86 research outputs found

    Chemical and antimicrobial analysis of husk fiber aqueous extract from Cocos nucifera L.

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    Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae) is a widely distributed species around the tropical areas. Popular uses have been reported in the treatment of arthritis and diarrhea. This study evaluates the antimicrobial activity of husk fiber aqueous extract from C. nucifera and performed the identification of some biological active substances. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against human pathogen microorganisms was determined. Chromatographic and spectrometric procedures were also performed to isolate and identify the components present in the extract. In the MIC assay of crude aqueous extract, only the methicillin sensible and the resistant (MRSA) Staphylococcus aureus strains were susceptible at 156 μg/mL. The ethyl acetate partition taken from crude extract was more promising (MIC of 78 μg/mL). No fungal growth inhibition was observed. Catechin, epicatechin, two procyanidin dimers and condensed tannins were found in the organic phase. In addition, gallic and ellagic acids were detected for the first time in C. nucifera husk fiber. Gallic acid showed MIC of 39 μg/mL and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) at 78 μg/mL. Ellagic acid was not active against the tested strains, as well as catechin and epicatechin. Additionally catechin, epicatechin, two procyanidin dimers and condensed tannins were also detected. The antimicrobial activity observed was selective to S. aureus strains.Keywords: Antimicrobial analyses, Cocos nucifera, arecaceae, ellagic acid, gallic acid, procyanidins, Staphylococcus aureus strainsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(18), pp. 2478-248

    Governança e Sustentabilidade: uma análise das empresas Vale e Petrobras

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    A governança corporativa, fundada nos princípios da isonomia, transparência, prestação de contas e responsabilidade social ganhou destaque devido sua importância para a sustentabilidade das empresas. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as ações estratégicas de governança dos relatórios de sustentabilidade de 2019, da Vale e da Petrobras. Portanto, esta pesquisa descritiva, qualitativa e documental, utilizou método comparativo, bem como a análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2011), com quatro categorias definidas a priori: transparência, equidade, prestação de contas e responsabilidade social. Os resultados indicaram que a frequência de associação das ações a ‘Transparência’ e a ‘Responsabilidade Social’ da Petrobrás foi mais de duas vezes maior do que da Vale e a frequência de ‘Equidade’ na Petrobrás foi seis vezes maior do que na Vale, a qual superou a Petrobrás em números absolutos apenas na categoria ‘Prestação de Contas’, cabendo destacar que, ‘Transparência’ destacou-se como o segundo mais relevante em ambas as empresas, com 37% do total das associações em cada uma

    Patterns of clozapine and other antipsychotics prescriptions in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia in community mental health centers in São Paulo, Brazil

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    Background Despite of its global underuse, clozapine is still the golden standard antipsychotic for patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS). Objective To evaluate the patterns of clozapine and other antipsychotic drugs prescription in TRS in community mental health centers in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods A multiple-choice questionnaire was applied to fifteen psychiatrists at five centers inquiring about patients’ clinical condition, adherence to oral treatment and current antipsychotic treatment. History of previous and current antipsychotic treatment was collected through medical chart review. Results Out of 442 schizophrenia patients, 103 (23.3%) fulfilled the criteria for TRS. Fifty-eight patients (56.3%) were receiving polypharmacy; 30 (29.1%) were on atypical antipsychotic monotherapy, 14 (13.6%) were on typical antipsychotic monotherapy, 25 (24.3%) were taking depot antipsychotic medication and only 22 (21.4%) were receiving clozapine. Discussion As well as in other parts of the world, many TRS patients (78.6%) receive other drugs instead of clozapine in São Paulo, the best evidence-based medication for patients with TRS. The government should make every effort to provide medical training and the equipment and logistic support to adequately serve those who could benefit from clozapine treatment at the community health centers

    Antibacterial Effect of Photodynamic Therapy on Root Canal Disinfection Combined with Different Irrigation Protocols

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    Introduction: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an emerging alternative therapy to conventional endodontic treatment to optimize bacterial elimination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antibacterial effect of PDT combined with different irrigation protocols on root canals inoculated with Enterococcus (E.) faecalis. Methods and Materials: Ninety uni-radicular human premolars were prepared and contaminated with E. faecalis for 4 days. Teeth were randomly divided into six groups: positive control group (C+) consisted of conventional needle irrigation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl); negative control group (C-) consisted of no treatment after contamination; PDT group as treated with 0.005% methylene blue and diode laser irradiation for 90 sec at wavelength of 660 nm, energy of 9 Joules, power of 100 mW; the fourth group consisted of  NaOCl+PDT, the fifth group were treated with passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) with NaOCl+PDT (PUI+PDT); and the final group were treated with XP Endo Finisher with NaOCl+PDT (XP Endo+PDT). The contents of the root canals were collected with sterile absorbent paper points at two times: before and 24 h after decontamination protocols. The number of colony-forming units (CFU) was determined for each root canal. ANOVA and the Tukey test were used, with significance set at 5% (P<0.05). Results: The inhibition percentage ranged from 10.72 (C-) to 100% (XP Endo+PDT), with CFU/mL counts differing among all protocols tested (P<0.05). The different protocols significantly influenced bacterial inhibition (P<0.05). However, the XP Endo+PDT protocol resulted in the highest inhibition percentage (100%), followed by NaOCl+PDT (65.85%). Conclusions: PDT combined with different final irrigation protocols was more effective in inhibiting E. faecalis growth than photodynamic therapy alone. XP Endo was the best irrigation protocol to eradicate this microorganism.Keywords: Biofilm; Endodontics; Enterococcus faecalis; Photodynamic Therap

    Consumo voluntário e ingestão de nutrientes em Psephotus haematonotus (Red Rumped) alimentados com ração comercial e sementes

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    Avaliou-se consumo voluntário e estimou-se ingestão de nutrientes por Psephotus haematonotus frente à oferta de diferentes alimentos. Foram distribuídas 21 aves em três tratamentos e sete repetições sendo T1: Ração extrusada (RE), girassol (G), alpiste (A) e painço (P); T2: RE+A+P; T3: RE. Foram determinados os teores de matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), matéria mineral (MM), cálcio (Ca), fósforo (P) e energia bruta (EB) para cada alimento, bem como foi estimada a ingestão total (IT) de MS, nutrientes (g/dia) e EB (kcal/dia/kg) feita pelas aves.  Verificou-se diferença (pT1 (6,10; 4,73; 2,74g MS/ave/dia, respectivamente). A ITEE diferiu entre os tratamentos (p T2 (0,467; 0,638; 0,155g EE/MS/dia). Houve diferença para ITEB (p=0,004), onde T3>T2>T1 (26,8; 19,99; 15,35g kcal/kg/dia), e ITPB (pT2 e T1 (0,81; 0,58; 0,40g PB/MS/dia). Para ITCa (p=0,001) e ITP (p T1 e T2 (0,007; 0,021g Ca/MS/dia e 0,01; 0,013g P/MS/dia respectivamente). A oferta de diferentes alimentos resultou em maior consumo de MS proveniente de sementes em relação ao vindo de RE, demonstrando que, possivelmente, frente a livre oferta de sementes, as aves consomem alimentos mais palatáveis, sendo incapazes de balancear sua dieta pela ingestão de nutrientes

    Acute effects of physical exercise in type 2 diabetes: A review

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    Abstract The literature has shown the efficiency of exercise in the control of type 2 diabetes (T2D), being suggested as one of the best kinds of non-pharmacological treatments for its population. Thus, the scientific production related to this phenomenon has growing exponentially. However, despite its advances, still there is a lack of studies that have carried out a review on the acute effects of physical exercise on metabolic and hemodynamic markers and possible control mechanisms of these indicators in individuals with T2D, not to mention that in a related way, these themes have been very little studied today. Therefore, the aim of this study was to organize and analyze the current scientific production about the acute effects of physical exercise on metabolic and hemodynamic markers and possible control mechanisms of these indicators in T2D individuals. For such, a research with the following keywords was performed: -exercise; diabetes and post-exercise hypotension; diabetes and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption; diabetes and acute effects in PUBMED, SCIELO and HIGHWIRE databases. From the analyzed studies, it is possible to conclude that, a single exercise session can promote an increase in the bioavailability of nitric oxide and elicit decreases in postexercise blood pressure. Furthermore, the metabolic stress from physical exercise can increase the oxidation of carbohydrate during the exercise and keep it, in high levels, the post exercise consumption of O², this phenomenon increases the rate of fat oxidation during recovery periods after exercise, improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity and reduces glycemia between 2-72 h, which seems to be dependent on the exercise intensity and duration of the effort. Key words: Metabolic diseases; Hypertension; Nitric oxide; Blood glucose; Oxygen consumption Core tip: Physical exercise is one of the best kinds of non-pharmacological treatments to prevent and control type 2 diabetes (T2D), being recommended by important medical associations, such as American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association. In the literature, studies about the effects of a single exercise session on the population, its changes in blood pressure, glycemia, carbohydrate oxidation, fat oxidation, increase in nitric oxide and others are increasing exponentially. In this review, we report the most recent and important findings in the literature about the ef- REVIEW Submit

    Early mobilization in children with pneumonia in mechanical ventilation: randomized clinical trial

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    Immobility in the bed of pediatric patients in intensive care units increases the risk of morbidities such as pneumonia, with consequences for autonomic function. Physiotherapy based on physical exercise is part of the rehabilitation process and can modify autonomic function. To compare the effects of two physical therapy protocols, one conventional and the other based on physical exercise, on heart rate variability, length of stay and invasive mechanical ventilation in children with ventilator-associated pneumonia. This is a randomized clinical trial, the volunteers were divided into a control group (submitted to a physiotherapy protocol with only breathing exercises and passive mobilization) and an experimental group (submitted to a physiotherapy protocol based on physical exercise). Patients aged 1 to 8 years, on invasive mechanical ventilation, with pneumonia were included. The rehabilitation protocol took place for 4 consecutive days. The collection of heart rate variability occurred in the pre-protocol period, on the 2nd day, 1 day after the end of the protocol. 25 patients completed the study. There was a reduction in the time of invasive mechanical ventilation in the experimental group (p = 0.01). There was an improvement in the heart rate variability of the experimental group in all indices (p < 0.01). The post-protocol analysis of the groups showed significant values in all variables (p < 0.05). Exercise-based physical therapy protocol improved autonomic heart rate modulation and reduced IMV time in children with ventilator-associated pneumonia
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