85 research outputs found

    From the illiteracies to the telerubbish: investigation on transition's processes

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    La sociedad actual, por lo tanto, se ha televisado. Casi todos los acontecimientos son vistos con una óptica televisiva. Pero ese ángulo no siempre ha existido, y en la actualidad ha cobrado unos matices insospechados. Los profesores de Educación de Adultos vemos muchos de esos lamentables resultados: adultos apáticos, narcotizados delante del televisor, que se lo tragan todo, sin imaginación ni creatividad... y todo ello, apretando un botón, sin el menor esfuerzo. En una palabra dosificar su cantidad y calidad enseñando y aprendiendo a discernir los programas buenos de aquellos otros negativos, degradantes y que propagan modelos aberrantes de comportamientos. Analizar varias cosas: Que efectos tienen en la conducta de la persona la presencia de los medios masivos de comunicación; Que grado de conciencia existe en el momento en que la persona acude al uso de estos medios; el grado en el que las personas absorben las informaciones que estos medios aportan, tanto de forma consciente como inconsciente, directa o indirecta. La televisión puede ser nefasta, deseducadora, apagadora de la voluntad y pone en primer plano la ley del mínimo esfuerzo. He aquí cómo hemos de dar un paso a la educación audiovisual que, según Enzensberger (citado por Maceda 1994: 21): debería seguir una estrategia que tienda a la eliminación del aislamiento de los participantes individuales en el proceso de aprendizaje y producción a través de la autoorganización de los interesados para que dejen de ser sujetos pasivos y se conviertan en protagonistas de estas técnicas. Es así como afrontamos uno de los grandes retos de nuestro tiempo. El estar con los medios de comunicación. Cuando se profundiza sobre este trabajo y se buscan referencias bibliográficas nos damos cuenta que Enzensberger y su Elogio del Analfabeto son referencias de numerosos textos, incluso lo hemos empleado como material de formación para los profesores de Educación de Adultos de la Junta de Andalucía. La introducción del vídeo, del DVD, del ordenador y de Internet se está realizando a una gran velocidad sin una preparación social. Si la alfabetización se plantea como dominio de la realidad cultural, incluye también el de todos estos nuevos ámbitos. La introducción de las nuevas tecnologías de la información no está contribuyendo a un aumento de la actividad creativa en el campo de la cultura, sino más bien, al contrario (Ramón Flecha, 1990: 62). Prima por tanto la estructura frente a la función. Es incuestionable que nos encontramos inmersos en una sociedad, en la cual, los Medios de Comunicación, forman parte ineludible y necesaria en la vida de los ciudadanos. El auge de éstos conlleva determinados cambios conceptuales, determinadas formas de recibir la información, determinadas pautas de comunicarse. La finalidad de la televisión debería ir más allá de entretener al auditorioI´m a teacher in the Adults Education Centre. I consider all the media we work are very stimulating for pupils. I think the media can be the best choice to participate avoiding our pasivity. The Media help learn new social ways of living. There are new forms of oral comunication experienced by teenagers, especially chat in internet. Media make oral language rich and adapt themselves to people changing circunstance in order to improve their own language. A web site should give a series of contents suitable for on line Media. Emotion is one of the most used resources for getting and maintening the viewer´s attention in audiovisual context. In the future, we will all be working from home, using computers, mobile phones, the internet, TV with NICAM digital stereo. I think we´ll be watching TV in the mobile phone. I can imagine having 500 television channels trasmitting into my home. We will be thinking about the new technology on our societ

    Radioescuela, una apasionante aventura de comunicación y educación...

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    Cualquier medio de comunicación que trabajemos con los alumnos, unido al entusiasmo de éstos es un factor de eficacia. La radio por su inmediatez y constancia, necesita de ese entusiasmo. Es un recurso que estimula la participación y evita la pasividad del alumnado. La autora de este trabajo defiende que el uso de los medios de comunicación ayuda a la enculturación de los individuos y el grupo es capaz de percibir la realidad de forma distinta, partiendo siempre de un enfoque significativo de aprendizaje._____________________________The author considers all the media we work with at school are very stimulating for children. She thinks radio can be the best choice among them due to its interactivity which stimulates children to participate avoiding their pasivity. Also, this paper put forward that media at school help youngsters to learn new social ways of life

    Partial inhibition of CSF1R signaling reverses long-term microglial priming.

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    Microglial cells are main actors in acute neuroinflammation, during which they activate to later return to a basal resting state. Sometimes they retain immune memory of previous neuroinflammatory events, turning into primed microglia, which develop exacerbated responses to new stimuli. Brain can be depleted of microglia by treatment with the CSF1R inhibitor PLX5622. Treatment termination allows for microglia regeneration, new cells presenting a resting state. Here we aimed to explore if treatment with lower doses of PLX5622 can reverse microglial priming. We induced microglial priming in mice by provoking acute neuroinflammation by icv administration of neuraminidase. After 3 weeks, when neuroinflammation is largely solved, mice were treated with a daily dose of PLX5622 for 12 days. Then, microglial repopulation was allowed for 7 weeks. Finally, a second stimulus was applied (ip LPS) to induce inflammatory activation of primed microglia, and animals were sacrificed 12 hours later. Brains were collected to analyze microglial cell number and activation by morphological analysis, and expression level of key genes by qPCR; these parameters were evaluated in two regions: the periventricular area of the hypothalamus and the hippocampus. In hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus the number of microglial cells was the same regardless the treatment; however, it was slightly reduced in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus of PLX5622 treated mice. Morphological analysis of microglial cells was carried out by fractal, sholl and skeleton analysis. All of them pointed that microglia sampled from NA injected mice had a more activated profile (less ramified cells), which was reversed by PLX5622 treatment. Besides, expression of pro-inflammatory related genes (IL1β, IL6, TNFα, NLRP3, TLR4) pointed to the same direction. Thus, our results suggest that PLX5622 used at low doses reverses microglial priming, while does not fully deplete microglial population.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Neuraminidase-induced neuroinflammation causes anxiety and microgliosis in the amygdala

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    An intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of neuraminidase (NA) within the lateral ventricles originates an acute event of neuroinflammation, which is solved to a great extent after two weeks. Recently, neurological problems or behavioral alterations have been associated with neuroinflammation. Although the majority of them fade along with inflammation resolution, the possibility of long-term sequelae should be taken into consideration. Thus, we aimed to explore if NA-induced neuroinflammation provokes behavioral or neurological disturbances at medium (2 weeks) and long (10 weeks) term. Initially, rats were ICV injected with NA or saline. Two or 10 weeks later they were made to perform a series of neurological tests and behavioral evaluations (open field test). The neuroinflammation status of the brain was studied by immunohistochemistry and qPCR. While no neurological alterations were found, the open field test revealed an increased anxiety state 2 weeks after NA administration, which was not observed after 10 weeks. In accordance with this behavioral findings, an overexpression of the molecular pattern receptor TLR4 was revealed by qPCR in hypothalamic tissue in NA treated animals after 2 weeks of ICV, but not after 10 weeks. Moreover, histological studies showed a microgliosis in the amygdala of NA injected rats 2 weeks post-ICV, as well as a slightly activated state evidenced by morphometric parameters of these cells. These histological findings were not present 10 weeks after the ICV injection. These results suggest that NA-induced neuroinflammation might cause anxiety, with no neurological manifestations, in the medium term, along with a mild microglial activation in amygdala. Such symptoms seem to revert, as they were not detected 10 weeks after NA administration.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Primed microglia after acute neuroinflammation may drive an enhanced stress response.

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    Microglial cells become activated during acute neuroinflammation and usually they return to their basal surveillant state in a few days. However, sometimes microglia evolve towards a primed state characterized by an exacerbated response to new stimuli, which may jeopardize brain functions. Here we aimed to explore microglial priming in the hypothalamus and its consequences on the neuroendocrine regulation of the stress response. To induce priming we used a model of acute ventricular neuroinflammation by intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of the enzyme neuraminidase (NA). Three months later, an acute stressor (consisting in forced swimming) was applied to investigate the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the stress response elicited, as well as the inflammatory activation of hypothalamic microglial cells. Stressed rats previously injected with NA had increased plasma levels of corticosterone compared to control rats that were equally stressed but had been ICV injected with saline. Also, qPCR studies revealed that NA-treated rats presented an increased expression of the microglial marker IBA1 and of the inflammasome protein NLRP3. Concomitantly, the morphological analysis of hypothalamic microglial cells showed a morphological bias towards a slightly activated state in microglia of NA injected rats compared to those of saline injected controls. Furthermore, in the open field test NA-treated rats displayed increased locomotor activity. These results suggest that prior neuroinflammatory episodes might result in subtle but persistent changes in microglial cells that could determine the response to future challenges such as stressful events.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Enhanced stress response in rats that suffered acute neuroinflammation induced by neuraminidase three months before

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    Microglial cells are protagonists in neuroinflammatory processes and their activation is a notorious feature of such events. In acute inflammation, microglial cells return to their basal surveillant state in few days. However, sometimes they evolve towards a primed state, characterized by hypersensitivity to new stimuli and an exacerbated response which may jeopardize brain functions. Because the hypothalamus is a pivotal hub for neuroendocrine and autonomic functions, we have been exploring evidences of microglial priming in this region and its consequences. We used a model of acute ventricular neuroinflammation consisting in the intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of neuraminidase (NA). This enzyme is found in the cover of neurotropic bacteria and viruses, e.g. influenza, mumps or measles viruses, thus mimicking a brain infection. Three months after inducing neuroinflammation with NA to rats, an acute stressor was applied to investigate the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the stress response elicited, as well as the inflammatory activation of hypothalamic microglial cells. The acute stressor was forced swimming for 6 minutes. Afterwards, blood samples were retrieved to determine corticosterone levels by ELISA, and the brains extracted to analyze microglial cells in histological sections by immunohistochemistry with IBA1 and inflammatory markers by qPCR. Stressed rats previously injected with NA had increased levels of corticosterone compared with control rats that were equally stressed but had been ICV injected with saline. Also, qPCR studies in hypothalamic tissue revealed that NA treated rats presented an increased expression of the genes for the inflammasome protein NLR family pyring domain containing 3 (NLRP3) and the microglial marker IBA1. Concomitantly, the morphological analysis of microglial cells located in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) showed a morphological bias towards a slightly activated state in microglia...Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Signaling through the leukocyte integrin LFA-1 in T cells induces a transient activation of Rac-1 that is regulated by Vav and PI3K/Akt-1

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    12 p.-8 fig.Integrin LFA-1 is a receptor that is able to transmit multiple intracellular signals in leukocytes. Herein we show that LFA-1 induces a potent and transient increase in the activity of the small GTPase Rac-1 in T cells. Maximal Rac-1 activity peaked 10-15 min after LFA-1 stimulation and rapidly declined to basal levels at longer times. We have identified Vav, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rac-1, and PI3K/Akt, as regulators of the activation and inactivation phases of the activity of Rac-1, respectively, in the context of LFA-1 signaling based on the following experimental evidence: (i) LFA-1 induced activation of Vav and PI3K/Akt with kinetics consistent with a regulatory role for these molecules on Rac-1, (ii) overexpression of a constitutively active Vav mutant induces activation of Rac independently of LFA-1 stimulation whereas overexpression of a dominant-negative Vav mutant blocks LFA-1-mediated Rac activation, (iii) pharmacological inhibition of PI3K/Akt prevented the fall in the activity of Rac-1 after its initial activation but had no effect on Vav activity, and (iv) overexpression of a dominant-negative or a constitutively active Akt-1 induced or inhibited, respectively, Rac-1 activity. Finally, we show that T cells with a sustained Rac activity have impaired capacity to elongate onto ICAM-1. These results demonstrate that down-regulation of the activity of this GTPase is a requirement for the regulation of T cell morphology and motility and highlight the importance of temporal regulation of the signaling triggered from this integrin.This work was supported in part by Grants CICYT SAF 2001–2807 from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología and FIS-01/1367 from Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (to C. C.), a fellowship from Comunidad de Madrid (to L. S.-M.), a Formación de Profesorado Universitario predoctoral fellowship from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (to N. S.-S.), and a postdoctoral fellowship from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (to M. D. G.-L.).Peer reviewe