110 research outputs found

    Las matemáticas para la empresa : un reto pendiente

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    El fracaso académico en las asignaturas relacionadas con las Matemáticas en la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad de Huelva es una realidad ampliamente contrastada. La falta de una base sólida para afrontar los nuevos conocimientos, unida a la ausencia de un esfuerzo personal diario y a una aversión generalizada entre nuestros alumnos hacia las Matemáticas, sean quizás las causas principales de esos resultados adversos. Hemos realizado un estudio, mediante un cuestionario elaborado para tal fin y contestado por los alumnos el primer día de clase, sobre los conocimientos matemáticos básicos con los que llegan éstos al primer curso de nuestra Facultad. El objetivo es establecer un marco de actuación adecuado para enfrentarnos a la docencia de nuestras asignaturas e intentar paliar, en lo posible, las carencias del alumnado

    The application of diode laser in the treatment of oral soft tissues lesions. A literature review

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    Since its appearance in the dental area, the laser has become a treatment of choice in the removal of lesions in the oral soft tissues, due to the numerous advantages they offer, being one of the most used currently the diode laser. The aim of this review was to determine the efficacy and predictability of diode laser as a treatment of soft tissue injuries compared to other surgical methods. A literature review of articles published in PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus and the Cochrane Library databases between 2007 and 2017 was performed. ?Diode laser?, ?soft tissue?, ?oral cavity? and ?oral surgery? were employed for the search strategy. Only articles published English or Spanish were selected. The diode laser is a minimally invasive technology that offers great advantages, superior to those of the conventional scalpel, such as reduction of bleeding, inflammation and the lower probability of scars. Its effectiveness is comparable to that of other types of lasers, in addition to being an option of lower cost and greater ease of use. Its application in the soft tissues has been evaluated, being a safe and effective method for the excision of lesions like fibromas, epulis fissuratum and the accomplishment of frenectomies. The diode laser can be used with very good results for the removal of lesions in soft tissues, being used in small exophytic lesions due to their easy application, adequate coagulation, no need to suture and the slightest inflammation and pain

    Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Pediatric Oncology: comparison of neuropsychological profiles after intervention

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    Presentamos el caso de una adolescente diagnosticada en 2001 con un linfoma de Burkitt no-Hodgkin cuando tenía 14 años (etapa 4, CNS afectado). El tratamiento incluyó quimioterapia sistémica intratecal y radioterapia holocraneal (24Gy). En los estudios de imagen se aprecian cambios de señal en sustancia blanca frontal relacionados con la terapéutica. Participantes y Métodos: La paciente fue evaluada con nuestro protocolo de evaluación neuropsicológica que abarca múltiples funciones cognitivas, así como una evaluación psicopatológica. En septiembre de 2003 presenta un deterioro cognitivo generalizado. La rehabilitación se basó en su perfil neuropsicológico, edad, expectativas e intereses del paciente. La intervención específica en habilidades académicas se decidió debido a su retraso con sus compañeros. La intervención se ha llevado a cabo durante 10 meses, 2 horas / semana e incluye: técnicas y hábitos de estudio, capacitación habilidades académicas (aritmética, lectura, ejercicios de comprensión y escritura), atención y memoria. Los resultados de la evaluación neuropsicológica 2004 revelaron cambios significativos, entre 1 y 2 desviaciones estándar, en las áreas de intervención. Además se obtuvieron mejorías entre 12 y 19 puntos en los coeficientes intelectuales. Conclusiones: La rehabilitación en oncología pediátrica implica un apoyo a largo plazo para nuestros pacientes. Además de la mejora de los recursos ambientales (escuela, familia, servicios sociales...), queremos desarrollar intervenciones individualizadas que nos permite paliar / compensar las secuelas cáncer y su tratamiento. Estos primeros resultados ofrecen mejoras significativas y cuantificables en las áreas de intervención y son un primer indicador de la validez de nuestro trabajo.We present the case of an adolescent diagnosed in 2001 with a Non-Hodgkin Burkitt's lymphoma when she was 14 (stage 4, CNS affected). Treatment included systemic and intrathecal chemotherapy and holocranial radiotherapy (24Gy). Imaging studies revealed signal changes in frontal white matter related with therapeutics. Participants and Methods : The patient was assessed with our neuropsychological assessment protocol composed of multiple cognitive functioning as well as a psychopathological evaluation. In September 2003 she presented a generalized cognitive deterioration. Rehabilitation was based on her neuropsychological profile, age, expectations and interests of the patient. Specific intervention in academic abilities was decided because of her delay with peers. The intervention has been carried out for 10 months, 2 hours/week and included: techniques and studying habits, academic abilities training (arithmetic, reading comprehension and writing), attention and memory exercises. Results : Results of 2004 neuropsychological assessment revealed significant changes, between 1 and 2 standard deviations, in the intervention areas. Moreover we obtained 12 to 19 points improvement in IQ. Conclusions : Rehabilitation in pediatric oncology implies long-term support for our patients. Besides of improving environmental resources (school, family, social services...), we want to develop individualized interventions that allows us to palliate/compensate cancer and treatment sequelae. These first results offer significant and quantitative improvements in the intervention areas and are the first to point out the validity of our work

    Septicemic salmonellosis caused by Salmonella Hessarek in wintering and migrating song thrushes (turdus philomelos) in Spain

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    We investigated two mortality events in wintering and migrating Song Thrushes (Turdus philomelos) in Catalonia, northeastern Spain in 2009 and 2010. Both episodes occurred in late February to mid-March during the spring migration. Salmonellosis produced by the serotype Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Hessarek (S. Hessarek) was identified as the cause of death in both episodes. Poor body condition, marked splenomegaly, and microscopic disseminated intravascular coagulation with numerous intravascular and tissular bacteria were the most consistent findings. Macro-restriction profiling by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using XbaI was performed for epidemiologic typing of the S. Hessarek isolates. Two clusters were discernible, that are possibly related, with a similarity of 82.8%. Analysis comparing pectoral muscle and subcutaneous fat scores from the Song Thrushes that died from S. Hessarek with those from healthy Song Thrushes from nearby areas during 2009 and 2010 suggest that poor body condition was associated with the S. Hessarek infection

    Role of the Pi3k Regulatory Subunit in the Control of Actin Organization and Cell Migration

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    Cell migration represents an important cellular response that utilizes cytoskeletal reorganization as its driving force. Here, we describe a new signaling cascade linking PDGF receptor stimulation to actin rearrangements and cell migration. We demonstrate that PDGF activates Cdc42 and its downstream effector N-WASP to mediate filopodia formation, actin stress fiber disassembly, and a reduction in focal adhesion complexes. Induction of the Cdc42 pathway is independent of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) enzymatic activity, but it is dependent on the p85α regulatory subunit of PI3K. Finally, data are provided showing that activation of this pathway is required for PDGF-induced cell migration on collagen. These observations show the essential role of the PI3K regulatory subunit p85α in controlling PDGF receptor–induced cytoskeletal changes and cell migration, illustrating a novel signaling pathway that links receptor stimulation at the cell membrane with actin dynamics

    Una experiencia práctica innovadora para el aprendizaje en economía: Bugamap en la Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

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    Presentamos una experiencia práctica innovadora para el aprendizaje de una parte del contenido de la asignatura de Economía. Hemos realizado una innovación práctica educativa con el alumnado matriculado en la Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo en la asignatura de Economía Política del Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos con la colaboración de la FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. La metodología ha consistido en implementar en clase un juego de simulación empresarial - Bussines Game MAPFRE (BugaMAP)- de la Fundación MAPFRE que pretende difundir el conocimiento en materia de seguros transmitiendo una visión integrada de las distintas áreas de gestión de una empresa de seguros. Los alumnos fueron agrupados en equipos de trabajo, como si fueran compañías de seguros que operan en varios productos o ramos. Se iniciaba con la misma situación de partida - número de clientes, precio de los seguros, masa salarial, etc.- con un valor de 100 puntos por acción. A lo largo de varias fases del juego, los equipos competían entre sí, tomando decisiones relacionadas con su política de precios, retribución a vendedores, distribución de inversiones, nivel de gastos y reaseguro. El objetivo del juego es maximizar el valor de la empresa aseguradora asignada. Concluimos que a través del juego de simulación BugaMAP el alumnado ha aprendido y aplicado conceptos empresariales, en particular del ramo asegurador, desarrollando habilidades empresariales. Asimismo, se ha fomentado el trabajo en equipo, la toma de decisiones y el intercambio de ideas entre los miembros del equipo, fomentando competencias transversales de la titulación. Esta actividad ha sido valorada positivamente por el alumnado

    Effect of mTORC1/mTORC2 inhibition on T cell function: potential role in graft-versus-host disease control

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    Producción CientíficaThe mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway is crucial for the activation and function of T cells, which play an essential role in the development of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Despite its partial ability to block mTOR pathway, the mTORC1 inhibitor rapamycin has shown encouraging results in the control of GvHD. Therefore, we considered that simultaneous targeting of both mTORC1 and mTORC2 complexes could exert a more potent inhibition of T cell activation and, thus, could have utility in GvHD control. To assess this assumption, we have used the dual mTORC1/mTORC2 inhibitors CC214-1 and CC214-2. In vitro studies confirmed the superior ability of CC214-1 versus rapamycin to block mTORC1 and mTORC2 activity and to reduce T cell proliferation. Both drugs induced a similar decrease in Th1/Th2 cytokine secretion, but CC214-1 was more efficient in inhibiting na€ıve T cell activation and the expression of Tcell activation markers. In addition, CC214-1 induced specific tolerance against alloantigens, while preserving anti-cytomegalovirus response. Finally, in a mouse model of GvHD, the administration of CC214-2 significantly improved mice survival and decreased GvHD-induced damages. In conclusion, the current study shows, for the first time, the immunosuppressive ability of CC214-1 on T lymphocytes and illustrates the role of CC214-2 in the allogeneic transplantation setting as a possible GvHD prophylaxis agent.Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León (Proyecto GRS 726/A13

    Identification and functional analysis of missense mutations in the lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase gene in a Chilean patient with hypoalphalipoproteinemia

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    Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) is a plasma enzyme that esterifies cholesterol in high- and low-density lipoproteins (HDL and LDL). Mutations in LCAT gene causes familial LCAT deficiency, which is characterized by very low plasma HDL-cholesterol levels (Hypoalphalipoproteinemia), corneal opacity and anemia, among other lipid-related traits. Our aim is to evaluate clinical/biochemical features of a Chilean family with a proband showing clinical signs of familial LCAT deficiency, as well as to identify and assess the functional effects of LCAT mutations. LCAT sequencing identified rare p.V333 M and p.M404 V missense mutations in compound heterozygous state in the proband, as well the common synonymous p.L363 L variant. LCAT protein was detected in proband’s plasma, but with undetectable enzyme activity compared to control relatives. HEK-293 T transfected cells with vector expression plasmids containing either p.M404 V or p.V333 M cDNA showed detectable LCAT protein expression both in supernatants and lysates from cultured cells, but with much lower enzyme activity compared to cells transfected with the wild-type sequence. Bioinformatic analyses also supported a causal role of such rare variations in LCAT lack of function. Additionally, the proband carried the minor allele of the synonymous p.L363 L variant. However, this variant is unlikely to affect the clinical phenotype of the proband given its relatively high frequency in the Chilean population (4%) and its small putative effect on plasma HDL-cholesterol levels. Conclusion: Genetic, biochemical, in vitro and in silico analyses indicate that the rare mutations p.M404 V and p. V333 M in LCAT gene lead to suppression of LCAT enzyme activity and cause clinical features of familial LCAT deficiency.This work was supported by Proyecto FONDECYT 1150416 and Proyecto Interdisciplina VRI-PUC II15024 from the Dirección de Investigación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Genotyping of GOCS was performed in the in the Human Genotyping laboratory at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, a member of CeGen (PRB2-ISCIII), and was supported by grant PT13/ 0001/0005 of PE I + D + i 2013-2016 funded by ISCIII and ERDF (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional). This research was partially supported by the supercomputing infrastructure of the NLHPC (ECM-02). L.V. and C.B. were supported by VRI, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Proyecto Investigación Interdisciplinaria VRI-PUC II15024). TG was supported by “Beca de Magíster Nacional” CONICYT. L.V. was additionally supported by FONDECYT postdoctoral grant 3170038. We express our gratitude to the proband and relatives

    Age and APOE genotype affect the relationship between objectively measured physical activity and power in the alpha band, a marker of brain disease

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    BACKGROUND: Electrophysiological studies show that reductions in power within the alpha band are associated with the Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) continuum. Physical activity (PA) is a protective factor that has proved to reduce AD risk and pathological brain burden. Previous research has confirmed that exercise increases power in the alpha range. However, little is known regarding whether other non-modifiable risk factors for AD, such as increased age or APOE ε4 carriage, alter the association between PA and power in the alpha band. METHODS: The relationship between PA and alpha band power was examined in a sample of 113 healthy adults using magnetoencephalography. Additionally, we explored whether ε4 carriage and age modulate this association. The correlations between alpha power and gray matter volumes and cognition were also investigated. RESULTS: We detected a parieto-occipital cluster in which PA positively correlated with alpha power. The association between PA and alpha power remained following stratification of the cohort by genotype. Younger and older adults were investigated separately, and only younger adults exhibited a positive relationship between PA and alpha power. Interestingly, when four groups were created based on age (younger-older adult) and APOE (E3/E3-E3/E4), only younger E3/E3 (least predicted risk) and older E3/E4 (greatest predicted risk) had associations between greater alpha power and higher PA. Among older E3/E4, greater alpha power in these regions was associated with improved memory and preserved brain structure. CONCLUSION: PA could protect against the slowing of brain activity that characterizes the AD continuum, where it is of benefit for all individuals, especially E3/E4 older adults

    Colombian Marketing Magazine. Magazine of the Faculty of Market Engineering damage 2 number 3 December 2001

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    La investigación científica ha tenido que enfrentarse a los distintos paradigmas predominantes a los largo de la historia de los conglomerados humanos en su insaciable búsqueda de aceptables explicaciones de la realidad o la fracción de ella.Editorial.- La efectividad del mercadeo en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes) de los sectores industrial y de servicios del departamento de Boyacá, Colombia.- Dimensiones y medición de la calidad de servicio en empresas hoteleras.- El sentido común y el mercadeo.- Validación del modelo simbólico-cultural de comportamiento del consumidor.- Un modelo para evaluar la calidad del servicio de una IPS de alta complejidad en su componente '‘satisfacción del usuario' .- El objeto de estudio de la disciplina de marketing.- Criterios editoriales.----Scientific research has had to confront the different predominant paradigms throughout the history of human conglomerates in their insatiable search for acceptable explanations of reality or a fraction of it.Modalidad Presencia