1,865 research outputs found

    Where is the science in Wikipedia? Identification and characterization of scientifically supported contents

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    This study illustrates the challenges of developing a broad Wikipedia thematic landscape. Particularly the limitations of Wikipedia categories in providing an overview of the thematic areas covered in Wikipedia are shown. The use of WikiProjects is presented as a viable although limited alternative, providing interesting classificatory possibilities. The classification proposed here can be useful for further research on Wikipedia as well as for other researchers who want to identify Wikipedia dynamics in a more aggregated and visual way

    A semi-supervised learning algorithm for relevance feedback and collaborative image retrieval

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The interaction of users with search services has been recognized as an important mechanism for expressing and handling user information needs. One traditional approach for supporting such interactive search relies on exploiting relevance feedbacks (RF) in the searching process. For large-scale multimedia collections, however, the user efforts required in RF search sessions is considerable. In this paper, we address this issue by proposing a novel semi-supervised approach for implementing RF-based search services. In our approach, supervised learning is performed taking advantage of relevance labels provided by users. Later, an unsupervised learning step is performed with the objective of extracting useful information from the intrinsic dataset structure. Furthermore, our hybrid learning approach considers feedbacks of different users, in collaborative image retrieval (CIR) scenarios. In these scenarios, the relationships among the feedbacks provided by different users are exploited, further reducing the collective efforts. Conducted experiments involving shape, color, and texture datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Similar results are also observed in experiments considering multimodal image retrieval tasks.The interaction of users with search services has been recognized as an important mechanism for expressing and handling user information needs. One traditional approach for supporting such interactive search relies on exploiting relevance feedbacks (RF) i2015FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)FAPESP [2013/08645-0, 2013/50169-1]CNPq [306580/2012-8, 484254/2012-0]2013/08645-0; 2013/50169-1306580/2012-8;484254/2012-0SEM INFORMAÇÃ

    New data, new possibilities: Exploring the insides of Altmetric.com

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    This paper analyzes Altmetric.com, one of the most important altmetric data providers currently used. We have analyzed a set of publications with doi number indexed in the Web of Science during the period 2011-2013 and collected their data with the Altmetric API. 19% of the original set of papers was retrieved from Altmetric.com including some altmetric data. We identified 16 different social media sources from which Altmetric.com retrieves data. However five of them cover 95.5% of the total set. Twitter (87.1%) and Mendeley (64.8%) have the highest coverage. We conclude that Altmetric.com is a transparent, rich and accurate tool for altmetric data. Nevertheless, there are still potential limitations on its exhaustiveness as well as on the selection of social media sources that need further research

    Análisis de la actividad física para determinar el riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares en adolescentes de 13 a 18 años en la parroquia de El Quinche, Colegio Iberoamericano en el periodo de diciembre-febrero 2016-2017

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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la capacidad física de adolescentes de 13 a 18 años para determinar el riesgo de desarrollo de una enfermedad cardiovascular. Se aplicó una encuesta y un test de IPAQ a 92 estudiantes del colegio Iberoamericano en la parroquia del Quinche, lo cual se constató que la minoría de los estudiantes tienen un riego a padecer dichas enfermedades como diabetes, hipertensión o un accidente cerebro vascular

    Spatiotemporal Precipitation Estimation from Rain Gauges and Meteorological Radar Using Geostatistics

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    [EN] Automatic interpolation of precipitation maps combining rain gauge and radar data has been done in the past but considering only the data collected at a given time interval. Since radar and rain gauge data are collected at short intervals, a natural extension of previous works is to account for temporal correlations and to include time into the interpolation process. In this work, rainfall is interpolated using data from the current time interval and the previous one. Interpolation is carried out using kriging with external drift, in which the radar rainfall estimate is the drift, and the mean precipitation is set to zero at the locations where the radar estimate is zero. The rainfall covariance is modeled as non-stationary in time, and the space system of reference moves with the storm. This movement serves to maximize the collocated correlation between consecutive time intervals. The proposed approach is analyzed for four episodes that took place in Catalonia (Spain). It is compared with three other approaches: (i) radar estimation, (ii) kriging with external drift using only the data from the same time interval, and (iii) kriging with external drift using data from two consecutive time intervals but not accounting for the displacement of the storm. The comparisons are performed using cross-validation. In all four episodes, the proposed approach outperforms the other three approaches. It is important to account for temporal correlation and use a Lagrangian system of coordinates that tracks the rainfall movement.This work has been done in the framework of the Spanish Project FFHazF (CGL2014-60700) and the EC H2020 project ANYWHERE (DRS-1-2015-700099). Thanks are due to the Meteorological Service of Catalonia for providing the radar and rain gauges data used here.Cassiraga, EF.; Gómez-Hernández, JJ.; Berenguer, M.; Sempere-Torres, D.; Rodrigo-Ilarri, J. (2021). Spatiotemporal Precipitation Estimation from Rain Gauges and Meteorological Radar Using Geostatistics. Mathematical Geosciences. 53(4):499-516. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11004-020-09882-1S499516534Aran M, Amaro J, Arús J, Bech J, Figuerola F, Gayà M, Vilaclara E (2009) Synoptic and mesoscale diagnosis of a tornado event in Castellcir, Catalonia, on 18th October 2006. Atmos Res 93:147–160Azimi-Zonooz A, Krajewski W, Bowles D, Seo D (1989) Spatial rainfall estimation by linear and non-linear co-kriging of radar-rainfall and raingage data. Stoch Hydrol Hydraul 3:51–67Bech J, Pascual R, Rigo T, Pineda N, López J, Arús J, Gayá M (2007) An observational study of the 7 September 2005 Barcelona Tornado outbreak. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 7:129–139Bech J, Pineda N, Rigo T, Aran M, Amaro J, Gayà M, Arús J, Montanyà J, van der Velde O (2011) A mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: overview, damage survey and radar analysis. Atmos Res 100:621–637Berenguer M, Sempere-Torres D, Pegram GG (2011) Sbmcast-an ensemble nowcasting technique to assess the uncertainty in rainfall forecasts by Lagrangian extrapolation. J Hydrol 404:226–240Berenguer M, Sempere-Torres D, Hürlimann M (2015) Debris-flow forecasting at regional scale by combining susceptibility mapping and radar rainfall. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 15:587–602Bochner S (1949) Fourier transforms. Princeton University Press, London, p 219Brown PE, Diggle PJ, Lord ME, Young PC (2001) Space–time calibration of radar rainfall data. J R Stat Soc Ser C 50:221–241Calheiros R, Zawadzki I (1987) Reflectivity-rain rate relationships for radar hydrology in Brazil. J Climate Appl Meteorol 26:118–132Chumchean S, Seed A, Sharma A (2006) Correcting of real-time radar rainfall bias using a Kalman filtering approach. J Hydrol 317:123–137Corral C, Velasco D, Forcadell D, Sempere-Torres D, Velasco E (2009) Advances in radar-based flood warning systems. the EHIMI system and the experience in the Besòs flash-flood pilot basinCreutin J, Delrieu G, Lebel T (1988) Rain measurement by raingage-radar combination: a geostatistical approach. J Atmos Ocean Technol 5:102–115Delrieu G, Annette W, Brice B, Dominique F, Laurent B, Pierre-Emmanuel K (2014) Geostatistical radar-raingauge merging: a novel method for the quantification of rain estimation accuracy. Adv Water Resour 71:110–124Deutsch C (1991) The relationship between universal kriging, kriging with an external drift and cokriging. SCRF report 4Germann U, Turner B, Zawadzki I (2006) Predictability of precipitation from continental radar images. Part IV: limits to prediction. J Atmos Sci 63:2092–2108Goudenhoofdt E, Delobbe L (2009) Evaluation of radar-gauge merging methods for quantitative precipitation estimates. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 13:195–203Harrold T, Austin P (1974) The structure of precipitation systems—a review. J Rech Atmos 8:41–57Hevesi JA, Istok JD, Flint AL (1992a) Precipitation estimation in mountainous terrain using multivariate geostatistics. Part I: structural analysis. J Appl Meteorol 31:661–676Hevesi JA, Istok JD, Flint AL (1992b) Precipitation estimation in mountanious terrain using multivariate geostatistics. Part II: isohyetal maps. J Appl Meteorol 31:677–688Jewell SA, Gaussiat N (2015) An assessment of kriging-based rain-gauge-radar merging techniques. Q J R Meteorol Soc 141:2300–2313Journel AG, Rossi M (1989) When do we need a trend model in kriging? Math Geol 21:715–739Krajewski WF (1987) Cokriging radar-rainfall and rain gage data. J Geophys Res Atmos 92:9571–9580Mateo J, Ballart D, Brucet C, Aran M, Bech J (2009) A study of a heavy rainfall event and a tornado outbreak during the passage of a squall line over Catalonia. Atmos Res 93:131–146Pulkkinen S, Koistinen J, Kuitunen T, Harri AM (2016) Probabilistic radar-gauge merging by multivariate spatiotemporal techniques. J Hydrol 542:662–678Rinehart R, Garvey E (1978) Three-dimensional storm motion detection by conventional weather radar. Nature 273:287Rosenfeld D, Wolff DB, Atlas D (1993) General probability-matched relations between radar reflectivity and rain rate. J Appl Meteorol 32:50–72Rosenfeld D, Wolff DB, Amitai E (1994) The window probability matching method for rainfall measurements with radar. J Appl Meteorol 33:682–693Rosenfeld D, Amitai E, Wolff DB (1995) Improved accuracy of radar WPMM estimated rainfall upon application of objective classification criteria. J Appl Meteorol 34:212–223Sempere-Torres D, Corral C, Raso J, Malgrat P (1999) Use of weather radar for combined sewer overflows monitoring and control. J Environ Eng 125:372–380Seo DJ (1998) Real-time estimation of rainfall fields using radar rainfall and rain gage data. J Hydrol 208:37–52Seo DJ, Krajewski WF, Bowles DS (1990) Stochastic interpolation of rainfall data from rain gages and radar using cokriging: 1. Design of experiments. Water Resour Res 26:469–477Sideris I, Gabella M, Erdin R, Germann U (2014) Real-time radar-rain-gauge merging using spatio-temporal co-kriging with external drift in the alpine terrain of Switzerland. Q J R Meteorol Soc 140:1097–1111Sinclair S, Pegram G (2005) Combining radar and rain gauge rainfall estimates using conditional merging. Atmos Sci Lett 6:19–22Sun X, Mein R, Keenan T, Elliott J (2000) Flood estimation using radar and raingauge data. J Hydrol 239:4–18Todini E (2001) A bayesian technique for conditioning radar precipitation estimates to rain-gauge measurements. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci Dis 5:187–199Velasco-Forero CA, Sempere-Torres D, Cassiraga EF, Gómez-Hernández JJ (2009) A non-parametric automatic blending methodology to estimate rainfall fields from rain gauge and radar data. Adv Water Resour 32:986–1002Wilson JW, Brandes EA (1979) Radar measurement of rainfall—a summary. Bull Am Meteorol Soc 60:1048–1060Yao T, Journel AG (1998) Automatic modeling of (cross) covariance tables using fast fourier transform. Math Geol 30:589–615Yoon SS, Bae DH (2013) Optimal rainfall estimation by considering elevation in the Han River Basin, South Korea. J Appl Meteorol Climatol 52:802–818Zawadzki I (1973) Statistical properties of precipitation patterns. J Appl Meteorol 12:459–47

    Proyecto de mejora de procesos en la cadena de valor del Molino Arrocero Monterrico E.I.R.L.

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    El Molino Arrocero Monterrico E.I.R.L ubicado en la provincia de Camaná, es una empresa familiar que tiene como principal actividad económica el pilado y la comercialización de sacos de arroz al sur del país. Actualmente, la empresa busca incrementar su rentabilidad principalmente a través de la optimización de su proceso productivo el cual tiene importantes oportunidades de mejora. Por ello, el objetivo primario de la investigación se centra en evaluar la mejor alternativa para mejorar el proceso de producción. Se justifica la inversión de una optimización del proceso productivo debido a que en un análisis específico de la demanda nacional tiene una tendencia de crecimiento aproximada de 1,01% por año. Por otro lado, para poder aumentar en rentabilidad la mejor alternativa es disminuir costos y valorizar más el producto, haciéndolo más “añejo”. Con un análisis de Factorial de Klein se identificó que los principales procesos productivos a ser evaluados serían los siguientes: • Procesos de Almacenamiento • Procesos de secado • Proceso productivo de pilado • Orden y limpieza La propuesta de mayor impacto, pero también la de mayor inversión, es la relacionada al proceso de secado. Esta propuesta consiste en la adquisición de un horno de biomasa (secadora), con una inversión aproximada de 490 000 soles. Los principales beneficios relacionados a esta inversión son los siguientes: • Disminución de tiempo necesario para obtener arroz añejo de 1 año a 1 mes el tiempo de obtención del producto final. • Aumento de la productividad. • Aumento del valor del producto terminado en más de 20%. • Disminución de mermas en secado de la materia prima pasan de 3% a 1%, en el proceso de pilado disminuir las mermas de 6% a 3%. Se concluye mediante una evaluación financiera que las sugerencias son viables y que tendrán los siguientes indicadores: • Inversión total 1 124 290 soles aproximadamente. • R B/C Económico= 1,48 y R B/C Financiero= 2,41 • Aumento de Rentabilidad: de 4% a 7,1% • PR económico= 3,34 años y PR financiero= 2,29 años • VAN económico: 537 133 soles y VAN financiero: 634 002 soles • TIR económico= 43% y TIR financiero= 68%.The rice mill Monterrico E.I.R.L located in the province of Camaná, is a family business of Peruvian capitals whose main economic activity is the piling and marketing of rice bags in the south of the country. Currently, the company seeks to increase its profitability mainly through the optimization of its production process, which has been diagnosed as having significant opportunities for improvement. Therefore, the primary objective of the research is to evaluate the best alternative to improve the production process. The investment is justified because a specific analysis of demand concludes that the national population has a growth trend of approximately 1,01% per year, in order to increase profitability the best alternative is to decrease costs and value the product more, making it more "aged". With a Klein Factorial analysis, it was identified that the main production processes to be evaluated would be the following: • Storage processes • Drying processes • Piling production process • Order and cleanliness The big proposal with the greatest impact, but also the one with the highest investment, is the one related to the drying process. This proposal consists of the acquisition of a biomass oven (dryer), with an investment of approximately 490 000 soles. The main benefits related to this investment are the following: • Decrease in the time necessary to obtain aged rice 1 year to 1 month • Increased yield 63% to 66%. • Increase in the value of the finished product 20% higher than the market price of superior rice. • Decrease in losses: Regarding the losses in the drying of the raw material, go from 3% to 1%. With respect to the piling process, decrease the losses from 6% to 3%. Finally, it is concluded through a financial evaluation that the suggestions are viable and that they will have the following indicators: • Total investment 1 124 290 soles approximately. • Economic R B / C= 1.48 Financial R B / C= 2,41 • Increase in Profitability: 4% to 7,1% • Economic PR= 3,34 years Financial PR= 2,29 years • Economic GO: 537 133 soles Financial GO: 634 002 soles • Economic IRR= 43% Financial IRR= 68

    Autenticación mediante DNA barcoding de especies de meros legalmente protegidas y en peligro de extinción, sometidas a explotación pesquera, incluyendo el mero Goliat Epinephelus itajara

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    Fishing strategies are constantly changing to meet the needs for new or alternative food sources. Consequently, management of fishing activities regarding rates of exploitation is essential, as a number of resources have reached situations of overexploitation. The aim of the present study was to use DNA barcoding from the goliath grouper and other exploited epinephelids in order to provide procedures for DNA authentication to be used as evidence for combating putative illegal fishing. The species studied were Epinephelus adscensionis, Mycteroperca bonaci, Mycteroperca interstitialis, Epinephelus itajara, Mycteroperca venenosa, Epinephelus mystacinus, Dermatolepis inermis, Alphestes afer, Cephalopholis fulva, Mycteroperca acutirostris, Rypticus saponaceus, Mycteroperca marginata and Epinephelus morio. Four of these species are the main epinephelids fished in the Atlantic Ocean. Differential patterns of polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism were obtained from the species and additional single nucleotide polymorphisms were also detected among the four main epinephelids studied. The procedures proved very efficient and we suggest their applicability to the other fish groups as a way to control illegal capture and retail around the world, especially in cases in which filleting and other forms of de-characterization cause a lack of morpho-anatomical key characters.Las estrategias de pesca cambian constantemente para satisfacer las necesidades de fuentes de alimento nuevas o alternativas. En consecuencia, a medida que los recursos alcanzan situaciones de sobreexplotación, resulta esencial establecer procedimientos de inspección de las actividades relacionadas con las tasas de explotación pesquera. El objetivo de este estudio es proponer el uso de la técnica de DNA barcoding para establecer la verificación de la identidad del mero Goliat y otros epinefélidos, a fin de utilizarlo como evidencia para combatir la pesca ilegal cuando se sospeche su ocurrencia. Las especies aquí estudiadas fueron Alphestes afer, Cephalopholis fulva, Dermatolepis inermis, Epinephelus adscensionis, E. itajara, E. morio, E. mystacinus, Mycteroperca acutirostris, M. bonaci, M. interstitialis, M. marginata, M. venenosa y Rypticus saponaceus de las cuales cuatro constituyen las más pescadas en el Océano Atlántico. Fueron encontrados patrones diferenciables de PCR-RFLPs para todas las especies y, además, fue posible detectar SNPs adicionales entre las cuatro especies más explotadas. Los procedimientos aquí empleados fueron muy eficaces por lo que sugerimos su aplicabilidad a otros grupos de peces como medida de control de la captura y comercialización ilegal a nivel mundial, particularmente en aquellos casos en los que el fileteado y otras formas de procesamiento que alteran las características anatómicas y morfológicas impiden su identificación

    New data, new possibilities: Exploring the insides of Altmetric.com

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    This paper analyzes Altmetric.com, one of the most important altmetric data providers currently used. We have analyzed a set of publications with doi number indexed in the Web of Science during the period 2011-2013 and collected their data with the Altmetric API. 19% of the original set of papers was retrieved from Altmetric.com including some altmetric data. We identified 16 different social media sources from which Altmetric.com retrieves data. However five of them cover 95.5% of the total set. Twitter (87.1%) and Mendeley (64.8%) have the highest coverage. We conclude that Altmetric.com is a transparent, rich and accurate tool for altmetric data. Nevertheless, there are still potential limitations on its exhaustiveness as well as on the selection of social media sources that need further research

    Decision support system for selecting sectoral data-bases in studies of the water–energy–agricultural–environmental nexus

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    A obtenção de bases de dados para auxiliar o desenvolvimento de estudos multidisciplinares em sistemas de redes complexas intersetoriais apresenta grandes desafios devido à falta de compatibilização e nivelamento entre as informações, uma vez que estão segmentadas de diferentes formas nos setores correlacionados. Diante disso, o presente artigo tem por objetivo propor um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão (SAD) para auxiliar na identificação, análise e seleção de bases de dados setoriais, visando subsidiar o desenvolvimento de estudos quantitativos mediante o conceito “Nexus água, energia, agricultura e meio ambiente”. Para tanto, foi apresentada uma estrutura conceitual definida em seis etapas: análise institucional, definição das alternativas, definição dos critérios, análise das bases de dados, matriz de classificação, e organização e seleção das alternativas. A validação do SAD proposto foi realizada por meio das bases de dados de âmbito federal presentes no Brasil. Após a aplicação do SAD nas bases de dados levantadas, verifica-se que: até o momento, o Brasil não possui bases de dados interconectados e compartilhados entre diferentes setores; as informações concentram-se em uma grande quantidade de instituições e contemplam uma multiplicidade de escalas espaciais e temporais, dificultando suas interações; a adoção de macroescalas, espacial e temporal, facilita a integração das informações levantadas; e as estruturas organizacionais setoriais do país tendem a inviabilizar o desenvolvimento de sistemas integrados em redes complexas. O SAD proposto permite uma melhor compreensão e visualização de possíveis simplificações e limitações inerentes em estudos integrados, de âmbito quantitativo, minimizando incertezas e direcionando estratégias sistêmicas de planejamento e gestão.Obtaining databases to develop multidisciplinary studies in complex intersectoral network systems presents great challenges. Databases often lack compatibility or data standardization because they are organized differently by sector. Therefore, this article aims to propose a Decision Support System (DSS) to assist in the identification, analysis, and selection of sectoral databases to support the development of quantitative studies. The concept of the “Nexus of water, energy, agriculture, and the environment” is used to illustrate the development of the DSS. To this end, a conceptual structure defined in six stages was presented: institutional analysis, definition of alternatives, definition of criteria, analysis of databases, classification matrix, and organization and selection of alternatives. Validation of the proposed DSS was carried out using national-scale databases for the Brazilian context. From the application of DSS in the databases surveyed, it appears that: Brazil does not have interconnected databases, nor does it share databases between sectors; the information is dispersed across a large number of institutions, and includes a multiplicity of spatial and temporal scales, hindering their integration; the adoption of macro-scales, both spatially and temporally, facilitates the integration of the collected information, and the country’s sectoral organizational structures tend to hamper the development of systems integrated into complex networks. The proposed DSS allows a better understanding and visualization of possible simplifications and limitations inherent in integrated studies of quantitative scope, minimizes uncertainties, and directs systemic planning and management strategies

    Iron oxide incorporated conjugated polymer nanoparticles for simultaneous use in magnetic resonance and fluorescent imaging of brain tumors

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    Conjugated polymer nanoparticles (CPNs) have emerged as advanced polymeric nanoplat-forms in biomedical applications by virtue of extraordinary properties including high fluorescence brightness, large absorption coefficients of one and two-photons, and excellent photostability and colloidal stability in water and physiological medium. In addition, low cytotoxicity, easy functional-ization, and the ability to modify CPN photochemical properties by the incorporation of dopants, convert them into excellent theranostic agents with multifunctionality for imaging and treatment. In this work, CPNs were designed and synthesized by incorporating a metal oxide magnetic core (Fe3 O4 and NiFe2 O4 nanoparticles, 5 nm) into their matrix during the nanoprecipitation method. This modification allowed the in vivo monitoring of nanoparticles in animal models using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and intravital fluorescence, techniques widely used for intracranial tumors evaluation. The modified CPNs were assessed in vivo in glioblastoma (GBM) bearing mice, both heterotopic and orthotopic developed models. Biodistribution studies were performed with MRI acquisitions and fluorescence images up to 24 h after the i.v. nanoparticles administration. The resulting IONP-doped CPNs were biocompatible in GBM tumor cells in vitro with an excellent cell incorporation depending on nanoparticle concentration exposure. IONP-doped CPNs were detected in tumor and excretory organs of the heterotopic GBM model after i.v. and i.t. injection. However, in the orthotopic GBM model, the size of the nanoparticles is probably hindering a higher effect on intratumorally T2-weighted images (T2 WI) signals and T2 values. The photodynamic therapy (PDT)—cytotoxicity of CPNs was not either affected by the IONPs incorporation into the nanoparticles.Fil: Arias Ramos, Nuria. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Ibarra, Luis Exequiel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Instituto de Biotecnología Ambiental y Salud - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Biotecnología Ambiental y Salud; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Serrano Torres, María. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Yagüe, Balbino. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Caverzan, Matias Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones en Tecnologías Energéticas y Materiales Avanzados. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Tecnologías Energéticas y Materiales Avanzados; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Chesta, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones en Tecnologías Energéticas y Materiales Avanzados. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Tecnologías Energéticas y Materiales Avanzados; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Palacios, Rodrigo Emiliano. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones en Tecnologías Energéticas y Materiales Avanzados. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Tecnologías Energéticas y Materiales Avanzados; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: López Larrubia, Pilar. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Españ