8,590 research outputs found

    On localizations of quasi-simple groups with given countable center

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    A group homomorphism i:HGi: H \to G is a localization of HH if for every homomorphism φ:HG\varphi: H\rightarrow G there exists a unique endomorphism ψ:GG\psi: G\rightarrow G, such that iψ=φi \psi=\varphi (maps are acting on the right). G\"{o}bel and Trlifaj asked in \cite[Problem 30.4(4), p. 831]{GT12} which abelian groups are centers of localizations of simple groups. Approaching this question we show that every countable abelian group is indeed the center of some localization of a quasi-simple group, i.e. a central extension of a simple group. The proof uses Obraztsov and Ol'shanskii's construction of infinite simple groups with a special subgroup lattice and also extensions of results on localizations of finite simple groups by the second author and Scherer, Th\'{e}venaz and Viruel.Comment: 21 page

    Generators and closed classes of groups

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    We show that in the category of groups, every singly-generated class which is closed under isomorphisms, direct limits and extensions is also singly-generated under isomorphisms and direct limits, and in particular is co-reflective. We also establish several new relations between singly-generated closed classes.Comment: 22 page

    "Hiding our faces to be seen": strategies of visibility of activism

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    Presentación en formato pósterThis paper explores how this gesture of masking, hiding, and facial-covering is not only a liberation response to a form of oppression or a political statement against some unlawful action; but that it also works as a strategy of visibility. Following the research of Eesley, DeCelles and Lenox (2015) focusing on activist types and tactics and Bennet (2003), about global activism and networked politics, we explore the strategic communication component behind the visibility in these protests. As Ciszek states “activism is a form of strategic communication” (2017, p.702). Combining a series of quantitative and qualitative techniques for its analysis, this paper brings together recent forms of “masked activism” around the world. We elaborate a typology that helps for the understanding of the strategies and actions happening in activism and social movements with the use of masks. The question deriving from this principle would be then, to what extent those actions and strategies are ideologically grounded: can these strategies and actions differ from movements to movements? And in particular, what does the mask do, in each case? Is a mask more than a mask? Exploring these aspects should enable further research on social movements and political activism from the strategic and communicative organisation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Universidad de Málaga (España) - Sheffield Hallam University (Reino Unido

    En la senda de la fenomenología

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    El proletariado agrícola andaluz como clase social (1913-1920)

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    Naufragio, inhospitalidad, entrañas. María Zambrano ante Ortega y Heidegger

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    El trabajo examina el nivel radical de los planteamientos filosóficos de Ortega, Heidegger y Zambrano, tomando como hilo conductor el análisis de las metáforas expresivas de este nivel radical, utilizadas por cada uno de estos autores. Se pondrá de relieve que estas metáforas (las nociones de: naufragio en Ortega, inhospitalidad en Heidegger y entrañas en Zambrano) son instrumentos del pensamiento necesarios para acceder a ese estrato último de realidad, por eso atender a las mismas ofrece una valiosa clave para la comprensión de sus respectivas filosofías.The paper analyzes the radical level of the philosophical approaches of Ortega, Heidegger and Zambrano, through the analysis of metaphors used by each of these authors in order to express this radical level. It will highlight that these metaphors (the notions of wreck in Ortega, inhospitality in Heidegger and bowels in Zambrano) are tools of thought which are needed to have access to the last layer of reality, hence this exam gives a valuable key to understanding the philosophies of these three philosophers