79 research outputs found

    Population distribution and biomass variability of sardine and anchovy in the Canary current system as simulated by an end-to-end coupled model

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    Small pelagic fishes as sardine and anchovy account for as much as 20-25% of the world fisheries catch. They are particularly abundant in the four major eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems, where high levels of biological productivity are sustained by the supply of nutrient-rich water from beneath the photic zone. An intrinsic and puzzling feature of small pelagic fish is the large fluctuations of their population, typically occurring at decadal scales. The causes for such fluctuations have been extensively analyzed and discussed in the literature, yet our understanding of the mechanism involved is very limited. End-to-end models are emerging tools useful to test hypothesis for such fish population variability or to gain new insights into the problem. This comprehensive and complex model approach is now becoming possible largely thanks to the present-day computer power. This contribution focuses on the population dynamics of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Canary Current Upwelling Ecosystem. We describe and present the results of an end-to-end coupled model simulation including these two small pelagic species. The end-to-end application includes three model components: the ROMS circulation sub-model, the lower trophic ecosystem sub-model NEMURO, and a recently developed individual-based model for the fish (Rose et al. 2015; Fiechter et al. 2015). The computational grid for the three models covers NW Africa and the Western Iberian Peninsula at a spatial resolution of 12 km. This resolution is sufficient for certain eddy variability to occur in ROMS. Different biological traits were prescribed for anchovy and sardine: temperature optimum, diet preferences, and the onset and duration of the spawning season, among others. A hind-cast simulation of the period 1958-2007 was carried out. Model results reveal a fairly different behavior of sardine and anchovy. Anchovies gather off the northern part of Morocco and the Gulf of Cadiz, whereas sardines appear more scattered across the domain, further offshore, and further south, where upwelling favorable conditions take place year round. Both species exhibit decadal-scale fluctuations in both the location of the center of mass of the population and their biomass abundance; the latter being reasonably correlated with historical landing records.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar CEIMAR. Campus de Excelencia Andalucía Tec

    Activity, a variable in the time : University of peace and reconciliation in 12 Commune of Medellín

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    La investigación indagó la relación entre actividad y tiempo, proponiendo cuatro categorías teóricas como hipótesis que, permiten el desarrollo en el proyecto arquitectónico en una Ciudad Universitaria en Medellín: Forma constante, Muerte, Arquitectura móvil y Contenedor. Esto ya que, la arquitectura contemporánea no presta atención a la vida útil del proyecto, es decir, en la actualidad, el objetivo de la disciplina está en proyectar espacios que perduren eternamente, omitiendo el tiempo como estrategia de composición. A partir de esto, la indagación abordó la composición del proyecto arquitectónico desde la definición formal de la relación actividad / tiempo. La investigación agrupo las reflexiones teóricas en un encargo que propicia y evidencia la actividad, el tiempo y el proyecto arquitectónico: una Ciudad Universitaria en la Comuna 12 de Medellín. El proceso metodológico, fue basado en tres aspectos: analizar, analogar y componer. Un proceso cíclico en el que, fue necesario analizar modelos paradigmáticos para componer y componer para analizar. La analogía proyectual al momento de analizar develó lógicas formales, para después asumir estrategias y operaciones relacionadas con el tiempo y la actividad. Los resultados de la investigación no están orientados en ofrecer instrumentos para lograr la permanencia en la eternidad, en cambio propone una postura consiente de la relación entre actividad y tiempo, para demostrar las reflexiones teóricas sobre la actividad y el tiempo en la composición de una Ciudad UniversitariaThe investigation inquired the association between activity and time in the architectural project in a University Campus in Medellín, since, contemporary architecture excludes this relation in the design process. In other words, at present, the discipline objective is to project spaces that will last forever, omitting time as a compositional strategy. From this, the research addressed the composition of the architectural project from the formal definition of the activity / time association. Grouping the study in a commission that promotes and demonstrates the activity, time and architectural project: A University Campus in the Commune 12 of Medellín. The methodological process was based on three aspects: analyze, analogy and compose. A cyclical process in which it is necessary to analyze paradigmatic models to compose and compose to analyze. The project analogy showed formal logics at the analyzing, then assume strategies and operations applied in the composition. The results of the research are not oriented to offer instruments to achieve permanence in eternity, instead proposes a conscientious position of the relationship between activity and time, to demonstrate the theoretical reflections on the activity and time in the composition of a University Campus

    Biogeochemistry of dissolved and suspended organic matter in the Cape Vert Frontal Zone (NW Africa)

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    Oral communicationThe Cape Verde Frontal Zone (CVFZ) in the southern boundary of the Canary Current Upwelling Ecosystem, is a highly dynamic area, featuring large vertical and horizontal export fluxes of organic matter (OM) due to the interaction of the Cape Verde Front (CVF) with the Mauritanian upwelling. To study the interplay between transport and biogeochemical processes driving the distribution of OM in the CVFZ, full-depth profiles of dissolved (DOM) and suspended particulate (POM) OM were obtained during the FLUXES I cruise in August 2017. Distributions of surface DOM and POM and their stoichiometry were influenced by the mesoscale variability at the frontal region, showing significant differences north and south of the CVF and between stations close and distant to the Mauritanian coast. The C:N molar ratio of DOM and POM showed average vertical gradients, increasing from 12.1 and 8.0 in surface to 15.6 and 17.0 respectively in deeps waters, deviating from the traditional Redfield ratio. In the meso- and bathypelagic zones, meridional and cross-shore gradients were detected within samples belonging to the same water mass, indicating that their properties were re-shaped by biogeochemical processes within the CVFZ. Correlations between apparent oxygen utilization and OM indicate that DOM+POM contributed only to 8.1% of the carbon and 17.8% of the nitrogen mineralisation in the water column, suggesting that the local carbon demand is mainly supported by sinking POM and N containing compounds are mineralised to a larger extend than C containing compoundsASL

    Altair: Automatic Image Analyzer to Assess Retinal Vessel Caliber

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    The scope of this work is to develop a technological platform specialized in assessing retinal vessel caliber and describing the relationship of the results obtained to cardiovascular risk. Population studies conducted have found retinal vessel caliber to be related to the risk of hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, metabolic syndrome, stroke, and coronary artery disease. The vascular system in the human retina has a unique property: it is easily observed in its natural living state in the human retina by the use of a retinal camera. Retinal circulation is an area of active research by numerous groups, and there is general experimental agreement on the analysis of the patterns of the retinal blood vessels in the normal human retina. The development of automated tools designed to improve performance and decrease interobserver variability, therefore, appears necessary

    Factores de riesgo para enfermedades metabólicas en adolescentes de tres etnias de Chihuahua, México

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    This study carried out in adolescents of the Mennonite, Tarahumara and Mestizo ethnic groups of the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, aims to make a description of the risk components for metabolic syndrome (MS) that our population has in current life, and that predispose to a large number of metabolic diseases. The following variables were reviewed: age, sex, BMI, waist circumference, fasting glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C and blood pressure. The variables were compared according to the various criterion to determine the metabolic syndrome: IDF, NCEP-ATP III (Cook and de Ferranti) and WHO. The prevalence of MS in the sample was higher in Tarahumara adolescents (12.65%) compared to mestizos (11.95%) and Mennonites (7.15%), according to the ATP III criterion (De Ferranti). Conclusions. There is a significant statistical difference in the prevalence of MS in adolescents from different ethnic groups in Chihuahua.Este estudio realizado en adolescentes de las etnias Menonita, Tarahumara y Mestiza del estado de Chihuahua, pretende hacer una descripción de los componentes de riesgo para síndrome metabólico (SM) que en la vida actual tiene nuestra población, y que predisponen a un gran número de enfermedades metabólicas. Se revisaron las variables: edad, sexo, IMC, circunferencia de cintura, glucosa en ayunas, colesterol total, triglicéridos, c-HDL y presión arterial. Las variables fueron comparadas de acuerdo con los diversos criterios para determinar el síndrome metabólico: IDF, NCEP-ATP III (Cook y de Ferranti) y OMS. La prevalencia de SM en la muestra fue mayor en adolescentes tarahumaras (12.65%) en comparación con mestizos (11.95%) y menonitas (7.15%), de acuerdo con los criterios de la ATP III (De Ferranti). Conclusiones. Existe una diferencia estadística significante en la prevalencia de SM en adolescentes de los diferentes grupos étnicos de Chihuahua

    Platform image processing to study the structural properties of retinal vessel

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    This paper presents a technological platform specialized in assessing retinal vessel caliber and describing the relationship of the results obtained to cardiovascular risk. Retinal circulation is an area of active research by numerous groups, and there is general experimental agreement on the analysis of the patterns of the retinal blood vessels in the normal human retina. The development of automated tools designed to improve performance and decrease interobserver variability, therefore, appears necessary

    Formación y tutorización activa mediante Web 3D

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    Memoria ID-0019. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la Innovación Docente, curso 2008-2009.El proyecto Formación y tutorización activa mediante Web 3D, ha permitido poner en marcha el portal fcienciasvirtual.usal.es en el que se presenta un mundo virtual de la Facultad de Ciencias. La Web 3D de la facultad de ciencias facilita la interacción entre estudiantes y profesores y es una herramienta de soporte a la docencia. Se trata de un entorno inmersivo 3D, adaptado a la Facultad y de tipo experimental

    Patient-reported outcome measures for knowledge transfer and behaviour modification interventions in type 2 diabetes-the INDICA study: a multiarm cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Objective: This study assesses the effectiveness of different interventions of knowledge transfer and behaviour modification to improve type 2 diabetes mellitus patients' (T2DM) reported outcomes measures (PROMs) in the long-term. Design: open, community-based pragmatic, multicentre, controlled trial with random allocation by clusters to usual care (UC) or to one of the three interventions. Participants: A total of 2334 patients with uncomplicated T2DM and 211 healthcare professionals were included of 32 primary care centres. Setting: Primary Care Centers in Canary Islands (Spain). Intervention: The intervention for patients (PTI) included an educational group programme, logs and a web-based platform for monitoring and automated short message service (SMS). The intervention for professionals (PFI) included an educational programme, a decision support tool embedded into the electronic clinical record and periodic feedback about patients' results. A third group received both PTI and PFI (combined intervention, CBI). Outcome measure: Cognitive-attitudinal, behavioural, affective and health-related quality of life (HQoL) variables. Results: Compared with UC at 24 months, the PTI group significantly improved knowledge (p=0.005), self-empowerment (p=0.002), adherence to dietary recommendations (p<0.001) and distress (p=0.01). The PFI group improved at 24 months in distress (p=0.03) and at 12 months there were improvements in depression (p=0.003), anxiety (p=0.05), HQoL (p=0.005) and self-empowerment (p<0.001). The CBI group improved at 24 months in self-empowerment (p=0.008) and adherence to dietary recommendations (p=0.004) and at 12 months in knowledge (p=0.008), depression (p=0.006), anxiety (p=0.003), distress (p=0.01), HQoL (p<0.001) and neuropathic symptoms (p=0.02). Statistically significant improvements were also observed at 24 months in the proportion of patients who quit smoking for PTI and CBI (41.5% in PTI and 42.3% in CBI vs 21.2% in the UC group). Conclusions: Assessed interventions to improve PROMs in T2DM attain effectiveness for knowledge, self-empowerment, distress, diet adherence and tobacco cessation. PTI produced the most lasting benefits. Trial registration number: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01657227 (6 August 2012) https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01657227.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), grant number: ADE10/00032 and PI16/00769 co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) “A way to make Europe”.S

    Validation of the automatic image analyser to assess retinal vessel calibre (ALTAIR): a prospective study protocol

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    Introduction. The fundus examination is a non-invasive evaluation of the microcirculation of the retina. The aim of the present study is to develop and validate (reliability and validity) the ALTAIR software platform (Automatic image analyser to assess retinal vessel calibre) in order to analyse its utility in different clinical environments. Methods and analysis. A cross-sectional study in the first phase and a prospective observational study in the second with 4 years of follow-up. The study will be performed in a primary care centre and will include 386 participants. The main measurements will include carotid intima-media thickness, pulse wave velocity by Sphygmocor, cardio-ankle vascular index through the VASERA VS-1500, cardiac evaluation by a digital ECG and renal injury by microalbuminuria and glomerular filtration. The retinal vascular evaluation will be performed using a TOPCON TRCNW200 non-mydriatic retinal camera to obtain digital images of the retina, and the developed software (ALTAIR) will be used to automatically calculate the calibre of the retinal vessels, the vascularised area and the branching pattern. For software validation, the intraobserver and interobserver reliability, the concurrent validity of the vascular structure and function, as well as the association between the estimated retinal parameters and the evolution or onset of new lesions in the target organs or cardiovascular diseases will be examined. Ethics and dissemination The study has been approved by the clinical research ethics committee of the healthcare area of Salamanca. All study participants will sign an informed consent to agree to participate in the study in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the WHO standards for observational studies. Validation of this tool will provide greater reliability to the analysis of retinal vessels by decreasing the intervention of the observer and will result in increased validity through the use of additional information, especially in the areas of vascularisation and vessel branching patterns

    Enfrentando los riesgos socionaturales

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    El objetivo del libro es comprender la magnitud de los Riesgos Socionaturales en México y Latinoamérica, para comprender el peligro que existe por algún tipo de desastre, ya sea inundaciones, sismos, remoción en masa, entre otros, además conocer qué medidas preventivas, correctivas y de contingencias existen para estar atentos ante alguna señal que la naturaleza esté enviando y así evitar alguna catástrofe. El libro se enfoca en los aspectos básicos de análisis de los peligros, escenarios de riesgo, vulnerabilidad y resiliencia, importantes para la gestión prospectiva o preventiva