601 research outputs found

    Milagros y libros de milagros en los santuarios marianos andaluces

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    El milagro, entendido como expresión del poder de Dios, la Virgen y los santos, es consustancial con la religión cristiana desde tiempos evangélicos hasta la actualidad. Consideramos milagros aquellos sucesos de naturaleza extraordinaria obrados por una imagen y considerados como tales por el común del pueblo y con frecuencia las élites, con independencia del reconocimiento de la jerarquía eclesiástica. Los libros de milagros son recopilaciones de estos hechos, recogidos de boca de los beneficiarios por parte de frailes y clérigos entre los siglos XVI al XVIII. En este contexto entendemos como santuario todo templo donde una imagen recibe especial culto.The miracle, understood as an expression of the power of God, the Virgin and the Saints, is consubstantial with the Christian religion from evangelical’s times until now. We consider miracles those events of extraordinary nature wrought by an image and considered as such by the common people and frequently elites, regardless of the recognition of the hierarchy. Miracles books are collections of these facts, collected from the mouth of the beneficiaries by Friars and clergy between the 16th to the 18th centuries. In this context we understand as a sanctuary all temple where an image receives special cult

    La religión en el diálogo entre culturas. Perspectivas desde la Antropología

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    Exvotos pictóricos de Andalucía y América : planteamiento metodológico para un análisis comparativo

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    Tomo II ; págs. 267-27

    Calendario festivo y actos de culto en Carmona: una reflexión acerca de las fiestas en la modernidad

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    The article offers a tour around the annual festive cycle of Carmona (Seville), with special emphasis on the cult acts and religiousness. The data, result of the direct observation, have been supported by other historical in nature which provides a diachronic overview of the major festivals in this city. This will enables an overall analysis of the most recent transformations of the festive fact in a population that can serve as a model for the Low Andalusia. Pursuing this goal in this article are described the organizing agents and the degrees of participation from different sectors of the community, are detected the influence of dominant models and different processes of festive revitalization. Finally, the information provided allows a reflection about the consequences of modernity in the festive fact.El artículo ofrece un recorrido por el ciclo anual festivo de Carmona (Sevilla), con especial énfasis en los actos de culto y en la religiosidad. Los datos, fruto de la observación directa, han sido apoyados con otros de carácter histórico lo que proporciona un panorama diacrónico de las principales fiestas de esta ciudad. Esto posibilitará un análisis general de las transformaciones más recientes del hecho festivo en una población que puede funcionar como modelo para la Baja Andalucía. Buscando este objetivo en el artículo se describen los agentes organizadores y los grados de participación de los diferentes sectores de la comunidad, se detecta la influencia de modelos dominantes y diferentes procesos de revitalización festiva. Finalmente, la información aportada permite una reflexión acerca de las consecuencias de la modernidad en el hecho festivo

    El Santuario de la Virgen de la Cabeza de Andújar según el manuscrito de Juan de Ledesma (1633)

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    La romería al santuario de la Virgen de la Cabeza (Andújar, España) constituye una de las devociones más antiguas y extendidas de las celebradas durante el Antiguo Régimen. Su conocimiento se enriquece ahora con la descripción y análisis de la imagen, el santuario, los milagros y la fiesta que se hace a partir del manuscrito de Juan de Ledesma, redactado en 1633, fuente que constituye el documento más antiguo y minucioso de los conocidos hasta ahora.The pilgrimage to the shrine of the Virgin of la Cabeza (in Andujar, Spain) represents one the most venerable and elaborate of all the religious devotions that took place in Spain during the Ancien Regime. Our purpose here is to enrich current knowledge of this event through a description and analysis of the holy image, the shrine, the associated miracles and the festival itself. The data derive from a manuscript written by Juan de Ledesma in 1633, which constitutes the oldest and most detailed source of information about the pilgrimage

    New perspectives on the popular religiosity or common religion of Andalusians

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    El artículo precisa los contenidos de la que llamo 'religión común' tratando de superar las imprecisiones de la llamada 'religiosidad popular', concepto connotado por la Iglesia Católica que la considera como desviación de la norma y que constituye la religión real objeto de estudio de las ciencias sociales.This study delves into what is called 'common religion' seeking to overcome the inaccuracies of the concept of 'popular religion' connoted by the Catholic Church, which deems it a deviation from the norm and holds that it is the real object of religious study in the social sciences.- Grupo de investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada. - Área de Antropología Social. Universidad de Jaén. - Laborarorio de Antropología Social y Cultural (HUM-472). Universidad de Almería. - Departamento de Filosofía II. Universidad de Granada

    Andalúziai fogadalmi képek (ex-voto): az ember és a természetfölötti kapcsolatának távlatai

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    One of the Autonomous Communities of Spain, Andalusia comprises a territory of 87.268 square kilometers. In 1979, the author conducted an ethnographic survey of the entire region, and discovered that the majority of pictorial ex-votos were to be found in Marian shrines in the western provinces of Andalusia. As a result of analysis and cataloguing of this material, a book was published entitled The Exvotos ofAndalusia (1980), which was a pioneering effort on this subject in Spain. The objective of the work was to gain insight into the forms, the sensibilities, and the relationships between the men and women of Andalusia and the supernatural beings they worship through an understanding of the ex-voto as a religious metaphor. The vow has a specifically reciprocal basis, normally expressed not in economic terms but rather as an exchange of favors. Ex-voto can be defined as a donation to a holy image, made publicly, generally put on display in a shrine or rathersacred site, in exchange for the granting of divine favor. The ex-voto acts also as a public testimony to the efficacy and glory of the holy image. The exvotos are also public and permanent avowals of the power of the image, enhancing its prestige. Thus the ex-voto, aside from being a testament to the gratitude of favored individuals, are also public and permanent avowals of the power of the image, enhancing its prestige. Having examined literally thousands of forms of ex-voto in Andalusia, two types were found. First, there is the narrative mode. This includes pictures, photographs and texts. Secondly there is the symbolic mode comprising religious medals, paintings, replicas of human organs and limbs, and so on, ad infinitum. It has to be distinguished between the individual and the collective or multiple forms. When painted, the ex-votos tend toward the naive; that is, the artists are untaught and ignorant of technical concepts like perspective and spacing. They tend to be schematic and rudimentary. Principle among motives for ex-votos is serious illness, followed by accidents. Each historical epoch is defined by its own dangers. It should be obvious from the above that ex-votos represent a patrimonial treasure of inestimable value, since they represent an important material expression of folk belief at any given moment in time. The Catholic Church, in its new Bill of Canonical Rights, section 1234, paragraph 2, makes the following point: "In all shrines and in adjacent areas, ex-votos and other examples of devotional folk art and piety are to be rigorously conserved." As far as civil legislation is concerned, law 16/1985 ofApril 25th promulgated by the Spanish HistoricalAuthority (articles 46 and 47) and the Law ofAndalusian Historical Patrimony both include the ex-votos as part of the protected ethnographic property of Spain