270 research outputs found

    Características laborales y compromiso con el trabajo: explorando el bienestar laboral

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    The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between psychosocial job characteristics and work engagement, understanding the latter as an affective-motivational state related to work well-being. To analyze this relationship, the psychosocial characteristics of the work presented in the Demand-Control-Support (DCS) model were taken into account. The possible positive effect that social support has as a moderating variable in the relationship between demands, control and work engagement was also evaluated. This study was cross-sectional, involving 463 workers belonging to companies in the industrial and services sectors. The analysis of the data was carried out using the SPSS 22.0 program and hierarchical linear regression was used to test hypothesized relationships. The results indicated statistically significant associations between control, social support and work engagement; however, this type of relationship was not found between demands and work engagement. The predictive capacity of control and social support on work engagement was evidenced. No moderating effect of social support was confirmed in the relationship between control and work engagement. This study highlights the importance of inquiring about the working conditions that the organization must provide to make work a generator of well-being.El objetivo central de este estudio fue examinar la relación entre características laborales psicosociales y el compromiso con el trabajo, entendiendo este último como un estado afectivo- motivacional que favorece el bienestar laboral. Para analizar esta relación, se tomaron en cuenta las características psicosociales del trabajo enunciadas en el modelo Demanda-Control-Apoyo (DCA). Así mismo, se evaluó el posible efecto positivo que el apoyo social tiene como variable moderadora en la relación entre las demandas, el control y el compromiso con el trabajo. Este estudio fue transversal de alcance correlacional, participaron 463 trabajadores pertenecientes a empresas del sector industrial y del sector servicios. El análisis de los datos se efectuó con el programa SPSS 22.0, se usó regresión lineal jerárquica para probar las relaciones hipotetizadas. Los resultados indicaron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el control, el apoyo social y el compromiso con el trabajo, sin embargo, este tipo de relación no se encontró entre las demandas y el compromiso con el trabajo. Se evidenció la capacidad predictora del control y el apoyo social sobre el compromiso con el trabajo. No se confirmó efecto moderador del apoyo social en la relación entre el control y el compromiso con el trabajo. Este estudio destaca la importancia de indagar sobre las condiciones laborales que la organización debe proporcionar para que el trabajo sea un generador de bienestar

    Alfabetización médica en la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

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    La alfabetización en salud es un concepto complejo introducido en los años 70. La Organización Mundial de la Salud la define como “las habilidades sociales y cognitivas que determinan el nivel de motivación y la capacidad de una persona para acceder, entender y utilizar la información de forma que le permita promover y mantener una buena salud”. El analfabetismo sanitario es un problema muy extendido, aproximadamente un tercio de las personas de los EEUU no son capaces de leer y comprender materiales básicos relacionados con la salud y hasta un 50% de los adultos comenten errores, o tienen concepciones erróneas que les impiden interpretar completa y correctamente la información médica. En los últimos años se ha producido una intensa producción científica que ha puesto de manifiesto la relación entre el grado de alfabetización médica y los resultados de salud. Así, el analfabetismo sanitario tiene una relación independiente con un peor estado de salud, un mayor riesgo de ingreso hospitalario y un mayor uso de los servicios sanitarios. La alfabetización en salud tendrá un mayor impacto sobre la salud en los colectivos más vulnerables como ancianos, pacientes polimedicados y enfermos con patologías crónicas como la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC). La EPOC es una enfermedad prevalente, y que asocia un elevado consumo de recursos sanitarios. El conocimiento y la actuación sobre la alfabetización médica en esta enfermedad será una premisa necesaria e imprescindible para acometer acciones o estrategias eficientes, encaminadas a que el paciente con EPOC sea capaz de participar de forma activa en el cuidado de su salud..

    Binary gender and experience of transsexual and transgender people

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    Varios autores señalan la necesidad de incorporar la voz y la experiencia de las personas trans en la investigación sobre transexualidad. En este trabajo, que se trata de un estudio exploratorio previo a una investigación más amplia, profundizamos en las narrativas biográficas de algunas personas trans a través de su discurso. En un segundo paso, ponemos en relación estas experiencias con los criterios diagnósticos DSM IV TR del Trastorno de la Identidad de Género, explorando las concordancias y disonancias de estas narrativas biográficas con las que se especifican en los requisitos diagnósticos, y realizando un análisis crítico de las conclusionesSeveral authors indicate the need to incorporate the voice and the experience of trans people in transsexuality research. In this work, which is an exploratory study before a wider research, we explore in more detail the biographical narratives of some trans people through their discourse. In a second step, we put in relation these experiences with the diagnostic criteria in the DSM IV TR for the Gender Identity Disorder, exploring the conformities and dissonances of these biographical narratives with those who are specified in the diagnostic requirements, writing a critical analysis of the conclusion

    Testing for alpha-1 antitrypsin in COPD in outpatient respiratory clinics in Spain: A multilevel, cross-sectional analysis of the EPOCONSUL study

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    Background Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is the most common hereditary disorder in adults, but is under-recognized. In Spain, the number of patients diagnosed with AATD is much lower than expected according to epidemiologic studies. The objectives of this study were to assess the frequency and determinants of testing serum α1-antitrypsin (AAT) levels in COPD patients, and to describe factors associated with testing. Methods EPOCONSUL is a cross-sectional clinical audit, recruiting consecutive COPD cases over one year. The study evaluated serum AAT level determination in COPD patients and associations between individual, disease-related, and hospital characteristics. Results A total of 4,405 clinical records for COPD patients from 57 Spanish hospitals were evaluated. Only 995 (22.5%) patients had serum AAT tested on some occasion. A number of patient characteristics (being male [OR 0.5, p < 0.001], ≤55 years old [OR 2.38, p<0.001], BMI≤21 kg/m2 [OR 1.71, p<0.001], FEV1(%)<50% [OR 1.35, p<0.001], chronic bronchitis [OR 0.79, p < 0.001], Charlson index ≥ 3 [OR 0.66, p < 0.001], or history or symptoms of asthma [OR 1.32, p<0.001]), and management at a specialized COPD outpatient clinic [OR 2.73,p<0.001] were identified as factors independently associated with ever testing COPD patients for AATD. Overall, 114 COPD patients (11.5% of those tested) had AATD. Of them, 26 (22.8%) patients had severe deficiency. Patients with AATD were younger, with a low pack-year index, and were more likely to have emphysema (p<0.05). Conclusion Testing of AAT blood levels in COPD patients treated at outpatient respiratory clinics in Spain is infrequent. However, when tested, AATD (based on the serum AAT levels ≤100 mg/dL) is detected in one in five COPD patients. Efforts to optimize AATD case detection in COPD are needed.SEPA

    Coastal flooding risk associated to tropical cyclones in a changing climate. Application to Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago)

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a methodology to assess flooding risk associated to the combination of extreme flooding levels driven by Tropical Cyclone (TCs) and relative sea level rise (RSLR). The approach is based on the risk conceptual framework where the hazard, exposure, and vulnerability are defined and combined to address flooding socioeconomic consequences in Port of Spain for present and future climate (RCP8.5 in 2050). Hazard and flooding impact are assessed using a combination of statistical methods and dynamical simulations, together with a high resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Combining flooding maps, exposure databases and vulnerability damage functions we have evaluated socioeconomic consequences in terms of affected population and economic damage. Besides, we have quantified the uncertainty in the results coming from the sea level rise projections and vulnerability information. The application of the methodology indicates increasing flooding threat for the future climate that could exacerbate economic losses in case of inaction. The expected annual damage (EAD) in present climate is 12.24 MUSD while in 2050 it will reach 15.22 [14.88- 15.67] MUSD.This paper comes out from the project “Port of Spain Probabilistic Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment based on Climate Change Projections” funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). We acknowledge the World Climate Research Programme's Working Group on Coupled Modelling, which is responsible for CMIP, and we thank the climate modelling groups for producing and making available their model output

    Testing for Vitamin D in High-Risk COPD in Outpatient Clinics in Spain: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the VITADEPOC Study

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    Background: Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an accelerated deterioration in lung function and increased exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 25(OH) vitamin D levels have been indicated as a potentially useful marker for adverse results related to COPD. Methods: VITADEPOC is a cross-sectional clinical study recruiting consecutive patients with high-risk COPD. The objective of our study was to investigate vitamin D determination frequency in patients with high-risk COPD in clinical practice at outpatient clinics in Spain and to describe the factors associated with vitamin D testing. We also aimed to determine the frequency of vitamin D deficiency in these patients. Results: Only 51 (44%) patients underwent vitamin D determination and 33 (28.4%) had received vitamin D supplements in clinical practice. The patients who underwent testing for vitamin D in clinical practice were more often women (58.8% vs. 26.2%, p < 0.001) with comorbidities such as osteoporosis (19.6% vs. 6.2%, p < 0.001) or chronic renal failure (7.8% vs. 0%, p < 0.001) and with exacerbator phenotype (55% vs. 32.3%, p = 0.015). A total of 63 (54.3%) patients had serum vitamin D levels <20 ng/mL at the inclusion visit. Of these, 29 (46%) had serum vitamin D levels <12 ng/mL (severe deficiency). Having a history of inhaled corticosteroids (OR 3.210, p < 0.016), being treated with a cycle of systemic corticosteroids (OR 2.149, p < 0.002), and having a lower physical activity level (OR 3.840, p < 0.004) showed a statistically significant positive association with vitamin D deficiency. Conclusion: The testing of vitamin D levels in patients with high-risk COPD treated at outpatient respiratory clinics in Spain is infrequent. However, when tested, a severe deficiency is detected in one in four patients. Efforts to optimize case detection in COPD are needed.Depto. de MedicinaFac. de MedicinaTRUESociedad Madrileña de Neumología y Cirugía TorácicaResearch Pharma S.Lpu

    Moderación de la Relación Entre Tensión Laboral y Malestar de Profesores Universitarios: Papel del Conflicto y la Facilitación Entre el Trabajo y la Familia

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    Se evaluó si el conflicto y la facilitación entre trabajo y familia moderan la relación entre tensión laboral y salud psicológica, y si los niveles de conflicto y facilitación varían según el sexo. Se realizó un estudio transversal con 302 profesores de universidades públicas y privadas de Bogotá, quienes respondieron cuestionarios que evaluaban tensión laboral, conflicto y facilitación trabajo-familia y familia-trabajo, ansiedad, depresión, síntomas psicosomáticos, adaptación social y burnout. Los resultados indicaron que el conflicto trabajo-familia modera la relación entre tensión laboral y burnout, mientras que el conflicto familia-trabajo modera la relación entre tensión laboral y depresión. En ambos casos, reportes más altos de tensión laboral y conflicto estuvieron vinculados con mayores experiencias de malestar

    Nitrogen Metabolism and Growth Enhancement in Tomato Plants Challenged with Trichoderma harzianum Expressing the Aspergillus nidulans Acetamidase amdS Gene

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    [EN] Trichoderma is a fungal genus that includes species that are currently being used as biological control agents and/or as biofertilizers. In addition to the direct application of Trichoderma spp. as biocontrol agents in plant protection, recent studies have focused on the beneficial responses exerted on plants, stimulating the growth, activating the defenses, and/or improving nutrient uptake. The amdS gene, encoding an acetamidase of Aspergillus, has been used as a selectable marker for the transformation of filamentous fungi, including Trichoderma spp., but the physiological effects of the introduction of this gene into the genome of these microorganisms still remains unexplored. No evidence of amdS orthologous genes has been detected within the Trichoderma spp. genomes and the amdS heterologous expression in Trichoderma harzianum T34 did not affect the growth of this fungus in media lacking acetamide. However, it did confer the ability for the fungus to use this amide as a nitrogen source. Although a similar antagonistic behavior was observed for T34 and amdS transformants in dual cultures against Rhizoctonia solani, Botrytis cinerea, and Fusarium oxysporum, a significantly higher antifungal activity was detected in amdS transformants against F. oxysporum, compared to that of T34, in membrane assays on media lacking acetamide. In Trichoderma-tomato interaction assays, amdS transformants were able to promote plant growth to a greater extent than the wild-type T34, although compared with this strain the transformants showed similar capability to colonize tomato roots. Gene expression patterns from aerial parts of 3-week-old tomato plants treated with T34 and the amdS transformants have also been investigated using GeneChip Tomato Genome Arrays. The downregulation of defense genes and the upregulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism genes observed in the microarrays were accompanied by (i) enhanced growth, (ii) increased carbon and nitrogen levels, and (iii) a higher sensitivity to B. cinerea infections in plants treated with amdS transformants as detected in greenhouse assays. These observations suggest that the increased plant development promoted by the amdS transformants was at expense of defensesSIResearch project funding was from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project no. AGL2015-70671-C2) and the Junta de Castilla y León (Projects no. SA230U13 and LE228U14). The grant awarded to Sara Domínguez by Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) and Wagner Bettiol was supported by a fellowship from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo—FAPESP (Project no. 2014/03426-1