606 research outputs found
Molt Cycle Of The Gray-breasted Martin (hirundinidae: Progne Chalybea) In A Wintering Area In Maranhão, Brazil
[No abstract available]153436438Alerstam, T., Hedenström, A., Äkesson, S., Long-distance migration: Evolution and determinats (2003) Oikos, 103, pp. 247-260Azevedo Júnior, S.M., Dias Filho, M.M., Larrazabal, M.E., Plumagens e mudas de Charadriiformes (Aves) no litoral de Pernambuco, Brasil (2001) Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 18, pp. 657-672Bull, J., Farrand, J., (1977) The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds - Eastern Region, , New York: Alfred A. knopfEisenmann, E., South American migrant swallows of the genus Progne in Panama and northern South Americawith comments on their identification and molt (1959) Auk, 76, pp. 528-532Eisenmann, E., Haverschmidt, F., Northward migration to Surinam of South American Martins (Progne) (1970) Condor, 72, pp. 368-369Fredrizzi, C.E., Azevedo Júnior, S.M., Larrazábal, M.E.L., Body mass and acquisition of breeding plumage of wintering (Calidris pusilla) (Linnaeus) (Aves, Scolopacidae) in the coast of Pernambuco, north-eastern Brazil (2004) Rev. Bras. Zool, 21, pp. 249-252Holmgren, N., Hedenström, A., The scheduling of molt in migratory birds (1995) Evol. Ecol, 9, pp. 354-368Igl, L.D., Johnson, D.H., Changes in breeding bird populations in North Dakota: 1967 to 1992-93 (1997) Auk, 114, pp. 74-92Marks, J.S., Moult of Bristle-Thighed Curlews in the Northwestern Hawaiian Island (1993) Auk, 110, pp. 573-587Naka, L.N., Rodrigues, M., Roos, A.L., Azevedo, M.A.G., Bird conservation on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil (2002) Bird Conservation Internacional, 12, pp. 123-150Niles, D.M., Molt cycles of Purple Martins (Progne subis) (1972) Condor, 74, pp. 61-71Souza, D.G.S., (2002) All the birds of Brazil: An identification guide, , Salvador: Editora DallSvensson, E., Merilä, J., Molt and migratory condition in Blue Tits: A serological study (1996) Condor, 98, pp. 825-83
Diet Of The Gray-breasted Martin (hirundinidae: Progne Chalybea) In A Wintering Area In Maranhão, Brazil
[No abstract available]153445447Alerstam, T., Hedenström, A., Äkesson, S., Long-distance migration: Evolution and determinats (2003) Oikos, 103, pp. 247-260Butler, C.J., The disproportionate effect of global warming on the arrival dates of short-distance migratory birds in North America (2003) Ibis, 145, pp. 484-495Borror, D.J., DeLong, D.M., (1988) Introdução ao Estudo dos Insetos, , São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blucher LtdaBugoni, L., Vooren, C.M., Feeding ecology of the Common Tern Sterna hirundo in a wintering area in southern Brazil (2004) Ibis, 146, pp. 438-453Bull, J., Farrand, J., (1977) The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds - Eastern Region, , New York: Alfred A. KnopfDyrcz, A., Breeding biology of the Mangrove Swallow (Tachycineta albilinea) and the Grey-breasted Martin (Progne chalybea) at Barro Colorado Island, Panama (1984) Ibis, 126, pp. 59-66Eisenmann, E., South American migrant swallows of the genus Progne in Panama and northern South Americawith comments on their identification and molt (1959) Auk, 76, pp. 528-532Eisenmann, E., Haverschmidt, F., Northward migration to Surinam of South American Martins (Progne) (1970) Condor, 72, pp. 368-369Fredrizzi, C.E., Azevedo Júnior, S.M., Larrazábal, M.E.L., Body mass and acquisition of breeding plumage of wintering (Calidris pusilla) (Linnaeus) (Aves, Scolopacidae) in the coast of Pernambuco, north-eastern Brazil (2004) Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 21, pp. 249-252Hedd, A., Gales, R., The diet of shy albatrosses (Thalassarche cauta) at Albatross Island, Tasmania (2001) Journal of Zoology, 253, pp. 69-90Jetz, W., Steffen, J., Linsenmair, K.E., Effects of light and prey availability on nocturnal. lunar and seasonal activity of tropical nightjars (2003) Oikos, 103, pp. 627-639Johnston, R.F., Seasonal variation in the food of the Purple Martin, Progne subis, in Kansas (1967) Ibis, 109, pp. 8-13Kwok, H.K., Corlett, R.T., Seasonality of forest invertebrates in Hong Kong, South China (2002) Journal of tropical Ecology, 18, pp. 637-644Lorentsen, S.H., Klages, N., Rov, N., Diet and prey consumption of Antarctic petrels (Thalassoica antarctica) at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land, and at sea outside the colony (1998) Polar Biology, 19, pp. 414-420McCarty, J.P., Winkler, D.W., Foraging ecology and diet selectivity of Tree Swallows feeding nestlings (1999) Condor, 101, pp. 246-254Naka, L.N., Rodrigues, M., Roos, A.L., Azevedo, M.A.G., Bird conservation on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil (2002) Bird Cons. Int, 12, pp. 123-150Ramstack, J.M., Murphy, M.T., Palmer, M.R., Comparative reproductive biology of three species of swallows on a common environment (1998) Wilson Bulletin, 110, pp. 233-243Turner, A.K., Nesting and feeding habits of Brown-chested Martins in relation to weather conditions (1984) Condor, 86, pp. 30-35Walsh, H., Food of nestling purple martins (1978) Wilson Bulletin, 90, pp. 248-260Wolda, H., Seasonal fluctuation in rainfall, food and abundance of tropical insects (1978) Journal of Animal Ecology, 47, pp. 369-38
Cristo, misterio de la alianza, en la teología de Jean Daniélou
La presente investigación se centra en los
escritos de Jean Daniélou sobre Jesucristo. En ella se
analizan categorías centrales que Daniélou tomó de
los Padres, como economía de la salvación (Justino),
recapitulación de todas las cosas en Cristo (Ireneo de
Lyon) y concatenación (akoulouthía) de todo hacia y
desde Jesucristo (Gregorio de Nisa). La perspectiva bíblica
de Daniélou, siendo patrística, es esencialmente
Los estudios de exégesis tipológica conducen a una
idea central en la Sagrada Escritura, la noción de
alianza, que es la que domina nuestra investigación.
La reflexión de Daniélou sobre Jesucristo presenta una
cristología de la alianza, y el misterio de la unión hipostática
como el momento en el que se consuman todas
las alianzas de Dios. En esta línea, llaman la atención
algunas peculiaridades en la presentación que el teólogo
francés hace de la Pascua de Cristo: la salvación
vista desde su universalidad; la contemplación del misterio
pascual, y muy especialmente de la pasión y de la
muerte de Jesús, desde la perspectiva de su ministerio
profético; las consideraciones en torno a la cólera de
Dios como manifestación de la vida intensa que hay
en Dios y que justamente en el Calvario se abraza con
el amor; la solución para el drama de la existencia
humana vista como liberación; la donación del Espíritu
Santo al Cristo resucitado en cuanto Cabeza de la
Iglesia; el tiempo de la Iglesia como continuación de la
historia de la salvación guiada por el Kyrios resucitado
y sentado a la derecha del Padre
IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Energy Management in Buildings
Energy usage in buildings has become a critical concern globally, and with that, the concept of energy management in buildings has emerged to help tackle these challenges. The energy management system provides a new opportunity for the building's energy requirements, and is an essential method for energy service, i.e., energy saving, consumption,
Cerebrovascular Variants and the Role of the Selfish Brain in Young-Onset Hypertension
Variants in the posterior anatomy of the cerebral circulation are associated with hypertension and lower cerebral blood flow in midlife (age ≈55 years); however, whether these variants are a result of aging or long-term exposure to high blood pressure is unclear. Additionally, the role these variants play in early onset of hypertension (<40 years) and poor cerebral perfusion in this population is unknown.
We retrospectively examined whether specific cerebrovascular variants (vertebral artery hypoplasia and absent/hypoplastic posterior communicating arteries (an incomplete posterior circle of Willis) measured via magnetic resonance angiography) were associated with a diagnosis of hypertension in 220 young adults (<40 years; n=164 primary hypertensive [mean age±SD, 32±6 years] and n=56 [30±6 years] normotensive adults). Whether cerebrovascular variants were associated with lower cerebral blood flow (phase-contrast angiography) was measured in the hypertensive group only (n=146).
Binary logistic regression (adjusted for age, sex, and body mass index) showed that vertebral artery hypoplasia with an incomplete posterior circle of Willis was associated with hypertension diagnosis (P<0.001, odds ratio; 11.79 [95% CI, 3.34–41.58]). Vertebral artery hypoplasia plus an incomplete circle of Willis was associated with lower cerebral blood flow in young adults with hypertension (P=0.0172).
Vertebral artery hypoplasia plus an incomplete posterior circle of Willis independently predicts hypertension in young adults suggesting that this variant is not acquired with aging into midlife. Importantly this variant combination was associated with lower cerebral perfusion, which may have long-term consequences on cerebrovascular health in young adults with hypertension
A atuação da enfermagem na criação do lactário no hospital Jesús (1935-1938)
El presente estudio tiene como objeto la implantación del servicio de lactario en el Hospital Jesús y tiene por delimitación temporal el periodo de 1935-1938, que se justifica por la primera gestión del Servicio de Enfermería del Hospital Jesús, actual Hospital Municipal Jesús. La alimentación del niño merece cuidados especiales, principalmente en el primer año de vida. Objetivos: describir las políticas de alimentación en el Distrito Federal y analizar las circunstancias para la implantación del servicio de lactario en el hospital. Metodología: estudio con abordaje histórico social basado en el análisis documental, donde fueron utilizadas fuentes primarias y secundarias. Fuentes primarias: documentos escritos localizados en las dependencias del Hospital. Fuentes secundarias están constituidas de libros, disertaciones y trabajos referentes al desarrollo histórico del lactario. En el periodo abordado era necesaria la instalación de innumerables servicios dietéticos debidamente aparejados. Había la necesidad de un programa social y filantrópico, que rellenara las lagunas existentes en la protección al niño y fuera también órgano consultivo de los poderes públicos federales, estaduales y municipales. Fueron organizadas instituciones para asistencia a las madres y sus hijos. Juntamente a esta iniciativa, hubo mayor actuación del Estado en cuanto a la inspección médica de las escuelas y a la legislación del trabajo, para las madres y niños. Conclusión: A través de los documentos encontrados, se pudo observar con este estudio, la relevancia de la influencia del Servicio de Enfermería en la implantación del servicio de lactario del Hospital Jesús, teniendo en cuenta que el equipo responsable de la apertura, organización y manutención del lactario en la referida institución se constituyó en su mayoría de enfermeros, que actuaron desde la apertura del Hospital dando orientaciones en cuanto a la alimentación de los lactantes, que allí eran llevados en búsqueda de asistencia.O presente estudo tem como objeto a implantação do serviço de lactário no Hospital Jesus e tem por delimitação temporal o período de 1935-1938, que se justifica pela primeira gestão do Serviço de Enfermagem neste Hospital, atual Hospital Municipal Jesus. A alimentação da criança merecia cuidados especiais, principalmente no primeiro ano de vida. Era elevado o numero de moléstias advindas da alimentação incorreta. Objetivos: descrever as políticas de alimentação no Distrito Federal e analisar as circunstâncias para implantação do serviço de lactário no hospital. Metodologia: estudo com abordagem histórico social embasado na análise documental, onde foram utilizadas fontes primárias e secundárias. Fontes primárias: documentos escritos, localizados nas dependências do Hospital. Fontes secundárias constituídas por livros, dissertações e trabalhos referentes ao desenvolvimento histórico do lactário. No período abordado era necessária a instalação de inúmeros serviços dietéticos. Existia necessidade de um programa social e filantrópico, que preenchesse as lacunas existentes na proteção à criança e fosse também órgão consultivo dos poderes públicos federais, estaduais e municipais. Foram organizadas instituições para assistência às mães e seus filhos. Juntamente com essa iniciativa, começou a existir maior atuação do Estado quanto, à inspeção médica das escolas e à legislação do trabalho, para mães e crianças. Essa conduta estabelecia uma divisão do trabalho, com uma predominância da ação privada no campo da assistência social. Conclusão: Por meio dos documentos encontrados, foi possível observar com este estudo, a relevância da influência do Serviço de Enfermagem na implantação do serviço de lactário do Hospital Jesus, tendo em vista que a equipe responsável pela abertura, organização e manutenção do lactário na referida instituição foi formada em sua maioria por enfermeiros, que atuaram desde a abertura do Hospital dando orientações no que se refere a alimentação dos lactentes, que ali eram levados em busca de assistência
Hubble expansion and structure formation in the "running FLRW model" of the cosmic evolution
A new class of FLRW cosmological models with time-evolving fundamental
parameters should emerge naturally from a description of the expansion of the
universe based on the first principles of quantum field theory and string
theory. Within this general paradigm, one expects that both the gravitational
Newton's coupling, G, and the cosmological term, Lambda, should not be strictly
constant but appear rather as smooth functions of the Hubble rate. This
scenario ("running FLRW model") predicts, in a natural way, the existence of
dynamical dark energy without invoking the participation of extraneous scalar
fields. In this paper, we perform a detailed study of these models in the light
of the latest cosmological data, which serves to illustrate the
phenomenological viability of the new dark energy paradigm as a serious
alternative to the traditional scalar field approaches. By performing a joint
likelihood analysis of the recent SNIa data, the CMB shift parameter, and the
BAOs traced by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we put tight constraints on the
main cosmological parameters. Furthermore, we derive the theoretically
predicted dark-matter halo mass function and the corresponding redshift
distribution of cluster-size halos for the "running" models studied. Despite
the fact that these models closely reproduce the standard LCDM Hubble
expansion, their normalization of the perturbation's power-spectrum varies,
imposing, in many cases, a significantly different cluster-size halo redshift
distribution. This fact indicates that it should be relatively easy to
distinguish between the "running" models and the LCDM cosmology using realistic
future X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster surveys.Comment: Version published in JCAP 08 (2011) 007: 1+41 pages, 6 Figures, 1
Table. Typos corrected. Extended discussion on the computation of the
linearly extrapolated density threshold above which structures collapse in
time-varying vacuum models. One appendix, a few references and one figure
Unlocking the potential of big data to support tactical performance analysis in professional soccer: A systematic review
In professional soccer, increasing amounts of data are collected that harness great potential when it comes to analysing tactical behaviour. Unlocking this potential is difficult as big data challenges the data management and analytics methods commonly employed in sports. By joining forces with computer science, solutions to these challenges could be achieved, helping sports science to find new insights, as is happening in other scientific domains. We aim to bring multiple domains together in the context of analysing tactical behaviour in soccer using position tracking data. A systematic literature search for studies employing position tracking data to study tactical behaviour in soccer was conducted in seven electronic databases, resulting in 2338 identified studies and finally the inclusion of 73 papers. Each domain clearly contributes to the analysis of tactical behaviour, albeit in - sometimes radically - different ways. Accordingly, we present a multidisciplinary framework where each domain's contributions to feature construction, modelling and interpretation can be situated. We discuss a set of key challenges concerning the data analytics process, specifically feature construction, spatial and temporal aggregation. Moreover, we discuss how these challenges could be resolved through multidisciplinary collaboration, which is pivotal in unlocking the potential of position tracking data in sports analytics.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog
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