60 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Accelerated Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik pada Materi Zat dan Wujudnya

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    The purpose of study is to determine the feasibility of learning processes and increase science literacy skills of learners using \u27Accelerated Learning\u27 model of learning on the material substance and its form. The method used in this research is pre-experiment. The study was conducted in Triyasa junior high school Bandung class VII-B. The sample in the study were 48 students who were selected using random sampling techniques. Data keterlaksanaan activity of teacher and students is obtained through observation sheets, while data on the literacy skills of learners is obtained through the test description. The results obtained in this study: (1) feasibility study by using \u27Accelerated Learning\u27 \u27model of learning\u27 is in very good category; (2) the literacy skills of learners sins increase in gain results. The magnitude of the increase scientific literacy of students can be seen from the average N-Gain learners of 0.56 categorized being. Thus there is increasing scientific literacy capability of learners through the \u27Accelerated Learning\u27 model of learning in material substance and its form

    Analis Sarana Dan Prasarana Pendidikan Di Lingkungan SDN 262 Panyileukan Kota Bandung

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    In the management of the school, the Headmaster must have responsible to take care of  all the facilities and infrastructure. The headmaster and all of the members of the school must be able to maintain and pay attention to the facilities and infrastructure already there is. With the availability of facilities and infrastructure in schools, the students can learn maximally. The management of the schools must emphasize more attention to the facilities and infrastructure. Every people must be responsible manage and take care of these facilities and infrastructure. The head of the schools must have plans, notes, and record to any facilities and infrastructure used in the school. If all management steps have been carried out with good as expected it will have a positive impact towards students in the teaching and learning process, then the achievement of educational goals reach effectively and efficientl


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    Physics learning is oriented to the facts contained in natural phenomena in the surrounding environment. An earthquake disaster is a related event involving many physics concepts in terms of processes and other points of view. Indonesia is a region that feels in the ring of the fire zone, which causes several areas in Indonesia to be prone to earthquakes. Therefore, a general and initial description is needed to explain the profile of students' scientific literacy abilities because not a few victims swallowed by the earthquake were educated people. The method used in this research is pre-experimental by distributing questionnaires containing questions related to four aspects of scientific literacy regarding earthquakes and their mitigation efforts. The sample of this research is 30 students in class XI IPA 2 at MAN 1 Kuningan in the 2021/2022 academic year. Overall, the scientific literacy ability of students at MAN 1 Kuningan is still relatively low. The results of this study are expected to be used as a primary reference in making models, media, or teaching and enrichment materials that contain natural earthquake events related to their physical concepts


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    This study aims to study the ability of students strategies subjects PAI of the SMP Al-Ishlah Bekasi in the psychomotor. The results of this study indicate that the psychomotor abilities of students in PAI subjects at the SMP Al-Ishlah Bekasi are not optimal. The strategies to improve students' psychomotor abilities include: the need for routine/extracurricular activities in the Quran reading and writing in schools, the need for the habit of reading the Quran during PAI lessons, the application of Quran-based education


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    This research reveals the problems that occur during distance learning in the amaliyah activities in the month of Ramadan during the Covid-19 pandemic at 16 Bandung Public High Schools. At the same time, the purpose of this study is to find distance-learning about the activities of the Islamic month of Ramadan during the Covid-19 pandemic at 16 Bandung Public High Schools. This research is a qualitative descriptive study based on a sample consisting of 22 men and 13 women, using the instruments, namely a checklist and a matrix, in triangulation questions. Data analysis techniques include providing value, calculating the average number of scores, calculating the average according to gender, calculating the relationship of 3 variables; graphs, triangulation illustrate the results. Based on the data analysis conducted, the results of this study are strong in the ability of the character components of students or students who, on average, get the highest score or value. And also that the distance learning process about the amaliyah activities of the month of Ramadan during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 16 Bandung school can better shape the character of students or students. This research concludes that learning during this pandemic period; students have more expertise in competency components. And with this character and product relationship can make good results

    Analisis Ketercapaian Standar Isi Pada Sekolah Dasar (SD.S Plus Syania Kec. Cimanggung Kab. Sumedang Jawa Barat)

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    In Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards the government formulates Standard standards in the formulation of National Education Standards to improve the quality of education as well as efforts to achieve national education goals in accordance with content standards, process standards, competition standards, educator standards and education staff , standards for facilities and infrastructure, management standards, funding standards, and education calculation standards. For this reason, every formal education institution must implement these standards in the implementation of education. Like challenging at SD Plus Syania Elementary School which is the object of research, where this research aims to examine the application of the Content Standards implemented at the school. From the data obtained, the Implementation of Standard Content in the School meets national standards, made on this standard can be good and supports the better learning process. That can be seen from the conclusion of the observation as; The scoring profile on the Standard Content indicator gets results as much as 90% with the following details: 1) Indicators that get A assessment as much as 80% by agreeing to a score of 80, 2) indicators that get B Value of 5% with scor conditions 10 and 3) indicators get E assessment of 5% by agreeing to score 5. From the data obtained by indicators that have not reached the maximum and lowest scores on indicator 6, where schools have not been able to support integrated thematic based learning and most still use the KTSP Curriculum.  Didalam dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan pemerintah merumuskan delapan Standar didalam rumusan Standar Pendidikan Nasional untuk meningkatkatkan kualitas penyelenggaraan pendidikan juga sebagai upaya untuk mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional yakni  standar isi, standar proses, standar kompetensi lulusan, standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pengelolaan, standar pembiayaan, dan standar penilaian pendidikan.Untuk itu Setiap lembaga penyelenggara pendidikan formal wajib mengimplementasikan delapan standar tersebut didalam pelaksanaan pendidikan. Seperti halnya pada Sekolah Dasar SD.S Plus Syania yang menjadi objek penelitian, dimana penelitain ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang penerapan Standar Isi yang dilaksanakan pada sekolah tersebut. Dari data yang diperolah Implementasi Standar Isi di Sekolah ini memenuhi standar nasional, sehingga pada setandar ini bisa dikatan baik dan sangan menunjang untuk proses pembelajaran yang lebih baik. Itu bisa dilihat dari kesimpulan pengamatan sebagai berikut; Profil pencaipaian pada indikator Standar Isi memperoleh hasil sebanyak 90% dengan rincian sebagai berikut : 1) Indikator yang medapatkan penilain A sebanyak 80% dengan perolehan scor 80, 2) indikator yang memperoleh Nilai B sebanyak 5% dengan perolehan scor 10 dan 3) indikator yang mendapatkan penilain E sebanyak 5% dengan perolehan scor 5. Dari data diatas indikator yang belum mencapai scor maksimal dan paling rendah adalah pada indikator 6, dimana sekolah belum mampu mengimplementasikan pembelajaran berbasis tematik terpadu dan sebagian besar masih menggunakan Kurikulum KTSP

    Senior High School Students’ Literacy Profile on Energy Conversion Process

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    One of the factors supporting the success of the energy transition program is community literacy. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the energy literacy profile of students in the energy conversion process. This study used a survey method by distributing energy literacy questionnaires to students of class XII MIPA at the State Senior High School in West Java, Indonesia. The results showed that the majority of student literacy was in a low category (41.9%). The percentage of students who answered correctly on the knowledge aspect of energy conversion was 62.6%, knowledge of physics concepts in energy conversion was 37.4%, knowledge of aspects of energy conversion benefits was 40.0%, and the best attitude related to hydropower by 50.3%. This study concludes that the students’ energy literacy level, primarily in energy conversion, is still in the low category. Therefore, energy education to improve students’ energy literacy is still very much needed.Keywords: energy conversion, energy literacy, energy education, renewable energy AbstrakSalah satu faktor pendukung keberhasilan program konversi energi adalah literasi masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran tentang profil literasi energi peserta didik dalam proses konversi energi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan menyebarkan instrumen literasi energi melalui angket kepada 31 siswa kelas XII MIPA SMA Negeri di Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar literasi peserta didik menunjukkan kategori rendah (41,9%). Persentase siswa yang menjawab benar pada aspek pengetahuan konversi energi sebesar 62,6%, pengetahuan konsep fisika dalam konversi energi sebesar 37,4%, pengetahuan aspek manfaat konversi energi sebesar 40,0%, dan sikap terbaik terkait PLTA sebesar 50,3%. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa tingkat literasi energi peserta didik dalam konversi energi masih dalam kategori rendah. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan energi untuk meningkatkan literasi energi peserta didik masih sangat dibutuhkan.Kata Kunci: konversi energi, literasi energi, pendidikan energi, energi terbaruka

    Peran Perguruan Tinggi Pesantren dalam Implementasi Literasi Ekonomi

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    AbstractThis study aims to determine the role of Islamic boarding schools in the application of economic literacy. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The object of this research is Darussalam Gontor University. The results of this study indicate that Islamic boarding schools in implementing economic literacy carry out several functions; 1) as an educational institution that changes the economic orientation of the community which was originally intended to satisfy wants, to become "sufficient" by meeting needs, 2) as an educational institution that changes a consumptive lifestyle into a moderate lifestyle, 3) as an educational institution that frames human economic activities in the framework of ta'abbudi (worship) which was originally limited to the framework of meeting physical needs, 4) as an educational institution that changes its profit and utility orientation, to an orientation to maximize maslahah, 5) as an educational institution that applies forced learning methods, and finally could be because they are used to it, 6) as an educational institution that applies economic literacy not limited to academic aspects, but non-academic aspects.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran universitas pesantren dalam penerapan literasi ekonomi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah Universitas Darussalam Gontor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa universitas pesantren dalam pelaksanaan literasi ekonomi menjalankan beberapa fungsi; 1) sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang mengubah orientasi ekonomi masyarakat yang semula dimaksudkan untuk memuaskan keinginan, menjadi "cukup" dengan memenuhi kebutuhan, 2) sebagai institusi pendidikan yang mengubah gaya hidup konsumtif menjadi gaya hidup moderat, 3) sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang membingkai kegiatan ekonomi manusia modern dalam kerangka ta'abbudi (ibadah) yang semula terbatas pada kerangka pemenuhan kebutuhan fisik, 4) sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang mengubah orientasi berorientasi keuntungan dan utilitas, menjadi orientasi memaksimalkan maslahah, 5) sebagai institusi pendidikan yang menerapkan metode pembelajaran secara paksa, dan akhirnya bisa karena mereka sudah terbiasa, 6) sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang menerapkan literasi ekonomi tidak terbatas pada aspek akademik, tetapi aspek non-akademik


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    This article discusses the problems in reading the Koran which are good and right in accordance with the rules of Al-Qur'an reading, which indeed not a few high school elementary students in terms of the ability to read it is still very low. The correct Qur'an reading rules are measured from the level of fluency, Makhorijul letters, Tajweed, Tartil, Understanding and Kefashihan. However, in the study found in the field whose value was lowest when measured, namely in terms of reading with Tartil, the author reacted to it by using the Al-Qur'an reading method which was quite popular in learning using the Iqra method. The purpose of this study is to find out how the application of the Iqra method in improving the ability to read the Qur'an.Keyword: Peningkatan, Membaca Al-Qur’an, Metode Iqr
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