319 research outputs found

    La televisión como espejo de la realidad del «bullying». Percepciones de los adolescentes sobre el programa «Proyecto Bullying»

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    Although bullying is a longstanding phenomenon, it is no less true that in the current information society there are clear indicators that have been subjected to greater communication treatment, ergo greater social and scientific attention. Likewise, the development of new technologies has caused school bullying to increase in the classroom with the use of digital media such as social networks or the fourth screen (smartphones and tablets). The present research aims to comparatively analyze the perceptions of 40 adolescents aged between 12 and 16 from four Spanish provinces (Lugo, Pamplona, Huelva and Badajoz) on the «Bullying Project» program of the «Cuatro» TV station through depth interviews. The results show that adolescents are aware of the problem of bullying. However, many are still those that show attenuation and vulnerability to the problem, avoiding the search for solutions and staying on the sidelines

    La televisión como espejo de la realidad del «bullying». Percepciones de los adolescentes sobre el programa «Proyecto Bullying»

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    Although bullying is a longstanding phenomenon, it is no less true that in the current information society there are clear indicators that have been subjected to greater communication treatment, ergo greater social and scientific attention. Likewise, the development of new technologies has caused school bullying to increase in the classroom with the use of digital media such as social networks or the fourth screen (smartphones and tablets). The present research aims to comparatively analyze the perceptions of 40 adolescents aged between 12 and 16 from four Spanish provinces (Lugo, Pamplona, Huelva and Badajoz) on the «Bullying Project» program of the «Cuatro» TV station through depth interviews. The results show that adolescents are aware of the problem of bullying. However, many are still those that show attenuation and vulnerability to the problem, avoiding the search for solutions and staying on the sidelines

    Television as a mirror of reality about bullying. Perceptions of adolescents about the «Bullying Project»

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    Si bien el acoso escolar (bullying) es un fenómeno de vieja data, no es menos cierto que en la actual sociedad de la información existen claros indicadores que ha sido sometido a mayor tratamiento comunicacional, ergo mayor atención social y científica. A su vez, el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías ha provocado que el acoso escolar aumente en las aulas con el uso de los medios digitales como redes sociales o las cuartas pantallas (smartphones y tablets). La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar comparativamente las percepciones de 40 adolescentes de entre 12 y 16 años de cuatro provincias españolas (Lugo, Pamplona, Huelva y Badajoz) sobre el programa «Proyecto Bullying» de la cadena «Cuatro» a través de entrevistas en profundidad. Los resultados demuestran que los adolescentes están concienciados con el problema del acoso escolar. Sin embargo, son muchos aun los que muestran atenuación y vulnerabilidad frente al problema, rehuyendo de la búsqueda de soluciones y manteniéndose al margenAlthough bullying is a longstanding phenomenon, it is no less true that in the current information society there are clear indicators that have been subjected to greater communication treatment, ergo greater social and scientific attention. Likewise, the development of new technologies has caused school bullying to increase in the classroom with the use of digital media such as social networks or the fourth screen (smartphones and tablets). The present research aims to comparatively analyze the perceptions of 40 adolescents aged between 12 and 16 from four Spanish provinces (Lugo, Pamplona, Huelva and Badajoz) on the «Bullying Project» program of the «Cuatro» TV station through depth interviews. The results show that adolescents are aware of the problem of bullying. However, many are still those that show attenuation and vulnerability to the problem, avoiding the search for solutions and staying on the sidelinesEste trabajo se ha elaborado en el marco de Alfamed (Red Interuniversitaria Euroamericana de Investigación en Competencias Mediáticas para la Ciudadanía), con el apoyo del Proyecto I+D+I Coordinado “Competencias mediáticas de la ciudadanía en medios digitales emergentes (smartphones y tablets): Prácticas innovadoras y estrategias educomunicativas en contextos múltiples” (EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R) (MINECO/FEDER), y de la “Red de Educación Mediática” del Programa Estatal de Investigación Científica-Técnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento (EDU2016-81772-REDT), financiados por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de EspañaS

    Noção da educomunicação nas organizaçoes inter-governamentais

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    Texto disponible en español e inglésLa presente investigación analiza la noción que tienen las principales organizaciones internacionales de carácter multilateral sobre el concepto de educomunicación (media literacy), mediante el extracto correlacional y análisis de contenido de base interpretativa de 2.648 unidades informativas de 12 organismos, tanto de carácter regional como transcontinental, entre los que se encuentran la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico, Liga Árabe, Organización Internacional de la Francofonía, Comunidad de Países de Lengua Portuguesa y Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos, Unión Africana, Unión Europea, Liga de los Estados Árabes, Comunidad de Estados Independientes, Organización de Estados Americanos, Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, Unión de Naciones Sudamericanas, Asociación de Naciones del Sureste Asiático, Consejo de Cooperación para los Estados Árabes del Golfo y Foro de las Islas del Pacífico. En cuanto a los principales resultados se evidencia que 83% organizaciones analizadas, salvo en la Comunidad de Países de Lengua Portuguesa y en la Unión Africana la convergencia del contexto educativo y comunicativo, específicamente se presenta bajo la terminología “educación mediática”, lo que influye en la formulación de políticas domésticas mediante el planteamiento de incentivos y restricciones que afectan la toma de decisiones a nivel gubernamental aludiendo al continuo cambio y la dinámica construcción de la identidadThis research analyzes the notion that the main international organizations of multilateral character have on the concept of educommunication (media literacy), by means of the correlational extract and analysis of content of interpretative base of 2.648 information units from 12 organizations, both regional and transcontinental, including the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Arab League, the International Organization of la Francophonie, the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries and the Organization of Ibero-American States, African Union, European Union, League of Arab States, Commonwealth of Independent States, Organization of American States, Commonwealth of Latin American and Caribbean States, Union of South American Nations, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and Pacific Islands Forum. Regarding the main results, it is evident that 83% of the organizations analyzed, except in the Community of Portuguese Language Countries and in the African Union, the convergence of the educational and communicative context, is specifically presented under the terminology “media education”, which influences the formulation of domestic policies through the proposal of incentives and restrictions that affect decision making at the governmental level, alluding to the continuous change and the dynamic construction of identityA presente investigação analisa a noção que tem as principais organizações internacionais de caráter multilateral sobre o conceito de educomunicação (media literacy), mediante o estrato de correlação e analise de conteúdo de base interpretativa de 2648 unidades informativas de doze organismos, tanto de caráter regional como transcontinental, entre os que se encontram a O.N.U., Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Econômico, Liga Árabe, Organização Internacional da Francófona, Comunidade de países de língua portuguesa e Organização de estados iberoamericanos, Union Africana, Union Europeia, Liga dos Estados Árabes, Comunidade de Estados Independentes, Organização de Estados Americanos, Comunidade de Estados Latino-americanos e Caribenhos, União de Nações Sul-americanas, Associação de Nações do Sudeste Asiático, Conselho de Cooperação dos Estados Árabes do Golfo e Fórum das Ilhas do Pacifico. Enquanto aos principais resultados evidencia-se que 83 por cento das organizações analisadas salvo na Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa e na União Africana a convergência do contexto educativo e comunicativo, especificamente se apresenta sobe a terminologia ¨Educação mediática¨, o que influi na formulação de políticas domésticas mediante a proposta de incentivos e restrições que afetam a toma de decisões a nível governamental aludindo à continua mudança e a dinâmica construção da identidadeS

    The Palaeocene Cerro Munro tonalite intrusion (Chubut Province, Argentina): A plutonic remnant of explosive volcanism?

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    The Cerro Munro sub-volcanic intrusion is emplaced in the back-arc (400 km from the trench) as small sub-circular tonalite-granodiorite plutons with abundant radial porphyritic dikes. U-Pb zircon SHRIMP data give an age of crystallization of 57 Ma ± 1.4 Ma. It is located to the east of the North Patagonian Batholith (NPB) that shows a protracted and episodic magmatic history from Cretaceous to Miocene time. The NPB Palaeogene episode is characterized by the lack of magmatic activity at the arc axis, as small plutonic emplacements move to the fore-arc and back-arc. This Palaeogene tectono-magmatic episode is ruled by the detachment of the Aluk plate during the Aluk-Farallon-SAM triple junction, active at that time along northern Patagonia active margin, changing the Cretaceous ?NPB orogenic? setting to a Palaeogene ?Munro transitional? tectono-magmatic setting. Near the contacts, the tonalite contains abundant enclaves of igneous appearance and variable size from several cm to dm, described as autoliths. The study of autoliths and host tonalite reveals interesting results on the processes of fractionation in a thermally zoned magma chamber. Autoliths, and in a large extent the host tonalite, represent disguised cumulates from which a hydrous silicic liquid was extracted. Barometry calculations from mineral chemistry in both autoliths and tonalites record a shallow pressure of emplacement of 0.5 kbar. Rhyolite-dacite flows and ignimbrites, surrounding the northern contact of the Cerro Munro tonalite, may represent the exsolved liquid from the plutonic cumulates. The study by cathodoluminiscence and electron backscattered diffraction techniques from a rhyolite-hosted quartz supports this protracted history of the Cerro Munro magma chamber.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoCentro de Investigaciones GeológicasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    The Palaeocene Cerro Munro tonalite intrusion (Chubut Province, Argentina): A plutonic remnant of explosive volcanism?

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    The Cerro Munro sub-volcanic intrusion is emplaced in the back-arc (400 km from the trench) as small sub-circular tonalite-granodiorite plutons with abundant radial porphyritic dikes. U-Pb zircon SHRIMP data give an age of crystallization of 57 Ma ± 1.4 Ma. It is located to the east of the North Patagonian Batholith (NPB) that shows a protracted and episodic magmatic history from Cretaceous to Miocene time. The NPB Palaeogene episode is characterized by the lack of magmatic activity at the arc axis, as small plutonic emplacements move to the fore-arc and back-arc. This Palaeogene tectono-magmatic episode is ruled by the detachment of the Aluk plate during the Aluk-Farallon-SAM triple junction, active at that time along northern Patagonia active margin, changing the Cretaceous ?NPB orogenic? setting to a Palaeogene ?Munro transitional? tectono-magmatic setting. Near the contacts, the tonalite contains abundant enclaves of igneous appearance and variable size from several cm to dm, described as autoliths. The study of autoliths and host tonalite reveals interesting results on the processes of fractionation in a thermally zoned magma chamber. Autoliths, and in a large extent the host tonalite, represent disguised cumulates from which a hydrous silicic liquid was extracted. Barometry calculations from mineral chemistry in both autoliths and tonalites record a shallow pressure of emplacement of 0.5 kbar. Rhyolite-dacite flows and ignimbrites, surrounding the northern contact of the Cerro Munro tonalite, may represent the exsolved liquid from the plutonic cumulates. The study by cathodoluminiscence and electron backscattered diffraction techniques from a rhyolite-hosted quartz supports this protracted history of the Cerro Munro magma chamber.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoCentro de Investigaciones GeológicasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Rare Variants in 48 Genes Account for 42% of Cases of Epilepsy With or Without Neurodevelopmental Delay in 246 Pediatric Patients

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    In order to characterize the genetic architecture of epilepsy in a pediatric population from the Iberian Peninsula (including the Canary Islands), we conducted targeted exome sequencing of 246 patients with infantile-onset seizures with or without neurodevelopmental delay. We detected 107 variants in 48 different genes, which were implicated in neuronal excitability, neurodevelopment, synaptic transmission, and metabolic pathways. In 104 cases (42%) we detected variant(s) that we classified as pathogenic or likely pathogenic. Of the 48 mutated genes, 32 were dominant, 8 recessive and 8 X-linked. Of the patients for whom family studies could be performed and in whom pathogenic variants were identified in dominant or X-linked genes, 82% carried de novo mutations. The involvement of small copy number variations (CNVs) is 9%. The use of progressively updated custom panels with high mean vertical coverage enabled establishment of a definitive diagnosis in a large proportion of cases (42%) and detection of CNVs (even duplications) with high fidelity. In 10.5% of patients we detected associations that are pending confirmation via functional and/or familial studies. Our findings had important consequences for the clinical management of the probands, since a large proportion of the cohort had been clinically misdiagnosed, and their families were subsequently able to avail of genetic counseling. In some cases, a more appropriate treatment was selected for the patient in question, or an inappropriate treatment discontinued. Our findings suggest the existence of modifier genes that may explain the incomplete penetrance of some epilepsy-related genes. We discuss possible reasons for non-diagnosis and future research directions. Further studies will be required to uncover the roles of structural variants, epimutations, and oligogenic inheritance in epilepsy, thereby providing a more complete molecular picture of this disease. In summary, given the broad phenotypic spectrum of most epilepsy-related genes, efficient genomic tools like the targeted exome sequencing panel described here are essential for early diagnosis and treatment, and should be implemented as first-tier diagnostic tools for children with epilepsy without a clear etiologic basis