1,296 research outputs found

    Parametrización de banco de entrenamiento en variables industriales para implementar modelos de control en el laboratorio de relevación

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    El proceso de formación de los ingenieros electricistas de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira debe estar orientado en alguna medida y en ciertas áreas, a poder confrontar los conocimientos adquiridos en la teoría con una implementación práctica de los mismos a través de diferentes herramientas. Teniendo en cuenta esta premisa y aprovechado que el programa de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira cuenta con un banco de entrenamiento con las principales variables industriales; se desarrolla un levantamiento de los componentes de dicho banco, definiendo claramente los sensores, los actuadores y demás elementos que la componen. Después de realizar este levantamiento se procede a desarrollar una metodología para la obtención de la dinámica tanto de la variable de temperatura como de la variable de nivel de líquido para construir a partir de estos diferentes modelos de control que permitan mejorar sustancialmente dicha dinámica, esto se hace a través de diferentes herramientas como son la tarjeta de adquisición de datos de la National Instruments NI-DAQ 6009, que junto con el software MATLAB permite la adquisición de los datos en tiempo real y el posterior tratamiento de los datos para la obtención de la dinámica del sistema y diseño de los diferentes controladores. Finalmente se presentan una serie de guías de laboratorio para que los estudiantes puedan realizar diferentes prácticas en el banco de entrenamiento

    Control y medida de nivel de liquido con señales de ultrasonido

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    Debido a que las pequeñas, medianas y grandes industrias requieren sistemas de producción más eficientes, surge la necesidad de implementar sistemas de control automáticos. En estos tipos de sistemas, es de vital importancia que los dispositivos que actúan como elementos integradores del mismo, ofrezcan un nivel de seguridad que permita garantizar el desarrollo completo del proceso en ejecución en industrias tales como las alimenticias, refresqueras, manufactureras, comerciales, entre otras. Esta es la razón por la cual se deben utilizar señales de un sensor ultrasónico en la medida de nivel de líquidos en los sistemas hidráulicos

    Ensemble and continual federated learning for classifcation tasks

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    Federated learning is the state-of-the-art paradigm for training a learning model collaboratively across multiple distributed devices while ensuring data privacy. Under this framework, different algorithms have been developed in recent years and have been successfully applied to real use cases. The vast majority of work in federated learning assumes static datasets and relies on the use of deep neural networks. However, in real world problems, it is common to have a continual data stream, which may be non stationary, leading to phenomena such as concept drift. Besides, there are many multi-device applications where other, non-deep strategies are more suitable, due to their simplicity, explainability, or generalizability, among other reasons. In this paper we present Ensemble and Continual Federated Learning, a federated architecture based on ensemble techniques for solving continual classification tasks. We propose the global federated model to be an ensemble, consisting of several independent learners, which are locally trained. Thus, we enable a flexible aggregation of heterogeneous client models, which may differ in size, structure, or even algorithmic family. This ensemble-based approach, together with drift detection and adaptation mechanisms, also allows for continual adaptation in situations where data distribution changes over time. In order to test our proposal and illustrate how it works, we have evaluated it in different tasks related to human activity recognition using smartphonesOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research has received financial support from AEI/FEDER (European Union) Grant Number PID2020-119367RB-I00, as well as the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universitade of Galicia (accreditation ED431G-2019/04, ED431G2019/01, and ED431C2018/29), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It has also been supported by the Ministerio de Universidades of Spain in the FPU 2017 program (FPU17/04154)S

    El desarrollo moral de Kohlberg en los niños del Grado Segundo Curso 204 del I.T.I Francisco José de Caldas Mediante la Educación Física

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    Este proyecto presenta como tema central el desarrollo moral según (Kohlberg, 1992), enfocado en la primera etapa llamada preconvencional, que está basada en los niños de 4 a 11 años de edad. Esta etapa abarca dos estadios: el primero el de obediencia y castigo, que muestra cómo el niño está ligado a actuar por conceptos que gente externa le transmite, desarrollando de esta manera sus habilidades y pensamiento; para llegar al segundo estadio de individualización, en el cual el niño puede actuar sin influencias externas, actúa por su propio interés y reconoce que los demás tienen intereses que puedan cambiar o no sean los mismo de él. La población de este proyecto son los estudiantes del grado segundo curso 204 del colegio I.T.I Francisco José de Caldas con los cuales se desarrolló un programa de educación física para potenciar en ellos su concepción moral tal como se describe en el segundo estadio mencionado anteriormente. Se encuentra el problema de investigación “el desarrollo moral, nivel pre convencional de Kohlberg en los niños del grado segundo curso 204 del colegio I.T.I Francisco José de Caldas mediante la clase de Educación física.” Dentro del campo pedagógico en este tema no se encuentran, muchos referentes de investigación por lo cual se pueden realizar distintos estudios sobre las diferentes fases que plantea (Kohlberg, 1992). Los objetivos propuestos para los niños y niñas que se encuentran en el primer estadio: castigo y obediencia, para potenciar su interiorización moral y pasar al segundo estadio de individualización. La metodología que se implementó se basa en un enfoque cualitativo donde se observa por medio de una ficha en donde se consolida los datos, por lo que se genera una propuesta educativa basada en el desarrollo moral según la teoría de (Kohlberg, 1992) y educación física.Universidad Libre – Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación – Programa Educación Física, Recreación y deporte

    Concept drift detection and adaptation for federated and continual learning

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    Smart devices, such as smartphones, wearables, robots, and others, can collect vast amounts of data from their environment. This data is suitable for training machine learning models, which can significantly improve their behavior, and therefore, the user experience. Federated learning is a young and popular framework that allows multiple distributed devices to train deep learning models collaboratively while preserving data privacy. Nevertheless, this approach may not be optimal for scenarios where data distribution is non-identical among the participants or changes over time, causing what is known as concept drift. Little research has yet been done in this field, but this kind of situation is quite frequent in real life and poses new challenges to both continual and federated learning. Therefore, in this work, we present a new method, called Concept-Drift-Aware Federated Averaging (CDA-FedAvg). Our proposal is an extension of the most popular federated algorithm, Federated Averaging (FedAvg), enhancing it for continual adaptation under concept drift. We empirically demonstrate the weaknesses of regular FedAvg and prove that CDA-FedAvg outperforms it in this type of scenarioThis research has received financial support from AEI/FEDER (EU) grant number TIN2017-90135-R, as well as the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria of Galicia (accreditation 2016–2019, ED431G/01 and ED431G/08, reference competitive group ED431C2018/29, and grant ED431F2018/02), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It has also been supported by the Ministerio de Universidades of Spain in the FPU 2017 program (FPU17/04154)S

    Resilience of ecosystem service delivery in grasslands in response to single and compound extreme weather events

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    Extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and magnitude with profound effects on ecosystem functioning. Further, there is now a greater likelihood that multiple extreme events are occurring within a single year. Here we investigated the effect of a single drought, flood or compound (flood + drought) extreme event on temperate grassland ecosystem processes in a field experiment. To assess system resistance and resilience, we studied changes in a wide range of above- and below-ground indicators (plant diversity and productivity, greenhouse gas emissions, soil chemical, physical and biological metrics) during the 8 week stress events and then for 2 years post-stress. We hypothesized that agricultural grasslands would have different degrees of resistance and resilience to flood and drought stress. We also investigated two alternative hypotheses that the combined flood + drought treatment would either, (A) promote ecosystem resilience through more rapid recovery of soil moisture conditions or (B) exacerbate the impact of the single flood or drought event. Our results showed that flooding had a much greater effect than drought on ecosystem processes and that the grassland was more resistant and resilient to drought than to flood. The immediate impact of flooding on all indicators was negative, especially for those related to production, and climate and water regulation. Flooding stress caused pronounced and persistent shifts in soil microbial and plant communities with large implications for nutrient cycling and long-term ecosystem function. The compound flood + drought treatment failed to show a more severe impact than the single extreme events. Rather, there was an indication of quicker recovery of soil and microbial parameters suggesting greater resilience in line with hypothesis (A). This study clearly reveals that contrasting extreme weather events differentially affect grassland ecosystem function but that concurrent events of a contrasting nature may promote ecosystem resilience to future stress

    Isolation, Characterization, and Biotechnological Potential of Native Microalgae From the Peruvian Amazon

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    The objective of this chapter is to provide scientific information on basic aspects to be taken into account to achieve the successful isolation, biochemical, and molecular characterization and then to evaluate the biotechnological potential of native microalgae of the Peruvian Amazon. Recent investigations reported by our research team has demonstrated that the isolated native microalgae from the Peruvian Amazon have a great potential for the biotechnological production of biodiesel and nutraceuticals. This biotechnological potential was identified thanks to the application of various protocols that were standardized by the authors over the last 5 years. In conclusion, the native microalgae of the Peruvian Amazon have biotechnological potential and are therefore promising for the production of both biodiesel and nutraceuticals. Various species of microalgae were identified, isolated, cultured, and characterized using biochemical, nutraceutical, and molecular techniques, the isolation stage being the starting point to achieve various biotechnological applications. Ankistrodesmus sp. is one of the microalgae with potential for the production of biodiesel and microalgae such as Haematococcus pluvialis, Scenedesmus sp., and Chlorella sp., among others demonstrated a high potential for nutraceutical production. The stress conditions to which microalgae are subjected are being a determining factor for the production of biodiesel and nutraceuticals

    A consensus statement for trauma surgery capacity building in Latin America

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    Background Trauma is a significant public health problem in Latin America (LA), contributing to substantial death and disability in the region. Several LA countries have implemented trauma registries and injury surveillance systems. However, the region lacks an integrated trauma system. The consensus conference’s goal was to integrate existing LA trauma data collection efforts into a regional trauma program and encourage the use of the data to inform health policy. Methods We created a consensus group of 25 experts in trauma and emergency care with previous data collection and injury surveillance experience in the LA. region. Experts participated in a consensus conference to discuss the state of trauma data collection in LA. We utilized the Delphi method to build consensus around strategic steps for trauma data management in the region. Consensus was defined as the agreement of ≥ 70% among the expert panel. Results The consensus conference determined that action was necessary from academic bodies, scientific societies, and ministries of health to encourage a culture of collection and use of health data in trauma. The panel developed a set of recommendations for these groups to encourage the development and use of robust trauma information systems in LA. Consensus was achieved in one Delphi round. Conclusions The expert group successfully reached a consensus on recommendations to key stakeholders in trauma information systems in LA. These recommendations may be used to encourage capacity building in trauma research and trauma health policy in the region

    Trichuris vulpis (Froelich, 1789) Infection in a Child: A Case Report

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    We present a human infection with the canine whipworm, Trichuris vulpis, in a child suffering from rhinitis with a diagnosis of rhinitis. T. vulpis eggs resemble those of T. trichiura but they can be differentiated based on their morphological features and egg size, using micrometry with an ocular micrometer. T. vulpis eggs measured an average of 90 µm by 44 µm (range 86-99 µm by 38-47 µm). Prevalence of hookworms (28.1%), Toxocara canis (11.8%), and Trichuris vulpis (3.5%) was found in 292 fecal samples of dogs collected at the peri-domicile, which showed that the risk of infection was not only fortuitous. The treatment of canine whipworm infections is similar to that of T. trichiura infection. We recommend differentiation of the 2 species for their epidemiological and prevention implications