13,971 research outputs found

    Mechanically-Induced Transport Switching Effect in Graphene-based Nanojunctions

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    We report a theoretical study suggesting a novel type of electronic switching effect, driven by the geometrical reconstruction of nanoscale graphene-based junctions. We considered junction struc- tures which have alternative metastable configurations transformed by rotations of local carbon dimers. The use of external mechanical strain allows a control of the energy barrier heights of the potential profiles and also changes the reaction character from endothermic to exothermic or vice-versa. The reshaping of the atomic details of the junction encode binary electronic ON or OFF states, with ON/OFF transmission ratio that can reach up to 10^4-10^5. Our results suggest the possibility to design modern logical switching devices or mechanophore sensors, monitored by mechanical strain and structural rearrangements.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    k-deformed Poincare algebras and quantum Clifford-Hopf algebras

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    The Minkowski spacetime quantum Clifford algebra structure associated with the conformal group and the Clifford-Hopf alternative k-deformed quantum Poincare algebra is investigated in the Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro mod 8 theorem context. The resulting algebra is equivalent to the deformed anti-de Sitter algebra U_q(so(3,2)), when the associated Clifford-Hopf algebra is taken into account, together with the associated quantum Clifford algebra and a (not braided) deformation of the periodicity Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro theorem.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, one Section and references added, improved content

    Non-collinear coupling between magnetic adatoms in carbon nanotubes

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    The long range character of the exchange coupling between localized magnetic moments indirectly mediated by the conduction electrons of metallic hosts often plays a significant role in determining the magnetic order of low-dimensional structures. In addition to this indirect coupling, here we show that the direct exchange interaction that arises when the moments are not too far apart may induce a non-collinear magnetic order that cannot be characterized by a Heisenberg-like interaction between the magnetic moments. We argue that this effect can be manipulated to control the magnetization alignment of magnetic dimers adsorbed to the walls of carbon nanotubes.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Shelf-Ocean material exchange influencing the Atlantic chemical composition off NW Iberian margin since the last glaciation

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    Rivers are the main conduit of sediment to the shelf. The basin geology, the drainage area and the discharge rate are the major factors that determine their sediment load (Milliman and Syvistski, 1992). Besides suspended particles, dissolved components may also give some information on the eroded crust. Sr isotopes in carbonate shells of biological organisms have been used to study, in the geological record, the influence exerted by the chemical weathering of the continental crust on the seawater composition (Macdougall, 1991). In this work, Sr isotope ratios obtained in tests of foraminifera representing the last 40 ka are presented and discussed in the scope of the palaeogeographical evolution of NW Iberia. This work aims to present and discuss the results of Sr isotope analyses (performed, by TIMS, in the Isotope Geology Laboratory of the University of Aveiro) of tests of two species of foraminifera, from nine samples taken along the OMEX core KC 024-19 (181 cm; 42°08’98’’N, 10°29´96’’W, and 2765m), collected in the Galicia Bank area, off Galicia. Taking into account that Sr contained in the carbonate tests is usually considered as preserving the signature of the contemporaneous seawater, one planktonic species (Globigerina bulloides) and one benthic species (Cibicides wuellerstorfi) were selected in order to try to detect Sr isotope variations both through time and between two different levels of the water column. The core age model, which records the last 40 ka, is based on a combination of oxygen isotope stratigraphy, eight AMS 14C datings and the synchronisation of the last four Heinrich Events in the Iberian Margin sedimentary records. As a whole, the obtained 87Sr/86Sr ratios vary between 0.709209 and 0.709108, with a mean 2σ error of 0.000025. These values lie within the range of modern marine Sr isotope ratios (0.70910-0.70922), as previously defined using analyses of both seawater and marine carbonates (see compilation by Faure and Mensing, 2005). Despite their small variation, the 87Sr/86Sr ratios obtained in G. bulloides seem to indicate that Sr dissolved in seawater at the KC 024-19 core site became slightly less radiogenic after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). This decrease is concomitant with diminishing amounts of the detrital components in the sediments (Fig. 1). Therefore, both the composition of dissolved Sr, as revealed by results on tests of planktonic foraminifera, and the proportions of suspended terrigenous particulate material arriving at the KC 024-19 site point to a decreasing importance of the contribution of the erosion of the Iberian Variscan crust since the Last Glacial Maximum and in the Holocene. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios measured in tests of benthic foraminifera (C. wuellerstorfi) are more erratic and no correlation can be established with palaeogeographical/palaeoclimatic constraints. The difference between the behaviour of Sr compositions in G. bulloides and C. wuellerstorfi may indicate that whilst the planktonic foraminifera should reproduce very closely the seawater composition, the benthic organisms should, in addition to the major role of seawater, also be affected by some sort of interaction with the sediments. As such, planktonic foraminifera are probably more reliable indicators of seawater composition in studies involving very small periods and corresponding very slight variations of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Taking into account that G. bulloides is a common planktonic species (living mostly in the first 50m of the water column), whose tests seem to be in equilibrium with sea water composition, variations in its 87Sr/86Sr ratios can be related with changes in the chemical composition of the water of the Atlantic Ocean off NW Iberian Margin. The highest 87Sr/86Sr values are contemporaneous with a period of low sea level (about -140 m; Dias et al., 2000) during the LGM. According to Dias et al. (2000) at 18 ka BP the shoreline was close to the shelf break. The summital parts of the Gerês and Estrela mountains were covered by local glaciers and close to the coast freezing occurred frequently. The river catchments, which extended far to the shelf, received more rainfall due to a longer, compared to present day conditions, wet season, which promoted both physical and chemical weathering. Higher pluviosity combined with the effect of spring ice melting maintained high river discharge and consequently caused very important sediment supply to the coastal zone. The extremely narrow shelf was a very energetic environment due to sea bottom inclination and very limited long wave refraction. Therefore, at that time, a long wet season and very competent rivers should have caused important erosion of the Variscan basement in NW Iberia. Additionally, then, the shoreline was much closer to the KC 024-19 site. The combination of all these factors favoured an important deposition of terrigenous sediments and the local slight enrichment in radiogenic Sr of the seawater. With sea level rise, after the deglaciation and during the Holocene, the river estuaries became progressively far away from the shelf break. Their competence of transport also became progressively reduced and the offshore transport of detrital sediments became progressively lower. Conversely the biogenic carbonate proportion in the sediments increased, due to lower dilution by the terrigenous particles. Simultaneously, the values of 87Sr/86Sr in the seawater at the KC 024-19 site became lower, as a consequence of a complete homogenization with the ocean global composition, which was now more effective with the increasing distance towards shoreline

    Space station architectural elements model study

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    The worksphere, a user controlled computer workstation enclosure, was expanded in scope to an engineering workstation suitable for use on the Space Station as a crewmember desk in orbit. The concept was also explored as a module control station capable of enclosing enough equipment to control the station from each module. The concept has commercial potential for the Space Station and surface workstation applications. The central triangular beam interior configuration was expanded and refined to seven different beam configurations. These included triangular on center, triangular off center, square, hexagonal small, hexagonal medium, hexagonal large and the H beam. Each was explored with some considerations as to the utilities and a suggested evaluation factor methodology was presented. Scale models of each concept were made. The models were helpful in researching the seven beam configurations and determining the negative residual (unused) volume of each configuration. A flexible hardware evaluation factor concept is proposed which could be helpful in evaluating interior space volumes from a human factors point of view. A magnetic version with all the graphics is available from the author or the technical monitor

    Evaluation of determinants of food waste in family households in the greater porto area based on self- reported consumption practices

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    Despite food waste occurring along the entire food supply chain, a significant proportion occurs in domestic settings. Large quantities of domestic food waste have been attributable to consumer behaviors during buying, cooking, consumption, and disposal. The main objective of this research was to understand the major determinants of household food waste from families in the north of Portugal. A convenience sample was used, which was drawn from households in the Greater Porto Area. Data were collected through a self-reported questionnaire that included three groups of structured questions related to perceived behavior and attitudes towards food consumption, leftover usage, and food waste. Exploratory data analysis was used to identify underlying dimensions. No relationships were found between socio-demographic data and food waste, buying behavior, or destination/use of leftovers. The majority of the participants reported a high level of planning of their grocery shopping. Fruits and vegetables presented the highest frequency of consumption, followed by sources of carbohydrates and sources of proteins. The storage of cooked food from different food groups presented a single factor, grouping the majority of the individual food leftovers, going from fruits and vegetables to sources of carbohydrates and proteins. The reported levels of wastage of the different food products were grouped into three dimensions: waste of vegetables, waste of protein sources, and waste of sources of carbohydrates. Waste of precooked foods emerged as an independent item, and it was the individual item with the highest frequency. The families studied reported a positive attitude concerning buying, consumption, and wastage, revealing a particular awareness of food waste and its social and environmental impact. (c) 2020 by the authors

    Monitorização da adulteração de suplementos alimentares à base de plantas comercializados em Portugal com inibidores de fosfodiesterase tipo 5 (PDE-5)

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    Na ultima década, assistiu-se a um consumo crescente de suplementos alimentares pela população mundial, especialmente, no que diz respeito ao consumo de suplementos alimentares a base de plantas 1. Estes são utilizados com diversas finalidades, tais como equilibrar a dieta, compensar uma falta nutricional, manter a saúde, prevenir doenças crónicas, melhorar a aparência e o bem-estar incluindo a condição mental, sexual e desportiva, entre outras 1. São produtos frequentemente rotulados como "naturais" o que transmite uma falsa sensação de segurança aos consumidores. Contudo, recentemente foi referida a ocorrência de adulterações nestes produtos, o que compromete a sua segurança. Entre os casos de fraude detetados destaca-se a adição de substâncias ilegais. Atualmente, os suplementos para melhorar o desempenho sexual estão entre os suplementos alimentares mais populares entre os consumidores. A disfunção eréctil e uma doença que afeta 150 milhões de homens mundialmente sendo o tratamento recomendado a administração de fármacos inibidores da enzima fosfodiesterase tipo 5 (PDE-5) 2. Os inibidores PDE-5 legalmente comercializados a nível europeu são: citrato de sildenafil, tadalafil, hidrocloreto de vardenafil e avanafil 3. Estas são substâncias com efeitos secundários graves quando administrado concomitantemente com medicamentos como nitratos ou a-bloqueadores 4. 0 objetivo deste trabalho foi, por isso, a monitorização da presença de adulterantes do tipo inibidores PDE-5 em suplementos alimentares a base de plantas vendidos com o objetivo de melhorar a performance sexual. Foram analisados doze suplementos alimentares, adquiridos no mercado português. Estes suplementos foram pesquisados quanto a presença de sildenafil, acetildenafil, tiosildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil e yombina, atraves de metodo de crornatografia líquida de elevada performance acoplada a detetor de díodos e detetor de fluorescência em série (HPLC-DAD-FL). Dos doze suplementos analisados, seis revelaram a presença de um ou mais dos inibidores PDE-5 referidos. Adicionalmente, dois outros suplementos revelaram a presença de dois compostos, cujo espectro UV-Vis leva a suspeição de uma possível adulteração com compostos análogos às substâncias pesquisadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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