5,118 research outputs found

    Start-up of virtual synchronous machine: methods and experimental comparison

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    A modern grid is smarter mainly in the advance in information and communication technologies, while the power processing mechanism does not make a big difference. To make a modern grid smarter, the grid control should be improved to process the power in a smarter way. Therefore, it is easily foreseen that virtual synchronous machines, which emulates the synchronous machines based on power converters, may have big potentials in a future energy internet. This paper uses the Synchronous Power Controller with emulated and improved synchronous machine characteristics for renewable generation systems and proposes two start-up strategies. The proposed strategies are explained in detail, verified and compared by experimental results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Review of real brain-controlled wheelchairs

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    This paper presents a review of the state of the art regarding wheelchairs driven by a brain-computer interface (BCI). Using a brain-controlled wheelchair (BCW), disabled users could handle a wheelchair through their brain activity, granting autonomy to move through an experimental environment. A classification is established, based on the characteristics of the BCW, such as the type of electroencephalographic (EEG) signal used, the navigation system employed by the wheelchair, the task for the participants, or the metrics used to evaluate the performance. Furthermore, these factors are compared according to the type of signal used, in order to clarify the differences among them. Finally, the trend of current research in this field is discussed, as well as the challenges that should be solved in the future

    La propaganda del Estado Islámico (ISIS-Daesh)

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    Soldados para el Rey. La contribución de Medina del Campo a la creación de una Milicia General en 1596

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    El asalto a la ciudad de Cádiz por parte de las tropas del Conde de Essex obligó a la Monarquía Hispánica a retomar el planteamiento sobre la milicia general como defensa alternativa ante los acuciantes problemas, económicos y demográficos por los que la corona atravesaba. Uno de los ejemplos de configuración de esta milicia fue Medina del Campo, villa que se avino a colaborar con Felipe II en 1596 con la aportación de doscientos infantes armados y pagados a su costa y la de su partido.The assault on the city of Cadiz by the Earl of Essex's troops forced the Spanish Monarchy to resume the military approach to the whole population as an alternative defence to the pressing problems, economic and demographic thatthe Crown was going through. An example configuration of this militia was Medina del Campo, a town that agreed to collaborate with Philip II in 1596, with the contribution of two hundred Infantry soldiers armed and paid at their, and their party’s expenses.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Histori

    Protestant work ethics in times of economic crisis: a modernist boost rather than a Modernity comeback

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    [Resumen] En la presente investigación, se ha estudiado la incidencia de la crisis económica en el crecimiento de los valores cercanos a la ética protestante hacia el trabajo, analizados por Max Weber en su conocida tesis sobre La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo. Este objeto de estudio se ha tratado desde la óptica que nos ofrecen las teorías del riesgo y de la modernización reflexiva. Ambas perspectivas plantean un enfoque distinto al que se ha apreciado en la mayoría de estudios sobre el tema, los cuales suelen realizarse desde el ámbito de la teórica psicológica. Además, la comparación de los datos que nos muestra el análisis de la Encuesta Mundial de Valores para los años 2007 y 2012, nos invita a entender las posibles diferencias entre un año y otro como resultado de la incidencia de la crisis económica. Los resultados obtenidos en los análisis de datos llevan a cuestionar la propia existencia de una verdadera ética protestante hacia el trabajo en España, y, por el contrario indican a pensar que el sujeto español, sobreexplotado de imágenes y con una percepción catastrofista del futuro laboral en su país, se ha inclinado hacia estos valores en la búsqueda de alguna certeza que lo guíe en un mundo absolutamente distinto al que vio nacer a la ética protestante. En este sentido, ciertas identidades han hecho la función de bisagra mejor que otras en este rearme “protestante”, entre los años 2007 y 2012.[Resumo] Na presente investigación estúdase a incidencia da crise económica no crecemento dos valores cercanos á ética protestante cara o traballo analizados por Max Weber na súa famosa tese A ética protestante e o espírito do capitalismo. Estudarase este obxecto de estudo dende a óptica que nos ofrecen as teorías da sociedade do risco e da modernización reflexiva. Ambas perspectivas plantean un enfoque distinto ao que se apreciou na maioría de estudos sobre o tema, os cales soen realizarse dende o ámbito da teórica psicolóxica. Ademáis, a comparación dos datos que nos mostra a análise da Enquisa Mundial de Valores para os anos 2007 e 2012, invítanos a entender as posibles diferencias entre un ano e otro como o resultado da incidencia da crise económica. Os resultados obtidos fan que se cuestione a propia existencia dunha verdadeira ética protestante cara o traballo en España, e inclinan máis a pensar que o suxeito español, sobreexplotado de imaxes e cunha percepción catastrofista do futuro laboral no seu país, inclínase hacia estes valores na búsqueda dalgunha certeza que o guíe nun mundo absolutamente distinto ao que viu nacer á ética protestante. Neste senso, certas identidades fixeron mellor a función de bisagra que outras neste rearme “protestante”, entre os anos 2007 e 2012.[Abstract] The aim of this research was to study the impact of the economic crisis in the increase of the values closed to Protestant Work Ethics, analyzed by Max Weber in his famous known thesis on the The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. These values were studied from the perspective of the risk society, and from the theory of the reflexive modernization. Both perspectives show a different point of view from the most commonly approaches in the researches about this topic, which are held by the light of psychological theories. In addition, the comparison of results that has been analyzed, using the World Value Survey for 2007 and 2012, gives support to the idea that the differences between both years is due to to the impact of the economic crisis. These results invite to question the existence of a true Protestant Work Ethic in Spain, and lead us to think that the Spanish population, overwhelmed with images and with a catastrophic perception of the employment in the future, take these values in order to look for some certainty in an absolutely different world from the one which saw the dawn of the Protestant Work Ethics. In this sense, some identities make better than others the function of hinge in this “protestant” boost, between 2007 and 2012.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.SOC). Socioloxía. Curso 2014/201

    Brain switch mode: an alternative to drive a brain-controlled wheelchair

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    To date, different control paradigms of low level navigation have been tested for brain-controlled wheelchairs, mainly divided into continuous or discrete control [1]. However, these paradigms have certain drawbacks such as the need to keep the mental tasks active for a long time, as in continuous mode, or the impossibility to freely choose any distance of the movement or the turn, as in the discrete mode. An alternative paradigm to solve these problems could be the use of the brain switch mode [2], which would allow a more flexible control of the distance, requiring a lower workload for the user.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech