916 research outputs found

    Temporal dynamics and pathophysiology of the edematous response after acute myocardial infarction: a translational journey

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    Post-myocardial infarction tissue composition is highly dynamic and can be characterized by cardiac magnetic resonance, which has been used to assess surrogate outcomes and efficacy endpoints in many experimental and clinical studies. However, there is a paucity of studies tracking the temporal dynamics of these processes and analyzing their pathophysiology in a comprehensive manner. The experimental and clinical work contained in this dissertation shows that the degree and extent of post-myocardial infarction tissue composition changes (mainly edema; but also necrosis, hemorrhage and microvascular obstruction) as assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance are variable according to the time from infarction, duration of ischemia, cardioprotective strategies, and the interplay between them. These dynamic changes should be taken into consideration when performing image acquisition. Comparative studies should be performed at similar timings to avoid the bias of these dynamic changes. Thus, and in contrast to the accepted view, it is shown for the first time that myocardial edema in the week after ischemia/reperfusion is a bimodal phenomenon, both in pigs and humans. The initial wave of edema, appearing abruptly upon reperfusion and which is significantly attenuated at 24 hours, is due to the reperfusion process itself. The deferred wave of edema, appearing progressively days after ischemia/reperfusion and reaching a plateau between days 4 to 7, is mainly caused by the tissue healing processes. These findings highlight the need for standardizing experimental and clinical protocols for post-myocardial infarction tissue characterization aiming to quantify edema, myocardial area at risk, infarct size, myocardial salvage, intramyocardial hemorrhage and microvascular obstruction. The timeframe between day 4 and 7 post-infarction seems a good compromise solution according to translational data here presented. However, further studies and expert consensus are needed to stablish more precise recommendations

    Holographic quenches and anomalous transport

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    We study the response of the chiral magnetic effect due to continuous quenches induced by time dependent electric fields within holography. Concretely, we consider a holographic model with dual chiral anomaly and compute the electric current parallel to a constant, homogeneous magnetic field and a time dependent electric field in the probe approximation. We explicitly solve the PDEs by means of pseudospectral methods in spatial and time directions and study the transition to an universal "fast" quench response. Moreover, we compute the amplitudes, i.e.,~residues of the quasi normal modes, by solving the (ODE) Laplace transformed equations. We investigate the possibility of considering the asymptotic growth rate of the amplitudes as a well defined notion of initial time scale for linearized systems. Finally, we highlight the existence of Landau level resonances in the electrical conductivity parallel to a magnetic field at finite frequency and show explicitly that these only appear in presence of the anomaly. We show that the existence of these resonances induces, among others, a long-lived AC electric current once the electric field is switched off.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    The Effects Of Macroeconomic And Policy Uncertainty On Exchange Rate Risk Premium

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    The goal of this paper is to identify the main determinants of the risk premium in some European currency markets just before the EMU. To that extent, we start from Lucas (1982) exchange rate model and derive an analytical expression for the forward premium. This expression includes money and production variables and it is quite standard, except for the inclusion of macroeconomic policy risk. Under some standard assumptions, this formula simplifies substantially and becomes amenable to regression analysis. Then, using standard measures of money and production, as well as interest rate swaps as indicators of macroeconomic policy risk, the theoretical expression is estimated. We provide evidence suggesting that it is policy uncertainty, much more than fundamental macroeconomic uncertainty, which determined risk premium over the convergence process to the euro. Whether these results can be extended to similar experiences for other currency unions remains open for future research

    Symmetries of first-order Lovelock gravity

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    We apply the converse of Noether’s second theorem to the first-order n-dimensional Lovelock action, considering the frame rotation group as both SO (1, n − 1) or as SO(n). As a result, we get the well-known invariance under local Lorentz transformations or SO(n) transformations and diffeomorphisms, for odd- and even-dimensional manifolds. We also obtain the so-called ‘local translations’ with nonvanishing constant Λ for odd-dimensional manifolds when a certain relation among the coefficients of the various terms of the first-order Lovelock Lagrangian is satisfied. When this relation is fulfilled, we report the existence of a new gauge symmetry emerging from a Noether identity. In this case the fundamental set of gauge symmetries of the Lovelock action is composed by the new symmetry, local translations with Λ ≠ 0 and local Lorentz transformations or SO(n) transformations. The commutator algebra of this set closes with structure functions. We also get the invariance under local translations with Λ = 0 of the highest term of the Lovelock action in odd-dimensional manifolds. Furthermore, we report a new gauge symmetry for the highest term of the first-order Lovelock action for odd-dimensional manifolds. In this last case, the fundamental set of gauge symmetries can be considered as Poincaré or Euclidean transformations together with the new symmetry. The commutator algebra of this set also closes with structure functions

    Género y comercio sexual: perspectivas de una modelo de cámara web sobre el trabajo sexual

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    Este trabajo, explora algunas de las percepciones que ofrece una modelo de cámara web, acerca de lo que se conoce comúnmente como trabajo sexual. De esta manera, acudimos a una serie de propuestas teóricas correspondientes a distintas autoras que han asumido posturas respecto a ciertas controversias presentes alrededor del comercio sexual. Previo a esto, trazamos un breve compilado de ideas en torno a lo que se entiende por género, principalmente desde la perspectiva antropológica

    Prevención primordial para evitar la aparición de factores de riesgo: la infancia como ventana de oportunidad

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    XII Curso de Fisiopatología Cardiovacular. Madrid, 30 de noviembre - 1 de diciembre, 2018Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares; Sociedad Española de Cardiologí

    Phenotypic plasticity in Heliconius erato (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) mandibles induced by different host plants (Passifloraceae)

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    El objetivo fue analizar si el consumo de diferentes plantas influenciaba el tamaño/forma de las mandíbulas de larvas de lepidópteros oligófagas y si dicho consumo ocasionaba tasas de crecimiento diferenciadas entre el músculo aductor mandibular y las mandíbulas durante su ontogénesis. Para esto se usaron larvas de Heliconius erato criadas en cuatro plantas hospederas naturales, a las que se les tomaron medidas de longitud de cápsula cefálica, tamaño mandibular y área del músculo aductor. Para detectar eventuales diferencias de forma mandibular se empleó microscopía electrónica y morfometria geométrica, y para posibles cambios alométricos se realizaron comparaciones entre curvas de crecimiento mandíbula vs. músculo aductor de los individuos criados en las cuatro plantas hospederas. Se encontró que no existen diferencias de tamaño entre las mandíbulas ni en músculos aductores de individuos criados en las diferentes plantas pero la forma mandibular fue significativamente diferente, mostrando una relación directa con la planta hospedera usada como alimento. Generalmente, la mandíbula creció proporcionalmente más que el músculo aductor, cuyo crecimiento fue estable. El cambio más significativo fue el alargamiento de los dientes incisivos en mandíbulas de larvas criadas con Passiflora suberosa. Se sugiere que esto se debe a que las hojas de esta especie poseen mayor dureza comparadas con las otras y que el desarrollar dientes largos facilitaría su corte y consumo.This study aimed to test whether the consumption of different host plants influences the size and shape of mandibles and associated muscles in oligophagic insects throughout ontogeny. Larvae of Heliconius erato phyllis (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) were reared on four species of passion vines (Passifloraceae) and had the size of their head caspules, mandibles and associated adductor muscles measured afterward. Corresponding effects on shape and potential allometries in mandibles were also evaluted using geometric morphometric analysis based on scanning electron micrographs. Growth in mandibular size was greater compared to that of associated adductor muscles. There was no host plant effect on the sizes of either mandibles or adductor muscles. However, the shapes of mandibles was significantly different among passion vine species used as larval food. Greater differences in shape associated with wider teeth were obtained for Passiflora suberosa, whose leaves are tougher compared to those of P. misera, P. caerulea, and P. actinia; and, among which there was no difference in manbilular shape. Thus, it was inferred that the larval stage of this Heliconius species is able to adjust its mandible shape according to the toughness of host plants; a phenotypic plasticity mechanism that can be supposed to have evolved in order to facilitate processing these kinds of leaves
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