1,846 research outputs found

    Procesos de geocodificación en el ámbito sanitario. Una comparativa de resultados

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    Desde la Consejería de Salud se ha venido insistiendo, durante el proceso de redacción y desarrollo del Plan Cartográfico de Andalucía, sobre la importancia que adquieren los procesos de geocodificación para obtener información geográfica de calidad. La localización por dirección postal de eventos relacionados con la salud (usuarios y centros asistenciales del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía y eventos relativos a la salud ambiental) supone una fuente de datos fundamental para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de Sistemas de Información Geográfica en el ámbito de la salud. El objetivo de la comunicación es presentar los resultados comparados obtenidos mediante procesos de geocodificación realizados hasta el momento con el Sistema de Información Geográfica de la Consejería de Salud, SIG Mercator, y los procesos de geocodificación realizados con las herramientas disponibles en el Sistema de Información Geográfica Corporativo de la Junta de Andalucía. Las herramientas de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (TIG) utilizadas son por un lado las herramientas de geocodificación implementadas en el software propietario ArcGis y por otro herramientas bajo software libre: el normalizador de direcciones desarrollado por el Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía ADYN y las herramientas de normalización y geocodificación implementadas en el SIG Corporativo de la Junta de Andalucía.The significance of geocoding processes in order to obtain high quality geographical data has been stressed by Regional Government of Andalusia’s Ministry of Health throughout the drafting and development process of the Andalusian Mapping Plan. The location by postal address, of health-related events (users and healthcare centres from the Andalusian Public Health System and environmental-related events), is a crucial data source for the development of implementations of Geographical Information Systems in the health field. The aim of this paper is to carry out a comparative analysis between geocoding processes carried out to date using the Geographical Information System of the Regional Ministry of Health, GIS Mercator, and the geocoding processes carried out using the available tools of the Corporate Geographical Information System of the Regional Government of Andalusia.The GIS Mercator tools of Geographical Information Technologies (GIT) used are, on the one hand, the geocoding tools implemented in the proprietary ArcGis software, and on the other, free software tools: addresses standardization developed by the Andalusian Statistical Institute ADYN and the geocoding tools implemented in the Corporate GIS of the Regional Government of Andalusia

    Procesos de geocodificación en el ámbito sanitario. Una comparativa de resultados

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    Desde la Consejería de Salud se ha venido insistiendo, durante el proceso de redacción y desarrollo del Plan Cartográfico de Andalucía, sobre la importancia que adquieren los procesos de geocodificación para obtener información geográfica de calidad. La localización por dirección postal de eventos relacionados con la salud (usuarios y centros asistenciales del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía y eventos relativos a la salud ambiental) supone una fuente de datos fundamental para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de Sistemas de Información Geográfica en el ámbito de la salud. El objetivo de la comunicación es presentar los resultados comparados obtenidos mediante procesos de geocodificación realizados hasta el momento con el Sistema de Información Geográfica de la Consejería de Salud, SIG Mercator, y los procesos de geocodificación realizados con las herramientas disponibles en el Sistema de Información Geográfica Corporativo de la Junta de Andalucía. Las herramientas de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (TIG) utilizadas son por un lado las herramientas de geocodificación implementadas en el software propietario ArcGis y por otro herramientas bajo software libre: el normalizador de direcciones desarrollado por el Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía ADYN y las herramientas de normalización y geocodificación implementadas en el SIG Corporativo de la Junta de Andalucía.The significance of geocoding processes in order to obtain high quality geographical data has been stressed by Regional Government of Andalusia’s Ministry of Health throughout the drafting and development process of the Andalusian Mapping Plan. The location by postal address, of health-related events (users and healthcare centres from the Andalusian Public Health System and environmental-related events), is a crucial data source for the development of implementations of Geographical Information Systems in the health field. The aim of this paper is to carry out a comparative analysis between geocoding processes carried out to date using the Geographical Information System of the Regional Ministry of Health, GIS Mercator, and the geocoding processes carried out using the available tools of the Corporate Geographical Information System of the Regional Government of Andalusia.The GIS Mercator tools of Geographical Information Technologies (GIT) used are, on the one hand, the geocoding tools implemented in the proprietary ArcGis software, and on the other, free software tools: addresses standardization developed by the Andalusian Statistical Institute ADYN and the geocoding tools implemented in the Corporate GIS of the Regional Government of Andalusia

    Características socioeconómicas y estructura de los hogares de las personas mayores en España

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    Este trabajo estudia la situación de la Tercera Edad en España en 1980 y 1990 mediante el análisis de los hogares en los que viven una o más personas mayores. Se investiga, tanto desde un punto de vista descriptivo como en términos de probabilidad estimada, la relación existente entre que los mayores vivan solos o con individuos de otros grupos de población, y sus características personales y de las del hogar en el que residen. Dadas la fuertes diferencias encontradas, los resultados obtenidos permiten sugerir programas de ayudas sociales diferentes, dependiendo del tipo de convivencia de la persona mayor. Classification-JEL : J14, C25.tercera edad, condiciones socioeconómicas, tipo de convivencia, modelos logit, EPF.

    Data cloning estimation of GARCH and COGARCH models

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    GARCH models include most of the stylized facts of financial time series and they have been largely used to analyze discrete financial time series. In the last years, continuous time models based on discrete GARCH models have been also proposed to deal with non-equally spaced observations, as COGARCH model based on Lévy processes. In this paper, we propose to use the data cloning methodology in order to obtain estimators of GARCH and COGARCH model parameters. Data cloning methodology uses a Bayesian approach to obtain approximate maximum likelihood estimators avoiding numerically maximization of the pseudo-likelihood function. After a simulation study for both GARCH and COGARCH models using data cloning, we apply this technique to model the behavior of some NASDAQ time serie

    Social preferences measures and the quality of the job match for persons with disabilities.

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    Waiting lists are the main mechanisms for rationing demand in national health systems. The usual way to organize patients in a waiting list is on a simple first come first serve basis. Characteristics like the intensity of symptoms or the patient’s limitations in daily activities are not considered explicitly. In this paper, we apply a point system that incorporates social preferences in the management of waiting lists for surgical intervention on the prostate. The results show that both clinical and social variables are important for prioritizing patients waiting for this intervention. Furthermore, we detect some differences between the preferences of patients and general population.Waiting lists; priority setting; point system; discrete choice experiments; rank-ordered logit model.

    Knowledge, Cognitive demand and contexts in the assessment of scientific literacy in PISA

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    La alfabetización científica responde a qué es importante saber, valorar y saber hacer en situaciones en las que intervienen la ciencia y la tecnología y como objetivo educativo, requiere un cuestionamiento de las formas de enseñar y evaluar el aprendizaje de las ciencias. Este trabajo presenta el análisis sistemático de 106 ítems de las pruebas realizadas entre los años 2000 y 2015 dentro del programa PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). La finalidad es analizar el tipo de conocimiento evaluado y el papel que los contextos y la demanda cognitiva juegan en la evaluación de la alfabetización científica en dicho programa. Los resultados muestran que las actividades se ubican mayoritariamente en contextos cotidianos o utilitarios y requieren no solo el dominio de conceptos científicos, sino también la comprensión de aspectos epistémicos de la ciencia con una infrarrepresentación de aspectos procedimentales. El análisis bidimensional del tipo de conocimiento evaluado y la demanda cognitiva exigida muestra que más del 80% de las actividades se asocian con una demanda cognitiva baja (recordar y comprender). Los resultados sugieren la necesidad de reforzar el número de actividades que requieren la aplicación, evaluación y creación de conocimiento con objeto de enfatizar habilidades cognitivas de orden superior, especialmente relevantes en un mundo dominado por la ciencia y la tecnología.Scientific literacy responds to what is important to know, value and be able to do in situations involving science and technology and as an educational goal, requires rethinking science teaching and the corresponding assessment methods. This work presents the systematic analysis of 106 items from tests to assess scientific literacy run from 2000-2015 in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). In line with recommendations from the specialised research, results show that questions are mainly situated in real life contexts and scenarios that bring purpose and meaning to the knowledge to be used, demanding not only conceptual knowledge but also an understanding of epistemic aspects of science, though procedural knowledge is underrepresented. Nevertheless, the bi-dimensional analysis of the type of knowledge and the cognitive demand shows that over 80% of questions focus on the application of low order skills (remember and understanding). These results suggest the need to increase activities that require the evaluation and creation of knowledge to enhance high order cognitive skills and to better prepare individuals for a critical and active participation in a world shaped by science and technology

    A contribution to the study of plant development evolution based on gene co-expression networks

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    Phototrophic eukaryotes are among the most successful organisms on Earth due to their unparalleled efficiency at capturing light energy and fixing carbon dioxide to produce organic molecules. A conserved and efficient network of light-dependent regulatory modules could be at the bases of this success. This regulatory system conferred early advantages to phototrophic eukaryotes that allowed for specialization, complex developmental processes and modern plant characteristics. We have studied light-dependent gene regulatory modules from algae to plants employing integrative-omics approaches based on gene co-expression networks. Our study reveals some remarkably conserved ways in which eukaryotic phototrophs deal with day length and light signaling. Here we describe how a family of Arabidopsis transcription factors involved in photoperiod response has evolved from a single algal gene according to the innovation, amplification and divergence theory of gene evolution by duplication. These modifications of the gene co-expression networks from the ancient unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to the modern brassica Arabidopsis thaliana may hint on the evolution and specialization of plants and other organisms.España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSD2007-00057España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2011-28847-C02-0

    Perceptive approaches to the morphological characterization of the urban contour: The case of the peri-urban landscape of Madrid

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    [EN] A growing city adapts and transforms the pre-existing topography, and with its urban fabric defines an ever-changing contour throughout history; this contour is not a clear line, but rather a fringe, where city and countryside meet and create occupancy systems that are crucial to comprehend the evolution of the urban form. We can consider this fringe as ‘proximity’ landscapes: landscapes that are perceived when the city is either a destination or a point of departure. The vision from afar, or when progressively approaching the city, provides both locals and tourists with certain landscape and architectural aspects that should be studied, preserved and valued for their ability to generate meaningful spaces. In this communication we study the surrounding landscapes of Madrid by means of a Landscape Character Assessment, within the framework of the project ‘Proximity landscapes of the city of Madrid. From the 19thC to the present’ currently in process. Combining graphic analysis of historical cartography at a metropolitan scale with perceptive analysis techniques, special attention is drawn to certain axes and significant lookouts of the city, mapping them and evaluating their visual basins. This characterization leads to distinguishing three main landscape types surrounding Madrid, according to physical, natural and anthropogenic structures: one predominantly natural, one mainly industrial and service-related, and a third one with special historical relevance.This research has been developed in the framework of the State Plan Project of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (HAR2014-57843-R), entitled “Proximity Landscapes of the City of Madrid. From the 19th Century to the present”. We thank the General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation for the funding of this project. Likewise, we thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for the pre-doctoral scholarship (FPU14/05524) granted to co-author Carlota Sáenz de Tejada Granados in its FPU Program. Lastly, we thank San Pablo-CEU University Foundation for the pre-doctoral scholarship granted to co-author Rocío Santo-Tomás Muro in its FPI Program.Rodríguez Romero, E.; Sáenz De Tejada Granados, C.; Santo-Tomás Muro, R. (2018). Perceptive approaches to the morphological characterization of the urban contour: The case of the peri-urban landscape of Madrid. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1349-1358. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.5345OCS1349135

    Influence of energy paradigm shifts on city boundaries. The productive peripheries of Madrid

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    [EN] The promotion or access to certain energy technologies has changed the humanized landscape throughout history; cities have been born around, and because of an energy source, or have been displaced in order for energy-related infrastructures to take their spot. However, and for any city from its very beginning, energy paradigm shifts have deeply altered their morphology. Not only extraction, but especially transformation and transport of resources materializes in artefacts, often controversial and soon-to-be obsolete. This is especially patent in the ever-changing city boundaries; the fringe of ‘proximity’, where the collision between the countryside and the urban mesh embodies the relations and contradictions between urban growth, energy demand and landscape protection. In a context of growing cities (both in terms of expansion of its artificial land and in terms of energy demand), we are facing two paths which not always converge: an inevitable low carbon transition and a growing sensitivity towards ordinary landscapes. This article, within the framework of the project ‘Proximity landscapes of the city of Madrid. From the 19thC to the present’, studies the development of the city of Madrid in relation to its energy access and management, in a series of key stages: mid-19thC (before the bourgeois enlargement plan approved in 1860), early 20thC (when the introduction of electricity powered a deep urban transformation and outlaying urban cores were annexed), mid-late 20thC (when a rural exodus took place and the peripheries of Madrid grew rapidly) and today.This research has been developed in the framework of the State Plan Project of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (HAR2014-57843-R), entitled “Proximity Landscapes of the City of Madrid. From the 19th Century to the present”. We thank the General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation for the funding of this project. Likewise, we thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for the pre-doctoral scholarship (FPU14/05524) granted to co-author Carlota Sáenz de Tejada Granados in its FPU Program. Lastly, we thank San Pablo-CEU University Foundation for the pre-doctoral scholarship granted to co-author Rocío Santo-Tomás Muro in its FPI Program.Sáenz De Tejada Granados, C.; Rodríguez Romero, E.; Santo-Tomás Muro, R. (2018). Influence of energy paradigm shifts on city boundaries. The productive peripheries of Madrid. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 719-128. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.5343OCS71912