499 research outputs found

    Relationships among general health, job satisfaction, work engagement and job features in nurses working in a public hospital: A cross‐sectional study

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    Aim and objective: To describe relations among health, job satisfaction, work en‐ gagement and job features in Spanish nurses working in a public hospital. Background: It has been established that nursing staff health affects the quality of their work and is associated with job satisfaction, work engagement and different job features. Understanding the relationships among these variables could provide use‐ ful information to improve staff performance and prevent work‐related illnesses. Design: A descriptive, cross‐sectional, correlational and comparative study was per‐ formed between January–April 2016. This research adheres to the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology guideline. Methods: A total of 926 nurses were requested to complete an online questionnaire. Nurses on sick leave or in period of unpaid leave during data collection were ex‐ cluded. The final study population reached 392 nurses. The online survey was fully completed by 373 nurses. General health, job satisfaction and work engagement were measured. Tools used were as follows: sociodemographic questions, the General Health Questionnaire, the Overall Job Satisfaction Scale and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Results: Significant correlations among general health, job satisfaction and work en‐ gagement were found. Specifically, general health levels were negatively correlated with job satisfaction and work engagement subscales. Job features with influence on these constructs were the type of shift, type of contract, type of service, salary, type of continuous formation and having a specialty/profile. Conclusions: Our results indicate that job‐related features affect job satisfaction, general health and work engagement. The organisation should make interventions over these features to increase job satisfaction and work engagement levels, since they are relevant for nursing staff health and patient security. Relevance to clinical practice: The analysis of the relationships among general health, job satisfaction, work engagement and job features in nurses could offer a basis to design preventive programmes to improve staff performance and prevent work‐re‐ lated illnesses.S

    Economía naranja como modelo económico regional para disminuir el rezago social en Oaxaca, México

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    La economía naranja, también conocida como economía creativa, relacionada con las industrias culturales y creativas, es una estrategia económica que tiene como pilar el potencial y configuración cultural de cada territorio. Su principal característica de operación es colocar en el plano central del desarrollo a los conocidos como productores culturales, quienes, a través de su creatividad, habilidades y conocimiento cultural, utilizan sus productos para obtener o intercambiar por bienes y servicios. Otorgando un adecuado valor a la propiedad intelectual de cada productor cultural, lo que a su vez les permite generar ingresos para mejorar su calidad de vida. En otras palabras, la economía naranja es un modelo de desarrollo inclusivo, con un enfoque humanista centrando en el potencial cultural y creativo de los territorios y de sus ciudadanos. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la relación existente entre el rezago social y la economía naranja de las dos Zonas Metropolitanas de Oaxaca, México, durante el período 2000-2020. Utiliza una metodología cuantitativa proponiendo el diseño de dos índices elaborados a partir de la información documentadas de diversas instituciones gubernamentales. La hipótesis que se propone es que, durante el período de estudio, la economía creativa tiene un efecto positivo y significativo en la reducción del rezago social en las Zonas Metropolitanas de Oaxaca. En consecuencia, y luego de aplicar métodos de estadística descriptiva y de regresión, se obtiene una alta asociación entre ambas variables. Finalmente, y en función de los resultados obtenidos, se demuestra que durante el período analizado existe una correlación alta y significativa entre economía naranja y el rezago social en las Zonas Metropolitanas del estado de Oaxaca, México. Información que resulta muy valiosa para futuras investigaciones que tengan por objetivo analizar la temática de la economía naranja y su relación con la configuración cultural de cada territorio. Así como también, es información valiosa para el diseño de políticas públicas y la toma de decisiones por parte de las autoridades correspondientes encargados de la materia

    Granular biomass technology for providing drinking water: microbial versatility and nitrate performance in response to carbon source

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    AL and RVV are supported by the funds of European Commission through the "European funds for regional development" (EFRE) as well as by the regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalization of Saxony-Anhalt as part of the "Autonomy in old Age" (AiA) research group for "LiLife" Project (Project ID: ZS/2018/11/95324). Authors thank to Mrs. Ilka Kramer for her technical support in sequencing. BMP is supported by the funds of Ministerio de Universidades (Spain Government) and the European Union -NextGenerationEU. The authors would like to acknowledge the support given by the funding proving by LIFE16 ENV/ES/000196 and the RMN270 research group, which was essential for the realization of this research.The aerobic granular biomass technology was optimized for treating nitrate-polluted groundwater based on the biological denitrification processes in order to provide drinking water. Reactors inoculated with granular biomass were operated at progressively lower C/N rate using acetate and methanol to encourage heterotrophic denitrification, in order to meet the recommended requirements described by European Drinking Water Framework Directive. The granulation and long-term stability of granular biomass under low C/N were successful for all stages, demonstrated compactness of granules and absence of filamentous microorganisms. The nitrate removal was similar in methanol- and acetate-fed reactors, occurring in both cases nitrate removal ratios > 80%, and fact allows the selection of one of both depending groundwater polluted case. Also, feeding reactors with 2 C/N ratio showed nitrate removal values of & GE; 95%, treating highly polluted groundwater (100 mg & BULL;L-1). The microbial diversity was higher in the methanol-fed reactor with representative phylotypes as Flavobacterium, Cytophagaceae, NS9 marine group, while species richness was higher in the acetate-fed reactor, which was mainly represented by Flavobacterium genus. Statistical analyses revealed the higher resilience of bacterial population on granules fed with acetate, showing more resistance under drop C/N ratio. Oscillating pollution in groundwater during seasonal periods should be treated using acetate as carbon source for denitrification carried out by granular biomass, while stable pollution concentrations over time allow the use of methanol as a carbon source since the greater microbial diversity allows the elimination of other contaminants present in groundwater.European Union (EU)Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalization of Saxony-Anhalt ZS/2018/11/95324Ministerio de Universidades (Spain Government)LIFE16 ENV/ES/000196RMN270European Union -NextGenerationE

    Radiculopatía lumbosacra por hernia discal. Caracterización clínica electrofisiológica. Bayamo 2006-2011

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    Introduction: radiculopathies by compression of nerve root answer to different causes that can be intervertebral disc displacement, spondylosis, tumors or trauma. Objective: characterizing electrophysiologically and clinically patients with Lumbosacral radiculopathies caused by intervertebral disc displacement in Bayamo city from 2006 to 2011. Methodological design: it was made a retrospective descriptive study on patients admitted by lumbar ache and were diagnosed for intervertebral disc displacement in neurosurgery service at teaching provincial hospital Carlos M. de Cespedes. Population was 293 cases affected in the nerve roots of the lumbosacral region, the sample was constituted by 102 patients which electromyography was performed before surgery. Results: the most represented age group was from 36-46 years old (43, 68 %), male gender (59, 38 %), according to disease evolution prevailed patients with more than three months (66, 8 %), with sciatica (65, 18 %), located at L4-L5 (56, 6 %) y axonal injuries (66, 6 %). Conclusion: it was obtained a high correlation between neurophysiologic clinical diagnoses with postsurgery report about the results of nerve root injuries which agrees with reports from reviewed literature.Introducción: las radiculopatías por la compresión de la raíz nerviosa responden a diversas causas que pueden ser hernias discales, espondilosis, tumoraciones, traumatismos.Objetivo: caracterizar clínica - electrofisiológicamente a pacientes con radiculopatías lumbosacras por hernia discal en Bayamo en el periodo comprendido de 2006-2011.Diseño metodológico: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de los pacientes cuyo motivo de ingreso fue el dolor lumbar y fueron diagnosticados con hernia discal en el servicio de neurocirugía del hospital provincial docente Carlos M. de Céspedes, desde enero 2006 hasta enero 2011. El universo estuvo constituido por 293 casos con afecciones de las raíces nerviosas de la  región lumbosacra, la muestra compuesta por 102 pacientes a los que se les realizó electromiografía antes del tratamiento quirúrgico de la discopatía lumbosacra.Resultados: el grupo de edad más representado fue el de 36-46 años (43,68 %), del sexo masculino (59,38 %), en la evolución de la enfermedad predominaron los pacientes con más de tres meses (66,8 %), con lumbociatalgia (65,18 %), localizadas en L4-L5 (56,6 %) y con daño axonal (66,6 %).Conclusión: se obtuvo una alta correlación entre el diagnostico clínico – neurofisiológico con el informe postquirúrgico de los resultados de la alteración de la raíz lo que coincide con lo reportado por la literatura revisada

    Comparison of three models of population density estimation for Central American red brocket deer (Mazama temama)

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    The deer Mazama temama has a wide range in the tropical rain forest of Mexico, but the IUCN classifies it as Data Deficient, and information is urgently need for management and conservation. Here we assess which population density estimation model is more appropriate among those by Tyson (1959), Mandujano and Jones (2005) and Crego and Macri (2009). We compare them with field data from Tepetla (Puebla, Mexico), from 2015 to 2017, with three replicates in the wet season and three in dry season. An ANOVA indicated that the three methods produce equivalent results

    Nutritional and technological properties of Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) cultivated in Mexican Northeast

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    The nutritional, cooking and technological properties of the Tepary bean (TB) cultivated in Mexican northeast comparing to two common beans varieties (Pinto Americano and Black Jamapa) were evaluated in this study. Nutritional parameters evaluated of TB resulted significantly different from common beans varieties analysed, except lipid fraction. Cooking times of soaked (4 and 8 h) and non-soaked varieties varied significantly; TB shows between 55.1–80.49 min by cooking time. The textural profile analysis (TPA) of TB showed a significant reduction of hardness, chewiness and adhesiveness in soaked compared to non-soaked. In addition, TB presented a similar behaviour to Pinto Americano in TPA non-soaked and cooked and soaked 8h and cooked, except to adhesiveness. Technological properties of TB and resistant and non-resistant starch content showed significant differences between species. Due to, TB has nutritional, cooking and technological properties comparable to other edible legumes as common bean, mainly Pinto Americano variety

    Electromyography pattern in the sacrum low bag pain caused by an herniated disk in the elderly persons

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    Introducción: la Radiculopatía Lumbosacra es una enfermedad con tendencia a la cronicidad y causante de discapacidad de los pacientes que la padecen. Para su adecuado tratamiento es importante la aplicación de estudios neurofisiológicos que tienen una alta sensibilidad para su diagnóstico, evolución y pronóstico. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento electromiográfico  de las afecciones radiculares lumbosacras en  adultos mayores. Método: estudio caso-control de los pacientes cuyo motivo de ingreso fue  dolor lumbar y fueron diagnosticados con hernia discal en el servicio de neurocirugía del Hospital General  “Carlos M. Céspedes”, en el período de enero de 2006 hasta enero 2011. El estudio comprendió 293 casos, que presentaron dolor en la región lumbosacra, quedando como muestra 25 pacientes diagnosticados electromiográficamente con radiculopatía lumbosacra por hernia discal y el grupo control lo constituyeron 75 ancianos supuestamente sanos que asistieron a las consultas de ortopedia, neurología, neurocirugía y neurofisiología  por otras causas. Resultados: en los pacientes con hernia discal predominó el patrón de contracción aislado con un 72%, así como los potenciales de fibrilación (24%), las ondas agudas positivas con un 12% y potenciales de acción de unidad motora polifásico (88%). El 52 % de los casos presentó daño mielínico. Conclusiones: En todos los pacientes de la muestra estudiada la electromiografía evidenció algún grado de afectación radicular a diferencia de los controles.Introduction: the lumbosacral radiculopathy is a disease that tends to be chronic and it causes disability in patients who suffer from it. For a proper treatment, it is important the implementation of neurophysiologic studies because they are highly adequated to get to a diagnosis, improvement and prognosis. Objective: to determine the electromyography behaviours in the lumbosacral radicular complaints in elderly persons. Method: A case- control study was carried out in the patients admitted due to low back pain and diagnosed with an herniated disk in the neurosurgery department of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Hospital from January, 2006 to January, 2011. The study included 293 cases who were complaining of low back pain, a sample of 25 patients were diagnosed electromiographically with lumbosacral radiculopathy due to an herniated disk and a control group of 75 elderly persons apparently healthy who were assisted for other causes in the consultation of orthopaedic, neurology, neurosurgery and neurophysiology. Results: In the patients suffering from a herniated disk, the isolate contraction pattern was predominant in a 72 %, as well as the fibrillation potentials in a 24%, the acute positive waves in a 12 % and potentials of action in the poliphasic motor unit (88%). The myelinated harm was predominant in the 52% of the cases. Conclusions: The electromyography showed radicular complaints to a certain degree in all the patients of the sample and it was not the same in the control groups

    Laser Fabrication of Polymer Ferroelectric Nanostructures for Nonvolatile Organic Memory Devices

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    8 pags.; 5 figs.© 2015 American Chemical Society. Polymer ferroelectric laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) have been prepared on ferroelectric thin films of a poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer. Although this copolymer does not absorb light at the laser wavelength, LIPSS on the copolymer can be obtained by forming a bilayer with other light-absorbing polymers. The ferroelectric nature of the structured bilayer was proven by piezoresponse force microscopy measurements. Ferroelectric hysteresis was found on both the bilayer and the laser-structured bilayer. We show that it is possible to write ferroelectric information at the nanoscale. The laser-structured ferroelectric bilayer showed an increase in the information storage density of an order of magnitude, in comparison to the original bilayer.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), through Contract Nos. MAT 2011-23455, MAT 2012- 33517, and CTQ 2013-43086-P. D.E.M. thanks CSIC for the tenure of JAE-Pre fellowship and Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) for cofinancing the JAE Program. A.R.R. and E.R. thank MINECO for the tenure of a FPI contract (BES-2013-062620) and a Ramón y Cajal contract (No. RYC-2011-08069), respectively.Peer Reviewe