumin-stabilized gold nanoclusters modified with doxorubicin and SN38 (AuNCs-DS) as combined therapy for cancer. The chemotherapeutics are conjugated to the nanostructures using linkers that release them when exposed to different internal stimuli (Glutathione and pH). This system has shown potent antitumor activity against breast and pancreatic cancer cells. Our studies indicate that the antineoplastic activity observed may be related to the reinforced DNA damage generated by the combination of the drugs. Moreover, this system presented antineoplastic activity against mammospheres, a culturing model for cancer stem cells, leading to an efficient reduction of the number of oncospheres and their size. In summary, the nanostructures reported here are promising carriers for combination therapy against cancer and particularly to cancer stem cells.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTQ2016-78454-C2-2-R, SAF2014-56763-R, and SAF2017-87305-R), Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/MIT-2850), Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, and IMDEA Nanociencia IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, Grant SEV-2016-0686

    Impact and Outcomes of a Pediatric Robotic Urology Mini-Fellowship

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    Introduction: In order to support practicing pediatric surgeons and urologists to safely and effectively incorporate robotic surgery into their practice, we established a 5-day mini-fellowship program with a mentor, preceptor and proctor at our institution. This study was designed to report our experience with the pediatric robotic mini-fellowship (PRM) and to evaluate the impact this course had on the participants' practice.Methods: The mini-fellowship training at our institution is provided in two modules, including upper and lower urinary tract surgery, over a 5-day period. The one to one teacher-to-attendee experience included tutorial sessions, hands-on inanimate, and animate skills training, clinical case observations and video discussions. Participants were asked to complete a detailed questionnaire on their practice patterns before and after the PRM.Results: Between 2012 and 2018, a total of 29 national and international pediatric surgeons and urologists underwent robotic renal and bladder surgery training. Twenty-six fellows (90%) completed the surveys, all of which were included for analysis. The median age at the time of fellowship was 43 years (32–63), and participants had practiced urology for a median of 76 months (3–372). All of them had a laparoscopic background, with a median experience of 120 months (12–372), and an average of 454 (± 703) laparoscopic procedures performed, including the years of training. The most common primary goals of participants were to understand the concept of robotic surgery and its applications (38.5%), and to practice in the wet lab to shorten their learning curve (38.5%). After PRM completion, 24 graduates (92%) felt likely to incorporate robotic surgery into their practice, of which 15 (58%) actually started a robotic program at their home institution. At 24 months after PRM completion, the overall number of surgeries performed with a robotic approach (RA) by these 15 participants was 478 with an average of 32 (± 44) procedures per fellow, of which 109 (23%) were extirpative (nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy, etc.), and 369 (77%) reconstructive procedures (pyeloplasty, ureteral reimplantation, etc.). Before PRM, the same 15 participants performed 844 procedures with a laparoscopic approach (LA), of which 527 (62.4%) were extirpative, and 317 (37.6%) were reconstructive surgeries. These data mark a significant switch in indications for minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in pediatric urology. The rise in the number of reconstructive procedures (37.6% LA vs. 77% RA) has shown that robotic surgery has undoubtedly facilitated the performance of more challenging procedures in a minimally invasive fashion.Conclusion: The success of a mini-fellowship program relies on the commitment of expert faculty to serve as tutorial instructors and proctors. In addition, a completely outfitted robotic laboratory with access to dry and wet lab is indispensable. A 5-day intensive PRM appears to enable postgraduate surgeons to successfully incorporate the robotic platform into their practice and to advance the complexity of minimally invasive procedures, allowing for more challenging surgeries, such as reconstructive urology

    Citoquinas y recuento de Linfocitos T en pacientes en fase aguda y crónica de infección por Bartonella bacilliformis, en una área endémica del Perú: estudio piloto

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    Human Bartonellosis has an acute phase characterized by fever and hemolytic anemia, and a chronic phase with bacillary angiomatosis-like lesions. This cross-sectional pilot study evaluated the immunology patterns using pre- and post-treatment samples in patients with Human Bartonellosis. Patients between five and 60 years of age, from endemic areas in Peru, in the acute or chronic phases were included. In patients in the acute phase of Bartonellosis a state of immune peripheral tolerance should be established for persistence of the infection. Our findings were that elevation of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and numeric abnormalities of CD4+ and CD8+ T-Lymphocyte counts correlated significantly with an unfavorable immune state. During the chronic phase, the elevated levels of IFN-γ and IL-4 observed in our series correlated with previous findings of endothelial invasion of B. henselae in animal models.La Bartonelosis Humana, tiene una fase aguda caracterizada por fiebre y anemia hemolítica, así como una fase crónica con lesiones semejantes a angiomatosis bacilar. En un estudio transversal piloto los patrones inmunológicos en pacientes con Bartonelosis Humana fueron estudiados mediante muestras pre y post tratamiento. Pacientes entre 5 y 60 años en fase aguda y crónica fueron incluidos en área endémica del Perú. En aquellos pacientes con fase aguda, una fase de tolerancia inmunológica periférica es necesaria para la persistencia de la infección. Los hallazgos de significativa elevación de citoquina anti-inflamatoria (IL-10) y anormalidades numéricas en el recuentos de Linfocitos T CD4+ y CD8+ correlacionan con un estado inmune que favorece la infección. Durante la fase crónica, elevados niveles de INF-γ y IL-4 observados en la serie de pacientes correlacionan con previos hallazgos en modelos animales que favorecen la invasión del endotelio por B. henselae

    Lemna Minor influence in the treatment of organic pollutionof the industrial effluents

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    The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of industrial wastewater treatment using the Lemna Minor aquatic plant. Certain varieties of macrophyte plants can absorb or retain various contaminants. Thanks to this, it has been determined that the variety known as Lemna Minor presents this type of property. Three treatment trials were carried out varying the amounts of Lemna Minor (100, 200, and 300g). They are keeping constant the retention time of 10 days that were analyzed at 3, 6, and 10 days after the treatment and with a constant volume of the residual effluent. The results indicate that in terms of the parameters that determine organic contamination, BOD was reduced by (61 %); COD was reduced by (68 %) and the concentration of total suspended solids by (61 %).Revisión por pares de doble ciegoCampus San Juan de Luriganch