1,811 research outputs found

    On the Birth of Stall Cells on Airfoils

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    Critical point theory asserts that two-dimensional topologies are defined as degeneracies and any three-dimensional disturbance of a two-dimensional flow will lead to a new three-dimensional flowfield topology, regardless of the disturbance amplitude. Here, the topology of the composite flowfields reconstructed by linear superposition of the two-dimensional flow around a stalled airfoil and the leading stationary three-dimensional global eigenmode has been studied. In the conditions monitored the two-dimensional flow is steady and laminar and is separated over a fraction of the suction side, while the amplitudes considered in the linear superposition are small enough for the linearization assumption to be valid. The multiple topological bifurcations resulting have been analysed in detail; the surface streamlines generated by the leading stationary global mode of the separated flow have been found to be strongly reminiscent of the characteristic stall cells, observed experimentally on airfoils just beyond stall in both laminar and turbulent flow

    Using chi-squared automatic interaction detection modelling to identify student opinion profiles regarding same-sex couples as a family structure

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    The aim was to determine the opinions held by a sample of students in relation to homoparenting as a family modality. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of university students specialization: social sciences using the AHFH. It is patent that opinions of students about the three factors (support, rejection and acceptance) that compose the construct of attitudes towards same-sex couples as a family structure, differ greatly depending on the positive or negative nature of these components. In conclusion, in relation to the dimension pertaining to rejection of same-sex couples as a family entity, we derived a configuration determined by 1 of the 4 predictor variables. In this case, gender was the only one of the 4 variables considered to support formation of a profile. This profile was constituted by male students who, independent of their birthplace setting, qualification and whether they personally know any same-sex couples, showed stronger agreement with the dimension describing rejection of same-sex couples as a family structure

    The Use Of Technology In Higher Education. Pedagogical Orientations Within Education

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    At the time of embarking on this examination of information and communication technologies in the higher education setting, a historical, pedagogical, psychological, sociological and educational approach was proposed. This served to join together a group of theories and ideas which enable the identification of both external and internal causes. This assists in understanding the increasingly rapid expansion of this prominent global phenomenon.  The first aim considered in the present study was to determine, via an initial diagnostic study, the use and frequency of use of technology in higher education. The second aim was linked with pedagogical orientations within education. The methodological design employed pertained to a descriptive study. More specifically, the study administered a questionnaire made up of Likert scales to a representative sample of university students enrolled on different courses. The population comprised students from the Education Sciences faculty at the University of Granada. The sample was formed by 350 students who responded to the questionnaire. Outcomes from the completed instruments reveal that a high proportion of young people spend a large proportion of their time using the internet, games consoles and mobile phones. Finally, it was indicated that it is necessary for a set of recommendations and pedagogical orientations to be compiled, designed and implemented to enable the correct management of technological resources

    Mobile telephony in students of physical education dependency or addiction

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    In this initial study on the dependency or addiction to mobile telephony in the university students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Granada, two fundamental objectives are intended. First, establish the technical adequacy (reliability and validity) of the instrument and second, determine the degree of addiction / dependence to the mobile device that presents the sample object of investigation at a merely descriptive level. We have used a descriptive methodology per survey, responding to a sample of 60 subjects. Some of the conclusions of the work are: With regard to validity, we can affirm that the instrument claims to measure the construct for which it has been developed through the adaptation of other instruments, that is, it is creditor of content validity. It has also revealed the presence of a remarkable concurrent criterial validity that shows that the items individually measure the same as the scale in its entirety. In the second block of conclusions, we highlight the fact that, in a general way, levels of dependency / addiction to the mobile device have been moderately low

    Conditioning and covering of the multisports courts in Celanova

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    [Resumen]: Actualmente, no existe ningún espacio cubierto en Celanova donde se pueda llevar a cabo la práctica del tenis en condiciones meteorológicas adversas, lo cual conlleva a la inutilización de las pistas durante gran parte del año. Además, no hay tampoco ninguna instalación dedicada a la práctica de la calistenia, un deporte en auge hoy en día. El deterioro y desuso de la pista de baloncesto apoya la decisión de sustituirla por una pista multideporte y un parque de calistenia. De esta forma se contribuye a la creación de un núcleo deportivo sólido y de gran calidad con carácter público. Asimismo, la localización escogida para el desarrollo del proyecto es idónea debido a su cercanía al casco urbano de la villa, colegios e institutos. Por otra parte, al situarse en las inmediaciones de la Piscina Municipal se generaría un auténtico centro polideportivo. La cubierta escogida está conformada por vigas de madera laminada con una geometría peculiar integrada por un tramo curvo y otro recto tangentes entre sí. Sobre las mismas se apoyarán las correas de madera, responsables de sustentar los paneles sándwich y los lucernarios con los que se pretende lograr un mayor aprovechamiento de la luz natural. Estas vigas se apoyan sobre pilares y jabalcones de acero lográndose una luz de casi 35 metros. No solo se cubrirán las instalaciones existentes, sino que también se sustituirá el pavimento existente debido a su mal estado de conservación y se generarán nuevas zonas verdes aprovechables por las Piscinas Municipales y por los usuarios del recinto logrando de esta forma una mayor integración con el entorno.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSECCP). Tecnoloxía da Enxeñaría Civil. Curso 2019/202

    Building performance, climatic variables, and indices: identification of correlations for social housing across the Mexican territory

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    These three volumes contain the proceedings of the 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2020). Planning Post Carbon Cities, held in A Coruña from 1 to 3 September 2020. These are its contents: Estos tres volúmenes contienen las actas de la 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2020). Planning Post Carbon Cities, celebrado en A Coruña los días 1-3 de septiembre de 2020. Estos son sus contenidos: Estes tres volumes conteñen as actas da 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2020). Planning Post Carbon Cities, celebrado na Coruña os días 1-3 de setembro de 2020. Estes son os seus contidos: Volume 1. Technical Articles: 1 Sustainable Buildings; 2 Sustainable Communities. Volume 2: Technical Articles: 3 Analysis and Methods; 4 Resilient and Extreme Design. Volume 3: Technical Articles: 4 Resources; 5 Education. Poster Session (technical articles). Poster Session (posters)

    Cryopreservation of GABAergic neuronal precursors for cell-based therapy

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    Cryopreservation protocols are essential for stem cells storage in order to apply them in the clinic. Here we describe a new standardized cryopreservation protocol for GABAergic neural precursors derived from the medial glanglionic eminence (MGE), a promising source of GABAergic neuronal progenitors for cell therapy against interneuron-related pathologies. We used 10% Me2 SO as cryoprotectant and assessed the effects of cell culture amplification and cellular organization, as in toto explants, neurospheres, or individualized cells, on post-thaw cell viability and retrieval. We confirmed that in toto cryopreservation of MGE explants is an optimal preservation system to keep intact the interneuron precursor properties for cell transplantation, together with a high cell viability (>80%) and yield (>70%). Postthaw proliferation and self-renewal of the cryopreserved precursors were tested in vitro. In addition, their migration capacity, acquisition of mature neuronal morphology, and potency to differentiate into multiple interneuron subtypes were also confirmed in vivo after transplantation. The results show that the cryopreserved precursor features remained intact and were similar to those immediately transplanted after their dissection from the MGE. We hope this protocol will facilitate the generation of biobanks to obtain a permanent and reliable source of GABAergic precursors for clinical application in cell-based therapies against interneuronopathies.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad 09-07746 y 12-36853Junta de Andalucía CTS- 256

    Effectiveness of the application of massage therapy and kinesitherapy by parents on premature neonates: a research protocol

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    Aim: The study aims to analyse the efficacy of massage therapy and kinesitherapy applied by parents of premature infants admitted to hospital. Background: Premature newborns suffer early somatic deprivation that has adverse effects on their growth and development and that also has a negative impact on the emotional state of their parents. Massage therapy and kinesitherapy is beneficial in alleviating somatic deficit and facilitates the bond between parents and newborns. Design: A quasi-experimental community intervention trial will be conducted in a neonatology unit. Methods: This study will compare the benefits of a 15-min massage protocol applied by parents with the usual medical and nursing care given by neonatal units for premature babies. The evaluation of neuromotor development will take place through the Spanish Premie-Neuro scale. The determination of weight, size, and head circumference will be based on the unit's usual procedures. Discussion: If the implementation of a massage therapy and kinesitherapy protocol is effective in promoting the growth and development of hospitalized premature infants, the results of this study could give an impetus for the inclusion of somatic stimulation in the usual nursing care given for preterm infants. Impact: Prematurity and its associated morbidity pose a major global public health problem. Somatic and kinaesthetic stimulation has beneficial effects on anthropometric and neuromotor development in preterm infants. The results will have a positive impact on premature neonates and their families, both during the hospitalization, and a positive socio-economic effect throughout their lives (education, work, disability).SIWe thank the Neonatal Care Unit of the León University Hospital for taking part in this project, as well as all the nurses who participated for their efforts and dedication in collecting data. We are especially grateful to the premature newborns and their family members who kindly contributed to this study with their participation

    Corporate Communications Management on the internet Study and recommendations for the newsrooms in corporate websites from analyzing portals on the internet of business groups in Galicia

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    La dirección de comunicación de las empresas sigue siendo prioritaria para conseguir el éxito comercial, pero la irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías desde hace unos años, especialmente internet, ha modificado las reglas de la gestión de comunicación. Si antes los medios de comunicación tradicionales, la publicidad y las relaciones públicas, eran los únicos canales y métodos para lograr comunicar, ahora internet se asienta como el nuevo eje comunicativo debido a la actual crisis económica y el auge del social media (web 2.0). En este estudio pretendemos conocer la dirección de comunicación de los principales grupos empresariales presentes en Galicia a través de sus webs corporativas, y sus secciones propias de comunicación como las salas de prensa digitales, por lo que analizaremos de modo cuantitativo y cualitativo sus contenidos y formas para interpretar la gestión de comunicación que hacen para comunicarse con un público internauta cada vez más experto.Instituto de Investigación en Relaciones Pública