1,024 research outputs found

    Calculation of the Risk of Lawsuits over Construction Flaws in Flat Roofs

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    In order to achieve sustainability objectives in the use of a building, its elements’ operating problems should be minimized. From this premise, a total of 497 cases related to construction flaws in flat roofs were analyzed in this research. A matrix was developed indicating the risk of lawsuits by owners according to the degree of nuisance resulting from the construction flaws studied, their technical importance, and the type of pathological origin. Based on these factors, it is possible to predict a greater or lesser probability of an owner filing a lawsuit—risk factor (F). A wide range was found for this probability, with the largest value being 865 times greater than the smallest value. The value of F was divided into 5 categories to classify the diverse results obtained and determine the number of cases and interrelations ascribed to each category. Additionally, the level of presence of said cases was calculated through the analysis of 3 di erent demographic aspects, it being noted that a greater purchasing power and a higher concentration of urban population lead to more stringent requirements and, subsequently, to a greater number of lawsuits. With all these results, building quality can be improved while resulting in greater constructive-financial sustainability and in a reduction of the economic resources required of society (fewer lawsuits and associated human resources)

    Software support for video streaming from smartphone on small airship

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    This project has been created to study and to solve two goals. The main goal has been streaming real video from a smartphone to a laptop and the second goal has been to control the airship electronics from the smartphone. To achieve the main goal of the project, firstly has been necessary realize a technologies study to select the better choice. The chosen technology has been to use of wi-fi, mainly due to the high transmission speed. Once the technology has been chosen, an ad-hoc wi-fi network has been created to be able to transmit wirelessly. After that, it has been necessary to study how to do the sending of the information. The first idea was using the User Datagram Protocol or Transport Control Protocol, at the beginning it seemed a good choice, because of was possible to achieve a communication between the smartphone and the laptop and a camera in record mode application was created. However, when the real video was to be sent to the laptop, it was not possible because it was not way to open the file while it was been created and there was not any temporal file. Then, another possibility had to be studied and it was the use of streamers. The Live555 Streaming Media is a set of C++ libraries which allows to stream real time from a device to a computer. After the hard work to run this application, it was running fine on the laptop, as well as, the laptop’s webcam was working fine. However, after try to develop a smartphone’s application was discovered that these libraries are not support for Windows Mobile. Therefore, a new way was discovered, the use of DirectShow which is architecture for streaming media, it seemed would work fine, but after the difficulty to compile a code, the smartphone was not detected and there weren’t so much information about how to solve the related problems. Finally, a real time software has been used to stream real video from the smartphone to a laptop. There have been two possibilities, Qik or AtekSoft Web CameraPlus. However, the second one was descarted due to the obligation to pay for use the software. The second goal was studied to develop a serial port application to be used by Infra Red port. However, it was possible that smartphone wouldn’t have IR Port, so a second alternative was studied and it was using the mini USB connection to achieve through a mini USB to USB adapter and an USB to serial port converter to communicate using serial port communication, but this possibility was not support by Windows Mobile. Then, a possible solution is described, it is using the smartphone like an USB device and on the other side (electronics) the use of an USB host and through drivers allows the communication. The smartphone used has been HTC Touch 3G which uses Windows Mobile 6.1 Operative System. The laptop used has been Dell XPS M1330, which uses Windows Vista Operative System the programming software has been Visual Studio 2008. In conclusion, the project has helped me to improve knowledge, on the one hand in my studies and on the other hand in my foreign language. It has been a good experience to work in a real project in the RDC department

    Estudios cognitivos sobre el conocimiento histórico: aportaciones para la enseñanza y alfabetización histórica.

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    En los últimos años se ha producido un aumento significativo de los estudios centrados en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la historia. En el presente artículo, se recogen los estudios más relevantes que se han llevado a cabo desde la psicología cognitiva sobre los conocimientos y habilidades que caracterizan a los expertos en historia. Pensamos que un mayor conocimiento sobre las características de dichos expertos, constituye un aspecto fundamental a la hora de comprender qué objetivos se deben promover para alcanzar una adecuada alfabetización histórica. Estas características giran en torno a tres grande capacidades relativas al conocimiento histórico: la evaluación de evidencias en la obtención de información, el razonamiento y la solución de problemas, y el análisis y la construcción de narrativas históricas.In recent years, there has been a significant increase in studies focused on history teaching and learning. This article gathers the most relevant studies that have been carried out on the cognitive psychology of the knowledge and skills that characterize history experts. We believe that greater knowledge about the characteristics of said experts is a fundamental aspect of understanding what objectives should be promoted in order to achieve adequate historical literacy. These characteristics revolve around three major capacities related to historical knowledge: the evaluation of evidence when obtaining information, reasoning and problem solving, and the analysis and construction of historical narratives.En los últimos años se ha producido un aumento significativo de los estudios centrados en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la historia. En el presente artículo, se recogen los estudios más relevantes que se han llevado a cabo desde la psicología cognitiva sobre los conocimientos y habilidades que caracterizan a los expertos en historia. Pensamos que un mayor conocimiento sobre las características de dichos expertos, constituye un aspecto fundamental a la hora de comprender qué objetivos se deben promover para alcanzar una adecuada alfabetización histórica. Estas características giran en torno a tres grande capacidades relativas al conocimiento histórico: la evaluación de evidencias en la obtención de información, el razonamiento y la solución de problemas, y el análisis y la construcción de narrativas históricas

    Gestión y generación del conocimiento mediante el uso de plataformas digitales de formación

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    Las empresas e instituciones se enfrentan a un nuevo entorno, cada vez más competitivo y globalizado que les exige proporcionar respuestas inmediatas, flexibles y personalizadas. Las plataformas digitales de formación han facilitado enormemente la atención inmediata y flexible del alumno, en un marco de dispersión geográfica y horaria. Sin embargo, existen grandes diferencias entre unas plataformas y otras, principalmente desde el punto de vista de la posibilidad de la interacción. La oferta de plataformas en el mercado es amplia y diversa, el futuro de esta modalidad formativa es prometedor, pero exige una implicación de los docentes desde el punto de vista metodológico

    Perfil epidemiológico de la prevalencia de hipoacusia en un grupo de empleados que trabaja en el ambiente urbano, 2015

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    El propósito de este estudio es determinar la relación entre la exposición ocupacional y los niveles de audición en trabajadores urbanos en espacio abierto (aseo urbano en general). Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con 491 personas que incluyen hombres y mujeres, cuyo ambiente laboral es el espacio abierto de la ciudad. Los datos se obtuvieron durante los exámenes médicos periódicos realizados en el año 2014 a los empleados de una empresa cuya actividad económica es el aseo urbano, que incluye recolección de basuras, cuidado forestal y de prados de uso común, y limpieza del borde de los andenes. Se realizó estadística descriptiva para las características demográficas y razón de disparidad u Odds Ratio (OR) para buscar la relación de antecedentes y hábitos personales con el riesgo de desarrollar pérdida auditiva. De las 491 personas expuestas a niveles altos de ruido ocupacional, 62% presentó pérdida auditiva, de los cuales la mayoría se desempeña como guadañadores y cortadores de césped, y son personas que llevan trabajando entre 1-5 años en la empresa. Se encontró un aumento estadísticamente significativo entre la baja escolaridad y el riesgo de sufrir hipoacusia (p=0.0001) y un efecto protector del uso de motocicleta y audífonos. La enfermedad vascular periférica, la práctica de tejo y la diabetes mostraron una fuerte tendencia a aumentar el riesgo. La pérdida auditiva encontrada en este grupo no se puede relacionar directamente con la exposición ocupacional a ruido, a pesar de ser trabajos que se llevan a cabo en el espacio urbano. Sin embargo, la baja escolaridad favorece la lesión auditiva y puede verse acelerada por enfermedades de alta prevalencia como diabetes y practicas recreacionales locales.Objective: To determine the relationship between occupational exposure and hearing thresholds among employees who work in urban cleaning services. Methods: A descriptive transversal design was conducted for the analysis using data reported from the occupational medical periodic examinations where hearing tests were obtained from 491 adults. Urban cleaning services included trash collection, park trees and grassland care, and cleaning of sidewalks as well. Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out for the demographic characteristics and odds ratio (OR) to learn about the relationship between the personal background and habits with the risk to develop hearing loss. Results: In the group of 491 participants exposed to high levels of noise, 62% had hearing loss especially in scythe and lawn mower workers and who worked between 1-5 years in this company. Workers with lower level of education and hearing loss was more prevalent among those with a higher education level. Motorcycles and earphones showed a protective effect. Peripheral vascular illness, recreational playing of “tejo” (sport and national pastime in Colombia) and diabetes showed a positive trend to increase hearing loss. Conclusions: Hearing loss found in this population could not be directly related with occupational noise exposure albeit jobs conducted in a noisy urban environment. However, a low educational level significantly contributed to generate hearing impairment and could be increased due to high prevalence illness such as diabetes and local recreational exposures.Universidad del RosarioSalud ocupacional de los Ande

    Eros y Tánatos en la teatralidad de Blanche Dubois en A streetcar named desire, de Tenesee Williams

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    Para elaborar una investigación sobre Eros y Tánatos en el personaje de Tennessee Williams de A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche DuBois, es necesario hablar sobre la senda de destrucción que el personaje principal de la obra desarrolla de principio a fin. He basado mi estudio en la obra de Tennessee Williams como mi mayor referente. Además, he empleado también las obras de filósofos y psicoanalistas, tales como Freud, Lacan, Sartre, Foucault y Žižek, entre otros, porque ofrecían una visión muy parecida a la perspectiva de Williams. También he definido las teorías de mujeres tales como Helen Cixous, Judith Butler, Teresa de Lauretis y Camille Plagia, con visiones a veces muy distintas. Williams hace uso de su propia vida y de la de su hermana para explorar la esencia de sus personajes. Rose, su hermana, inspira el personaje de Blanche DuBois, ya que Williams está obsesionado con la enfermedad mental de Rose. Las repeticiones de Blanche, como sus baños de agua caliente o de “La Varsoviana”, la música que sonaba en el momento en que Allan, su joven marido se suicida, la falta de luz en su cara, etc., enuncian la tortura en la que ella vive. Blanche vive en un mundo de ilusiones en el que pretende que los que la rodean entren, pero nadie entra en su juego. Ella misma se acerca a Tánatos, el dios de la muerte no violenta. El pánico de Williams no es solamente sobre su hermana, sino sobre el hecho de que él puede volverse tan enfermo como Rose. Tanto Rose como Blanche son un peligro para el statu quo de la familia, y ambas deben ser eliminadas. El metateatro de Blanche se duplica, porque tiene dos públicos, el público que asiste al teatro para ver la obra y el público que la rodea en escena, como, por ejemplo, Stella, Stanley y Mitch, entre otros..

    Estudio de integración de sensores en UAVs

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    Youth and the Third Sector Media in Spain: Communication and Social Change Training = Jóvenes y tercer sector de medios en España: Formación en comunicación y cambio social

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the role of community, free and university media in Spain as tools for media literacy and as instruments for creating a more critical and communicative citizenry. After a conceptual section, we analyse training processes in this area with regard to the general population and their reference communities, devoting particular emphasis to the involvement of young people. The triangulation research method was based on quantitative (a survey) and qualitative (focus groups) techniques. The results show that the third sector media in Spain act as invaluable tools for the acquisition of skills and competences that are transferable into young people’s professional and experiential sphere, given the ability of these media outlets to identify with their interests, aspirations and difficulties. In a broad sense, these initiatives contribute to expanding the right of communication in two different ways: on the one hand, because they are open to citizen participation in both management responsibilities and content programming; and, on the other, because their decentralized practices provide a laboratory for creative journalism which, in turn, is linked to social movements and other means of expression for citizens (NGOs, associations, etc.)

    Synthesis of alkylidene pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridin-7-one derivatives via RhIII-catalyzed cascade oxidative alkenylation/annulation of picolinamides

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    A practical RhIII-catalyzed cascade olefination/annulation of picolinamides leading to pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridines has been developed. The reaction shows wide scope, complete regiocontrol and excellent stereoselectivityWe thank Spanish Government (MINECO, CTQ2012-35790) and Madrid regional government (AVANCAT, S2009/PPQ-1634) for financial support. N.R. thanks the MICINN for a Ramón y Cajal contract and the Marie Curie Foundation (CIG: CHAAS- 304085