37 research outputs found

    Highly-parallelized simulation of a pixelated LArTPC on a GPU

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    The rapid development of general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is allowing the implementation of highly-parallelized Monte Carlo simulation chains for particle physics experiments. This technique is particularly suitable for the simulation of a pixelated charge readout for time projection chambers, given the large number of channels that this technology employs. Here we present the first implementation of a full microphysical simulator of a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) equipped with light readout and pixelated charge readout, developed for the DUNE Near Detector. The software is implemented with an end-to-end set of GPU-optimized algorithms. The algorithms have been written in Python and translated into CUDA kernels using Numba, a just-in-time compiler for a subset of Python and NumPy instructions. The GPU implementation achieves a speed up of four orders of magnitude compared with the equivalent CPU version. The simulation of the current induced on 10^3 pixels takes around 1 ms on the GPU, compared with approximately 10 s on the CPU. The results of the simulation are compared against data from a pixel-readout LArTPC prototype

    Curso Diario da Resistencia Foliar a Difusao de Vapor de Agua em Kudzu Tropical sob Baixa Temperatura.

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    O kudzu tropical (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth.), vem sendo amplamente utilizado como cultura de cobertura em seringais de cultivo nos principais paises produtores de borracha natural e na regiao amazonica brasileira. Observou-se, neste trabalho, o efeito de diferentes niveis de radiacao solar (St) e da baixa temperatura do ar (Ta) sobre o curso diario da resistencia foliar a difusao de vapor de agua (Rf) em plantas de P. phaseoloides. Sob Ta e St reduzidas, a elevacao na radiacao solar induziu diminuicao na Rf, tendo-se verificado aumento na Rf acompanhando a reducao na St ao final do dia; o deficit de pressao de vapor entre o foliolo e o ar (DPV) oscilou entre 1,0 a 2,4 mmHg. Sob alta St, a Rf se comportou como quando sob baixa St, apresentando, todavia, elevacao na Rf em torno do meio dia; o DPV aumentou de 0,9 para 14,4 mmHg a partir das 8 h.Made available in DSpace on 2011-04-09T12:18:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pab04fev91.pdf: 382758 bytes, checksum: 74e8c4b206a995de6a2a81a4a9faac5a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2001-09-13199

    Temperaturas de Sub-Resfriamento e de Congelamento em Folhas Maduras de Seringueira.

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    As temperaturas de sub-resfriamento e de congelamento de folhas de seringueira (Hevea brasifiensis Muefi. Arg.) foram determinadas por análise termal, utilizando-se termopares de ferro - constantan. As medidas foram efetuadas em folhas maduras de plantas cultivadas em câmaras Conviron, simulando condições de primaveraloutono e inverno. As temperaturas de sub-resfriamento e de congelamento, foram, respectivamente, -7,50C e -4,80Q valores inferiores aos observados para o cafeeiro e para a cana-de-açúcar, sugerindo uma maior resistência ao frio por parte da seringueira.Made available in DSpace on 2011-04-09T12:20:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pab10jul91.pdf: 547125 bytes, checksum: cfed6520ff0982e434c6dd8ecae02566 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2001-12-19199

    Curso Diario da Resistencia Foliar a Difusao de Vapor de Agua em Kudzu Tropical sob Baixa Temperatura.

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    O kudzu tropical (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth.), vem sendo amplamente utilizado como cultura de cobertura em seringais de cultivo nos principais paises produtores de borracha natural e na regiao amazonica brasileira. Observou-se, neste trabalho, o efeito de diferentes niveis de radiacao solar (St) e da baixa temperatura do ar (Ta) sobre o curso diario da resistencia foliar a difusao de vapor de agua (Rf) em plantas de P. phaseoloides. Sob Ta e St reduzidas, a elevacao na radiacao solar induziu diminuicao na Rf, tendo-se verificado aumento na Rf acompanhando a reducao na St ao final do dia; o deficit de pressao de vapor entre o foliolo e o ar (DPV) oscilou entre 1,0 a 2,4 mmHg. Sob alta St, a Rf se comportou como quando sob baixa St, apresentando, todavia, elevacao na Rf em torno do meio dia; o DPV aumentou de 0,9 para 14,4 mmHg a partir das 8 h

    Implementation of a Brazilian Cardioprotective Nutritional (BALANCE) Program for improvement on quality of diet and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events: A randomized, multicenter trial

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    Background: Appropriate dietary recommendations represent a key part of secondary prevention in cardiovascular disease (CVD). We evaluated the effectiveness of the implementation of a nutritional program on quality of diet, cardiovascular events, and death in patients with established CVD. Methods: In this open-label, multicenter trial conducted in 35 sites in Brazil, we randomly assigned (1:1) patients aged 45 years or older to receive either the BALANCE Program (experimental group) or conventional nutrition advice (control group). The BALANCE Program included a unique nutritional education strategy to implement recommendations from guidelines, adapted to the use of affordable and regional foods. Adherence to diet was evaluated by the modified Alternative Healthy Eating Index. The primary end point was a composite of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular death, cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, stroke, myocardial revascularization, amputation, or hospitalization for unstable angina. Secondary end points included biochemical and anthropometric data, and blood pressure levels. Results: From March 5, 2013, to Abril 7, 2015, a total of 2534 eligible patients were randomly assigned to either the BALANCE Program group (n = 1,266) or the control group (n = 1,268) and were followed up for a median of 3.5 years. In total, 235 (9.3%) participants had been lost to follow-up. After 3 years of follow-up, mean modified Alternative Healthy Eating Index (scale 0-70) was only slightly higher in the BALANCE group versus the control group (26.2 ± 8.4 vs 24.7 ± 8.6, P <.01), mainly due to a 0.5-serving/d greater intake of fruits and of vegetables in the BALANCE group. Primary end point events occurred in 236 participants (18.8%) in the BALANCE group and in 207 participants (16.4%) in the control group (hazard ratio, 1.15; 95% CI 0.95-1.38; P =.15). Secondary end points did not differ between groups after follow-up. Conclusions: The BALANCE Program only slightly improved adherence to a healthy diet in patients with established CVD and had no significant effect on the incidence of cardiovascular events or death. © 2019 The Author

    Snowmass Neutrino Frontier: DUNE Physics Summary

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    The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment with a primary physics goal of observing neutrino and antineutrino oscillation patterns to precisely measure the parameters governing long-baseline neutrino oscillation in a single experiment, and to test the three-flavor paradigm. DUNE's design has been developed by a large, international collaboration of scientists and engineers to have unique capability to measure neutrino oscillation as a function of energy in a broadband beam, to resolve degeneracy among oscillation parameters, and to control systematic uncertainty using the exquisite imaging capability of massive LArTPC far detector modules and an argon-based near detector. DUNE's neutrino oscillation measurements will unambiguously resolve the neutrino mass ordering and provide the sensitivity to discover CP violation in neutrinos for a wide range of possible values of δCP\delta_{CP}. DUNE is also uniquely sensitive to electron neutrinos from a galactic supernova burst, and to a broad range of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM), including nucleon decays. DUNE is anticipated to begin collecting physics data with Phase I, an initial experiment configuration consisting of two far detector modules and a minimal suite of near detector components, with a 1.2 MW proton beam. To realize its extensive, world-leading physics potential requires the full scope of DUNE be completed in Phase II. The three Phase II upgrades are all necessary to achieve DUNE's physics goals: (1) addition of far detector modules three and four for a total FD fiducial mass of at least 40 kt, (2) upgrade of the proton beam power from 1.2 MW to 2.4 MW, and (3) replacement of the near detector's temporary muon spectrometer with a magnetized, high-pressure gaseous argon TPC and calorimeter

    DUNE Offline Computing Conceptual Design Report

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    This document describes Offline Software and Computing for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) experiment, in particular, the conceptual design of the offline computing needed to accomplish its physics goals. Our emphasis in this document is the development of the computing infrastructure needed to acquire, catalog, reconstruct, simulate and analyze the data from the DUNE experiment and its prototypes. In this effort, we concentrate on developing the tools and systems thatfacilitate the development and deployment of advanced algorithms. Rather than prescribing particular algorithms, our goal is to provide resources that are flexible and accessible enough to support creative software solutions as HEP computing evolves and to provide computing that achieves the physics goals of the DUNE experiment

    A Gaseous Argon-Based Near Detector to Enhance the Physics Capabilities of DUNE

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    This document presents the concept and physics case for a magnetized gaseous argon-based detector system (ND-GAr) for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Near Detector. This detector system is required in order for DUNE to reach its full physics potential in the measurement of CP violation and in delivering precision measurements of oscillation parameters. In addition to its critical role in the long-baseline oscillation program, ND-GAr will extend the overall physics program of DUNE. The LBNF high-intensity proton beam will provide a large flux of neutrinos that is sampled by ND-GAr, enabling DUNE to discover new particles and search for new interactions and symmetries beyond those predicted in the Standard Model