29 research outputs found

    Marketing mix effects on private labels brand equity

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    The present study explores some marketing mix effects on private labels brand equity creation. The research aims to study the effect of some elements under retailer's direct control such as in-store communications, in-store promotions and distribution intensity as well as other general marketing mix levers such as advertising, perceived price, and monetary promotions. The results indicate that the most efficient marketing mix tools for private label brand equity creation are private labels in-store communications, private labels distribution intensity and the perceived price. These results highlight the importance of the store as a key driver for the private labels brand equity creation. As opposed to manufacturer brands we find no effect of advertising on the private labels brand equity and an opposite effect of the perceived price. This study is a pioneering contribution in the domain of private labels brand equity research exploring a more comprehensive and in-store specific set of marketing mix initiatives as sources of brand equity. The results suggest important implications for retailers when managing their own brands

    Propagación de la desinformación en redes sociales como estrategia de diplomacia: análisis desde la dinámica de sistemas

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    Disinformation on social media has positioned itself as a strategy of diplomacy to intervene in the decisions of sovereign states through the use of fake news, misleading content, hate speech and deliberate falsehoods, information errors, among others, in order to mobilise their citizens, and thus change both public and state policies and rulers, generate social pressure on socio-economic systems, etc. Having said that, the analysis of this strategy in terms of the process of disinformation propagation has been characterised as biased as it involves multiple actors with different levels of decision-making; hence the aim of this paper is to analyse the propagation of disinformation as a diplomatic strategy in social networks through a systemic approach. The results show a generalist model of causal loops, which provides evidence of how disinformation is disseminated, based on the various elements documented in the literature on this diplomatic strategy. Concluding on the potential nature of disinformation and the role that the state and the social networks themselves should play in preventing and mitigating this phenomenon, which is currently affecting nations across the board and which has become popular through the use of diplomatic agents

    Aprendizaje automático para clasificar descuentos en prendas de ropa

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    Fac. de Estudios EstadísticosTRUEpu

    Sustainable Consumption Behaviour in Colombia: An Exploratory Analysis

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    Sustainable consumption has positioned itself as an alternative for economic growth and social development because of its ability to deal with the future scarcity of natural resources and the prevention and mitigation of climate change, among other things. In this sense, the role of the consumer is preponderant, due to the fact their consumption behaviour has a direct effect on the environment; hence the importance of analysing their habits from different perspectives and social realities. Accordingly, the aim of this work is to explore the low-impact sustainable consumption behaviour in Colombia and the convergence and divergence of this type of consumer behaviour in the country. To achieve this, an exploratory, quantitative, and transversal methodology was used. The latter was based on a sample of 393 consumers to whom a self-report scale was applied in order to evaluate behaviours linked to quality of life, care for the environment, and resources for future generations. With the data collected, the following step to follow was to identify how consumers are grouped (hierarchical cluster analysis), what the differences are (single-factor ANOVA), the behaviours (descriptive statistics), as well as the relationship among them (Pearson correlation statistics). Results show that there are two consumer profiles with different levels of awareness of sustainable consumption behaviour. The principal outcome of the study was that Colombian consumers have embraced the behaviour of quality of life and resources for future generations; however, those consumers related to environmental care have been less involved, especially due to the influence of economic variables as such the cost of products and speculation in the prices of environmentally friendly products

    Nitrogen Metabolism and Biomass Production in Forest Trees

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    Low nitrogen (N) availability is a major limiting factor for tree growth and development. N uptake, assimilation, storage and remobilization are key processes in the economy of this essential nutrient, and its efficient metabolic use largely determines vascular development, tree productivity and biomass production. Recently, advances have been made that improve our knowledge about the molecular regulation of acquisition, assimilation and internal recycling of N in forest trees. In poplar, a model tree widely used for molecular and functional studies, the biosynthesis of glutamine plays a central role in N metabolism, influencing multiple pathways both in primary and secondary metabolism. Moreover, the molecular regulation of glutamine biosynthesis is particularly relevant for accumulation of N reserves during dormancy and in N remobilization that takes place at the onset of the next growing season. The characterization of transgenic poplars overexpressing structural and regulatory genes involved in glutamine biosynthesis has provided insights into how glutamine metabolism may influence the N economy and biomass production in forest trees. Here, a general overview of this research topic is outlined, recent progress are analyzed and challenges for future research are discussed

    Ahora / Ara

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    La cinquena edició del microrelatari per l’eradicació de la violència contra les dones de l’Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere «Purificación Escribano» de la Universitat Jaume I vol ser una declaració d’esperança. Aquest és el moment en el qual les dones (i els homes) hem de fer un pas endavant i eliminar la violència sistèmica contra les dones. Ara és el moment de denunciar el masclisme i els micromasclismes començant a construir una societat més igualitària. Cadascun dels relats del llibre és una denúncia i una declaració que ens encamina cap a un món millor

    Actitudes ante la sostenibilidad y la moda: una exploración por grupos de edad

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    Purpose: This study attempts to explore consumer’s attitudes towards sustainability and in particular, in fashion industry. It aims to explore which priority industries are for consumers in sustainability and how fashion industry is positioned. Furthermore, it explores how age can influence on the attitudes and expectations towards sustainability in fashion. Design/methodology: To achieve these objectives, a sample of 297 individuals was collected for survey in Madrid and a correspondence analysis was executed. Findings: Results evidence that fashion industry does not seem to be a priority for customers when they consider sustainability in front of other industries. Variable group of age is a moderator. In addition, customers show different profiles regarding their expectations towards sustainability practices in fashion industry. Research limitations/implications: These results have several implications that can contribute to enhance the achievement of sustainability. On one side, manufacturers make considerable efforts for sustainability without reaching the individuals. On the other side, major efforts for enhancing the disclosure of information about sustainability should be done. Nevertheless, hhe sample size and sampling method do not allow for generalization. Originality/value: However, it opens a debate about the importance of age in sustainability attitudes. It also evidences that there is a lack of information about the concept of fashion sustainability.Objetivo: El presente trabajo indaga sobre las actitudes de los consumidores ante la sostenibilidad y, en especial, ante la industria de la moda. En concreto, el objetivo que se persigue es explorar cuáles son las industrias prioritarias en sostenibilidad para los consumidores con el fin de identificar qué lugar ocupa la moda. Asimismo, pretende estudiar cómo la variable edad influye en las actitudes y expectativas ante la moda sostenible. Diseño/metodología: Para lograr tales propósitos se realiza una investigación de tipo cuantitativa basada en encuestas a 297 consumidores en Madrid de distintos grupos de edad en el año 2018. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el análisis de correspondencias simples. Resultados: Los resultados desvelan que la industria de la moda parece no resultar prioritaria para los consumidores en sostenibilidad frente a otras industrias como, por ejemplo, la alimentación, siendo la variable edad moderadora de este resultado. Por otro lado, se concluye que los individuos no parecen tener un claro conocimiento sobre qué es la sostenibilidad en moda y muestran distintas expectativas que van desde la producción sostenible, el no maltrato a animales o el reciclado de la prenda. Limitaciones/implicaciones: Estos resultados tienen implicaciones tanto empresariales como sociales. Por un lado, los fabricantes realizan grandes esfuerzos por contribuir a la sostenibilidad de la moda que parecen no estar llegando a los individuos. Por otro lado, se requiere revisar la información que necesitan los consumidores para lograr comprometerlos. Sin embargo, el tamaño muestral y el método de muestreo a conveniencia no permiten generalizaciones de los resultados siendo un estudio de naturaleza exploratoria. Originalidad/contribución: Este trabajo es pionero en explorar cómo la edad afecta a las actitudes ante la sostenibilidad enriqueciendo los estudios previos. También pone de manifiesto que parece existir un desconocimiento sobre qué es sostenibilidad en la moda