881 research outputs found

    Nuevas estrategias didácticas de aprendizaje de saberes tradicionales afrocolombianos: fortalecimiento y afianzamiento de la identidad cultural.

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    La presente propuesta etnoeducativa va encaminada para mejorar la enseñanza y el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural de los estudiantes de origen afro de grado 5 de primaria de la Institución Educativa Cristo Rey de la ciudad de Santa Marta; ya que una de las grandes preocupaciones que tienen algunos grupos étnicos y en especial la población afrocolombiana; es redimir muchas de sus tradiciones y rescatar sus valores culturales. Para esto, esta propuesta expone una series de estrategias pedagógicas que busca el rescate y exaltación de las expresiones culturales propias de la comunidad afrocolombiana; con el propósito de que sus estudiantes conozcan los aportes culturales y ancestrales de su comunidad; y así generar sentido de pertenencia y construir conocimientos perdurables en los estudiantes mediante el uso diversas estrategias didácticas y metodológicas en las cuales se pueda fomentar el rescate de la memoria ancestral, pues esto constituye una herramienta valiosa para construir mejor su realidad y contrastarla con experiencias y creencias propias de sus prácticas culturales. . La presente propuesta etnoeducativa va encaminada para mejorar la enseñanza y el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural de los estudiantes de origen afro de grado 5 de primaria de la Institución Educativa Cristo Rey de la ciudad de Santa Marta; ya que una de las grandes preocupaciones que tienen algunos grupos étnicos y en especial la población afrocolombiana; es redimir muchas de sus tradiciones y rescatar sus valores culturales. Para esto, esta propuesta expone una series de estrategias pedagógicas que busca el rescate y exaltación de las expresiones culturales propias de la comunidad afrocolombiana; con el propósito de que sus estudiantes conozcan los aportes culturales y ancestrales de su comunidad; y así generar sentido de pertenencia y construir conocimientos perdurables en los estudiantes mediante el uso diversas estrategias didácticas y metodológicas en las cuales se pueda fomentar el rescate de la memoria ancestral, pues esto constituye una herramienta valiosa para construir mejor su realidad y contrastarla con experiencias y creencias propias de sus prácticas culturales. Palabras claves: Identidad cultural, costumbres, tradiciones, estrategias pedagógicas. .His ethno-educational proposal is aimed at improving teaching and strengthening the cultural identity of students of African origin in grade 5 of primary school of the Cristo Rey Educational Institution in the city of Santa Marta; since one of the great concerns that some ethnic groups have and especially the Afro-Colombian population; it is to redeem many of its traditions and rescue its cultural values. For this, this proposal exposes a series of pedagogical strategies that seeks to rescue and exalt the cultural expressions of the Afro-Colombian community; with the purpose that their students know the cultural and ancestral contributions of their community; and thus generate a sense of belonging and build lasting knowledge in students through the use of various didactic and methodological strategies in which the rescue of ancestral memory can be promoted, as this constitutes a valuable tool to better build their reality and contrast it with experiences and beliefs typical of their cultural practices

    Influence of peak height prior to milling the resulting surface roughness of the ball burnishing process on convex and concave pieces of aluminum

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    Molds, counterfoils of conformation, and many other industrial pieces with important presentations, face constant the engineers with the problem of obtaining superficial qualities that minimize the friction, optimize the adjustments, or improve the superficial hardness. Among the many procedures to improve surface finish, highlights the ball burnishing, which have been obtained roughness values recommended in diverse applications. The ball burnishing process is a technological operation which is plastically deformed surface irregularities to improve the surface finish, by the action of the force exerted by a cylinder or ball. This process can be used on cylindrical surfaces, flat front, so, conical, with changes in section and radios, etc., which have been previously machined. The ball burnishing process in question is performed after a machining operation, and the results have influence on it. An important parameter to control is the height of the ridge that remains after the machining, because burnishing process will be able to reduce it in a certain percentage. This study is aimed to conduct an analysis of the influence of peak height prior to milling the resulting surface roughness of the ball burnishing process with concave and convex parts of two different types of aluminum (A92017 & A96351). The milling is done with a ball mill of ϕ8mm, rotating at a cutting speed of 3000min-1, with a cutting depth of 1 mm and three values of progress for three different conditions that leave a ridge height: 0.02 mm, 0.06 mm and 0.10 mm. The main contribution of this study is the recommendations on strategies for burnish these pieces, and measuring the roughness.The work is based on experimental data where through DOE techniques are carried out different experiments in which the surface roughness is measured in directions parallel and perpendicular to the previous milling for various conditions. We compare the results and an analysis of how this affects the height of the ridge left by the previous machining on roughness values obtained. Finally, it has been concluded that the burnish process improvement between 33 and 71% surface roughness of the pieces.Postprint (published version

    Star Formation Under the Outflow: The Discovery of a Non-Thermal Jet from OMC-2 FIR 3 and its Relationship to the Deeply Embedded FIR 4 Protostar

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    We carried out multiwavelength (0.7-5 cm), multiepoch (1994-2015) Very Large Array (VLA) observations toward the region enclosing the bright far-IR sources FIR 3 (HOPS 370) and FIR 4 (HOPS 108) in OMC-2. We report the detection of 10 radio sources, seven of them identified as young stellar objects. We image a well-collimated radio jet with a thermal free-free core (VLA 11) associated with the Class I intermediate-mass protostar HOPS 370. The jet presents several knots (VLA 12N, 12C, 12S) of non-thermal radio emission (likely synchrotron from shock-accelerated relativistic electrons) at distances of ~7,500-12,500 au from the protostar, in a region where other shock tracers have been previously identified. These knots are moving away from the HOPS 370 protostar at ~ 100 km/s. The Class 0 protostar HOPS 108, which itself is detected as an independent, kinematically decoupled radio source, falls in the path of these non-thermal radio knots. These results favor the previously proposed scenario where the formation of HOPS 108 has been triggered by the impact of the HOPS 370 outflow with a dense clump. However, HOPS 108 presents a large proper motion velocity of ~ 30 km/s, similar to that of other runaway stars in Orion, whose origin would be puzzling within this scenario. Alternatively, an apparent proper motion could result because of changes in the position of the centroid of the source due to blending with nearby extended emission, variations in the source shape, and /or opacity effects.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Interactivo para autoaprendizaje del análisis de mecanismos

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    Con este informe se da a conocer la herramienta y la metodología utilizada en el aprendizaje de análisis de mecanismos, planteado en la asignatura Mecánica y Teoría de Mecanismos 2 (MTM 2) impartida para la titulación de Ingeniería Industrial Mecánica, en la Escola Universitaria de Enginyers Industrials de Barcelona (E.U.E.T.I.B.). En este trabajo se explican los contenidos y la aplicación del material multimedia “Interactivo”, utilizado para dar soporte a las actividades docentes presenciales y al estudio no presencial de la asignatura. La idea de crear el interactivo responde a la necesidad de adaptar los contenidos y recursos docentes a los requerimientos que las pautas de la declaración de Bolonia y las bases del futuro Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (E.E.E.S.) plantean, entre ellos, la adecuación de la metodología de impartición y de evaluación de las asignaturas. [2] El desarrollo del interactivo tiene como objetivos facilitar la comprensión de la asignatura y proporcionar a los alumnos un recurso que incite a desarrollar aptitudes de autoformación, que despierte en ellos un espíritu de investigación y creatividad, y que fomente las habilidades de búsqueda y aplicación de los conocimientos. En él se le propone al alumno una serie de actividades que le permiten tener una participación individual y colectiva más activa, así como desarrollar aptitudes y actitudes en el planteamiento y resolución de problemáticas reales en el estudio de mecanismos. En este informe se describen los resultados de la positiva valoración que hacen los alumnos del interactivo y se exponen las aportaciones desde el punto de vista del aprendizaje y de la adquisición de habilidades.Postprint (published version

    Executive Summary of Survey Among Temporarily Homeless Families

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    Executive Summary of Survey Project Among Temporarily Homeless Families The agency we were assigned is a non-profit organization centered around providing housing and resources for houseless families in the Seattle region. The agency consists of five housing locations along with additional day centers. The housing locations are Burien, Northshore, The Regrade, Bellevue, and the Family Diversion Center. They all offer family housing services, healthcare, education, and employment. The goal of our project was to gather information from guests on the healthcare services that they have utilized. It was also used to gather requests for additional services at each site to improve quality of care. With the information collected, the health services at the agency will be improved and provide additional awareness to better meet the guests\u27 specific needs. Background The families within the agency are described as two-parent families (pregnant or with children), single parents of all genders (pregnant or with children), extended families, and families with pets. The guest population varies from people coming from Seattle to those who have arrived from across the world, resulting in a variety of languages spoken at each site. These factors also provide a truly diverse population, each culture being accompanied by their own specific needs. In 2021, 76% of the families served identified as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (Mary’s Place, 2021). Out of all the guests at the agency, 40% of these families considered themselves African American or of African Descent. The agency commits to “create a workplace and service structure that advances equity, diversity, and inclusion as a priority” (p.7). In 2021, the agency served 592 families, had 138,644 overnight stays, served 415,932 meals, served 1,204 children and 592 families, and had 100+ women visit the day center on average each day. Across the multiple locations, the organization commits to address barriers such as social determinants of health, and empower parents to build family stability, secure housing, and prepare for employment. Some of the healthcare services offered are dental, optical, mental health services, pediatric healthcare, and substance use aid. The agency also offers housing, assistance, and support to families with children with life threatening illnesses within their Popsicle Program (Mary’s Place, n.d.). The organization’s Housing Services and Housing Specialist utilize a problem-solving approach along with light flexible funding to support their guests in finding permanent housing. Often, these families have a challenging time finding housing due to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), size of the unit or family, language barriers, or other barriers. In 2021, the agency helped 549 families find permanent housing (Mary’s Place, 2021). A main priority among the guests and the organization is employment. The agency has partnered with 35+ different companies to provide a variety of employment options for the guests (Mary’s Place, n.d.). In addition, the Employer Engagement team offers training for specific careers, readiness skills, access to referrals, and preparations for long-term employment (Mary’s Place, n.d.). To accompany employment services, the organization also values education and encourages to maintain education for families by providing program resources for enhanced learning, language classes, GED classes, region-based school systems, and tutoring services (Mary’s Place, n.d.). These resources are provided for guests and for houseless families not currently sheltered (Mary’s Place, n.d.). Activities and Methods The foundation of our project was centered around the agency’s willingness to improve guest utilization of health services through survey conduction. We began our project by conducting a windshield survey of each shelter site. By doing this, we were able to get a sense of the community and understand the conditions that affect the health of the population. Moving forward, we collected data about the physical environment, social, economics, and services available (Rector, 2021). Using these observations, we developed a nursing diagnosis for the population. The nursing diagnosis is readiness for enhanced knowledge related to guest utilization of agency’s health services. The agency requested that we facilitate a previously designed survey, created by preceding SPU nursing students. Next, we researched the best method of conducting a high-quality survey in an ethical manner. An emphasis was placed on the importance of voluntary participation; therefore, we did not directly ask guests to fill out the surveys in order to avoid skewing data (Kelley et al., 2003). Our literature review revealed several different approaches to how to best conduct the surveys. We used incentives like baked goods and coloring pages for a greater participation outcome. We took into consideration the population of families at the agency and included an activity for children to do while parents took the surveys. We offered surveys to the guests to complete and made them aware of our intentions with the results (Kelley et al., 2003). We addressed the language barrier by using site-provided interpreter services. Our team conducted surveys at each agency location twice and input the data in an Excel document. We created graphs to display the data to the organization. Outcomes/Limitations We succeeded in collecting data from guests regarding the services they are utilizing and their additional needs from the organization. Visiting each site twice provided a greater opportunity to collect surveys resulting in more data. The results consisted of anonymous, voluntary responses which we compiled and analyzed. Since participation was voluntary, the results were limited based on how many guests decided to engage in the survey. We attempted to address this limitation by visiting each site twice to collect the most data possible for each location and offering incentives to encourage participation. Another limitation we came across was a language barrier between us and some of the guests. This was addressed by having nine translations of the survey available to expand participation. We also utilized interpreter phone services when needed to communicate with guests. Conclusion Overall, the project’s purpose was to conduct surveys at the agency locations and gather information about health services being used and current health concerns to improve care quality. We accomplished the organization’s goal by implementing the surveys amongst the guests. By doing this, we hope to have achieved the desired outcomes of increasing awareness of resources by guests, accessibility of resources, and guest satisfaction. With our project, the health services team can set annual goals for guests and the organization. We encourage the continuation of survey use within the agency. References Abdelazeem, B., Abbas, K.S., Amin, M.A., El-Shahat, N.A., Malik, B., Kalantary, A., & Eltobgy, M. (2022) The effectiveness of incentives for research participation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS ONE, 17(4): e0267534. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0267534 Kelley, K., Clark, B., Brown, V., & Sitzia, J. (2003). Good practice in the conduct and reporting of survey research. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 15(3), 261-266. https://doi.org/10.1093/intqhc/mzg031 Orcher, L. T. (2007). Conducting a survey: Technique for a term project, (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315267937 Rector, C., & Stanley, M. J. (2021). Lippincott CoursePoint Enhanced for Rector\u27s Community and Public Health Nursing. Wolters Kluwer. vbk://9781975178284 Who we serve. (n.d.). Mary’s Place. Retrieved February 22, 2023, from https://www.marysplaceseattle.org/who-we-serve 2021 gratitude report. (2021). Mary’s Place. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b8989d231d4df1bccd7bcc7/t/6282aaeac941950e930ace53/1652730603879/2021+Gratitude+Report.pd

    Propuesta para optimizar la gestión de inventarios y su influencia en los estados financieros de una empresa comercial

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar un modelo de gestión de inventarios, el cual permita a la empresa comercial de enseres domésticos analizada, alcanzar niveles óptimos de stock y mejora en su rentabilidad. Debido a la ausencia de un modelo para la planificación de stocks en la empresa comercial seleccionada, el presente trabajo es un punto de partida para el análisis de algunos de estos últimos, con la finalidad de poder elegir el más adecuado para que a mediano y largo plazo, la empresa pueda mejorar sus indicadores financieros como los de gestión y rentabilidad, haciendo un buen uso de sus recursos. El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad el servir como una herramienta para las empresas comerciales, en la cual puedan encontrar una evaluación por la administración de los ingresos de inventario, aplicación y selección de modelos adecuados para lograr la maximización del buen uso de sus recursos y, por ende, una salud financiera positiva. Si bien otros factores y actores influyen en la rentabilidad de la empresa, tales como estrategias comerciales, gestión de ventas, gestión de cobranzas, revisión por antigüedad del inventario en almacén, etc.; este trabajo se enfoca en estudiar y analizar el comportamiento del inventario en un rango específico de tiempo, y de acuerdo al análisis de este proponer un modelo de administración de inventarios que pueda ser implementado y monitoreado por la empresa de manera permanente. En el desarrollo de este trabajo, se toman en cuenta bases teóricas para el análisis de una empresa comercial, y se evalúan informes e indicadores financieros. Además, se examinan reportes logísticos, a fin de medir la gestión de sus inventarios y el impacto financiero de éstos. Para luego, seleccionar el modelo de gestión de inventarios llamado “sistema de intervalo de pedido fijo” sumado a un monitoreo constante y una buena proyección en las ventas, con lo cual mejora la rentabilidad de la empresa y, a su vez, mantiene un stock adecuado de mercadería en los almacenes

    Characterization of ball-burnishing vibration-assisted process

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    Este trabajo está dirigido al estudio del proceso de bruñido con bola asistido por una vibración. Se parte de considerar que dicha vibración ayudará al proceso, facilitando la deformación que se produce sobre la superficie de trabajo. Dado que no existe una herramienta similar en el mercado, con el fin de realizar el estudio, ha sido necesario diseñar, caracterizar y fabricar una herramienta capaz de realizar el proceso de bruñido con bola asistido, teniendo en cuenta los componentes fundamentales que intervienen en dicho diseño y el modelo físico que caracteriza la operación. Bajo estos criterios, la caracterización de la operación de la herramienta también se realiza mediante la evaluación de la rugosidad de la superficie que queda después de que ocurre el proceso. Para la validación experimental se han utilizado piezas de trabajo de aluminio y de acero. Estos resultados se compararon con los obtenidos por la misma herramienta sin utilizar vibraciones. Los resultados de rugosidad que resultan del bruñido con bola asistido, mejoran con respecto a los obtenidos utilizando el proceso sin asistencia, en ambos materiales ensayados.First of all, this work refers to the study of the ball-burnishing process assisted by a vibration. It starts by considering that this vibration helps to make the development of this finishing process easier, because it helps to deform the workpiece material more easily. Since there is no similar tool on the market, in order to conduct the study, it has been necessary to design, characterize and manufacture a tool that can perform the process, taking into account the critical components that are involved in the design, and the physical model characterizing the operation. Under these criteria, the characterization of the tool operation is also done by evaluating the surface roughness that remains after the process occurs. For experimental validation have been used workpieces of aluminium and steel. These results are compared to those obtained by the same tool without using vibration. Roughness results obtained using the ball-burnishing vibration-assisted process improves with respect to those obtained using the process without assistance, in both materials tested.Peer Reviewe

    Cochrane corner:interventions for the management of malignant pleural effusions

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    Optimal management of symptomatic malignant pleural effusions remains an important issue as it affects a significant number of patients each year internationally. The overall survival remains poor, necessitating an evidence based treatment strategy that provides the best outcomes for individual patients. This paper summarises the results of the recently published Cochrane review on interventions in malignant pleural effusions

    Análisis de las condiciones generales de vida de las familias tabacaleras con personas discapacitadas del municipio de San Vicente, Provincia de Misiones: representaciones sociales sobre agrotóxicos, discapacidad-enfermedad y modos de atención de las necesidades socio sanitarias de sus integrantes. 16H271

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    Actividades desarrolladas durante el período: conformación del Equipo de investigadores; búsqueda, identificación y análisis de bibliografía vinculada con las temáticas cultivos con uso de agrotóxicos, economía familiar y atención de la población de estas unidades socioproductivas en lo referente a procesos de salud - enfermedad – atención, y discapacidad; formulación de un marco teórico conceptual para el proyecto; organización y realización de reuniones con autoridades locales involucradas con la temática de la discapacidad; articulación con el INTA, y el Ministerio de Salud Pública de la Provincia de Misiones y otras entidades públicas y privadas (Fundación del Bco. Macro., Fundación para la Investigación y Ext. de las Cs. Económicas, etc) Articulación con el INTA, y el Ministerio de Salud Pública de la Provincia de Misiones y otras entidades públicas y privadas (Fundación del Bco. Macro., Fundación para la Investigación y Ext. de las Cs. Económicas, etc); recolección de datos de fuentes secundarias; análisis de información proveniente de fuentes secundarias y producción de datos estadísticos; revisión de objetivos específicos, dimensiones y variables Diseño del relevamiento de entrevistas a profesionales médicos, trabajadores sociales, docentes, autoridades religiosas; diseño del relevamiento de entrevistas a profesionales médicos, trabajadores sociales, docentes, autoridades religiosas; selección de muestra para entrevistas abiertas; realización de las entrevistas abiertas