1,184 research outputs found

    Perspectives of women living with type 1 diabetes regarding preconception and antenatal care: A qualitative evidence synthesis

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare 2019 and 2020, of the Spanish Network of Agencies for the Evaluation of Health Technologies and Benefits of the National Health System.Introduction: Pregnant women with type 1 diabetes may have an increased risk of complications for both the baby and themselves. Educational programmes, preconception planning, strict glycemic control and comprehensive medical care are some of the antenatal interventions that have been proposed to improve the outcomes of pregnant women with type 1 diabetes. While some evidence‐based recommendations about antenatal care are included in clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), the views, and experiences of women with type 1 diabetes about these interventions are not well known. Aim: To understand and synthesize the perceptions of women with type 1 diabetes about the interventions before pregnancy. Method: A qualitative evidence synthesis (QES) was carried out with a framework analysis guided by the Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group approach. Three online databases (Medline, Embase and Web of Science) were searched. We included qualitative articles that were published from 2011 to 2021 and which were available in English or Spanish. Findings: Ten references met the inclusion criteria of the study and were included. Three main themes were identified: (a) acceptability of antenatal care, (b) feasibility and implementation consideration and (c) equity and accessibility difficulties. Conclusion: Continuity of care, coordination between health professionals and services, and a more holistic approach are the key aspects women say need to be considered for more acceptable, feasible and equitable preconception and antenatal care. Patient or Public Contribution: This QES was carried out as part of the CPGs on diabetes mellitus type 1, carried out as part of the Spanish Network of Health Technology Assessment Agencies. In this CPG, the representatives of the patient associations are Francisco Javier Darias Yanes, from the Association for Diabetes of Tenerife, who has participated in all the phases of the CPG; Aureliano Ruiz Salmón and Julián Antonio González Hernández (representatives of the Spanish Diabetes Federation (FEDE) who have participated as collaborator and external reviewer, respectively.Spanish Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare 2019 and 2020Spanish Network of Agencies for the Evaluation of Health Technologies and Benefits of the National Health Syste

    La educación física como contexto impulsor de la alfabetización matemática en primaria

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    [spa] La tesis que se presenta a continuación muestra los resultados de una investigación cuya finalidad fue valorar la significatividad instruccional de los contextos de la educación física como entorno para desarrollar la competencia matemática en primaria y, con ello, dar respuesta a las necesidades educativas y curriculares del momento. El estudio parte del diseño y la implementación de un recurso didáctico formado por diferentes situaciones problema presentadas al alumnado para ser resueltas en grupo. La pertinencia de esta investigación se justifica por tres razones: el compromiso que tiene la escuela con la sociedad, promoviendo la educación de ciudadanos matemáticamente alfabetizados; la innovación pedagógica que supone la adaptación al nuevo marco competencial, tanto desde el ámbito de la educación física como del matemático; y la contribución teórico-práctica al campo de las competencias básicas. Para llevar a cabo nuestro objetivo empírico se realizó un estudio de casos. La investigación se focalizó en tres clases de 4º de primaria de una escuela concertada de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. Con el propósito de analizar el contexto didáctico, el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y el resultado educacional, se utilizaron diferentes instrumentos y procedimientos de recogida de información con el fin de investigar sobre la percepción de todos los agentes implicados: profesora- investigadora, estudiantes, profesoras de matemáticas y equipo directivo del centro. Aunque nuestro principal referente fueron los datos cualitativos de texto, registrados de la observación participante y de las entrevistas cara a cara, consideramos interesante incluir datos de carácter cuantitativo, extraídos de dos cuestionarios realizados al alumnado. Los resultados muestran evidencias sobre tres aspectos: las condiciones y características específicas del contexto didáctico; los efectos mediacionales de la interactuación, entre discentes, la docente y el entorno, sobre la construcción colaborativa del conocimiento matemático; y el desarrollo de la competencia matemática.[eng] The thesis presented below shows the results of a research project, whose purpose was to assess the significance of the physical education context as an environment to develop the mathematical competence in elementary school. By doing it, it responds to current educational and curricular needs. The study started by the design and implementation of a didactic resource made by different problem situations. They were presented to the students to be solved in group. The relevance of this research is justified by three reasons: the school's commitment to society, promoting the education of mathematically literate citizens; the pedagogical innovation implied by the adaptation to the new competence framework, in both, the physical education field and the mathematical one; and the theoretical-practical contribution to the area of basic competences. In order to achieve our empirical goal a case study was carried out. Three elementary school clases (4th grade) from a semi-private school in L'Hospitalet de LLobregat, Barcelona, were the objective of our study. With the purpose of analysing the didactic context, the teaching and learning process and the educational results, different instruments and procedures were used to collect information in order to investigate about the perception of all the agents involved in the process: teacher-researcher, students, mathematics teachers and school administrators. Although our main source was qualitative data, recorded from the participant observation and the face-to-face interviews, it was also considered interesting to include quantitative data extracted from two questionnaires given to the students. The results show evidence on three aspects: the specific conditions and characteristics of the didactic context; the mediational efects of the interaction amongst students, teacher and the environment on the collaborative construction of mathematical knowledge; and the development of the mathematical competence

    3D Visualization Techniques in Health Science Learning. Application case of Thermographic Images to Blood Flow Monitoring

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    The present work proposes a new learning methodology based on the combination of geotechnologies for the acquisition of competence in the studies of physiotherapy and nursery. The approach is based on three-dimensional visualization techniques over thermographic images to improve the comprehension and interpretation of blood flow. The proposal is aimed to be applied in practical sessions of subjects of the area of knowledge of the Physiology, to demonstrate through the geotechnologies, the effect of the application of the changes of the flow blood. The present approach is related to the virtual laboratories field, since the generated virtual material can be used for acquisition of practical skills and competences, as well as evaluation of competencies in e-learning courses. The learning material is structured to be easily deployed in a learning management system, allowing the students to work with the models by means of open-source solutions without an additional effor

    Monitoring and preliminary analysis of the natural responses recorded in a poorly accessible streambed spring located at a fluviokarstic gorge in Southern Spain

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    The analysis of natural responses (hydrodynamic, hydrothermal and hydrochemical) of karst springs is a well-established approach to provide insights into the hydrogeological functioning of the aquifers that they drain. However, a suitable monitoring program of these responses are often difficult to launch in poorly accessible streambed springs, due to the mixing between surface water and groundwater, in addition to topographic impediments. This work describes the installation procedure of the measurement equipment and the preliminary hydrogeological dataset collected at the Charco del Moro spring (Southern Spain) during one year. This outlet emerges 5 m below water surface, at the bottom of a partially flooded 20 - 200 m deep and 2 km long gorge, eroded by the Guadiaro River streamflow. It is considered the largest discharge point in the region, draining groundwater from northern nearby carbonate outcrops, although its catchment area is not established yet. Continuous (hourly) monitoring of electrical conductivity, water temperature, turbidity and water level (discharge) reflects a high degree of heterogeneity in the duality of groundwater flow and storage dynamics, which is typical of karst conduit flow systemsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Muévete por ellos: programa de educación para la salud sobre esclerosis lateral amiotrófica dirigido a cuidadores

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    Introducción: la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica es considerada la tercera enfermedad neurodegenerativa de mayor incidencia La sintomatologíacaracterística que acompaña a esta patología genera una dependencia progresiva en múltiples actividades básicas de la vida diaria por lo que resulta imprescindible la figura de un cuidador. Por ello, se considera necesario la educación y formación de los cuidadores para optimizar sulabor y cuidar su salud mental.Objetivo principal: diseñar un programa de educación para la salud dirigido a las personas que ejercen el rol de cuidador principal con pacientes de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica.Metodología: se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos (PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct y Alcorze, y Googleacadémico), páginas web de diversas asociaciones de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica y la página web oficial del Ministerio de Sanidad Consumo yBienestar social.Conclusiones: a través de este programa se pretende dotar al cuidador de los conocimientos y herramientas que le permitan desarrollar su labor de una forma segura y basada en evidencia científica.Palabras clave: esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, cuidador, enfermería, aprendizaje, bienestar.<br /

    Análisis de los hábitos alimentarios y comportamientos sedentarios en el paciente mayor

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    Introducción. El proceso de envejecimiento conlleva una serie de cambios biológicos, psicológicos y sociales, teniendo una repercusión en el estado de la salud. Además, se añade el comportamiento sedentario asociado a multitud de enfermedades crónicas.Objetivo. Conocer si existen diferencias en la alimentación y en el sedentarismo entre la población institucionalizada y no institucionalizada mayor de 65 años mediante cuestionarios validados.Metodología. Estudio estadístico descriptivo en pacientes institucionalizados y no institucionalizados mayores de 65 años. Se realizó entre enero y marzo de 2022 en diferentes centros de Zaragoza. Se han utilizado variables antropométricas, sociodemográficas y clínicas, y cuestionarios validados como el Índice de alimentación saludable, el Cuestionario de Comportamientos Sedentarios y la Escala de Actitud hacia la Alimentación tanto en institucionalizados como no institucionalizados.Resultados. La muestra se obtuvo de 50 participantes, 48% mujeres y el 52% hombres. Con una edad media de 78 ± 7,64 años, y una procedencia homogénea de los tres sitios donde se realizó el estudio. Los pacientes mayores de 65 años pasan al día con comportamientos sedentarios 13,34 ±3,5h/día, siendo el comportamiento más elevado el tiempo que pasan viendo la televisión. El Índice de alimentación saludable en la población no institucionalizada es de 68,68 ± 11,83 (necesita cambios), frente a una media de 81 puntos en la población institucionalizada (alimentación saludable). Se obtienen niveles significativos entre el nivel socioeconómico y el índice de alimentación saludable (.001).Conclusión. La población institucionalizada tiene niveles más altos de comportamientos sedentarios y mejor estado de alimentación en comparación con la población no institucionalizada.<br /

    Nutraceutical Extract from Dulse (Palmaria palmata L.) Inhibits Primary Human Neutrophil Activation

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    Palmaria palmata L. (Palmariaceae), commonly known as "dulse", is a red alga that grows on the northern coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and is widely used as source of fiber and protein. Dulse is reported to contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, albeit no study has investigated these effects in primary human neutrophils. Implication strategies to diminish neutrophil activation have the potential to prevent pathological states. We evaluated the ability of a phenolic dulse extract (DULEXT) to modulate the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-mediated activation of primary human neutrophils. Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) were measured by fluorescence analysis and nitric oxide (NO) production using the Griess reaction. Inflammatory enzymes and cytokines were detected by ELISA and RT-qPCR. The results show that DULEXT diminished the neutrophil activation related to the down-regulation of TLR4 mRNA expression, deceased gene expression and the LPS-induced release of the chemoattractant mediator IL-8 and the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α. ROS, NO, and myeloperoxidase (MPO) were also depressed. The data indicated that DULEXT has the potential to disrupt the activation of human primary neutrophils and the derived inflammatory and prooxidant conditions, and suggest a new role for Palmaria palmata L. in the regulation of the pathogenesis of health disorders in which neutrophils play a key role, including atherosclerosisSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grant CYTED-2019 119RT056