69 research outputs found

    Charting a Path to Efficient Onboarding: The Role of Software Visualization

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    Background. Within the software industry, it is commonly estimated that software professionals invest a substantial portion of their work hours in the process of understanding existing systems. In this context, an ineffective technical onboarding process, which introduces newcomers to software under development, can result in a prolonged period for them to absorb the necessary knowledge required to become productive in their roles. Goal. The present study aims to explore the familiarity of managers, leaders, and developers with software visualization tools and how these tools are employed to facilitate the technical onboarding of new team members. Method. To address the research problem, we built upon the insights gained through the literature and embraced a sequential exploratory approach. This approach incorporated quantitative and qualitative analyses of data collected from practitioners using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Findings. Our findings demonstrate a gap between the concept of software visualization and the practical use of onboarding tools and techniques. Overall, practitioners do not systematically incorporate software visualization tools into their technical onboarding processes due to a lack of conceptual understanding and awareness of their potential benefits. Conclusion. The software industry could benefit from standardized and evolving onboarding models, improved by incorporating software visualization techniques and tools to support program comprehension of newcomers in the software projects

    Solubilization of potassium from alternative rocks by humic and citric acids and coffee husk

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    Brazil imports most of the potassium that it consumes in agriculture, however, such huge external dependence can be minimized with the use of alternative local K bearing rocks. This experiment was conducted with the objective of evaluating the solubility of nepheline syenite and glauconite as a function of three organic matrices, humic acid, citric acid and coffee husk. Incubation of low grade K rocks and organic matrices were done in laboratory conditions, in a completely randomized design. Each rock was mixed with five different doses of each organic matrix and the potassium solubilized was measured periodically, during 180 days. Regardless of the organic matrix and its dose investigated, nepheline syenite samples released more K than the modified glauconite. Soluble K increased as the incubation time increased and its release was greater as the organic matrix dose increased. There was more soluble K when the coffee husk was mixed with the potassic rocks, in relation to the humic and citric acids.O Brasil importa mais de 90% de todo o potássio que consome na agricultura, todavia, essa importação pode ser minimizada com a utilização de fontes alternativas de potássio disponíveis no país. Nesse contexto, conduziu-se um experimento com o objetivo de avaliar a solubilidade das rochas sienito nefelínico e glauconita em função do emprego de três diferentes matrizes orgânicas: ácidos húmico, ácido cítrico e casca de café. O experimento foi realizado em laboratório, sendo adotado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Cada rocha foi misturada com cinco doses diferentes de cada matriz orgânica e as avaliações dos teores de K solubilizado foram realizadas, periodicamente, durante 180 dias. O teor de potássio solúvel foi determinado em função do emprego de solução de ácido cítrico a 2% e água, na fase de extração. Independentemente da matriz orgânica e de sua dose, o sienito nefelínico libera mais K que a glauconita. O K solubilizado aumenta com o acréscimo do tempo de incubação e sua liberação é maior, à medida que se eleva a dose da matriz orgânica. Há maior solubilização de K quando a palha de café é misturada às rochas potássicas em relação aos ácidos húmico e cítrico

    South American Rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus spp.) Envenomation in Dogs in the Semiarid Region of Brazil

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    Background:  South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus spp.) envenomation is rarely reported in small animals and livestock in Brazil. Minor swelling at the snakebite site, skeletal muscle, and renal damage, and severe neurological signs characterize the crotalic envenomation. This case report aims to present epidemiological, clinical, and pathological data of two cases of Crotalus durissus spp envenomation in dogs in the Northeast of Brazil.Cases: Envenomation by Crotalus durissus spp. was recorded in two dogs in Patos, State of Paraíba, Brazil. In Case 1, the dog presented flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia, a deficit of cranial nerves, epistaxis, and gingival hemorrhages. Laboratory assay showed proteinuria, myoglobinuria, regenerative thrombocytopenia, and increased serum activities of creatine kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The dog was medicated with crotalic antivenom and wholly recovered from local and systemic clinical signs. In Case 2, the dog died and was detected fang marks at the ventral region of the left mandible (two small parallel perforations spaced 2.0 cm apart) at the snakebite site. Cyanosis of the oral cavity, congestion, and hemorrhages in several organs were observed at necropsy. Tubular nephrosis, muscular necrosis, hepatocytes swelling were observed. The owners witnessed snakebites, and the rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus spp.) identified by the rattle at the end portion of the tail in both cases. Discussion: Natural South American rattlesnake envenomation presents complex clinical signs that makes diagnosis a challenge for veterinary practitioners. The criteria for the correct diagnosis and observed in the two dogs include witness of the snakebite, identification of the snake, detection of fang marks, clinical-pathological findings, and therapeutic response to treatment with specific anti-venom. The dog’s owners did not identify the subspecies of rattlesnakes; however, Crotalus durissus cascavella and Crotalus durissus collilineatus are the only species found in the Northeast region of Brazil. Crotoxin is the primary toxic component of South American rattlesnake, which induces neuromuscular blockage, and neurological signs (skeletal muscle flaccid paralysis, apathy, hyporeflexia, cranial nerve deficits). These clinical signs are similar to those observed in the two dogs. Respiratory distress, cyanosis, pulmonary edema, and hemorrhage are secondary to respiratory muscle paralysis and also detected in a dog (Case 2) with crotalic envenomation. Minor local swelling at the snakebite site,  myotoxicity observed in both dogs (high serum activities of CK and AST - Case 1), degeneration and necrosis of muscle fibers - Case 2), and fang marks observed in Case 2, strengthen the diagnosis of Crotalus durissus envenomation. Nephrotoxicity was also detected in both dogs (increased specific gravity of urine - Case 1 and myoglobin deposition and degeneration of renal epithelial tubular cells - Case 2). Coagulative disorders and hepatotoxicity are infrequently in domestic animals and humans with crotalic envenomation. High serum activities of ALP and ALT in Case 1, and swelling of hepatocytes in Case 2, suggest liver damage associated with the crotalic envenomation. The differential diagnosis of South American rattlesnake envenomation should be included in dogs with acute neuromuscular flaccid paralysis, associated or not with bleeding disorders, myoglobinuria, and acute kidney injury

    Desenvolvimento de um motor eletromagnético radial / Development of an electromagnetic radial engine

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    As mudanças climáticas fazem com que o assunto desenvolvimento sustentável e o uso de fontes renováveis se tornem cada vez mais importante no progresso da nossa sociedade. A elaboração de um motor radial movido por solenoide que possua como principal fonte a eletricidade é apresentado como uma forma alternativa de se utilizar uma fonte limpa, renovável, que não emita gases poluentes na atmosfera e que reduza os custos já que, o combustível tem se tornado cada vez mais caro no Brasil. Devido ao início de uma nova revolução industrial denominada indústria 4.0, pode se observar que o assunto preservação ambiental e uso de fontes limpas tem sido os principais temas, devido a grande maioria dos combustíveis utilizados não serem de fonte renováveis. A junção de diversos fatores vem tornado estudos como esses de grande importância social, o que ultimamente vem sendo tema de artigos e pesquisas em diversas empresas mostrando que a transição de veículos movidos a combustão por veículos elétricos se tornará gradativamente parte da nossa realidade simplesmente por não emitirem gases tóxicos ao nosso ambiente. 

    The contribution of the participatory guarantee system in the revival of agroecological principles in southern Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Market pressures generated by the demand for organic food have pushed farmers to turn away from agroecological principles, which leads to actions focused directly on the agricultural practices for production. The objective of this study was to analyze whether the methodology used by the Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) contributes to farmers' appropriation of agroecological principles, understood here in their environmental, sociocultural, economic, and political dimensions. We analyzed the PGS-Sul de Minas, which was the first PGS founded in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil and includes 14 organizations and more than 200 families. Documentary analysis and participant observation were prioritized in data collection. The main results are the correlation between the practices used by the farmers in these organizations with the principles of agroecology. This is evident in aspects such as the encouragement of productive diversification, the construction of new marketing alternatives, the revival and use of heirloom seeds, the stimulation of women's leadership, and places and policies that support and strengthen agroecology. The study found that the procedures adopted by the PGSs help strengthen agroecology and bring direct benefits to the farmers through revival and encouragement of agroecological principles1117COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESsem informaçã

    Influence Of Bromopride In The Prophylaxis Of Nausea Associated With Fluorescein Angiography.

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    To determine the efficacy of bromopride in the prophylaxis of nausea during fluorescein angiography, when compared with a placebo. The study was a double-masked random clinical trial, between December of 2004 and April of 2005. Examinations were performed with 20% intravenous fluorescein sodium in a single dose of 2.5 ml. The patients were divided into two groups: group 1, patients who received a 2 ml intravenous dose of 5 mg/ml bromopride and group 2, patients who received a 2 ml intravenous dose of 0.9% sodium chloride (placebo), both 20 minutes before the dye injection. Cases of nausea were observed during and after the examination. 352 patients were enrolled, 176 in each group. Cases of nausea were observed in 12 (6.8%) patients of the bromopride group and in 11 (6.3%) patients of the placebo group (p<0.829 - relative risk=1.05). Bromopride did not prevent the occurrence of nausea in fluorescein angiography, when compared with a placebo.70105-

    Phylogenetic classification and clinical aspects of a new putative Deltapapillomavirus associated with skin lesions in cattle

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    Bovine papillomaviruses (BPVs) are recognized as causal agents of benign and malignant tumors in cattle. Thirteen types of BPVs have already been described and classified into 3 distinct genera. Divergences in the nucleotide sequence of the L1 gene are used to identify new viral types through the employment of PCR assays with degenerated primers. in the present study, a method for identifying BPVs based on PCR-RFLP and DNA sequencing allowed the identification of a new putative Deltapapillomavirus, designated JN/3SP (JQ280500.1). the analysis of the L1 gene showed that this strain was most closely related to the BPVs -1, -2, -13, and OaPV1 (71-73% genetic similarity). in this study, we describe the detection of this new putative Deltapapillomavirus type and verify its phylogenetic position within the genus.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Inst Butantan, Lab Genet, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Programa Posgrad Biol Estrutural & Func, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Programa Posgrad Interunidades Biotecnol, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Pernambuco, Dept Bot, Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Fed Integracao Latino Amer, Dept Biol, Foz Do Iguacu, PR, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Programa Posgrad Biol Estrutural & Func, São Paulo, BrazilCNPq: 402539/2011-7CNPq: 554816/2006-7Web of Scienc

    Clinical Usefulness of Coronary Angiography in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction

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    Background: Performing a coronary angiography in patients with heart failure of unknown etiology is often justified by the diagnostic assessment of ischemic heart disease. However, the clinical benefit of this strategy is not known. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of ischemic heart disease by angiographic criteria in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction of unknown etiology, as well as its impact on therapy decisions. Methods: Consecutive outpatients with heart failure and systolic dysfunction, who had an indication for coronary angiography to clarify the etiology of heart disease were assessed from 1 January 2009 to December 31, 2010. Patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease, positive serology for Chagas disease, congenital heart disease, valve disease or patients undergoing cardiac transplantation were excluded from the analysis. The sample was divided into two groups according to the indication for catheterization. Group-1: Symptomatic due to angina or heart failure. Group-2: Presence of &gt;= 2 risk factors for coronary artery disease Results: One hundred and seven patients were included in the analysis, with 51 (47.7%) patients in Group 1 and 56 (52.3%) in Group 2. The prevalence of ischemic heart disease was 9.3% (10 patients), and all belonged to Group 1 (p = 0.0001). During follow-up, only 4 (3.7%) were referred for CABG; 3 (2.8%) patients had procedure-related complications. Conclusion: In our study, coronary angiography in patients with heart failure and systolic dysfunction of unknown etiology, although supported by current guidelines, did not show benefits when performed only due to the presence of risk factors for coronary artery disease. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;98(5):437-441