7 research outputs found

    Characterisation of the volatile profile of microalgae and cyanobacteria using solid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry

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    [EN] Microalgae and microalgae-derived ingredients are one of the top trends in the food industry. However, consumers' acceptance and purchase intention of a product will be largely affected by odour and flavour. Surprisingly, the scientific literature present a very limited number of studies on the volatile composition of microalgae and cyanobacteria. In order to fill the gap, the main objective of the present study was to elucidate the volatile composition of seven microalgal and cyanobacterial strains from marine and freshwaters, with interest for the food industry while establishing its potential impact in odour. Among the seven selected strains, Arthrospira platensis showed the highest abundance and chemical diversity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols were the families with the highest diversity of individual compounds, except in Arthrospira platensis and Scenedesmus almeriensis that showed a profile dominated by branched hydrocarbons. Marine strains presented a higher abundance of sulfur compounds than freshwater strains, while the ketones individual profile seemed to be more related to the taxonomical domain. The results of this study indicate that the VOCs composition is mainly driven by the individual strain although some volatile profile characteristics could be influenced by both environmental and taxonomical factors.This work was conducted in the framework of the SABANA Project funded by the EU H2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Grant agreement 727874), ALGALPROT Project funded by CEI·MAR (CEIJ-002) and financial support provided by the Basque Country Government (IT944-16)

    Origin of the coloured karst fills in the neogene extensional system of ne iberia (Spain)

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    Karst fills from the onshore Penedès Basin and offshore València Trough display red, pink, orange and ochre colours. Their Mössbauer spectra indicate that Fe contained in goethite is the dominant species in reddish-pink fills, whereas Fe contained in dolomite and clays is more dominant in the orange and ochre ones. The lower δ C values and higher Sr/ Sr ratios of the karst fills with respect to their host carbonates can reflect the input of soil-derived CO and an external radiogenic source into the karst system. This geochemical composition, together with the non-carbonate fraction of the fills, consists of authigenic and transported illite, illite-smectite interlayers, as well as kaolinite, chlorite, pyrite, quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, apatite and feldspar, account for a mixed residual-detrital origin of fills. This polygenic origin agrees with that of the terra rossa sediments described worldwide. The different colours of karst fills are attributed to fluctuations in the water table, which control the Eh/pH conditions in the karst system. Thus, reddish colours reflect low water table levels and oxidising episodes, and orange and ochre ones reflect high water table levels and more reducing episodes. The greenish colours of fills could be related to fluctuations in the Fe /Fe ratio

    Origin of the coloured karst fills in the neogene extensional system of ne iberia (Spain)

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    Karst fills from the onshore Penedès Basin and offshore València Trough display red, pink, orange and ochre colours. Their Mössbauer spectra indicate that Fe3+ contained in goethite is the dominant species in reddish-pink fills, whereas Fe2+ contained in dolomite and clays is more dominant in the orange and ochre ones. The lower δ 13C values and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the karst fills with respect to their host carbonates can reflect the input of soil-derived CO2 and an external radiogenic source into the karst system. This geochemical composition, together with the non-carbonate fraction of the fills, consists of authigenic and transported illite, illite-smectite interlayers, as well as kaolinite, chlorite, pyrite, quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, apatite and feldspar, account for a mixed residual-detrital origin of fills. This polygenic origin agrees with that of the terra rossa sediments described worldwide. The different colours of karst fills are attributed to fluctuations in the water table, which control the Eh/pH conditions in the karst system. Thus, reddish colours reflect low water table levels and oxidising episodes, and orange and ochre ones reflect high water table levels and more reducing episodes. The greenish colours of fills could be related to fluctuations in the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio

    La cueva sepulcral de Virués-Martínez (Atarfe) en el contexto funerario de finales del IV milenio cal. B. C. de la Depresión de Granada

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    [EN] The cave of Virués and Martínez is an exceptional recent discovery by members of the Iliberis Speleological Club (Grupo Espeleológico Ilíberis). The cave was found in the midst of wider prospecting activities in Sierra Elvira (Granada, southern Spain). A range of archaeological materials had been found inside the cave including human bones, pottery and flint tools. Preliminary analyses date back these materials towards the end of the IV Millennium BC. Most of the pottery and lithic pieces were complete and arranged as they were first laid around the cave by the prehistoric communities. The primary use of the cave might have been as a burial. The ensuing multidisciplinary project that followed the discovery joins the efforts of archaeologists, speleologists and specialists from various scientific backgrounds all inspired by the preservation, study, and dissemination of the speleological archaeological heritage.[ES] La cueva de Virués-Martínez constituye un excepcional descubrimiento realizado por miembros del Grupo Espeleológico Iliberis en el marco de una actividad de prospección en busca de nuevas cavidades en Sierra Elvira (Atarfe, Granada). En su interior se halló un conjunto de materiales arqueológicos, datados de forma preliminar a finales del IV milenio a.C., y compuesto por restos óseos humanos, un repertorio de vasijas cerámicas y láminas de sílex. La mayoría de las piezas cerámicas y líticas están completas y dispuestas en la posición en la que fueron colocadas por las comunidades prehistóricas que usaron esta cueva como lugar sepulcral. Para el estudio de este hallazgo se cuenta con un equipo interdisciplinar que reúne a arqueólogos, espeleólogos y especialistas en diversas áreas con el fin de garantizar su conservación, estudio y difusiónPeer reviewe

    Origin of the Coloured Karst Fills in the Neogene Extensional System of NE Iberia (Spain)

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    Karst fills from the onshore Penedès Basin and offshore València Trough display red, pink, orange and ochre colours. Their Mössbauer spectra indicate that Fe3+ contained in goethite is the dominant species in reddish-pink fills, whereas Fe2+ contained in dolomite and clays is more dominant in the orange and ochre ones. The lower δ13C values and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the karst fills with respect to their host carbonates can reflect the input of soil-derived CO2 and an external radiogenic source into the karst system. This geochemical composition, together with the non-carbonate fraction of the fills, consists of authigenic and transported illite, illite-smectite interlayers, as well as kaolinite, chlorite, pyrite, quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, apatite and feldspar, account for a mixed residual-detrital origin of fills. This polygenic origin agrees with that of the terra rossa sediments described worldwide. The different colours of karst fills are attributed to fluctuations in the water table, which control the Eh/pH conditions in the karst system. Thus, reddish colours reflect low water table levels and oxidising episodes, and orange and ochre ones reflect high water table levels and more reducing episodes. The greenish colours of fills could be related to fluctuations in the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratioThis research was performed within the framework of DGICYT Spanish Projects PGC2018-093903-B-C22 and PID2020-118999GB-I00 funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades/Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. EGR acknowledges the funding provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (“Ramón y Cajal” fellowship RYC2018-026335-I). The isotopic, electron microprobe and XRD analyses and the SEM and TEM observations were carried out at “Centres Científics i Tecnològics” of the Universitat de Barcelona. Mössbauer spectroscopy analyses were carried out at Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona. Strontium isotope analyses were carried out at “CAI de Geocronología y Geoquímica Isotópica” of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.Peer reviewe

    Actas de las II Jornadas ScienCity 2019: Fomento de la Cultura Científica, Tecnológica y de Innovación en Ciudades Inteligentes

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    TecnOlivo: Aplicación de Redes de Sensores en la Agricultura de Precisión / Auditoría y Certificación en Seguridad de Vehículos Autónomos y Conectados / Detección de Vehículos en Pasos de Peatones Inteligentes Mediante Machine Learning / Conteo Automático de Olivos mediante Análisis de Imagen a partir de Capturas Aéreas Multiespectrales / Blockchain en el Mundo Sanitario / Seguridad en Redes Cableadas / Evaluación de la Normativa Actual para la Medida de la Transmitancia Térmica / Overtourism: A Challenge for Smart Cities / Iconos Artísticos y Turismo Sostenible en Ciudades Inteligentes Europeas / Muelle de Levante en Huelva. Revitalización Sostenible de un Muelle Histórico Ligado al Uso Circular de la Energía / Proyecto “Badajoz es Más” / Estudio de Viabilidad de Instalación de Microturbinas en Sistemas de Abastecimiento Urbanos de Agua / Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos para Educación en Sostenibilidad A User Experience Study for Smart Mobility System with Bikes / MPPT por Estimación de la Resistencia del Punto de Máxima Potencia en Base a Modelo Hiperbólico vs Método Clásico “P&O” / Medición de la Difusividad Térmica de Terrenos (Parámetro αz) Mediante Sondas de Temperatura Low Cost, Enterrada con Método Artesanal I / Medición de la Difusividad Térmica de Terrenos (Parámetro αz) Mediante Sondas de Temperatura Low Cost, Enterrada con Método Artesanal II / Redes DC Bipolares: Mejora en Redes de Distribución con Sistemas de Generación Distribuida- Medio Ambiente y Planificación UrbanaActualmente, nuestras ciudades están experimentando una verdadera transformación digital que requiere una atención inmediata en energía, transporte, movilidad, comunicación, seguridad, educación, turismo y aspectos sociales, así como fomentar todas aquellas actuaciones que persigan mejorar la calidad de vida y el desarrollo económico-ambiental sostenible.ScienCity 2019 es un foro científico-tecnológico que pretende dar a conocer las tecnologías emergentes siendo actualmente investigadas en las universidades, informar de experiencias, servicios e iniciativas puestas ya en marcha por instituciones y empresas, gestar una red temática que garantice la continuación de futuras acciones para el fomento de la cultura científica, tecnológica y de innovación en ciudades inteligentes, llegar a las entidades y decisores políticos para generar sinergias que incentiven líneas de negocio y el desarrollo de la región, así como implicar a los ciudadanos en el desarrollo, gestión y toma de decisiones de sus municipios.Universidad de Huelva Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica, de Sistemas Informáticos y Automática Cátedra AIQBE Centro Científico-Tecnológico de Huelva Departamento de Tecnologías de la Información Diputación de Huelva Gonzalo Clemente Ariza, Seguros Ax