7 research outputs found

    Identification of novel cellular proteins that bind to the LC8 dynein light chain using a pepscan technique

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    AbstractDynein is a minus end-directed microtubule motor that serves multiple cellular functions. We have performed a fine mapping of the 8 kDa dynein light chain (LC8) binding sites throughout the development of a library of consecutive synthetic dodecapeptides covering the amino acid sequences of the various proteins known to interact with this dynein member according to the yeast two hybrid system. Two different consensus sequences were identified: GIQVD present in nNOS, in DNA cytosine methyl transferase and also in GKAP, where it is present twice in the protein sequence. The other LC8 binding motif is KSTQT, present in Bim, dynein heavy chain, Kid-1, protein 4 and also in swallow. Interestingly, this KSTQT motif is also present in several viruses known to associate with microtubules during retrograde transport from the plasma membrane to the nucleus during viral infection

    Recognition of novel viral sequences that associate with the dynein light chain LC8 identified through a pepscan technique

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    AbstractRecent data from multiple laboratories indicate that upon infection, many different families of viruses hijack the dynein motor machinery and become transported in a retrograde manner towards the cell nucleus. In certain cases, one of the dynein light chains, LC8, is involved in this interaction. Using a library of overlapping dodecapeptides synthesized on a cellulose membrane (pepscan technique) we have analyzed the interaction of the dynein light chain LC8 with 17 polypeptides of viral origin. We demonstrate the strong binding of two herpesvirus polypeptides, the human adenovirus protease, vaccinia virus polymerase, human papillomavirus E4 protein, yam mosaic virus polyprotein, human respiratory syncytial virus attachment glycoprotein, human coxsackievirus capsid protein and the product of the AMV179 gene of an insect poxvirus to LC8. Our data corroborate the manipulation of the dynein macromolecular complex of the cell during viral infection and point towards the light chain LC8 as one of the most frequently used targets of virus manipulation

    The African swine fever virus dynein-binding protein p54 induces infected cell apoptosis

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    AbstractA specific interaction of ASFV p54 protein with 8 kDa light chain cytoplasmic dynein (DLC8) has been previously characterized and this interaction is critical during virus internalization and transport to factory sites. During early phases of infection, the virus induces the initiation of apoptosis triggering activation of caspase-9 and -3. To analyze the role of the structural protein p54 in apoptosis, transient expression experiments of p54 in Vero cells were carried out which resulted in effector caspase-3 activation and apoptosis. Interestingly, p54 mutants, lacking the 13 aa dynein-binding motif lose caspase activation ability and pro-death function of p54. This is the first reported ASFV protein which induces apoptosis