279 research outputs found

    The Preventive Pedagogy of Saint Ludovico Pavoni

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    Saint Ludovico Pavoni was born in Brescia (Italy) in 1784 and died in Saiano (Brescia) in 1849. He dedicated his life to the training of young people and children through the workshops and a characteristic educational method. Priest, man of God, apostle of the world of work, pioneer of vocational training even before John Bosco, father of orphans and deaf mutes, and forerunner of the Catholic publishing house. In 1847, he founded the Congregation of the Sons of Mary Immaculate (Pavonians). In 1821, he gave rise to the Institute of San Bernabé, a ‘School of Crafts’, so that “the homeless and the most neglected by the parents themselves, find a free shelter and they will surely grow up educated in the honorable arts”. For 30 years, Pavoni would direct this Institute by directing the educational method and the workshops (typography, forge, binding...), for the results obtained, and for prevention and treatment of situations that were, in the 19th century, true social scourges. Here, Pavoni developed his own method, being at the forefront of pedagogues of the 19th century, a method based on the love for kids, rationality, the importance of work, emulation and honour, prevention and the gospel. Even now, the Pavonian family continues to work on Pavoni’s tracks.Pedagogia prewencyjna świętego Ludwika PavoniŚw. Ludwik Pavoni urodził się w Brescii (Włochy) w 1784 roku i zmarł w Saiano (Brescia) w 1849 roku. Swoje życie poświęcił wychowaniu młodzieży i dzieci poprzez warsztaty i specyficzną metodę edukacyjną. Kapłan, człowiek Boży, apostoł świata pracy, pionier nauczania zawodowego wyprzedzający w tym obszarze Jana Bosco, ojciec sierot i głuchoniemych, założyciel katolickiego wydawnictwa. W 1847 r. założył Zgromadzenie Synów Maryi Niepokalanej (pawonianie). W 1821 r. dał początek Instytutowi Świętego Barnaby, „Szkole Rzemiosła”, tak aby „bezdomni i najbardziej zaniedbywani przez samych rodziców znaleźli schronienie i dorastali kształceni w szlachetnych sztukach”. Przez 30 lat Pavoni będzie kierować tym instytutem, wskazując metody edukacyjne oraz warsztaty (typografia, kuźnia, wiązanie...), dla uzyskania pożądanych wyników oraz zapobiegania i leczenia sytuacji, które w XIX wieku stanowiły prawdziwe plagi społeczne. Tutaj Pavoni opracował własną metodę, stając na czele pedagogów w XIX wieku, metodę opartą na miłości do dzieci, racjonalności, znaczeniu pracy, naśladowaniu i honorze, zapobieganiu i Ewangelii. Również współcześnie pawonianie wykorzystują ścieżki wyznaczone przez św. Ludwika Pavoni

    Perfil psicopatológico y delictivo en pacientes drogodependientes en tratamiento

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    Abstract: Description of the psychopathological and criminal profile in drug-dependent patients under treatment. This study performs an analysis of the prevalence of criminal behaviors in addicted patients under treatment. The sample consisted of 71 addicts (63 men and 8 women) who sought treatment at Proyecto Hombre Valladolid. Criminal behaviors, socio-demographic characteristics and consumption variables were evaluated with the EuropASI; psychopathological symptomatology with the SCL-90-R; and personality variables with the MCMI-III. Patients with and without criminal behaviors were compared in all the variables studied. The rate of addicted patients involved in criminal acts was 67.6% (n= 48). Significant differences were observed between patients with and without criminal behavior. Patients with criminal acts were more likely to show polydrug use. Patients with associated criminal behaviors had a more severe addiction. The implications of these results for clinical practice and future research are discussed.Keywords: Drug addiction; crime; criminological profile; comorbidity; addictions.Resumen: En este estudio se lleva a cabo un análisis de la prevalencia de conductas delictivas en pacientes adictos en tratamiento. Se cuenta con una muestra de 71 adictos (63 hombres y 8 mujeres) que acudie­ron a tratamiento en Proyecto Hombre Valladolid. Se evaluaron las conductas delictivas, las carac­terísticas sociodemográficas y las variables de consumo con el EuropASI, la sintomatología psicopatológica con el SCL-90-R y las variables de personalidad con el MCMI-III. Se compararon los pacientes con y sin conductas delictivas en todas las variables estudiadas. La tasa de pacientes adictos implicados en actos delictivos fue del 67.6% (n = 48). Se observaron diferencias significativas entre los pacientes con y sin conductas delictivas. Entre los pacientes con actos delic­tivos era más probable que presentaran policonsumo de sustancias. Los pacientes con conductas delictivas asociadas presentaban una mayor gravedad en su adicción. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados para la práctica clínica y la investigación futura.Palabras clave: Drogadicción; delito; perfil criminológico; comorbilidad; adicciones

    Desarrollo de un método abreviado para la determinación cuantitativa de ácidos grasos en leche con especial énfasis en los ácidos grasos de cadena larga

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    A new and simple method was developed for the extraction and derivatization of fatty acid (FA) in milk. Lipid extraction of milk was carried out in H2SO4/methanol. Methylation was performed for 2 h at 60°C, and FA methyl esters were recovered for chromatographic analysis by the addition of hexane. The method parameters were optimized and the simple method was compared to the official reference procedure for the extraction and methylation of FAs in milk samples. For most of the 24 FAs determined, similar or significantly higher recoveries were obtained by the simple method than by the conventional method. The simple method allows processing a high number of samples, at the same time, minimizing the sample manipulation and, consequently, the sample loss and contamination. In conclusion, the proposed method is simple, rapid, low cost, and achieves good resultsUn nuevo método abreviado se desarrolló para la extracción y derivatización de ácidos grasos en leche. La extracción de los lípidos de la leche se llevó a cabo en H2SO4/metanol. La metilación se realizó a 60°C durante 2 h y los ésteres metílicos de los ácidos grasos fueron recuperados para el análisis cromatográfico mediante la adición de hexano. Los parámetros del método fueron optimizados y el método abreviado fue comparado con el método de referencia para la determinación de ácidos grasos en leche. En la mayor parte de los 24 ácidos grasos analizados, el método abreviado mostró recuperaciones similares o mejores que el método convencional. El método simple permite procesar un alto número de muestras al mismo tiempo, minimizando la manipulación de la muestra y consecuentemente la pérdida de la misma y su contaminación. En conclusión, el método propuesto es simple, rápido, económico y logra buenos resultadosThe authors thank Consellería do Medio Rural (FEADER 2008/32 and FEADER 2008/33) and Dirección Xeral de Investigación Desenvolvemento e Innovación (Xunta de Galicia, Lucas Labrada program) for financial supportS

    Socio-emotional variables linked to the consumption of drugs amongst university students of Social Sciences: A pilot study

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    Producción CientíficaThis descriptive and transversal study, carried out on an intentional sample of 211 subjects who were split in terms of their consumption of psychoactive substances over the last month and who were aged between 18 and 28 (M = 21.36, and SD = 1.90), aimed to explore the emotional intelligence, perceived socio-family support and academic performance of university students vis-à-vis their consumption of drugs and to examine the link between them. The goal was to define university student consumer profile through a regression model using the multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale (EMAS) and the Trait Meta Mood Scale-24 (TMMS-24) as instruments, together with academic performance and gender. The results report alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis consumption rates that are above the levels indicated by the Spanish household survey on alcohol and drugs in Spain (EDADES 2019) for the 15–34-year-old age range in Castilla y León. A certain link was observed between the consumption of substances and academic performance, although no differences were seen in academic performance in terms of consumer type. There was also no clear link observed between emotional intelligence and academic performance or between social support and academic performance. The predictive contribution of the variables included in the regression model was low (9%), which would advocate completing the model with other predictive variables until more appropriate predictability conditions can be found

    Possible Role of Gap Junction Channels and Non-Junctional Channels in the Infection Caused by <em>Trypanosoma cruzi</em>

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    Chagas disease affects low-income nations with health consequences that impact the economy of those countries. Interestingly, inhibitors of channels formed by proteins of the gap junction family, such as suramin and boldine, exhibit trypanocidal activity. Gap junction proteins are integral membrane proteins present in both vertebrates and invertebrates that participate in cellular communication. These proteins form gap junction channels, which connect the cytoplasm of neighboring cells or non-junctional channels that connect the intra- and extracellular milieu. Interestingly, Trypanosoma cruzi modulates the expression of proteins of the gap junction family or modify the activity of the channels formed by these proteins in host cells. Moreover, Lucifer yellow microinjected into fibroblast was incorporated into associated trypanosomes of Trypanosoma musculi, suggesting the possibility of direct communication via gap junction channels between them. In this chapter, we summarized the current knowledge about the possible roles of gap junction family proteins in Chagas disease

    Modulation of coaxial modal interferometers based on long period gratings in double cladding fibers

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    This paper reports on the dynamic modulation of coaxial interferometers based on two cascaded long period gratings written in double cladding fibers. The interferometer is modulated by a piezoelectric ceramic which stretches one the gratings at tens of kHz, the output light is intensity modulated with an efficiency of 97 %. The device operates at 1530nm, has more than 50nm bandwidth, insertion loss of 0.4 dB and a temperature drift of 0.11 nm/ºC

    Fiber-Optic Aqueous Dipping Sensor Based on Coaxial-Michelson Modal Interferometers

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    Fiber-optic modal interferometers with a coaxial-Michelson configuration can be used to monitor aqueous solutions by simple dipping of few centimeters of a fiber tip. The fabrication of these sensors to work around 850 nm enables the use of compact, robust, and low-cost optical spectrum analyzers. The use of this type of portable sensor system to monitor sewage treatment plants is shown

    An ANP-Based Network to Measure the Impact of Lean Production on Organisational Performance

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    [EN] Purpose: The main objective of this research is to design a decision-making network, based on the Analytic Network Process (ANP) technique (Saaty, 1996), which will include the main elements to take into account when stating the effect that the application of LP techniques has got on the performance of an organisation, measured this through a Performance Measurement System (PMS). Design/methodology/approach: The authors have carried out a scientific literature search to state what the main LP techniques are -and how to group them into different clusters- and have then applied the ANP, its first phase, in order to design the decisional network. Findings: There is a gap in the literature when trying to identify and quantify to what extent the implementation of LP techniques affects to organisational performance. The ANP is an appropriate technique to do so due to the need of gathering and quantifying experts' opinions. Originality/value: The designed ANP-based network to measure the impact of LP over organisational performance is a novel approach. This paper justifies its usage and paves the way to implement the rest of the ANP phases in future research work.Ruano-Pérez, JL.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ.; Verdecho Sáez, MJ. (2018). An ANP-Based Network to Measure the Impact of Lean Production on Organisational Performance. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. 11(2):222-228. https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.2536S22222811

    Personalized rule-based closed-loop control algorithm for type 1 diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes-mellitus implies a life-threatening absolute insulin deficiency. Artificial pancreas (CGM sensor, insulin pump and control algorithm) is promising to outperform current open-loop therapies