190 research outputs found

    Ficções, “facções” e poder: olhares para a área de Educação Física a partir da obra “Divergente”

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    Ao visualizar possíveis aproximações entre a produção distópica “Divergente”, de Verônica Roth, e algumas das formulações teóricas de Elias, Foucault e Gumbrecht, o presente ensaio procura lançar alguns olhares para o campo da Educação Física. Trata-se de um manuscrito construído a partir do método descritivo-analítico, de caráter interpretativo, com a utilização de fontes documentais para o embasamento teórico-filosófico das análises realizadas. O diálogo entre uma obra do gênero da literatura distópica e clássicos da literatura acadêmica possibilitaram profícuas reflexões. O ensaio aponta, de maneira análoga à literatura young-adult analisada, que o desgaste das relações entre as “facções” da Educação Física pode ser um fator desencadeador do aparecimento de produções acadêmicas e pesquisadores “divergentes”, isto é, dispostos a superar polarizações e fragmentações historicamente hegemônicas na área.

    Portuguese recommendations for the treatment of atopic dermatitis with biologic therapy and JAK inhibitors in adult patients

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    Funding Information: Disclosure and potential conflicts of interest: TT has received research grants and/or consulting fees from AbbVie, Almirall, Amgen, Arena Pharmaceuticals, Biocad, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Janssen, LEO Pharma, MSD, Novartis, Pfizer, Samsung-Bioepis, Sandoz and Sanofi. MG has received research grants and/or consulting fees from Abbvie, Leo, Lilly, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi and Takeda. MJPL has received research grants and/or consulting fees from AbbVie, Almirall, Janssen, Leo-Pharma, Lilly, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi and Viatris. CC has received research grants and/or consulting fees from Janssen, Sanofi-Genzyme, Procter&Gamble, Astellas, Galderma, Leo-Pharma and Mylan. MS has received research grants and/or consulting fees from Janssen, Novartis and Pfizer. PMB has received research grants and/ or consulting fees from AbbVie, Pfizer, Janssen, LEO Pharma, Novartis, Sanofi, Teva, Bayer and L’Oreal. LR, JR, RC, AM and PF have no conflicts of interest to declare. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Potential Conflicts of Interests form for the authors is available for download at: https://www.drugsincontext.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/dic.2021-9-5-COI.pdf Publisher Copyright: Copyright: Copyright © 2021 Torres T, Gonçalo M, Paiva Lopes MJ, Claro C, Ramos L, Selores M, Mendes Bastos P, Rocha J, Carvalho R, Mota A, Filipe P on Behalf of the Atopic Dermatitis Group of the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology. Published by Drugs in Context under Creative Commons License Deed CC BY NC ND 4.0 which allows anyone to copy, distribute and transmit the article provided it is properly attributed in the manner specified below. No commercial use without permission.Atopic dermatitis is a highly prevalent chronic, immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease with a significant burden on patients, families and healthcare systems. This article presents recommendations developed by the Atopic Dermatitis Group of the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology addressing several clinical questions that arise in the management and care of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis with biologic agents and Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors based on the available evidence. The recommendations were generated after a thorough evaluation of existing guidelines on the treatment of atopic dermatitis, publications concerning new biologics and JAK inhibitors not yet incorporated into existing guidelines, and expert-based recommendations. It also includes considerations on atopic dermatitis severity, indications for initiating biologic agents and JAK inhibitors, parameters to be considered in the treatment choice, in particular treatment goals, and recommendations for the use, screening and monitoring of these therapies.publishersversionpublishe

    a living systematic review

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    Background: Hamstrings injuries are common in sports and the reinjury risk is high. Despite the extensive literature on hamstrings injuries, the efectiveness of the diferent conservative (i.e., non-surgical) interventions (i.e., modalities and doses) for the rehabilitation of athletes with acute hamstrings injuries is unclear. Objective: We aimed to compare the efects of diferent conservative interventions in time to return to sport (TRTS) and/or time to return to full training (TRFT) and reinjury-related outcomes after acute hamstrings injuries in athletes. Data Sources: We searched CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science databases up to 1 January, 2022, complemented with manual searches, prospective citation tracking, and consultation of external experts. Eligibility Criteria: the eligibility criteria were multi-arm studies (randomized and non-randomized) that compared conservative treatments of acute hamstrings injuries in athletes. Data Analysis: We summarized the characteristics of included studies and conservative interventions and analyzed data for main outcomes (TRTS, TRFT, and rate of reinjuries). The risk of bias was judged using the Cochrane tools. Quality and completeness of reporting of therapeutic exercise programs were appraised with the i-CONTENT tool and the certainty of evidence was judged using the GRADE framework. TRTS and TRFT were analyzed using mean diferences and the risk of reinjury with relative risks. Results Fourteen studies (12 randomized and two non-randomized) comprising 730 athletes (mostly men with ages between 14 and 49 years) from diferent sports were included. Nine randomized studies were judged at high risk and three at low risk of bias, and the two non-randomized studies were judged at critical risk of bias. Seven randomized studies compared exercise-based interventions (e.g., L-protocol vs C-protocol), one randomized study compared the use of low-level laser therapy, and three randomized and two non-randomized studies compared injections of platelet-rich plasma to placebo or no injection. These low-level laser therapy and platelet-rich plasma studies complemented their interventions with an exercise program. Only three studies were judged at low overall risk of inefectiveness (i-CONTENT). No single intervention or combination of interventions proved superior in achieving a faster TRTS/TRFT or reducing the risk of reinjury. Only eccentric lengthening exercises showed limited evidence in allowing a shorter TRFT. The platelet-rich plasma treatment did not consistently reduce the TRFT or have any efect on the risk of new hamstrings injuries. The certainty of evidence was very low for all outcomes and comparisons. Conclusions: Available evidence precludes the prioritization of a particular exercise-based intervention for athletes with acute hamstrings injuries, as diferent exercise-based interventions showed comparable efects on TRTS/TRFT and the risk of reinjuries. Available evidence also does not support the use of platelet-rich plasma or low-level laser therapy in clinical practice. The currently available literature is limited because of the risk of bias, risk of inefectiveness of exercise protocols (as assessed with the i-CONTENT), and the lack of comparability across existing studies. Clinical Trial Registration PROSPERO CRD42021268499 and OSF (https://osf.io/3k4u2/).9513-E3E4-C5C9 | Sílvia Fernanda Rocha RodriguesN/


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    Objetivo: avaliar a capacidade funcional de idosos de acordo o WHODAS 2.0. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, de corte transversal e levantamento de campo, realizado na Estratégia de Saúde da Família, em janeiro de 2019, com 129 idosos de uma cidade do interior da Bahia, localizada na região centro-sul da Bahia. Foi utilizado um questionário com avaliação sócio demográfica, econômica e condições de saúde, o MEEM para avaliar a função cognitiva e WHODAS para avaliar o nível de funcionalidade dos idosos. A análise dos dados foi feito com auxílio do software Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Resultados: predomínio de idosos até 79 anos (80,6%), sexo feminino (75,5%), solteiras, divorciadas, viúvas, ou seja, a predominância de mulheres que vivem sem companheiro foi maior (57,4%), recebem 1 a 3 salários mínimos (58%). No estado geral de saúde, prevalência de idosos que a consideram boa (44,2%), nunca usam bebida alcoólica e cigarro, representam o mesmo percentual (85,3%). Em relação às doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, maior prevalência para hipertensão arterial sistêmica (37,2%), possuem a doença há mais de 10 anos (31%). Nos domínios do WHODAS as médias que de maior nível de incapacidade foram a participação na sociedade (12,66 ± 4,91), seguida de cognição (8,41 ± 2,92), e mobilidade (8,24 ± 4,88). E os menores índices de incapacidade foram em atividade da vida com (7,98 ± 7,70), autocuidado (5,00 ± 2,04) e relação interpessoal (4,90 ± 1,57). Já sobre a classificação geral composta por moderada, grave e completa, houve dificuldade moderada (69%) e dificuldade grave (27,9%). Houve correlação significativa entre os domínios Cognição e Autocuidado tanto para os homens (r 0,644) quanto para as mulheres (r 0,684). Na correlação geral os domínios Mobilidade (r 0,756), Participação na sociedade (r 0,774) tiveram correlação significativa e positiva com a Classificação geral no WHODAS. Considerações finais: este estudo reforça a importância de trabalhos voltados ao processo de envelhecimento e a sua relação com a funcionalidade, contemplando os indivíduos de maneira holística, contribuindo assim para a melhoria e desenvolvimento de cuidados na perspectiva da saúde dessa população

    Desafios e perspectivas de um comitê de ética em pesquisa do Sul do Brasil: relato da experiência de Porto Alegre

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    The Research Ethics Committees have the role of protecting the rights of human beings in the midst of scientific research, guaranteeing ethics and the reduction of risks and damages. In this context, the Research Ethics Committee was created in Porto Alegre in 2005. It is a consultative, deliberative and educational collegiate body responsible for analyzing research projects involving municipal public services. This article presents the experience of this Committee, through its trajectory, frequent ethical issues and future perspectives. Its advances in these two decades of existence in guaranteeing ethics in research carried out in the municipality are remarkable, as well as there is clarity of future paths and the needs for the continuity of these actions.Os Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa possuem o papel de proteger os direitos dos seres humanos em meio a realização de pesquisas científicas, garantindo-lhes a ética e a redução de riscos e de danos. Neste contexto foi instituído em Porto Alegre, em 2005, o Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Trata-se de um órgão colegiado consultivo, deliberativo e educativo responsável pela análise de projetos de pesquisa envolvendo os serviços públicos municipais. Este artigo apresenta a experiência deste Comitê, através de sua trajetória, pendências éticas frequentes e perspectivas futuras.  São notáveis seus avanços nestas duas décadas de existência na garantia da ética nas pesquisas realizadas no município, assim como há clareza dos caminhos futuros e das necessidades para a continuidade destas ações

    Identification of strain-specific B-cell epitopes in Trypanosoma cruzi using genome-scale epitope prediction and high-throughput immunoscreening with peptide arrays

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    BACKGROUND: The factors influencing variation in the clinical forms of Chagas disease have not been elucidated; however, it is likely that the genetics of both the host and the parasite are involved. Several studies have attempted to correlate the T. cruzi strains involved in infection with the clinical forms of the disease by using hemoculture and/or PCR-based genotyping of parasites from infected human tissues. However, both techniques have limitations that hamper the analysis of large numbers of samples. The goal of this work was to identify conserved and polymorphic linear B-cell epitopes of T. cruzi that could be used for serodiagnosis and serotyping of Chagas disease using ELISA. METHODOLOGY: By performing B-cell epitope prediction on proteins derived from pair of alleles of the hybrid CL Brener genome, we have identified conserved and polymorphic epitopes in the two CL Brener haplotypes. The rationale underlying this strategy is that, because CL Brener is a recent hybrid between the TcII and TcIII DTUs (discrete typing units), it is likely that polymorphic epitopes in pairs of alleles could also be polymorphic in the parental genotypes. We excluded sequences that are also present in the Leishmania major, L. infantum, L. braziliensis and T. brucei genomes to minimize the chance of cross-reactivity. A peptide array containing 150 peptides was covalently linked to a cellulose membrane, and the reactivity of the peptides was tested using sera from C57BL/6 mice chronically infected with the Colombiana (TcI) and CL Brener (TcVI) clones and Y (TcII) strain. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: A total of 36 peptides were considered reactive, and the cross-reactivity among the strains is in agreement with the evolutionary origin of the different T. cruzi DTUs. Four peptides were tested against a panel of chagasic patients using ELISA. A conserved peptide showed 95.8% sensitivity, 88.5% specificity, and 92.7% accuracy for the identification of T. cruzi in patients infected with different strains of the parasite. Therefore, this peptide, in association with other T. cruzi antigens, may improve Chagas disease serodiagnosis. Together, three polymorphic epitopes were able to discriminate between the three parasite strains used in this study and are thus potential targets for Chagas disease serotyping