104 research outputs found

    Memória espacial de longo prazo em humanos treinados num labirinto virtual

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    Neste estudo, avaliou-se a memória espacial de longo prazo em humanos. Para isso, empregou-se um desenho quaseexperimental no qual se treinou três grupos de estudantes de graduação num labirinto virtual de água para localizar uma plataforma oculta cuja posição era sinalizada por um conjunto de chaves. Realizou-se um pré-teste sem plataforma antes do treinamento, e imediatamente depois se conduziu um pós-teste (Grupo 0 h), assim como depois de um intervalo de retenção de dois dias (Grupo 48 h) e de sete dias (Grupo 168 h). No pré-teste, não se encontrou evidência de preferência por alguma área do labirinto. Ao longo dos ensaios de treinamento, o tempo para encontrar a meta diminuiu sem diferenças entre grupos. Durante o pós-teste, todos os grupos mostraram uma preferência pelo quadrante reforçado, contudo o tempo de permanência, a distância de nado e a precisão do comportamento de busca nessa área foi equivalente entre o Grupo 0 h e o Grupo 48 h, embora maior à amostragem pelo Grupo 168 h. Esses dados indicam mudanças ocorridas 48 h depois da aquisição na memória espacial de longo prazo em humanos. Discutem-se os resultados a partir de processos gerais de memória e de processos específicos propostos por teorias particulares de memória espacial; ao final, abordam-se as implicações clínicas e pertinentes ao campo da psicologia comparada.En este estudio se evaluó la memoria espacial a largo plazo en humanos. Para ello, se empleó un diseño cuasiexperimental en el que se entrenó a tres grupos de estudiantes de pregrado en un laberinto virtual de agua para localizar una plataforma oculta cuya ubicación era señalada por un conjunto de claves. Se realizó un pretest sin plataforma antes del entrenamiento, e inmediatamente después se condujo un postest (Grupo 0 h), así como después de un intervalo de retención de dos días (Grupo 48 h) y siete días (Grupo 168 h). En el pretest no se encontró evidencia de preferencia por alguna zona del laberinto. A lo largo de los ensayos de entrenamiento, el tiempo para encontrar la meta disminuyó sin diferencias entre grupos. Durante el postest, todos los grupos mostraron una preferencia por el cuadrante reforzado, sin embargo, el tiempo de permanencia, la distancia de nado y la precisión de la conducta de búsqueda en dicha zona fue equivalente entre el Grupo 0 h y el Grupo 48 h, aunque mayor a la mostrada por el Grupo 168 h. Estos datos indican cambios ocurridos 48 h después de la adquisición en la memoria espacial a largo plazo en humanos. Se discuten los resultados a partir de procesos generales de memoria y procesos específicos propuestos por teorías particulares de memoria espacial; y al final se abordan las implicaciones clínicas y pertinentes al campo de la psicología comparada.In this study we evaluated the long-term spatial memory in humans. A quasiexperimental design was used in which three groups of undergraduate students were trained in a virtual water maze to locate a hidden platform whose location was indicated by a set of cues. A pre-test without platform was performed prior to the training, and a post-test was conducted immediately after this (Group 0h), or after a retention interval of two (Group 48h) or seven days (Group 168h). For the pre-test, there was no evidence of preference for any area of the maze. Throughout the training trials, the time to find the goal decreased without differences between groups. During the post-test, all groups showed a preference for the reinforced quadrant, although the spent time, swimming distance, and accuracy of the search behavior in that area was equivalent between Group 0 h and Group 48 h, but higher than that shown by the Group 168 h. These data indicate changes in long-term spatial memory in humans, occurring after an interval of 48 h after its acquisition. The results are discussed on the basis of general memory processes and specific processes proposed by particular spatial memory theories. The clinical and comparative psychology implications are also addressed

    Tomography characterization of acute cerebrovascular disease derived from hypertension according to the clinical diagnostic

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    La enfermedad cerebrovascular aguda  se distingue como causa frecuente de ingreso hospitalario por urgencia neurológica. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo de pacientes con el diagnóstico de enfermedad cerebrovascular aguda de causa hipertensiva, que ingresaron en el Hospital General Universitario “Carlos Manuel de Céspedes” de Bayamo en el período de abril a noviembre del 2014 con el objetivo de realizar la caracterización tomográfica de la entidad acorde al diagnóstico clínico. La muestra estuvo constituida por  83 casos. Se aplicaron métodos teóricos como el inductivo deductivo y el análisis síntesis. Se determinaron frecuencias absolutas y relativas. El  57.9%  ingresó con el diagnóstico clínico de Infarto Cerebral Isquémico. El diagnóstico post tomografía aportó predominio del Infarto Cerebral Isquémico en el 27.7% seguido de la Hemorragia Intraparenquimatosa. Existió correspondencia clínico  tomográfica en  54.2%  de  la muestra. Dentro de los hallazgos tomográficos predominó la dilatación ventricular. Se evidenció la utilidad de la tomografía en la precisión diagnóstica y el seguimiento de los casos.Acute cerebrovascular disease is distinguished as a frequent cause of hospitalization by neurological emergency. It was carried out a descriptive prospective study of patients with the diagnosis of acute cerebrovascular disease derived from hypertension that was admitted in «Carlos Manuel de Céspedes hospital in Bayamo in the period April to November 2014, with the objective to perform the tomography characterization according to the clinical diagnostic. The sample consisted of 83 cases. Theoretical methods such as inductive deductive and synthesis analysis were applied. Absolute and relative frequencies were determined. The 57.9% were admitted with the clinical diagnostic of cerebral ischemic attack. The post tomography diagnostic contributed prevailing in 27.7% of the cerebral ischemic attack followed by the intraparenchymal hemorrhage. There was clinical tomography correspondence in the 54.2% of the samples. Within the tomography findings the ventricular dilatation was predominated. The tomography usefulness in the precision diagnostic and the follow-up of the cases were evidenced

    Modelo de capacitación y formación para la difusión de innovaciones en el sector cañero

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    La caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum) es uno de los cultivos más importantes en México, con más de 164 mil productores que abastecen a los ingenios. Una problemática en el sector es asegurar la transferencia y adopción de innovaciones que permitan incrementar tanto los rendimientos en tonelaje así como en KARBE (Kilogramos de Azúcar Recuperables Base Estándar) que se obtienen de la caña de azúcar. Aunque los ingenios y las empresas privadas que proveen insumos para este sector hacen esfuerzos por capacitar a los productores, generalmente utilizan técnicas de extensionismo tradicionales que se limitan a parcelas demostrativas y reuniones donde el técnico hace un discurso intentando convencer a los productores de las bondades de la innovación

    Long term orientation: A comparative study amongst engineer and tourism students

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    Objective: To investigate the differences amongst the LTO (Long Term Orientation) profile of graduate students in two academic programs. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 66 students participated in the study. The items of each construct corresponded to the two dimensions established by the original LTO scale. The validity test for the measurement scale was based first on exploratory and then on confirmatory factor analysis. The internal reliability consistency of the multi-item scales was assessed with Cronbach’s α. Independent sample t-tests were applied to verify the hypothesis. Results: The eight-item LTO scale performed reasonably well, lending support for its internal validity for the sample. The engineering students had higher levels for the planning dimension, still there were no significant differences in the estimates (t=-.391, p=.697), and students of the tourism program rated higher for the tradition dimension compared to the engineering students (t=3.557, p=.001). Limitations/implications: The study focus only in one personality trait. Education providers can draw upon these findings a better understanding of their students, becoming relevant for the curriculum. Findings/Conclusions: Students of the tourism academic program score higher in the tradition dimension of the LTO profile. On the contrary, there was no difference regarding the planning factor of the LTO profile. Therefore, LTO scale might be useful for understanding students’ decisions and personal orientations, allowing for academic programs to better focus their curriculum.Objective: To investigate differences amongst the LTO (Long Term Orientation) profile of graduate students of two academic programs: tourism and engineer. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 66 students participated in the study. The items of each construct corresponded to the two dimensions established by the original LTO scale. The validity test for the measurement scale was based first on exploratory and then on confirmatory factor analysis. The internal reliability consistency of the multi-item scales was assessed with Cronbach’s alpha. Independent sample t-tests were applied to verify the hypothesis. Results: The eight-item LTO scale performed reasonably well, lending support for its internal validity for the sample. The engineering students (6.16±0.65) had higher levels for the planning dimension compared with the tourism students (6.10±0.56), still there were no significant differences in the estimates (t=-0.391, p=0.697), and students of the tourism program rated significantly higher (t=3.557, p=0.001) for the tradition dimension (6.12±0.59) compared to the engineering students (5.42±0.90). Limitations/implications: The study focus only in one personality trait. Education providers can draw upon these findings a better understanding of their students, becoming relevant for the curriculum. Findings/Conclusions: Students of the tourism academic program score higher in the tradition dimension of the LTO profile. On the contrary, there was no difference regarding the planning factor of the LTO profile. Therefore, LTO scale might be useful for understanding students’ decisions and personal orientations, allowing for academic programs to better focus their curriculum


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    Resumen En este trabajo se presenta la implementación de un sistema de pronóstico basado en la combinación de cuatro diferentes métodos. El sistema es empleado para pronosticar las ventas mensuales de 300 productos de una empresa fabricante de lubricantes. Los patrones de venta de cada producto son muy diferentes. Por lo que las series de datos fueron analizados con los métodos de pronósticos: media móvil (MV), suavizado exponencial sencillo (SES), suavizado exponencial doble (DES) y Holt-Winters aditivo (H-WA). Aquí, se muestra que el método de pronóstico idóneo dependerá de las características de la serie de cada producto. Adicionalmente, el promedio de los pronósticos generados por los cuatro métodos proporciona una alternativa interesante como un método único para pronosticar la venta de todos los productos. Finalmente se presentan algunos ejemplos de pronósticos obtenidos con el sistema implementado. Palabras Clave: Periodicidad, pronósticos, series de tiempo, suavizado exponencial, tendencia. Abstract In this work the implementation of a forecasting system based on the combination of four methods is presented. This system is used to forecast the monthly sells of 300 products of a lubricants liquids enterprise. Moreover, the patterns of demand of each product are quite different. Therefore, the time series were analyzed by the forecasting methods: moving average (MV), single exponential smoothing (SES), double exponential smoothing (DES) and the additive Holt-Winters (H-WA). Here, it is shown that the best forecasting method will depends directly on the characteristics of each time series. Additionally, the average of the four forecasting methods provides an interesting alternative since it can be used as unique method for forecasting the demand of all the products. Finally, some forecasting examples obtained with the system are presented. Keywords: Exponential smoothing, forecasting, periodicity, time series, trend

    Dental and Maxillofacial Alterations in Children with Allergic Rhinitis Attended at the University Hospital of Monterrey, Mexico

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    La rinitis alérgica es una de las principales causas de la respiración orall y diferentes estudios en niños han reportado un aumento en la incidencia de caries dental, alteraciones maxilares y alteraciones morfológicas orofaciales. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de alteraciones dentales y maxilofaciales en niños con rinitis alérgica del noreste de México

    Biodiversity, management, and commercialization of ornamental plants at nurseries in Fortin de las Flores, Veracruz

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to create an inventory of the biodiversity, management, and commercialization of ornamental plants at nurseries in the municipality of Fortín de las Flores in the State of Veracruz, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 150 nursery owners. Results: The respondents reported a total of 230 different plants. With regard to commercialization, 20 species were reported as the most sold. The most notable species were: Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman, Caesalpinia echinata Lam., Anthurium andreanum Linden, and Phoenix roebelenii O’Brien. The biggest problem was the sale price; 65% of the nursery owners reported that they sold their plants to strangers, and that they did not belong to any organization or cooperative. Limitations on study/implications: The poor local technological development characterized by unspecialized small and medium-sized businesses that compete with each other with little trade organization is a result of the sociocultural context of the region. This context limits regional development. Therefore, more research regarding sociocultural aspects should be promoted. Findings/conclusions: We have concluded that there is an underutilization of the native agrobiodiversity, since species originating in other parts of the world are what is most often sold. This is evidenced in the main species sold as well as those that generate the highest profits for the nursery owners

    Characterization of the humoral and cellular immunity induced by a recombinant BCG vaccine for the respiratory syncytial virus in healthy adults

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    IntroductionThe human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) is responsible for most respiratory tract infections in infants. Even though currently there are no approved hRSV vaccines for newborns or infants, several candidates are being developed. rBCG-N-hRSV is a vaccine candidate previously shown to be safe in a phase I clinical trial in adults (clinicaltrials.gov identifier #NCT03213405). Here, secondary immunogenicity analyses were performed on these samples.MethodsPBMCs isolated from immunized volunteers were stimulated with hRSV or mycobacterial antigens to evaluate cytokines and cytotoxic T cell-derived molecules and the expansion of memory T cell subsets. Complement C1q binding and IgG subclass composition of serum antibodies were assessed.ResultsCompared to levels detected prior to vaccination, perforin-, granzyme B-, and IFN-γ-producing PBMCs responding to stimulus increased after immunization, along with their effector memory response. N-hRSV- and mycobacterial-specific antibodies from rBCG-N-hRSV-immunized subjects bound C1q.ConclusionImmunization with rBCG-N-hRSV induces cellular and humoral immune responses, supporting that rBCG-N-hRSV is immunogenic and safe in healthy individuals.Clinical trial registrationhttps://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/, identifier NCT03213405