10,354 research outputs found

    I-V characteristics of in-plane and out-of-plane strained edge-hydrogenated armchair graphene nanoribbons

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    The effects of tensile strain on the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of hydrogenated-edge armchair graphene nanoribbons (HAGNRs) are investigated by using DFT theory. The strain is introduced in two different ways related to the two types of systems studied in this work: in-plane strained systems (A), and out-of-plane strained systems due to bending (B). These two kinds of strain lead to make a distinction among three cases: in-plane strained systems with strained electrodes (A1) and with unstrained electrodes (A2), and out-of-plane homogeneously strained systems with unstrained, fixed electrodes (B). The systematic simulations to calculate the electronic transmission between two electrodes were focused on systems of 8 and 11 dimers in width. The results show that the differences between cases A2 and B are negligible, even though the strain mechanisms are different: in the plane case, the strain is uniaxial along its length, while in the bent case the strain is caused by the arc deformation. Based on the study, a new type of NEMS-solid state switching device is proposed.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    From Stochastic Optics to the Wigner Formalism: The Role of the Vacuum Field in Optical Quantum Communication Experiments

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    The Wigner formalism in the Heisenberg picture constitutes a bridge that connects Quantum Optics to Stochastic Optics. The vacuum field appears explicitly in the formalism, and the wavelike aspects of light are emphasised. In addition, the zeropoint intensity as a threshold for detection is a common denominator in both theories. In this paper, after summarising the basic rules of the Wigner approach and its application to parametric down-conversion, some new results are presented that delve into the physical meaning of the zeropoint field in optical quantum communication. Specifically, the relationship between Bell-state distinguishability and the number of sets of zeropoint modes that take part in the experiment is analysed in terms of the coupling between the phases of the different fields involved and the subtraction of the zeropoint intensity at the detectors. Additionally, the connection between the compatibility theorem in quantum cryptography and zeropoint field is stressed

    The determinants of bank margins revisited: A note on the effects of diversification

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    Most of the theoretical and empirical literature on bank margins has dealt solely with interest margins. Applying the seminal Ho-Saunders model (JFQA, 1981) to a multi-output framework, we show that the relationship between bank margins and market power (controlling for risk) varies significantly across bank specializations. Using a set of both accounting margins and New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) margins, we find that market power rises significantly with output diversification towards non-traditional activities. These results contribute to explain the paradoxical coexistence of decreasing interest margins and higher market power found in previous studies.bank margins, specialization, market structure.

    The finance-growth nexus: a regional perspective

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    Recent cross-country studies suggest that finance and economic growth are significantly related. The characteristics and geographical scope of this relationship has become central to explain differences in economic development. Two concepts are highly relevant in this context. Firstly, financial deepening, that involves the development of traditional and non-traditional financial services in these territories. Secondly, bank dependence, which makes households and firms rely heavily on banks. Employing dynamic causality and panel data techniques on a sample of Spanish banks during 1993-1999 we find that -at a regional level- economic growth predicted financial deepening in this period which suggests that banks locate and distribute new financial products mostly in well developed territories. Regarding bank dependence, bank lending specialization appears to be a key issue in financing firms and households compared to other bank specializations. According to previous studies, lending dependence confer banks a special role in promoting regional economic growth in bank-based financial systems.Banks, financial deepening, bank dependence, regional growth.

    New evidence of scope economies among lending,deposit-taking, loan commitments and mutual fund activities.

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    Financial innovation and technology affect bank cost, revenue and profits. Most of the previous empirical studies have not found significant cost, profit or revenue scope economies or output pair complementarities either between traditional and non-traditional banking products or between traditional activities themselves. We study scope economies and output pair complementarities in a ‘broad banking’ environment: the Spanish banking sector. The results indicate that after including off-balance sheet business in the output mix, cost and profit scope economies rise and are statistically significant. Besides, consumer valuation of financial services is only detected when the off-balance sheet business is added to the output definition.banking, scope economies, off-balance sheet.

    Scope Economies and Competition Beyond the Balance Sheet: a ‘broad banking’ Experience

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    There is a recent trend in banking research aiming to assess how financial innovation and technology are affecting bank cost, revenue and profits. Most of the studies have not found significant cost, profit or revenue complementarities either between traditional and non-traditional banking products or between traditional activities themselves. We study complementarities in a ‘broad banking’ environment: the Spanish banking sector. The results indicate that after including off-balance sheet business in the output mix, cost and profit scope economies increase significantly. Besides, consumer valuation of financial services is only detected when the off-balance sheet business is added to the output definition.banking, cost, profit, scope economies, off-balance sheet.

    La consolidación del vino de Rioja en el siglo XVII

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    Hoy estamos acostumbrados a identificar a La Rioja (España) con sus caldos y a renombrar su calidad. El origen de la identificación del vino de Rioja con la región hunde sus raices en la Edad Media y, sobre todo, en el siglo XVII. En efecto, a lo largo del seiscientos en la cuenca alta del río Ebro (en La Rioja y en las comarcas colindantes) se dieron los factores necesarios para consolidar un tipo de vino, el Rioja: se producía lo suficiente como para poder vender fuera de la región, se destinaba la mayor superficie de tierra al viñedo. se potenciaba la venta. se disponía de un mercado de consumo, los intereses de las autoridades públicas pronto se pusieron al servicio de los vitivinicultores y, en fin, todo el entramado social y económico giró en torno al vino. Fue tal el éxito y tan bien articulado estuvo todo alrededor del Rioja que el modelo perduró hasta el desastre de la filoxera de finales del siglo XIX.We now usually identify La Rioja (Spain) with its wines and likewise remark on their quality. The origin of identifying the wine from La Rioja with the region started back in the Middle Ages and mainly comes from, the 17th century. Indeed, throughout the 17th century, the determining factors to consolidate a kind of wine, Rioja, are present in the high basin of the river Ebro (La Rioja and adjacent regions). It produced enough wine to be sold out of the region, most of the agricultural land was vineyard, sales improved, there was a consumer market, the interests of the public authorities started to lie in serving the owners of the vineyards, and the entire social and economic structure was centred on its wine. It was so successful and everything was so well structured around Rioja wine that this model of organization lasted until the phylloxera disaster in the 19th century

    Las Áreas naturales protegidas en México : un ejemplo de propuesta de gestión de un área protegida y plan de manejo en "La Sierra de Monte Escobedo" (Zacatecas, México) /

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    Consultable des del TDXA portada: Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia AmbientalTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaInicialmente, se presenta una introducción donde se describe una información global histórica de la conservación y protección de la naturaleza. El papel, función e importancia de la gestión en las áreas Naturales protegidas (ANP) y la situación actual de México en estos temas. A continuación, se presentan los antecedentes, donde se describe la problemática ambiental global, la función del desarrollo sostenible en las ANP, la importancia de la biodiversidad en las ANP, el desarrollo del conservacionismo en México, el análisis de la situación actual de las ANP en el estado de Zacatecas y las características de la Sierra de Monte Escobedo para su propuesta de creación de ANP. Se presenta una descripción general de México en términos físico, social y su diversidad cultural. Se menciona la situación actual de la biodiversidad a nivel global y el impacto en las estrategias de conservación de las ANP. Se aborda la diversidad biológica y cultural en el país, destacando la importante presencia de flora y fauna en un país megadiverso y las amenazas presentes que pueden afectar a la riqueza de estos recursos naturales. A la vez, se aborda la situación de las ANP en un acercamiento histórico y legal en el país, para ubicar la problemática existente en la actualidad para la gestión de creación y protección de ANP en México. Enseguida, corresponde la descripción general del estado de Zacatecas, su medio físico y social, destacándose sus características particulares relativos a los aspectos de biodiversidad y ANP. En el mismo contexto, se aborda el municipio de Monte Escobedo, resaltando su patrimonio natural. También se presenta la descripción del área objeto de estudio: la sierra de Monte Escobedo, situada en una provincia fisiográfica diferente a la mayoría del estado, presenta una destacada biodiversidad favorecida por unos ambientes naturales diversos y productivos. Sin embargo, ha sido transformada por la presencia antrópica durante varios siglos, sobre todo por el aprovechamiento forestal y la sobre explotación ganadera, procesos de modificación en el territorio. De igual manera, se presenta la propuesta de la creación y modelo de Plan de Manejo del parque Natural Municipal Sierra de Monte Escobedo, con la finalidad de la conservación de su biodiversidad y el desarrollo de la población local, satisfacer sus demandas de recursos naturales y el planeamiento y organización del territorio necesario para garantizar que el espacio cumpla su cometido como motor de desarrollo. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones al estudio que se muestra en el trabajo. Palabras clave: Áreas Naturales protegidas, Biodiversidad, México, Zacatecas, Monte Escobedo.We present an introduction where global historic information about conservation and wilderness protection is described. The role, function and importance of natural protected areas (NPA) management and the situation in Mexico respect to this matter. Afterwards, antecedents are presented, where are described the global environmental problematics, the function of sustainable development in NPA, the importance of biodiversity in NPA, the conservationism development in Mexico, the analysis of the current situation of NPA in Zacatecas and the description of Sierra de Monte Escobedo to present the proposal of NPA. A general description of Mexico is presented also, in terms of physical, social and cultural diversity. It is mentioned the current situation of biodiversity in a global level and the impact in the conservation strategies of NPA. It is tackled de biological and cultural diversity in the country, remarking the important presence of flora and fauna in a country considered as «megadivers», and the threats that could affect the richness of these natural resources. In the same time, it is tackled the situation of the NPA in a historic and legal rapprochement in the country to situate the current problematic in terms of management to create and protect NPA in Mexico. Next, the general description of the Zacatecas state is presented, its physical and social environment, emphasizing its particular characteristics in relation to biodiversity and NPA. In the same context, we present the Monte Escobedo municipality, emphasizing its natural wealth. The area focusing this study it is also presented: the Sierra de Monte Escobedo, situated in a province which is different respect the rest of the state. It presents a very important biodiversity and very productive natural environments. Nevertheless, the Sierra de Monte Escobedo has been transformed due to the anthropic presence for several centuries, overcoat due to forestry management and livestock, both modifying processes in the territory. In the same way, it is presented the proposal for the Management Plan of the Natural Municipal Park Sierra de Monte Escobedo, with the main goal to protect its biodiversity and the local population development, to satisfy its demands in terms of natural resources and the organization of the needed territory to guarantee the area as a development driving force. Finally, the conclusions are presented. Key words: natural protected areas, biodiversity, Mexico, Zacatecas, Monte Escobedo

    Evaluación en campo de una nueva técnica fotogramétrica de rango cercano y bajo coste basada en la correlación automática de imágenes

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    El patrimonio cultural engloba el conjunto de los bienes, tanto materiales como inmateriales, heredados de generaciones pasadas que deben ser considerados de interés relevante para la permanencia e identidad de un pueblo. Actualmente, el patrimonio se encuentra expuesto a una gran cantidad de agentes externos dañinos que comprometen su preservación en el tiempo. Los métodos fotogramétricos permiten documentar y registrar, además de la información visual, información métrica 3D de prácticamente cualquier objeto patrimonial a través del empleo de sensores pasivos (cámaras de fotos convencionales). Esta tesis analiza la potencialidad de la fotogrametría de rango cercano y la correlación automática de imágenes para documentar geométricamente el patrimonio cultural e histórico con el objetivo de sentar las bases para una estandarización metodológica en la aplicación de esta tecnología en diferentes tipologías de elementos de nuestro patrimonio histórico y cultural. Para ello, se han desarrollado metodologías basadas en Fotogrametría Multimagen y Fotogrametría Digital Automatizada que permiten la validación de los modelos 3D digitales obtenidos en elementos patrimoniales completamente diferentes entre sí: tamaño, forma, posición y textura. Se han desarrollado técnicas que tienen como objetivo minimizar, en lo posible, los factores que afectan a la a la calidad métrica y visual de los modelos 3D, sobre todo, aquellas encaminadas a la consecución de una red fotogramétrica robusta formada con fotos de la mayor calidad posible, con orientaciones adecuadas para poder proporcionar nubes de puntos uniformes completas y precisas (calidad métrica) y texturas fidedignas en todas y cada una de las zonas del objeto modelado (calidad visual)