636 research outputs found

    La identidad como utopía en América Latina. Palabra y movilización de los pueblos indígenas

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    _Se reivindica la idea de utopía como proyecto político de emancipación que permite establecer una tensión entre lo que es y lo que se quiere ser, ejemplificándolo con el caso del neozapatismo chiapaneco

    A study of the relationship between parental mediation and adolescents’ digital skills, online risks and online opportunities

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    [EN]In recent years, discussions have sparked about the risks and opportunities that digital technologies may have for adolescents. Some researchers argue that the best way to increase online opportunities and avoid online risks is to increase adolescents' digital skills. For this reason, the first goal of this study was to examine how adolescents' digital skills are related to their online opportunities and online risks behaviours. A second goal was to examine the influence of two ways of parental mediation (active and restrictive) on the level of teenagers’ digital skills, and subsequently their online opportunities and online risks. Finally, we intended to establish the validity and the structure of the Digital Literacy Scale. Using data from a cross-sectional survey of 1.446 Spanish secondary school pupils, we found that more digitally skilled adolescents take more opportunities, and experience more risks. Digital literacy mediates the relationship between restrictive (but not of active) parental mediation and online risks and opportunities. Furthermore, the Digital Literacy Scale was shown to be valid in terms of construct validity. The findings suggest that digital literacy remains essential as it lets teenagers take more opportunities, and that parents should opt for other ways of mediation rather than restrictive mediation

    Desarrollo de un sistema experimental de propulsión ondulante y del método de predicción de su comportamiento mediante CFD

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    [Resumo]O obxectivo da presente tese é o deseño dun propulsor ondulatorio que sexa aplicable a vehículos mariños e sistemas de impulsión de fluidos. Froito do estudo realizado proponse un deseño innovador de superficie propulsora ondulante, constituída por sólidos ríxidos, o cal foi protexido mediante patente de invención ref.: P200803079 e inspirado na forma de desprazamento dos peixes denominada anguiliforme. Para lograr o movemento da devandita superficie ondulante proponse un deseño innovador de mecanismo de accionamento baseado en excéntricas (tamén protexido con patente de invención ref.: P200500384) Co obxecto de comprobar empiricamente o comportamento do propulsor ondulatorio proposto, foi construído un prototipo no taller mecánico da EUP recollendo as innovacións antes mencionadas. Ademais foi deseñado un sistema de adquisición de datos e realizadas probas de tracción a punto fixo nun tanque de ensaios construido ao efecto na EUP da UDC. Así mesmo, foi elaborado un modelo CFD simplificado (2D), mediante o emprego do código comercial Fluent, capaz de predicir o comportamento hidrodinámico desta superficie propulsora, o cal permitirá a evolución e optimización da mesma, disminuindo así considerablemente o investimento e o tempo necesarios para a realización de ensaios con prototipos.[Resumen] El objetivo de la presente tesis es el diseño de un propulsor ondulatorio que sea aplicable a vehículos marinos y sistemas de impulsión de fluidos. Fruto del estudio realizado se propone un diseño innovador de superficie propulsora ondulante, constituida por sólidos rígidos e inspirada en la forma de desplazamiento de los peces denominada anguiliforme, el cual ha sido protegido mediante patente de invención ref.: P200803079. Para lograr el movimiento de dicha superficie ondulante se propone también un diseño innovador de mecanismo de accionamiento basado en excéntricas (asimismo protegido con patente de invención ref.: P200500384) Con el objeto de comprobar empíricamente el comportamiento del propulsor ondulatorio propuesto, ha sido construido un prototipo en el taller mecánico de la EUP recogiendo las innovaciones antes mencionadas. Además ha sido diseñado un sistema de adquisición de datos y realizado pruebas de tracción a punto fijo en un tanque de ensayos construido ex profeso en la EUP de la UDC. Asimismo, ha sido elaborado un modelo CFD simplificado (2D), mediante el código comercial Fluent, capaz de predecir el comportamiento hidrodinámico de esta superficie propulsora, el cual permitirá la evolución y optimización de la misma disminuyendo así considerablemente la inversión y tiempo necesarios para la realización de ensayos con prototipos.[Abstract] The objective of this thesis is the design of an undulating propeller that can be applied to the propulsion of marine vehicles and to the propelling of fluids. As a result of the study, it is proposed an innovative design of an undulating propulsion surface, formed by rigid solids (which has been protected by a patent ref.: P200803079), inspired by the way of fish swimming called anguiliform. For achieving such rippling motion it has been proposed an innovative design of operating mechanism based on eccentrics (also protected by patent ref.: P200500384) In order to experimentally test the performance of the proposed undulating propeller, a prototype has been built in the mechanical shop of the EUP including the abovementioned innovations. Furthermore, a data acquisition system was designed and bollard pull trials were developed in the test tank, purpose built in the EUP of the UDC It has also been developed a 2D simplified CFD model, using the commercial code Fluent, to predict the hydrodynamic behavior of the driving surface, which will allow the development and optimization of the same, significantly reducing economic investment and time needed for tests with prototypes.Xunta de Galicia. PGIDIT06DPI172PR


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    Risks of Interactive Communication. A Digital Literacy proposal

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    [EN]In recent years, adolescents have increased the use of interactive technologies. These children have more and more technological equipment and they commonly use interactive communication. This type of communication offers many possibilities and benefits to the users, but it also involves disadvantages and dangers that are of particular concern in the case of minors: exposure to pornography, cyberbullying, sexual harassment or grooming, sexting, contact with strangers… In this situation, we should not deprive adolescents of the use of digital technologies and interactive communication. The solution is to provide them with digital skills so they can use these tools safely. Therefore, this project aims to increase the digital skills of adolescents with a proposal for diagnosis and intervention of digital literacy. This project will be implemented through three phases. In the first phase we will make a survey to find the level of digital skills of children. To do this, we will create and validate a scale of digital skills. In the second phase we want to check if the digital literacy influences on the degree of gratification obtained with digital contents. To do this, we will conduct an experiment. The goal is to know if the process for getting children safer involves a restriction of the opportunities and advantages of the online world. Finally, in the third phase we will consider the results of the two previous studies to develop a mobile app to digitally literate. To develop this application we will build on the theories of persuasion and the strategy of entertainment-education. This last phase will be carried out by an experiment. Through it we would check if this application is effective for digitally literate, and more specifically, whether the narrative persuasion is effective for persuading and educating

    Experimental and numerical analysis of the shear nonlinear behaviour of Nomex honeycomb core: Application to insert sizing

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    This work is a contribution to the understanding of the nonlinear shear behaviour caused by cell postbuckling in Nomex honeycomb cores. First, an experimental benchmark study was made of different designs for the shear testing of honeycomb cores. Then, several test specimens were fabricated and tested, a 3D DIC system being used to measure and record the displacements. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was also used to identify the onset of bucking and collapse of the cells. The influence of the overall boundary conditions of shear tests on the buckling of the cells is presented both experimentally and numerically. The reversibility and test procedure results suggest that it may be possible to allow the shear strength to be increased by up to 35% under certain conditions

    El seminario permanente como escenario de aprendizaje institucional

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    This paper originates from the results of research carried out within the framework of the Master of Science in Education currently offered by the University of Amazonia. The research was to evaluate the performance of teachers in Public Accounting Program to propose alternative solutions needed to strengthen the practice of teaching within it. The alternative that arises is the design and implementation of the Permanent Seminar of Research and University Teaching - SPIDU as stage and space for discussion and academic debate for the development of collegiate work of teachers.As a result of its implementation was possible to strengthen the processes of research, teaching and outreach program allowing teachers to make pedagogical practices in a permanent object of study, improve links with public and private sectors in the region, reconfigure the evaluation of learning and actively participate in self-assessment processes for accreditation of quality and curriculum reform.El presente artículo se origina de los resultados de la investigación desarrollada en el marco de la Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación que ofrece la Universidad de la Amazonia. La investigación consistió en evaluar el desempeño de los profesores del Programa de Contaduría Pública de dicha universidad para proponer alternativas de solución que permitieran fortalecer el ejercicio de la docencia al interior del mismo. La alternativa que se plantea es el diseño e implementación del Seminario Permanente de Investigación y Docencia Universitaria – SPIDU como escenario y espacio de discusión y de debate académico para el desarrollo del trabajo colegiado de los profesores.Como resultado de su implementación se logró fortalecer los procesos de investigación, de docencia y proyección social del Programa permitiéndole a los profesores convertir las practicas pedagógicas en objeto permanente de estudio, mejorar la vinculación con el sector público y privado de la región, reconfigurar la evaluación de los aprendizajes y participar activamente en los procesos de autoevaluación para fines de acreditación de calidad y en la reforma curricular

    La identidad como utopía en América Latina. Palabra y movilización de los pueblos indígenas

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    _Se reivindica la idea de utopía como proyecto político de emancipación que permite establecer una tensión entre lo que es y lo que se quiere ser, ejemplificándolo con el caso del neozapatismo chiapaneco