10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of emerging audio description systems for broadcast TV

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    Following EU directives on Media Access and Ambient Assisted Living, the broadcasting industry needs to introduce new services in order to guarantee access to all citizens. The article and its conclusions are part of the EU project DTV4ALL, which focuses on some possible broadcasting scenarios for achieving barrier - free television for those with visual impairments. Five enhanced Audiodescription (AD) scenarios were proposed and evaluated: 1) Live streaming Internet TV with AD, 2) AD reception in a group situation, 3) Video on demand over aset - top - box , 4) Video on PC and 5) Podcasts. User evaluation concerning usefulness, quality and usability of the services was assessed using questionnaires. Results of the user evaluation show that not only are AD emerging services technically viable but they are also positively rated by users. Implementation of these services will provide improved access to content, making TV accessible for all

    Analysis and design of a subtitling system for ambient intelligence environments

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    The development of ubiquitous applications for ambient intelligence environments needs to also take into account some usability and accessibility issues in order to ensure a proper user experience and to overcome the existing content access barriers. A proper access to video subtitles, for instance, is not always available due to the technical limitations of traditional video packaging, transmission and presentation. New Web standards enable more featured applications with better multi-platform definition, so they are suitable for building ubiquitous applications for ambient intelligence environments. This work presents a video subtitling system that enables the customization and adaptation of subtitles. The benefits of Web applications compared with device-specific native applications for building the solution as well as its current platform support are analyzed. Finally, three different application use cases are presented

    Cross-Platform multimedia contents through model transformations : the digital TV case /

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    L'actual diversitat de dispositius de consum amb accés a Internet fa possible una gran varietat de plataformes multimèdia per accedir a contingut audiovisual, serveis interactius, jocs i tot tipus d'aplicacions d'usuari. El concepte de televisió digital està evolucionant des de ser considerada una tecnologia unidireccional i relativament aïllada a formar part de l'ecosistema de serveis que l'usuari te disponible des de qualsevol entorn multimèdia, com la pròpia llar. En aquest context, la convergència entre televisió, Internet i aplicacions és una realitat gràcies a extensa família de dispositius intel·ligents que hi ha al mercat. Las Smart TVs, smartphones, tablets i consoles permeten als usuaris accedir a continguts de televisió i aplicacions interactives a través múltiples xarxes. El nombre I varietat de format d'aplicacions i entorns d'execució que actualment permeten accedir a algun tipus de televisió interactiva (iTV) dificulten la portabilitat de les aplicacions desenvolupades entre diferents entorns. La manca d'un estàndard unificat i acceptat a nivell mundial per al desplegament de continguts interactius en plataformes de televisió requereix de tècniques especials per adaptar els continguts d'una plataforma a una altra. Així, els productors de contingut interactiu poden estalviar temps i recursos en el desenvolupament dels mateixos continguts per a diferents plataformes. El principal objectiu d'aquesta dissertació és la proposta i validació de una metodologia apropiada per la generació i manteniment eficients d'aplicacions per a TV interactiva. Això permet una millor separació entre el proses de disseny d'una aplicació i les múltiples implementacions que es poden fer per plataformes diferents. Aquesta tesi analitza l'estat actual de la televisió interactiva i proposa una metodologia concreta per generar "write once, adapt to anywhere" ("escriu una vegada i adapta-ho a qualsevol plataforma") basada en un format estàndard per a contingut portable anomenat DVB-PCF. La metodologia proposta és validada a través de l'aplicació de diferent casos d'ús que han servit per testejar les eines desenvolupades en el transcurs d'aquesta recerca. Això inclou els mòduls necessàries per traduir les descripcions multiplataforma (escrites en DVB-PCF) en aplicacions iTV per a plataformes especifiques (com MHP, HTML5, …) i un entorn de desenvolupament integrat que incorpora un editor visual d'interfícies d'usuari basat en el format seleccionat per descriure contingut portable. L'estudi de la sincronització del contingut multimèdia en plataformes web ha generat una aportació secundària relativa al desenvolupament de sistemes de subtitulació basats en HTML5. Aquesta proposta treu profit de SVG i SMIL per sincronitzar subtítols que son personalitzables per l'usuari i mostrar-los en qualsevol plataforma que s'hi connecti. Això també redueix considerablement el codi necessari per mantenir una línia de temps global. Els resultats de l'avaluació de l'experiència d'usuari per al sistema proposat de subtitulació mostren que les característiques de temps proporcionades per SMIL permeten una gestió eficient dels subtítols a través de múltiples plataformes HTML5 sense perdre la sincronització entre els components de la presentació.The current diversity of internet-connected consumer devices enables an increasing variety of multimedia platforms for accessing audiovisual content, interactive services, games and all kind of user applications. The concept of digital TV is evolving from being an isolated unidirectional technology to become part of the ecosystem of services users consume in their multimedia home or nomadic environment. In this context, the convergence between interactive TV, Internet, and applications is a reality thanks to the family of smart devices that are available on the market. Smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, and game consoles allow users to access TV contents and interactive applications through multiple networks. The number of different application formats and runtime environments that currently enable interactive TV services hinders the portability of applications developed for those environments. The lack of a globally unified and accepted standard for the deployment of interactive contents on TV platforms requires the use of special techniques to adapt those contents from one platform to another. Interactive content producers can save both time and resources when developing the same content for different platforms. The main objective of this dissertation is the proposal and validation of a suitable methodology for the efficient generation and maintenance of cross-platform iTV applications, which allows the separation between the design process and its multiple implementations for different platforms. This thesis analyzes the current context of interactive TV and proposes a solution for generating "write once, adapt to anywhere" applications based on a portable content format for TV environments. The proposed methodology is validated through different application use cases that have been tested using the software framework developed in the course of this research. This includes the required modules for translating cross-platform descriptions into platform-specific iTV applications and an integrated development environment containing a visual editor for graphic user interfaces that stores the interface description in the portable content format. The study of multimedia content synchronization in web-based platforms generated a secondary contribution for the development of subtitling systems based on HTML5. This proposal takes advantage of SVG and SMIL for synchronizing customizable video subtitles across web platforms. It also enables to reduce considerably the code required by an application for managing time issues. The results of the user experience evaluation for the proposed subtitling system show that SMIL time features allow an efficient management of subtitles across different HTML5 platforms without losing the synchronization between the presentation components

    Sistema gràfic de depuració per xarxes (NoC)

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    Aquest projecte descriu el disseny i desenvolupament d'una eina gràfica per a la depuració de projectes desenvolupats amb un llenguatge de descripció de sistemes com és el SystemC. Amb aquest llenguatge s'ha desenvolupat una NoC (Network on Chip). L'eina desenvolupada mostra de forma visual l'arquitectura de la xarxa NoC, els valors dels senyals que es transmeten a través de la xarxa i estadístiques sobre aquests per tal de poder fer un seguiment exhaustiu i agilitzar la recerca d'errors com interbloquejos, pèrdua de dades i d'altres. Al concentrar en un únic entorn la descripció de la NoC i les dades relatives a les senyals en temps de simulació, proporciona un valor afegit a altres eines disponibles per a realitzar aquesta tasca.Este proyecto describe el diseño y desarrollo de una herramienta gráfica para la depuración de proyectos desarrollados con un lenguaje de descripción de sistemas como es el SystemC. Con este lenguaje se ha desarrollado una NoC (Network on Chip). La herramienta desarrollada muestra de forma visual la arquitectura de la red NoC, los valores de las señales que se transmiten a través de la red y estadísticas sobre estas para poder hacer un seguimiento exhaustivo y agilizar la búsqueda de errores como interbloqueos, pérdida de datos u otros. Al concentrar en un único entorno la descripción de la NoC y los datos relativos a las señales en tiempo de simulación, proporciona un valor añadido a otras herramientas disponibles para realizar esta tarea.This project describes the design and development of a graphical tool to debug projects that are developed with a system description language like is the SystemC. A NoC(Network on Chip) was developed with this language. The developed tool shows visually the NoC network architecture, the signals values that are transmitted through the network and statistics about this signals to get an exhaustive record and improve the errors search such as: deadlocks, data loss and others. Including in just one environment the NoC description and the information relative to the signals in simulation time providing an added value to other available tools to realize this task.Nota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    Cross-Platform Multimedia Contents through Model Transformations: The Digital TV Case

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    L’actual diversitat de dispositius de consum amb accés a Internet fa possible una gran varietat de plataformes multimèdia per accedir a contingut audiovisual, serveis interactius, jocs i tot tipus d’aplicacions d’usuari. El concepte de televisió digital està evolucionant des de ser considerada una tecnologia unidireccional i relativament aïllada a formar part de l’ecosistema de serveis que l’usuari te disponible des de qualsevol entorn multimèdia, com la pròpia llar. En aquest context, la convergència entre televisió, Internet i aplicacions és una realitat gràcies a extensa família de dispositius intel·ligents que hi ha al mercat. Las Smart TVs, smartphones, tablets i consoles permeten als usuaris accedir a continguts de televisió i aplicacions interactives a través múltiples xarxes. El nombre I varietat de format d'aplicacions i entorns d'execució que actualment permeten accedir a algun tipus de televisió interactiva (iTV) dificulten la portabilitat de les aplicacions desenvolupades entre diferents entorns. La manca d'un estàndard unificat i acceptat a nivell mundial per al desplegament de continguts interactius en plataformes de televisió requereix de tècniques especials per adaptar els continguts d'una plataforma a una altra. Així, els productors de contingut interactiu poden estalviar temps i recursos en el desenvolupament dels mateixos continguts per a diferents plataformes. El principal objectiu d’aquesta dissertació és la proposta i validació de una metodologia apropiada per la generació i manteniment eficients d’aplicacions per a TV interactiva. Això permet una millor separació entre el proses de disseny d’una aplicació i les múltiples implementacions que es poden fer per plataformes diferents. Aquesta tesi analitza l’estat actual de la televisió interactiva i proposa una metodologia concreta per generar “write once, adapt to anywhere” (“escriu una vegada i adapta-ho a qualsevol plataforma”) basada en un format estàndard per a contingut portable anomenat DVB-PCF. La metodologia proposta és validada a través de l’aplicació de diferent casos d’ús que han servit per testejar les eines desenvolupades en el transcurs d’aquesta recerca. Això inclou els mòduls necessàries per traduir les descripcions multiplataforma (escrites en DVB-PCF) en aplicacions iTV per a plataformes especifiques (com MHP, HTML5, …) i un entorn de desenvolupament integrat que incorpora un editor visual d’interfícies d’usuari basat en el format seleccionat per descriure contingut portable. L’estudi de la sincronització del contingut multimèdia en plataformes web ha generat una aportació secundària relativa al desenvolupament de sistemes de subtitulació basats en HTML5. Aquesta proposta treu profit de SVG i SMIL per sincronitzar subtítols que son personalitzables per l’usuari i mostrar-los en qualsevol plataforma que s’hi connecti. Això també redueix considerablement el codi necessari per mantenir una línia de temps global. Els resultats de l’avaluació de l’experiència d’usuari per al sistema proposat de subtitulació mostren que les característiques de temps proporcionades per SMIL permeten una gestió eficient dels subtítols a través de múltiples plataformes HTML5 sense perdre la sincronització entre els components de la presentació.The current diversity of internet-connected consumer devices enables an increasing variety of multimedia platforms for accessing audiovisual content, interactive services, games and all kind of user applications. The concept of digital TV is evolving from being an isolated unidirectional technology to become part of the ecosystem of services users consume in their multimedia home or nomadic environment. In this context, the convergence between interactive TV, Internet, and applications is a reality thanks to the family of smart devices that are available on the market. Smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, and game consoles allow users to access TV contents and interactive applications through multiple networks. The number of different application formats and runtime environments that currently enable interactive TV services hinders the portability of applications developed for those environments. The lack of a globally unified and accepted standard for the deployment of interactive contents on TV platforms requires the use of special techniques to adapt those contents from one platform to another. Interactive content producers can save both time and resources when developing the same content for different platforms. The main objective of this dissertation is the proposal and validation of a suitable methodology for the efficient generation and maintenance of cross-platform iTV applications, which allows the separation between the design process and its multiple implementations for different platforms. This thesis analyzes the current context of interactive TV and proposes a solution for generating “write once, adapt to anywhere” applications based on a portable content format for TV environments. The proposed methodology is validated through different application use cases that have been tested using the software framework developed in the course of this research. This includes the required modules for translating cross-platform descriptions into platform-specific iTV applications and an integrated development environment containing a visual editor for graphic user interfaces that stores the interface description in the portable content format. The study of multimedia content synchronization in web-based platforms generated a secondary contribution for the development of subtitling systems based on HTML5. This proposal takes advantage of SVG and SMIL for synchronizing customizable video subtitles across web platforms. It also enables to reduce considerably the code required by an application for managing time issues. The results of the user experience evaluation for the proposed subtitling system show that SMIL time features allow an efficient management of subtitles across different HTML5 platforms without losing the synchronization between the presentation components

    Analysis and design of a subtitling system for ambient intelligence environments

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    The development of ubiquitous applications for ambient intelligence environments needs to also take into account some usability and accessibility issues in order to ensure a proper user experience and to overcome the existing content access barriers. A proper access to video subtitles, for instance, is not always available due to the technical limitations of traditional video packaging, transmission and presentation. New Web standards enable more featured applications with better multi-platform definition, so they are suitable for building ubiquitous applications for ambient intelligence environments. This work presents a video subtitling system that enables the customization and adaptation of subtitles. The benefits of Web applications compared with device-specific native applications for building the solution as well as its current platform support are analyzed. Finally, three different application use cases are presented

    Subtitle synchronization across multiple screens and devices

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    Ambient Intelligence is a new paradigm in which environments are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. This is having an increasing importance in multimedia applications, which frequently rely on sensors to provide useful information to the user. In this context, multimedia applications must adapt and personalize both content and interfaces in order to reach acceptable levels of context-specific quality of service for the user, and enable the content to be available anywhere and at any time. The next step is to make content available to everybody in order to overcome the existing access barriers to content for users with specific needs, or else to adapt to different platforms, hence making content fully usable and accessible. Appropriate access to video content, for instance, is not always possible due to the technical limitations of traditional video packaging, transmission and presentation. This restricts the flexibility of subtitles and audio-descriptions to be adapted to different devices, contexts and users. New Web standards built around HTML5 enable more featured applications with better adaptation and personalization facilities, and thus would seem more suitable for accessible AmI environments. This work presents a video subtitling system that enables the customization, adaptation and synchronization of subtitles across different devices and multiple screens. The benefits of HTML5 applications for building the solution are analyzed along with their current platform support. Moreover, examples of the use of the application in three different cases are presented. Finally, the user experience of the solution is evaluated

    Evaluation of emerging audio description systems for broadcast TV

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    Following EU directives on Media Access and Ambient Assisted Living, the broadcasting industry needs to introduce new services in order to guarantee access to all citizens. The article and its conclusions are part of the EU project DTV4ALL, which focuses on some possible broadcasting scenarios for achieving barrier - free television for those with visual impairments. Five enhanced Audiodescription (AD) scenarios were proposed and evaluated: 1) Live streaming Internet TV with AD, 2) AD reception in a group situation, 3) Video on demand over aset - top - box , 4) Video on PC and 5) Podcasts. User evaluation concerning usefulness, quality and usability of the services was assessed using questionnaires. Results of the user evaluation show that not only are AD emerging services technically viable but they are also positively rated by users. Implementation of these services will provide improved access to content, making TV accessible for all

    Polyphosphate degradation by Nudt3-Zn 2+ mediates oxidative stress response

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    Polyphosphate (polyP) is a polymer of hundreds of phosphate residues present in all organisms. In mammals, polyP is involved in crucial physiological processes, including coagulation, inflammation, and stress response. However, after decades of research, the metabolic enzymes are still unknown. Here, we purify and identify Nudt3, a NUDIX family member, as the enzyme responsible for polyP phosphatase activity in mammalian cells. We show that Nudt3 shifts its substrate specificity depending on the cation; specifically, Nudt3 is active on polyP when Zn2+ is present. Nudt3 has in vivo polyP phosphatase activity in human cells, and importantly, we show that cells with altered polyP levels by modifying Nudt3 protein amount present reduced viability upon oxidative stress and increased DNA damage, suggesting that polyP and Nudt3 play a role in oxidative stress protection. Finally, we show that Nudt3 is involved in the early stages of embryo development in zebrafish.This work was supported by and is part of the I+D+i grant ref. PGC2018-096597-B-I00 (to J.J.) by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN). B.S.-M. was the recipient of a grant from the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca AGAUR ref. 2016FI_B 00025. H.J.J. was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy (CIBBS, EXC-2189, Project ID 390939984)

    Prognostic significance of performing universal HER2 testing in cases of advanced gastric cancer.

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    Trastuzumab significantly improves overall survival (OS) when added to cisplatin and fluoropyrimidine as a treatment for HER2-positive advanced gastric cancers (AGC). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the gradual implementation of HER2 testing on patient prognosis in a national registry of AGC. This Spanish National Cancer Registry includes cases who were consecutively recruited at 28 centers from January 2008 to January 2016. The effect of missing HER2 status was assessed using stratified Cox proportional hazards (PH) regression. The rate of HER2 testing increased steadily over time, from 58.3 % in 2008 to 92.9 % in 2016. HER2 was positive in 194 tumors (21.3 %). In the stratified Cox PH regression, each 1 % increase in patients who were not tested for HER2 at the institutions was associated with an approximately 0.3 % increase in the risk of death: hazard ratio, 1.0035 (CI 95 %, 1.001-1.005), P = 0.0019. Median OS was significantly lower at institutions with the highest proportions of patients who were not tested for HER2. Patients treated at centers that took longer to implement HER2 testing exhibited worse clinical outcomes. The speed of implementation behaves as a quality-of-care indicator. Reviewed guidelines on HER2 testing should be used to achieve this goal in a timely manner