954 research outputs found

    A Data Analytics Approach to Assess the Functional and Physical Performance of Female Soccer Players: A Cohort Design

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    Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was twofold: (i) to observe the individual results of fitness status [countermovement jump (CMJ)], hop test, linear sprinting time, stride frequency, stride distance, force-power-velocity, peak power maximal and maximal speed, and repeated sprint ability (RSA) and functional performance (overhead squat, single-leg squat test, dumbbell hip-hinge, Thomas test, hip extension, and internal and external hip rotators) and (ii) to analyze the relationship between anthropometrical measures and values of fitness status with % of difference in the Thomas test, hip extension, and internal and external hip rotators. Materials and Methods: The study followed a cohort design. Sixteen female soccer players competing in the second division of the Spanish league were monitored during the first days of the pre-season. These players were evaluated three times during the preseason of the cohort period. The dataset showed a negative moderate correlation between time and percentage of difference in hip angle and another positive moderate correlation between maximal sprint and percentage of difference in hip angle (r = -0.54, p = 0.02 and r = 0.53, p = 0.04), respectively. The correlations of stride time and distance with hip extension are interesting, as professional soccer players should have higher levels of hip flexor flexibility during the stride phase, recoil of the instep kick action

    Herpetofauna of Cayo Carenas, Cienfuegos Bay, south-central Cuba

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    The herpetofauna inhabiting the keys in Cienfuegos Bay in south-central Cuba is virtually unknown. Herein we provide the results of the first rapid inventory performed on Cayo Carenas during the summer of 2016. We found 12 reptilian species in seven families on the key. We also discuss the ecology and the most plausible biogeographic origins for some of the species

    Path integral Monte Carlo investigations on doped helium clusters

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    32 págs.; 21 figs.; 5 tabs.One of the most commonly employed methods to study doped helium clusters is the path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) approach. In this review we present results of recent investigations on a series of both atomic and diatomic dopants attached to droplets formed with up to 40 He atoms. Besides the comparison with similar studies existing in the literature, this work also gives the possibility to analyse different issues such as the role played by the He¿impurity interaction in the overall geometry of the clusters, the inclusion of internal molecular degrees of freedom and the exchange permutation symmetry in the PIMC calculations. The study of the structure and energies of and at thermal equilibrium presented in this work thus covers most of the usual aspects treated for these kinds of doped systems. © 2016 Taylor & Francis GroupThis work was supported by MICINN under FIS2011-29596-C02-01 and FIS2014-51933-P.Peer Reviewe

    Setting the Port Planning Parameters In Container Terminals through Bayesian Networks

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    The correct prediction in the transport logistics has vital importance in the adequate means and resource planning and in their optimisation. Up to this date, port planning studies were based mainly on empirical, analytical or simulation models. This paper deals with the possible use of Bayesian networks in port planning. The methodology indicates the work scenario and how the network was built. The network was afterwards used in container terminals planning, with the support provided by the tools of the Elvira code. The main variables were defined and virtual scenarios inferences were realised in order to carry out the analysis of the container terminals scenarios through probabilistic graphical models. Having performed the data analysis on the different terminals and on the considered variables (berth, area, TEU, crane number), the results show the possible relationships between them. Finally, the conclusions show the obtained values on each considered scenario

    A configurational study of helium clusters doped with He∗− and He2 ∗−

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    9 pags.; 10 figs.; 4 tabs.Helium clusters doped with electronically excited atomic and molecular helium anions He∗− and He∗− 2 at T = 0.4 K are studied by means of path integral Monte Carlo calculations. Geometry and energetics of the systems with up to 32 solvating He atoms are characterised. The interactions between the anions and the neutral He atoms have been described by fitting previously reported ab initio points to analytical expressions. The HeN–He∗− clusters with N > 6 display a structure defined by a bipyramid which completely solvates the atomic anion, whereas the rest of surrounding He atoms form a dimple around that initial cage. On the contrary, the structures observed for the HeN–He∗−2 clusters clearly show the dopant located outside the helium droplet, thereby confirming the heliophobic character of He∗− 2. C 2015 AIP Publishing LLCThis work has been supported by MICINN Grant No. FIS2011-29596-C02-01. R.R.-C. acknowledges funding from Grant No. JAE-Pre-2010-01277. F.A.G. acknowledges several helpful discussions with A. Mauracher and thanks him for providing us with the original computed ab initio points for the He–dopant interactionsPeer Reviewe

    IoT-WLAN Proximity Network for Potentiostats

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] The implementation of potentiostats as portable and communicated devices has reached significant progress to benefit research, industry, and education. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a good opportunity to interconnect devices such as the potentiostats together with electronics, communication technologies, and chemistry into a single system. This work proposes a network for potentiostats using machine-to-machine (M2M) protocols, modifying its functioning mechanism in the broker to check the payload of the message that passes through it and synchronize the sensors depending on its content. Although one sensor can be synchronized directly to another, the broker decides which sensor to pair. This modification was made in the M2M protocol algorithm, both in the Broker and in the Client (sensor). In addition to this, the network uses an interconnection architecture of IoT smart networks of proximity with centralized management. The results of the tests carried out showed that the use of a modified M2M such as the one proposed in the architecture allows synchronization and comparison of the measurements of several sensors in real-time.González, P.; Lloret, J.; Tomás Gironés, J.; Rodríguez, O.; Hurtado, M. (2020). IoT-WLAN Proximity Network for Potentiostats. IEEE. 94-99. https://doi.org/10.1109/FMEC49853.2020.9144776S949

    Innovative Desalination System Driven by a Solar Micro Gas Turbine for Off-Grid Applications

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    Past work by the authors has suggested that Solar micro Gas Turbines (SmGTs) can be used cost-effectively to produce electric power and heat for freshwater production through desalination, mainly in off-grid locations. This is further studied in this work, presenting a detailed description of system performance at design and part-load conditions, as well as the characteristics of the components of the SmGT and the desalination unit. To this end, the SmGT is assessed first, considering techniques that achieve a greater off-design performance such as incorporating Variable Inlet Guide Vanes (VIGVs) at the compressor inlet, and including the sensitivity to control strategies and ambient conditions, exploring their expectedly very negative impact on the SmGT performance. Water treatment system is comprised of two elements. A Reverse Osmosis desalination unit is driven by the electric power produced by the SmGT. This produces brine with high salt concentration to be partially treated further in a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) unit driven by the exhaust gases of the microturbine (at about 250-300ºC), where the sensible heat of this stream is harvested by the ZLD unit to “dry” and concentrate the effluent. Finally, the potential and the operational limitations of the ZLD system are discussed, supplemented by an experimental proof of concept where its feasibility was verified

    a cohort design

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    Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was twofold: (i) to observe the individual results of fitness status [countermovement jump (CMJ)], hop test, linear sprinting time, stride frequency, stride distance, force–power–velocity, peak power maximal and maximal speed, and repeated sprint ability (RSA) and functional performance (overhead squat, single-leg squat test, dumbbell hip-hinge, Thomas test, hip extension, and internal and external hip rotators) and (ii) to analyze the relationship between anthropometrical measures and values of fitness status with % of difference in the Thomas test, hip extension, and internal and external hip rotators. Materials and Methods: The study followed a cohort design. Sixteen female soccer players competing in the second division of the Spanish league were monitored during the first days of the pre-season. These players were evaluated three times during the preseason of the cohort period. The dataset showed a negative moderate correlation between time and percentage of difference in hip angle and another positive moderate correlation between maximal sprint and percentage of difference in hip angle (r = 0.54, p = 0.02 and r = 0.53, p = 0.04), respectively. The correlations of stride time and distance with hip extension are interesting, as professional soccer players should have higher levels of hip flexor flexibility during the stride phase, recoil of the instep kick action.9E1A-F9DD-3EB8 | Filipe Manuel ClementeN/

    Resistant/Refractory Hypertension and Sleep Apnoea: Current Knowledge and Future Challenges

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    Hypertension is one of the most frequent cardiovascular risk factors. The population of hypertensive patients includes some phenotypes whose blood pressure levels are particularly difficult to control, thus putting them at greater cardiovascular risk. This is especially true of so-called resistant hypertension (RH) and refractory hypertension (RfH). Recent findings suggest that the former may be due to an alteration in the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone axis, while the latter seems to be more closely related to sympathetic hyper-activation. Both these pathophysiological mechanisms are also activated in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). It is not surprising, therefore, that the prevalence of OSA in RH and RfH patients is very high (as reflected in several studies) and that treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) manages to reduce blood pressure levels in a clinically significant way in both these groups of hypertensive patients. It is therefore necessary to incorporate into the multidimensional treatment of patients with RH and RfH (changes in lifestyle, control of obesity and drug treatment) a study of the possible existence of OSA, as this is a potentially treatable disease. There are many questions that remain to be answered, especially regarding the ideal combination of treatment in patients with RH/RfH and OSA (drugs, renal denervation, CPAP treatment) and patients’ varying response to CPAP treatment