799 research outputs found
Métodos de casos para el aprendizaje de la Entomología Forense
El estudio tuvo como objetivo presentar una propuesta didáctica basada en los métodos de casos para el aprendizaje de la entomología forense. Esta es una disciplina que tiene como principal objetivo establecer una data de muerte, de allí surge la importancia del módulo de Tanatología y Antropología Forense del Diplomado en Ciencias Forenses y Criminalística de la Universidad José Antonio Páez, el cual persigue que los participantes puedan determinar la data de muerte mediante el estudio de la entomofauna de interés forense. La metodología se enmarcó en un diseño no experimental transeccional descriptivo. La población estuvo conformada por 24 participantes del Diplomado, Cohorte IX-Diciembre 2015. Se diseñó un caso, donde los estudiantes debían determinar la data de muerte y fundamentar sus conclusiones en pequeños grupos. A través de la técnica de la observación se evidenció que los grupos lograron resultados similares a la data de muerte determinada por el docente durante el desarrollo del caso, estableciendo el Intervalo Postmortem Mínimo en un lapso de seis días, concluyendo que la primera mosca llego al cuerpo el día 06/12/15 entre la una y las dos de la tarde. Se concluye que los estudiantes desarrollaron las habilidades analíticas al identificar el problema, la toma de decisiones al proponer una solución, habilidades para la comunicación oral y escrita, defendiendo y argumentando sus conclusiones, reconociendo sus errores y debilidades; apoyados en el aprendizaje colaborativo
Estrés y desempeño en los trabajadores del área comercial plataforma de atención al cliente de la empresa Hidrandina S.A – Trujillo.
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer la implicancia y relación existente del estrés respecto al desempeño del personal del área comercial plataforma de Atención al Cliente de la empresa Hidrandina SA de Trujillo. Se utilizó el diseño de investigación correlacional. Asimismo, se aplicaron la Escala de Burnout (Maslach & Jackson, 1981) y la evaluación por Desempeño a 31 trabajadores de la empresa Hidrandina SA de Trujillo. Los resultados evidenciaron que existe un moderado nivel de correlación inversa entre la las dimensiones Agotamiento Emocional y Despersonalización, así como una correlación directa de grado medio entre Realización Personal del Estrés Laboral y la variable Desempeño de los trabajadores del área comercial plataforma de atención al cliente de la empresa Hidrandina
S.A. – Trujillo, todas ellas estadísticamente altamente significativas.
Esto quiere decir que a mayor nivel de estrés laboral existe un menor nivel de desempeño por parte de los trabajadores y viceversa; los mismos resultados se dieron con cada una de las dimensiones del nivel de desempeño de los trabajadores.Tesi
Carbon allocation dynamics one decade after afforestation with Pinus radiata D. Don and Betula alba L. under two stand densities in NW Spain
Silvopastoral systems can contribute to the mitigation of climate change by functioning as sinks for greenhouse gases better than exclusively agricultural systems. Tree species, density, and an adequate management of the pasture carrying capacity contribute to the capacity of carbon sequestration. In this study, the capacities for carbon sequestration in silvopastoral systems that were established with two different forest species (Pinus radiata D. Don and Betula alba L.) and at two distinct densities (833 and 2500 trees ha−1) were evaluated. Tree, litterfall, pasture and soil carbon storage determinations were carried out to deliver carbon sequestration in the different pools within the first 11 years of a plantation establishment. The results show that the global capacity for carbon sequestration in silvopastoral systems with pine canopy was higher than with birch cover. Independently of the forest species, the capacity for carbon sequestration increased when the systems were established at higher plantation densities. There were found strong differences in the relative proportions of carbon in each component of the system (litterfall, tree, pasture and soil). The soil component was found to be most important in the case of the broadleaf forest established at low density. The establishment of a silvopastoral system enhanced soil carbon storage, since afforestation was carried out, which results in a more enduring storage capacity compared with treeless areas.Spanish Ministry and Xunta de Galici
Do Age and Educational Stage Influence No-Mobile-Phone Phobia?
Technological progress not only brings with it resources that improve and facilitate the
day-to-day life of the people who make up society but also entails health risks, with the emergence
of terms, such as nomophobia, which is considered an anxiety disorder produced by the fear that
not having a mobile phone generates in a person. This research aims to identify the relationship and
influence between levels of nomophobia and the age or educational stage of students. The research
method is based on a correlational and predictive design of quantitative methodology. The instrument
used is the NMP-Q questionnaire. The study population is students from different educational stages
(obligatory secondary education, baccalaureate, vocational training and university). The results show
that students over 12 years old present an average level of “nomophobia” (no-mobile-phone phobia),
namely, not being able to communicate with the family where the highest levels are presented. We
conclude that students over 12 years of age and of any educational stage present an average level of
nomophobia, and it cannot be determined that either the educational stage or the age are determining
factors in the presentation of this problem. This can occur at any age and at any level of the different
educational stages, although there are risk indicators that we should bear in mind to avoid the
appearance of nomophobia.I+D+I Project Research of Results Transfer Office (OTRI)
of the University of Granada (Reference: CNT 4439
Estrategia didáctica para el aprendizaje de la antropología forense en Latinoamérica
A didactic strategy based on the case method for learning forensic anthropology is presented. Case designed and implemented with 33 students enrolled in the Diploma in Forensic Sciences and Criminalistics, José Antonio Páez University-Venezuela. Five groups were formed to which the case was handed over, with three questions: Who is the victim? What happened? And how did it happen? After a debate of ideas and decision making, the conclusions were presented by group, then a consensus was generated to summarize and support the answers. It is concluded that the method used fostered meaningful and collaborative learning to establish the identity of the victim.Se presenta una estrategia didáctica basada en el método de casos para el aprendizaje de la antropología forense. Caso diseñado e implementado con 33 estudiantes inscritos en el Diplomado en Ciencias Forenses y Criminalística, de la Universidad José Antonio Páez-Venezuela. Se conformaron cinco grupos a los cuales se les entregó el caso, con tres interrogantes ¿Quién es la víctima?, ¿Qué ocurrió? y ¿Cómo ocurrió? Tras un debate de ideas y toma de decisiones, se presentaron las conclusiones por grupo, seguidamente se generó un consenso para resumir y sustentar las respuestas. Se concluye que el método utilizado fomentó el aprendizaje significativo y colaborativo para establecer la identidad de la víctima
Auto–eficacia docente, motivación del profesor y estrategias de enseñanza
Según los resultados de la investigación previa, los logros de los profesores en relación con sus actividades docentes van a depender, en buena medida, de la confianza que tengan en sí mismos para abordar todos estos cambios que conlleva su nuevo rol. En el presente estudio se han pretendido dos objetivos: a) aportar información sobre cómo los profesores coordinan diferentes ámbitos de autoeficacia (para optimizar el proceso instruccional, para gestionar el aula y para implicar al estudiante en el proceso de aprendizaje), y así dar lugar a perfiles homogéneos de autoeficacia como docentes; b) indagar acerca de cómo éstos se relacionan con niveles y tipos de motivación, estrategias instruccionales y con la autoestima de los docentes. En la investigación participaron 95 profesores de cinco universidades públicas españolas. Por una parte, en base al análisis de conglomerados se identificaron tres grupos de profesores con un perfil de autoeficacia docente distinto: 1) alta autoeficacia en las tres dimensiones, 2) media autoeficacia en optimización del proceso instruccional y en gestión del aula y medio-alta eficacia para la implicación del estudiante, y 3) baja autoeficacia en las tres dimensiones. Por otra parte, los resultados aportados por el ANOVA corroboran los hallazgos de investigaciones recientes en el sentido de que las creencias de auto-eficacia de los profesores tienen un papel crucial en el sostenimiento del compromiso con la enseñanza y en la motivación de los docentes.According to previous research, teachers’ efficacy relating to teaching practices is highly dependent on the extent to which they are confident about their own capabilities to manage the new demands on their professional role. The present work aimed at: a) gathering information about the way teachers manage different aspects of self-efficacy (i.e., enhancing their instructional process in order to optimize their lessons and engage the students in the learning process), in order to identify homogeneous self-efficacy profiles, b) investigating the way these profiles relate to different levels and types of motivation, teaching strategies and teachers’ self-esteem. Ninety-five teachers from five Spanish public Universities participated in this study. Three different profiles of teachers’ efficacy have been identified: 1) high self-efficacy in the three dimensions; 2) medium self-efficacy in the enhancement of the teaching process and of lessons management, and medium-high efficacy in the engagement of students, and 3) low self-efficacy in the three dimensions. ANOVA results supported previous findings since teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs played a crucial role on teachers’ motivation and professional engagement
Estudio paleocarpológico realizado en el Castro de Penalba (Campolameiro, Pontevedra. España)
AíRA RODRÍGUEz, M. J.; RAMIL REOo, P., & ALvAREz NÚÑEZ, A. 1990. Estudio Paleocarpológico realizado en el Castro de Penalba (Campolameiro, Pontevedra. España) Bat. Complutensis 16: 81-89. El estudio morfológico y biométrico de frutos carbonizados procedentes del Castro de Penalba ha pennitido el reconocimiento de glandes de roble (probablemente de Quercus rabur L.) y de cariópsides de Triticum dicoccum Schrank y Panicum mil/aceum L. Las dataciones C-14 efectuadas en muestras de carbón y cereal permiten confirmar que los frutos de estas especies datan dcl 2445 -4- 30 H.P. ~2584 + 126 H.P., por lo que formarian parte de la economia y sistema agrícola cerealista de los pobladores del asentamiento.AíRA RODRÍGUEz, M. J.; RAMIL REOo, P., & ALvAREz NÚÑEZ, A. 1990. Estudio Paleocarpológico realizado en el Castro de Penalba (Campolameiro, Pontevedra. España) Bat. Complutensis 16: 81-89. El estudio morfológico y biométrico de frutos carbonizados procedentes del Castro de Penalba ha pennitido el reconocimiento de glandes de roble (probablemente de Quercus rabur L.) y de cariópsides de Triticum dicoccum Schrank y Panicum mil/aceum L. Las dataciones C-14 efectuadas en muestras de carbón y cereal permiten confirmar que los frutos de estas especies datan dcl 2445 -4- 30 H.P. ~2584 + 126 H.P., por lo que formarian parte de la economia y sistema agrícola cerealista de los pobladores del asentamiento
Lay-rescuers in drowning incidents: A scoping review
Objective: Many victims of drowning fatalities are lay-people attempting to rescue another. This review aims to
identify the safest techniques and equipment (improved or purpose made) for an untrained bystander to use
when attempting a water rescue.
Method: A sample of 249 papers were included after the bibliographic search, in which 19 were finally selected
following PRISMA methodology and 3 peer review proceeding presented at international conferences. A total
of 22 documents were added to qualitative synthesis.
Results: Geographical location, economic level, physical fitness, or experience may vary the profile of the layrescuers
and how to safely performa water rescue. Four lay-rescuers profiles were identified: 1) Children rescuing
children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), 2) Adults rescuing adults or children, 3) Lay-people
with some experience and rescue training, 4) Lay-people with cultural or professional motivations. Three
types of techniques used by those lay-rescuers profiles: a) non-contact techniques for rescues from land:
throwand reach, b) non-contact techniques for rescue using a flotation device and, c) contact techniques for rescue
into the water: swim and tow with or without fins.
Conclusion: The expert recommendation of the safest technique for a lay-rescuer is to attempt rescue using a pole,
rope, or flotation equipment without entering the water.
However, despite the recommendations of non-contact rescues from land, there is a global tendency to attempt
contact rescues in the water, despite a lack of evidence onwhich technique, procedure or equipment contributes
to a safer rescue. Training strategies for lay-people should be considered.Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU
Control of egg and neonate larvae of Xylotrechus arvicola (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a new vineyard pest, under laboratory conditions
[EN] Background andAims: Xylotrechus arvicola (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a newvineyard pest. Six insecticideswere tested on X.
arvicola eggs arranged in Petri dishes and in two parts of the vine: branch and trunk.
Method and Results: According to the Abbott formula, on Petri dishes, chlorpyrifos had total ovicidal control, significantly
different from that of pyriproxyfen (88.3%), Beauveria bassiana (84.3%) and imidacloprid (80.9%). On branches, chlorpyrifos
(91.6%), pyriproxyfen (79.1%) and flufenoxuron (75.0%) showed improved toxic effect, and on trunks, chlorpyrifos
(83.3%) gave the best control, significantly different from that of imidacloprid (50.0%), pyriproxyfen (45.8%) and
flufenoxuron (37.5%). Larval mortality was registered from the seventh to the fourteenth day after treatment: spinosad
(50.0%), imidacloprid (45.8%) and B. bassiana (33.3%) were the insecticides that showed greater larval mortality on branches.
These insecticides also showed greater larval mortality on trunks, but only B. bassiana (50.0%) had a greater residual effect on
trunks than on branches.
Conclusions: All insecticides evaluated gave better ovicidal control when applied directly on Petri dishes than when applied on
branches and trunks, where all insecticides (except chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid) show greater toxic effect when applied on
branches. Spinosad and B. bassiana have the best larval residual mortality, when applied, respectively, on branches and on trunks.
Significance of the Study: Beauveria bassiana is the best insecticide with residual effect on neonate larvae on trunks, where the
greater thickness of the rhytidome and cracks favoured the development of this fungus to invade actively the larvae through their
shell and proliferate inside.SIThe study was supported by the Project (X. arvicola, técnicas de seguimiento y control en el cultido de la vid; VA/090137/S21) financed by the Rural Development Programmein Castilla y León (Spain)and co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (FEADER)
Time-sensitive networking for interlock propagation in the IFMIF-DONES facility
In this study, we have proposed the use of time-sensitive networking (TSN) technologies for the distribution of
the interlock signals of the machine protection system of the future IFMIF-DONES particle accelerator, required
for implementing the protection mechanisms of the different systems in the facility. Such facilities usually rely on
different fieldbus technologies or direct wiring for their transmission, typically leading to complex network
infrastructures and interoperability problems. We provide insights of how TSN could simplify the deployment of
the interlock network by aggregating all the traffic under the same network infrastructure, whilst guaranteeing
the latency and timing constraints. Since TSN is built on top of Ethernet technology, it also benefits from other
network services and all its related developments, including redundancy and bandwidth improvements. The
main challenge to address is the transmission of the interlock signals with very low latency between devices
located in different points of the facility. We have characterized our initial TSN architecture prototype, evaluated
the latency and bandwidth obtained with this solution, identified applications to effectively shape the attainable
determinism, and found shortcomings and areas of future improvements.Amiga-7 Grant
RTI2018-096228-B-C32Programa Operativo FEDER/Junta de Andalucia SINPA Grant
101007273-2Spanish Government
FPU20/05842Misiones CDTI 2021 framework (DONES-EVO)
MIG-20211006European Union via the Euratom Research and Training Programme
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