99 research outputs found

    Technological cooperation network in biotechnology: Analysis of patents with Brazil as the priority country

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    Purpose – The establishment of partnerships between companies, government and universities aims to enhance innovation and the technological development of institutions. The biotechnology sector has grown in recent years mainly driven by its cooperative business model. Compared to other countries, this sector is slowly advancing in Brazil, with delays in science, technology and innovation, especially in the private sector. This paper aims to examine, through social network analysis, the collaborative networks between institutions that filed patents in biotechnology – medicinal preparations from plants – whose inventions had Brazil as the priority country. Design/methodology/approach – The study of technological cooperation using patent documents is a reliable approach as they serve as good indicators of the interactions between organizations that focus on innovation and development of new product. Social network analysis of cooperation networks helps to understand the connections between patent assignees, and how they establish relationships. Findings – Results show that public universities are the institutions that most deposit patents, as well as those that co-operate the most, especially Universidade of Campinas. The study also reveals the critical role of Research Support Agencies in stimulating research and technological development, which result in new technologies. Originality/value – The study applied the social network analysis to provide an overview of the interactions among Brazilian institutions with the purpose of helping in decision-making and inciting public policies to leverage the biotechnology sector

    Fabrication of a removable partial denture of injectable poly (ether-ether-ketone) (PEEK) made partially by a digital workflow: case report

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    The introduction of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing in rehabilitation with removable partial denture, enabled the emergence of new methods of fabrication of the framework and materials. In view of this, polyether-ether-ketone appears as an alternative to Cobalt-Chromium, due to its aesthetic properties, high resistance and for being non-allergic. In this sense, the present study aimed to report a clinical case where the framework of a removable partial denture was manufactured from a digital workflow, using polyether-ether-ketone as the material of choice, compared to a removable partial denture made with a cobalt-chromium framework. In this case, it was possible to perceive that the use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing technology for the construction of a removable partial denture framework of polyether-ether-ketone resulted in a denture with adequate adaptation and good aesthetics. Patient satisfaction, comfort, retention, number of follow-up sessions, masticatory performance and quality of life were evaluated. Compared with the conventional denture, the polyether-ether-ketone framework denture provided better satisfaction and comfort. Both prostheses showed similar results in terms of masticatory performance and in terms of quality of life, however the polyether-ether-ketone framework denture showed better results. In conclusion, polyether-ether-ketone proved to be a viable material for making removable partial denture framework. However, controlled and randomized clinical trials are needed to demonstrate the benefits of this treatment as an alternative in relation to the conventional denture

    Effects of a single bout of power exercise training on ambulatory blood pressure in older adults with hypertension : a randomized controlled crossover study

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of a single bout of power exercise training (PT) on office and ambulatory blood pressure (BP). Methods: Twenty-four older adults with essential hypertension participated in two experimental sessions in a randomized order: the PT composed of 3 sets of 8–10 repetitions in 5 power training exercises and the non- exercise control at seated rest (Con). Both experimental sessions lasted 40 min. Office BP was measured continuously for 1 h in the laboratory and 24 h BP through ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Results: Compared with Con, office systolic/diastolic BP decreased after PT (Systolic BP: 10 mmHg, p<0.001; Diastolic BP: 4 mmHg, p=0.015). A trend toward decrease (p=0.06) was found in diastolic ambulatory BP during daytime (2 mmHg; p=0.062) and nighttime (3 mmHg; p=0.063) after PT. No differences were found between PT and Con sessions for systolic and mean ambulatory BP. Conclusion: A single bout of PT decreases office BP but this hypotensive effect is not sustained under ambulatory conditions in older patients with essential hypertension

    Análise da cadeia produtiva do látex na comunidade Maguari, Belterra, Pará, sob a perspectiva da inovação schumpeteriana

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar como a inovaçãoschumpeteriana está presente na cadeia produtiva do látex na comunidade Maguari,localizada na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, em Belterra (PA), utilizandocomo método de pesquisa o estudo de caso do Projeto Couro Ecológico, e dastécnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e levantamento de campo. Comoresultados, tem-se um impacto positivo para a comunidade, em decorrência dainovação no processo de beneficiamento da borracha local que amplia os rendimentosdos extrativistas tradicionais, ao obter maior valor agregado, trazendonovas alternativas para esses grupos

    Sex differences in post-exercise hypotension, ambulatory blood pressure variability, and endothelial function after a power training session in older adults

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    Background: The efficacy of power training (PT) to acutely reduce blood pressure (BP) in participants with hypertension is controversial, and no studies have assessed the influence of sex on post-exercise hypotension and its mechanisms in older adults. Purpose: The aims of this secondary, exploratory analysis were to compare the effects of a single bout of PT on post-exercise hypotension, BP variability, and endothelial function between older men and women with hypertension. Methods: Twenty-four participants with hypertension (12 men and 12 women aged to >60 years old) took part in this crossover study and randomly performed two experimental sessions: power exercise training (PT) and non-exercising control session (Con). The PT protocol was composed of 3 sets of 8–10 repetitions of five exercises performed in the following order: leg press, bench press, knee extension, upright row, and knee flexion, using an intensity corresponding to 50% of one repetition maximal test (1RM) and 2-min intervals between sets and exercises. The concentric phase of exercises during each repetition was performed “as fast as possible,” while the eccentric phase lasted 1 to 2 s. During Con, the participants remained at seated rest on the same exercise machines, but without any exercise. Each protocol lasted 40 min. Office BP, flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), 24-h ambulatory BP, and the average real variability (ARV) of systolic and diastolic BP were assessed before and after experimental sessions. Results: Comparing PT with Con, a reduced office BP after exercise was found in men (systolic BP—average post 1 h: −14 mmHg, p < 0.001; diastolic BP—average post 1 h: −8 mmHg, p < 0.001) and only a reduced systolic BP in women (average post 1 h: −7 mmHg, p = 0.04). Comparing men and women, a reduced systolic BP (post 60': −15 mmHg, p = 0.048; average post 1 h: −7 mmHg, p = 0.046) and diastolic BP (post 60': −9 mmHg, p = 0.049) after the first hour were found in men. In relation to 24-h ambulatory BP, ARV, and FMD, no statistically significant differences were found between men and women. Conclusion: In older adults with hypertension, the office BP response after the experimental sessions was different in men and women, showing that the PT protocol is more effective to acutely reduce BP in men. Additionally, the mechanisms behind this reduction remain unclear. This finding suggests that sex cannot be combined to analyze post-exercise hypotension

    La fotografía como herramienta auxiliar para el Diseño: exploración de la visualidad en el proceso proyectual

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    Photography and design are disciplines that deal directly with visuality. In summary, we can consider that both areas promote multiple discourses about the compositional elements of the image, whether in the case of design, considering the promotion of coding of signs/symbols, or in the case of photography, which links with the registration of these signifiers. In this way, the article proposed here aims to consider the integration of photography helping in the project paths within the design, where methodological tools for visual research can be discussed. Aspects of integration and characteristics that permeate the fields are discussed. From this, we observe the active participation of contemporary technologies around digital, photography with mobile resources, and instantaneous, can be effectively incorporated in the new paradigms around the current design.Fotografia e design são disciplinas que lidam diretamente com a visualidade. Em síntese, podemos considerar que ambas as áreas promovem discursos múltiplos acerca dos elementos compositivos da imagem, seja no caso do design considerando a promoção da codificação de signos/símbolos, ou no caso da fotografia, que liga com o registro desses significantes. Desse modo, o artigo aqui proposto visa considerar a integração da fotografia auxiliando nos percursos de projeto dentro do design, onde podem ser discutidas ferramentas metodológicas para a pesquisa visual. São comentados os aspectos de integração e características que permeiam os campos. Disso, observamos a participação ativa das tecnologias contemporâneas em volta do digital, a fotografia com recursos mobile, e instantânea, pode se incorporar efetivamente nos novos paradigmas em volta do design atual.La fotografía y el diseño son disciplinas que se ocupan directamente de la visualidad. En resumen, podemos considerar que ambas áreas promueven múltiples discursos sobre los elementos compositivos de la imagen, ya sea en el caso del diseño, considerando la promoción de la codificación de signos/símbolos, o en el caso de la fotografía, que se vincula con el registro de estos significantes. De esta manera, el artículo aquí propuesto tiene como objetivo considerar la integración de la fotografía ayudando en los caminos del proyecto dentro del diseño, donde se pueden discutir herramientas metodológicas para la investigación visual. Se discuten aspectos de integración y características que permean los campos. A partir de esto, observamos la participación activa de las tecnologías contemporáneas en torno a lo digital, la fotografía con recursos móviles e instantáneos, pueden incorporarse de manera efectiva a los nuevos paradigmas en torno al diseño actual

    South American Expert Roundtable : increasing adaptive governance capacity for coping with unintended side effects of digital transformation

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    This paper presents the main messages of a South American expert roundtable (ERT) on the unintended side effects (unseens) of digital transformation. The input of the ERT comprised 39 propositions from 20 experts representing 11 different perspectives. The two-day ERT discussed the main drivers and challenges as well as vulnerabilities or unseens and provided suggestions for: (i) the mechanisms underlying major unseens; (ii) understanding possible ways in which rebound effects of digital transformation may become the subject of overarching research in three main categories of impact: development factors, society, and individuals; and (iii) a set of potential action domains for transdisciplinary follow-up processes, including a case study in Brazil. A content analysis of the propositions and related mechanisms provided insights in the genesis of unseens by identifying 15 interrelated causal mechanisms related to critical issues/concerns. Additionally, a cluster analysis (CLA) was applied to structure the challenges and critical developments in South America. The discussion elaborated the genesis, dynamics, and impacts of (groups of) unseens such as the digital divide (that affects most countries that are not included in the development of digital business, management, production, etc. tools) or the challenge of restructuring small- and medium-sized enterprises (whose service is digitally substituted by digital devices). We identify specific issues and effects (for most South American countries) such as lack of governmental structure, challenging geographical structures (e.g., inclusion in high-performance transmission power), or the digital readiness of (wide parts) of society. One scientific contribution of the paper is related to the presented methodology that provides insights into the phenomena, the causal chains underlying “wanted/positive” and “unwanted/negative” effects, and the processes and mechanisms of societal changes caused by digitalization

    Análise Técnico-Econômica dos Métodos Construtivos de Paredes Diafragmas Moldadas In Loco, Estacas-Prancha e Estacas Secantes

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    Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo técnico e, sobretudo, econômico, sobre os métodos de contenção de parede diafragma moldada in loco, estaca-prancha e estaca secante em obras de infraestrutura urbana e turísticas localizadas no município de Fortaleza, capital do Ceará. O estudo de caso analisou os custos relacionados à construção e às suas manutenções preventivas periódicas além de aspectos técnicos e executivos dos métodos utilizados nas obras do Túnel da Avenida Santos Dumont com Via Expressa, do Acquário Ceará e do Túnel da Rotatória da Arena Castelão. Apesar de possuir maiores vantagens técnicas, a estaca secante ainda é um processo de execução com custo significativamente superior ao da parede diafragma moldada in loco. Sendo assim, por razões de viabilidade econômica e, ainda sendo um ótimo método de contenção, a parede diafragma moldada in loco se torna o método mais vantajoso