3,303 research outputs found

    Tendencias epidemiológicas en el comportamiento de la infección por VIH/SIDA en el municipio Pereira, Colombia, 1998-2011

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    La infección VIH/SIDA continúa siendo un grave problema de salud pública mundial. Colombia es uno de los países considerablemente afectado en Latinoamérica, con municipios de alta incidencia, entre los cuales se encuentra Pereira. Materiales y métodos: Evaluación de los principales indicadores epidemiológicos (estimaciones de incidencia, mortalidad y letalidad) de la infección VIH/SIDA, período 1998-2011, Municipio Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia. Resultados: Durante el período se registraron 1471 casos (promedio 105,1±27,6/año, intervalo 51-159); tendencia al incremento (r2=0,3028; p=0,0415), especialmente entre 2006-2011 (r2=0,845; p=0,0095). La incidencia osciló entre 11,8 (2001) a 34,6 (2011) casos/100.000 hab (IC95% 29,0-40,0), sin tendencia al incremento entre 1998-2005 (r2=0,0351; p=0,6567), y aumentando significativamente de 2006-2011 (r2=0,8318; p=0,0113). Se registraron 631 muertes (promedio 45,1±8,9/año, intervalo 32-64), sin variación significativa entre 1998-2005 (r2=0,042; p=0,6262); de 2006-2011 se redujeron significativamente (r2=0,7016; p=0,0374). La mortalidad osciló entre 7,0 (2010) a 14,3 (2006) muertes/100.000 hab (IC95% 11,0-18,0), disminuyendo significativamente de 2006-2011 (r2=0,7251; p=0,0314). La letalidad en el período osciló entre 21,9% (2010) a 88,2% (2001) (IC95% 78,41-98,06). Discusión: A pesar que la incidencia del VIH/SIDA aun va en aumento, la letalidad y la mortalidad van disminuyendo progresivamente. Esto obedece a múltiples factores que incluyen mejor cobertura diagnóstica y terapéutica, mayor acceso al sistema de salud, más disponibilidad de información, manejo multidisciplinario apropiado y mejor capacitado. Sin embargo, en promoción y prevención aun quedan grandes retos por asumir, que incluyen más participación comunitaria en los procesos de acceso a la información, de vigilancia epidemiológica, de evaluación en la calidad de la prestación y satisfacción en el uso de servicios relacionados al programa de VIH/SIDA.HIV infection/AIDS continue to be a highly relevant global public health problem. Colombia is one country, in Latinamerica, with a considerable epidemiology, with high incidence municipalities; among those is included Pereira. Materials and methods: Assessment of main epidemiological indicators (estimations of incidence, mortality and lethality) of HIV infection/AIDS, period 1998-2011, Municipality Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia. Results: During the period a total of 1471 cases were recorded (mean 105.1±27.6/year, range 51-159); increasing (r2=0.3028; p=0.0415), specially between 2006-2011 (r2=0.845; p=0.0095). Incidence oscillated between 11.8 (2001) to 34.6 (2011) cases/100,000 pop (95%CI 29.0-40.0), without a significant increase between 1998-2005 (r2=0.0351; p=0.6567), and increasing significantly between 2006-2011 (r2=0.8318; p=0.0113). A total of 631 deaths were recorded (mean 45.1±8.9/year, range 32-64), no significant variation between 1998-2005 (r2=0.042; p=0.6262); from 2006-2011 were significantly reduced (r2=0.7016; p=0.0374). Mortality oscillated from 7.0 (2010) to 14.3 (2006) deaths/100,000 pop (95%CI 11.0-18.0), significantl decreasing between 2006-2011 (r2=0.7251; p=0.0314). Lethality (CFR) in the period oscillated from 21.9% (2010) to 88.2% (2001) (95%CI 8.41-98.06). Discussion: Although HIV/AIDS incidence is increasing, lethality and mortality are progressively decreasing. This could be related to multiple factors that include a better diagnostic and therapeutic coverage, higher access to the health care system, more information availability, as well appropriate and skilled multidisciplinary management. However, at promotion and prevention there are still great challenges to achieve, that include more communitary participation in the processes of information access, epidemiological surveillance, quality assessment at the use of health care services related to HIV/AIDS, among others.http://revistas.utp.edu.co/index.php/revistamedic

    Pulsations in M dwarf stars

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    We present the results of the first theoretical non-radial non-adiabatic pulsational study of M dwarf stellar models with masses in the range 0.1 to 0.5M_solar. We find the fundamental radial mode to be unstable due to an \epsilon mechanism caused by deuterium (D-) burning for the young 0.1 and 0.2M_solar models, by non-equilibrium He^3 burning for the 0.2 and 0.25M_solar models of 10^4Myr, and by a flux blocking mechanism for the partially convective 0.4 and 0.5M_solar models once they reach the age of 500Myr. The periods of the overstable modes excited by the D-burning are in the range 4.2 to 5.2h for the 0.1M_solar models and is of order 8.4h for the 0.2M_solar models. The periods of the modes excited by He^3 burning and flux blocking are in the range 23 to 40min. The more massive and oldest models are more promising for the observational detection of pulsations, as their ratio of instability e-folding time to age is more favourable.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters on 2011 October 11 Version 2 is the accepted manuscript with changes in boldfac

    Impact of Climate Change on Zoonotic Diseases in Latin America

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    La Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC), con sede en Bonn, Alemania, define el cambio climático como "un cambio de clima atribuido directa o indirectamente a la actividad humana que altera la composición de la atmósfera mundial y que se suma a los recursos naturales variabilidad del clima observada durante períodos de tiempo comparables ". Aunque muchas otras definiciones se pueden encontrar y se han declarado por muchos autores y grupos de investigación, el mensaje clave importante, es que el cambio climático supone una seria amenaza para el mundo, que puede generar agitación social, los desplazamientos de población, las dificultades económicas y ambientales la degradación, entre muchas otras consecuencias relevantes. Con el fin de llegar a un verde como World menos impacto antropogénico, de acuerdo con las nuevas tendencias ecológicas en la sociedad, la mitigación del cambio climático debe ser una prioridad para la sociedad y sus gobiernos (Rodríguez-Morales, 2011). Como se ha indicado anteriormente, el cambio climático ya es un problema ampliamente conocido por múltiples disciplinas (Rodríguez-Morales, 2005). Aunque sus orígenes pueden converger en un complejo de múltiples fenómenos de interacción, para algunas disciplinas, como las ciencias biológicas y médicas, sus consecuencias son más estudiados y destacan por sus implicaciones actuales y más.Aún más, sus impactos y chillidos son motivo de preocupación a nivel global (Rodríguez-Morales et al, 2010 ). Esta amenaza creciente constituye en el siglo XXI un reto importante para la humanidad. Sus efectos aún son muchos los aspectos que se han estudiado no por la sociedad en diferentes niveles.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), located in Bonn,Germany, defines climate change as “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods”. Although many other definitions can be found and have been stated by many authors and research groups, the important key message, is that global climate change poses a serious threat to the World, which can generate social upheaval, population displacement, economic hardships, and environmental degradation, among many other relevant consequences. In order to reach a green as less anthropogenically impacted World, according to the new ecological trends in the society, mitigation of global climate change should be a priority for the society and its governments (Rodriguez-Morales, 2011). As has been previously stated, climate change is already a widely known problem to multiple disciplines (Rodriguez-Morales, 2005). Although its origins can converge in a complex of multiple interacting phenomena, for some disciplines, such as biological and medical sciences, their consequences are more studied and highlighted for their current and further implications. Even more, its impacts and squeals are cause of concern at a global level (Rodriguez-Morales et al, 2010). This growing threat represents in the XXI century a significant challenge for the humankind. Its effects even include many aspects that have been not studied by the society at different levels

    Universal temporal features of rankings in competitive sports and games

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    Many complex phenomena, from the selection of traits in biological systems to hierarchy formation in social and economic entities, show signs of competition and heterogeneous performance in the temporal evolution of their components, which may eventually lead to stratified structures such as the wealth distribution worldwide. However, it is still unclear whether the road to hierarchical complexity is determined by the particularities of each phenomena, or if there are universal mechanisms of stratification common to many systems. Human sports and games, with their (varied but simplified) rules of competition and measures of performance, serve as an ideal test bed to look for universal features of hierarchy formation. With this goal in mind, we analyse here the behaviour of players and team rankings over time for several sports and games. Even though, for a given time, the distribution of performance ranks varies across activities, we find statistical regularities in the dynamics of ranks. Specifically the rank diversity, a measure of the number of elements occupying a given rank over a length of time, has the same functional form in sports and games as in languages, another system where competition is determined by the use or disuse of grammatical structures. Our results support the notion that hierarchical phenomena may be driven by the same underlying mechanisms of rank formation, regardless of the nature of their components. Moreover, such regularities can in principle be used to predict lifetimes of rank occupancy, thus increasing our ability to forecast stratification in the presence of competition

    Thin and thick cloud top height retrieval algorithm with the Infrared Camera and LIDAR of the JEM-EUSO Space Mission

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    The origin of cosmic rays have remained a mistery for more than a century. JEM-EUSO is a pioneer space-based telescope that will be located at the International Space Station (ISS) and its aim is to detect Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) and Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays (EHECR) by observing the atmosphere. Unlike ground-based telescopes, JEM-EUSO will observe from upwards, and therefore, for a properly UHECR reconstruction under cloudy conditions, a key element of JEM-EUSO is an Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS). This AMS consists of a space qualified bi-spectral Infrared Camera, that will provide the cloud coverage and cloud top height in the JEM-EUSO Field of View (FoV) and a LIDAR, that will measure the atmospheric optical depth in the direction it has been shot. In this paper we will explain the effects of clouds for the determination of the UHECR arrival direction. Moreover, since the cloud top height retrieval is crucial to analyze the UHECR and EHECR events under cloudy conditions, the retrieval algorithm that fulfills the technical requierements of the Infrared Camera of JEM-EUSO to reconstruct the cloud top height is presently reported.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Atmohead Conference 201

    L’état de la mise en place du principe de la parité des sexes dans les élections nationales du Costa Rica dans la période 2022-2026

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    This article seeks to verify the status of compliance with the principle of parity or gender equality, during the national elections of Costa Rica in 2022, in order to generate an input that provokes reflection on the improvements and weaknesses that the Costa Rican electoral political system still has in effectively fulfilling the active and inclusive participation of citizens in national politics. A descriptive analysis was carried out on the candidacies presented by the political parties involved for all positions to be elected through suffrage, based on the information provided by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE). Costa Rican electoral regulations and the theoretical-conceptual principle of gender parity in political participation from a critical-feminist perspective were used as the basis. Among the main findings, it was found that the application of the principle of gender parity in Costa Rican electoral regulations has been effective considering the increase in women's representation in the number of seats they occupy in the Legislative Assembly; however, more affirmative actions need to be taken that result in changes in party statutes, party structures, mechanisms for registering candidates for single-member positions, such as the presidency and vice-presidency of the Executive Branch and the authorities of local governments, the change of the concept of sex, among others.Este artículo busca verificar el estado de cumplimiento del principio de paridad o igualdad de género, durante las elecciones nacionales de Costa Rica en el 2022, con el fin de generar un insumo que provoque la reflexión sobre las mejoras y debilidades que aún posee el sistema político electoral costarricense en el cumplimiento efectivo de la participación activa e inclusiva de la ciudadanía en la política nacional. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las candidaturas presentadas por los partidos políticos involucrados para todos los puestos a elegir mediante el sufragio, a partir de la información suministrada por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones (TSE). Se utilizó como fundamento la normativa costarricense que rige lo electoral y en lo teórico-conceptual el principio de paridad de género en la participación política desde una perspectiva crítica-feminista. Dentro de los hallazgos principales se encuentra que la aplicación del principio de paridad de género en la normativa electoral costarricense ha sido efectiva considerando el incremento de la representación de la mujer en la cantidad de curules que están ocupando en la Asamblea Legislativa; no obstante, se deben concretar más acciones afirmativas que deriven en cambios en los estatutos partidarios, las estructuras partidarias, los mecanismos de inscripción de candidaturas a puestos uninominales, como son la presidencia y vicepresidencias del Poder Ejecutivo y las autoridades de los gobiernos locales, el cambio del concepto sexo, entre otras.Cet article vise à vérifier l’état de la mise en place du principe de parité ou égalité des sexes pendant les élections nationales du Costa Rica dans le 2022 afin de créer un apport qui contribue à la réflexion sur les progrès et les faiblesses qui possède le système politique électoral costaricien en ce qui concerne l’application effective de la participation active et inclusive de la population dans la politique nationale. On a effectué une analyse descriptive des candidatures présentées pour les partis politiques concernés sur tous les postes politiques à élire à travers le suffrage d’après l’information fournit par le Tribunal Suprême Électoral (TSE). On a utilisé comme fondement la législation costaricienne qui régit le processus électoral et pour la partie théorique-conceptuelle, le principe de parité des sexes dans la participation politique sous l’approche critique féministe. Parmi les principales découvertes, on a trouvé que la mise en place du principe de parité des sexes dans la législation électorale costaricienne a été effective car la représentation des femmes dans les sièges de l’Assemblée législative a augmenté; cependant, il faut concrétiser d’autres actions qui entraînent des changements dans les statuts des partis et leurs structures ainsi que dans les mécanismes d’enregistrement des candidatures des postes uninominaux tels que la présidence, la vice-présidence du Pouvoir exécutif et les autorités des gouvernements locaux, le changement du concept de sexe, entre autres

    The impact of man on the morphodynamics of the Huelva coast (SW Spain)

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    The Huelva coast is composed by large sandy beaches and spits, only interrupted by the presence of the estuarine mouths of the Guadiana, Piedras, Tinto-Odiel and Guadalquivir which are in an advanced state of sediment infilling. The morphology and processes of the Huelva coast are mainly linked to tidal regime, wave action, coastal-drift currents, fluvial dynamics, climatic change and anthropogenic activity. In the last five decades anthropogenic activity has modified the natural dynamics by the construction of jetties, docks, harbour and coastal developments. The main consequences have been the interruption of the sedimentary bypassing caused by an active west-to-east littoral drift, the modification of the tidal regime, the wave refraction-diffraction scheme and the intensification of the littoral erosive processes. All these effects will increase with the slow sea-level rise, close to 0.6 cm per year, which will induce a higher efficacy of the erosional events. A future retreat of about 10-15 m of the coastline is estimated.La costa de Huelva esta constituida por extensas playas y flechas litorales, interrumpidas por la presencia de grandes estuarios (Guadiana, Piedras, Tinto-Odiel y Guadalquivir) en un estado avanzado de colmatación. La morfología y los procesos de la costa se deben principalmente a una serie de factores: régimen mareal, olas, corrientes de deriva, dinámica fluvial, cambio climático y la actividad antrópica. En las últimas cinco décadas la actividad antrópica ha modificado la dinámica natural debido a la construcción de espigones, escolleras, puertos y urbanizaciones. Las principales consecuencias de esta actividad han sido la interrupción del trasvase de sedimentos del Este hacia el Oeste por la corriente de deriva litoral, la alteración del régimen mareal, la modificación de los procesos de refracción-difracción de olas y la intensificación de los procesos erosivos. Todos estos efectos se verán incrementados con el paulatino ascenso del nivel del mar en el Golfo de Cádiz, del orden de 0,6 cm anuales, repercutiendo en una mayor eficacia de los eventos erosivos. Se estima una pérdida del orden de 10-15 m en el perfil de las playas