904 research outputs found

    Tooth Autotransplantation

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    ¿Culturas shakespearianas? Teoría mimética y América Latina

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    En la historia cultural latinoamericana, el espectador siempre ha sido un extranjero, cuya autoridad deriva de su condición ajena. Por ello, se convierte en modelo a ser imitado y nunca cuestionado –e incluso es emulado. Este mecanismo tautológico continúa vigente. ¿Es posible bosquejar una contribución propiamente latinoamericana a la teoría mimética? Esta pregunta es el eje principal de esta obra

    Engineering education towards sustainability

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    The traditional systems have been studied in an isolated mode, seek to respond to a specific need and deal with a restricted set of variables. The targets established for energy efficient systems and energy sustainability imply that new systems are more comprehensive and combine the various individual systems. This new topology requires a new kind of engineering professionals provided with new skills. New engineering professionals need to have not only a set of deep capabilities in a specific area, but also more comprehensive proficiencies that allow them to understand how to integrate their particular system into a wider functional system. This paper addresses some challenges and issues posed to Higher Education institutions and to engineering professionals of the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    BioISO: an objective-oriented application for assisting the curation of genome-scale metabolic models

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    As the reconstruction of Genome-Scale Metabolic Models (GEMs) becomes standard practice in systems biology, the number of organisms having at least one metabolic model is peaking at an unprecedented scale. The automation of laborious tasks, such as gap-finding and gap-filling, allowed the development of GEMs for poorly described organisms. However, the quality of these models can be compromised by the automation of several steps, which may lead to erroneous phenotype simulations. Biological networks constraint-based In Silico Optimisation ( BioISO ) is a computational tool aimed at accelerating the reconstruction of GEMs. This tool facilitates manual curation steps by reducing the large search spaces often met when debugging in silico biological models. BioISO uses a recursive relation-like algorithm and Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) to evaluate and guide debugging of in silico phenotype simulations. The potential of BioISO to guide the debugging of model reconstructions was showcased and compared with the results of two other state-of-the-art gap-filling tools ( Meneco and fastGapFill ). In this assessment, BioISO is better suited to reducing the search space for errors and gaps in metabolic networks by identifying smaller ratios of dead-end metabolites. Furthermore, BioISO was used as Meneco's gap-finding algorithm to reduce the number of proposed solutions for filling the gaps.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A new approach for routine quantification of microplastics using Nile Red and automated software (MP-VAT)

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    Microplastics are widespread contaminants in the environment. However, most identification protocols rely on long and subjective visual counting, which could be improved using staining dyes. Thus, the objective of this work is to identify the best staining dye protocol and create an objective and quick automated counting software for microplastics. Tests were conducted to identify the most appropriate of eight staining dye solutions and of six wavelengths for virgin and weathered synthetic polymers, textile fibers, natural organic matter and filters. Nile Red produced the best results (without interfering in infrared spectra) rendering microplastics fluorescent at 254 nm, but with limited number of fluorescent polymers, and at 470 nm (with orange filter), with fluorescence of plastics as well as natural organic matter (requiring a digestion step). Next, a script was developed in ImageJ for the automatic quantification and characterization in shape (fiber, fragment, particle) and size of fluorescent microplastics, the Microplastics Visual Analysis Tool (MP-VAT). MP-VAT was evaluated, producing recovery rates in the range of 89.0-111.1% in spiked filters under 470 nm. Furthermore, this package is accompanied by a script that sets a scale from a known filter diameter, MP-SCALE, and a script that allows user threshold setting, MP-ACT.publishe

    Exploring the potential of cuttlebone waste to produce building lime

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    The goal of this study is to find a practicable way to recycle cuttlebone waste in the production of lime. It was studied the behavior of calcium oxide obtained from the calcination of this waste at 900, 1000 and 1100 ºC and, after wet slaking, the produced lime was characterized. All the results were compared to calcium oxide or to hydrated lime obtained from commercial limestone. According to the slaking results, the waste and the limestone calcined at 1000 ºC achieved the R4 (around 13 min to reach 60 ºC) and R5 (60 ºC in 25 s) reactiv­ity class, respectively. Changing the calcination temperature to 900 or 1100 ºC did not promote an increase in the reactivity of the calcined waste. Although less reactive than the calcined limestone, the calcined cuttlebone can be transformed without significant constraint into building lime, since this construction material fulfills the relevant physic-chemical standard specifications.The authors thank VAC Minerais, S.A. (Rio Maior, Portugal) for supplying the commercial limestone, the support of Quadro de Referência Estratégica Nacional (QREN) and R&D units: Techn&Art (UID/05488/2018) and Geobiotec (UID/GEO/04035/2019). They also thank Prof. Dr. Francisco Franco Duro, from the University of Malaga (Spain), for the translations to Spanish language.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genome-wide semi-automated annotation of transporter systems

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    Usually, transport reactions are added to genome-scale metabolic models (GSMMs) based on experimental data and literature. This approach does not allow associating specific genes with transport reactions, which impairs the ability of the model to predict effects of gene deletions. Novel methods for systematic genome-wide transporter functional annotation and their integration into GSMMs are therefore necessary. In this work, an automatic system to detect and classify all potential membrane transport proteins for a given genome and integrate the related reactions into GSMMs is proposed, based on the identification and classification of genes that encode transmembrane proteins. The Transport Reactions Annotation and Generation (TRIAGE) tool identifies the metabolites transported by each transmembrane protein and its transporter family. The localization of the carriers is also predicted and, consequently, their action is confined to a given membrane. The integration of the data provided by TRIAGE with highly curated models allowed the identification of new transport reactions. TRIAGE is included in the new release of merlin, a software tool previously developed by the authors, which expedites the GSMM reconstruction processes.This work was partially supported by a PhD grant (SFRH /BD/47307/2008) and by the ERDF—European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness), and National Funds through the FCT within the projects FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009707 (HeliSysBio—molecular Systems Biology in Helicobacter pylori) and PTDC/EIAEIA/115176/2009. The authors would also like to thank the FCT Strategic Project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013 and the Projects “BioInd - Biotechnology and Bioengineering for improved Industrial and Agro-Food processes”, REF. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000028 and “PEM – Metabolic Engineering Platform”, project number 23060 , both cofunded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Solução salina hipertônica aumenta a pressão de perfusão cerebral no transplante do fígado para hepatite fulminante: resultados preliminares

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    During orthotopic liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure, some patients may develop sudden deterioration of cerebral perfusion and oxygenation, mainly due to increased intracranial pressure and hypotension, which are likely responsible for postoperative neurological morbidity and mortality. In the present study, we hypothesized that the favorable effects of hypertonic saline solution (NaCl 7.5%, 4 mL/kg) infusion on both systemic and cerebral hemodynamics, demonstrated in laboratory and clinical settings of intracranial hypertension and hemorrhagic shock resuscitation, may attenuate the decrease in cerebral perfusion pressure that often occurs during orthotopic liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure. METHODS: 10 patients with fulminant hepatic failure in grade IV encephalopathy undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation with intracranial pressure monitoring were included in this study. The effect on cerebral and systemic hemodynamics in 3 patients who received hypertonic saline solution during anhepatic phase (HSS group) was examined, comparing their data with historical controls obtained from surgical procedure recordings in 7 patients (Control group). The maximal intracranial pressure and the corresponding mean arterial pressure values were collected in 4 time periods: (T1) the last 10 min of the dissection phase, (T2) the first 10 minutes at the beginning of anhepatic phase, (T3) at the end of the anhepatic phase, and (T4) the first 5 minutes after graft reperfusion. RESULTS: Immediately after hypertonic saline solution infusion, intracranial pressure decreased 50.4%. During the first 5 min of reperfusion, the intracranial pressure remained stable in the HSS group, and all these patients presented an intracranial pressure lower than 20 mm Hg, while in the Control group, the intracranial pressure increased 46.5% (P < 0.001). The HSS group was the most hemodynamically stable; the mean arterial pressure during the first 5 min of reperfusion increased 21.1% in the HSS group and decreased 11.1% in the Control group (P < 0.001). During the first 5 min of reperfusion, cerebral perfusion pressure increased 28.3% in the HSS group while in the Control group the cerebral perfusion pressure decreased 28.5% (P < 0.001). Serum sodium at the end of the anhepatic phase and 3 hours after reperfusion was significantly higher in the HSS group (153.00 &plusmn; 2.66 and 149.00 &plusmn; 1.73 mEq/L) than in the Control group (143.71 &plusmn; 3.30 and 142.43 &plusmn; 1.72 mEq/L), P = 0.003 and P < 0.001 respectively. CONCLUSION: Hypertonic saline solution can be successfully used as an adjunct in the neuroprotective strategy during orthotopic liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure, reducing intracranial pressure while restoring arterial blood pressure, promoting sustained increase in the cerebral perfusion pressure.Neste estudo testamos a hipótese de que os efeitos benéficos decorrentes da administração da solução salina hipertônica (NaCl 7,5%, 4 mL/kg) sobre a hemodinâmica sistêmica e cerebral na hipertensão intracraniana e no choque hemorrágico, possam atenuar a diminuição da pressão de perfusão cerebral que freqüentemente acompanha o transplante do fígado para hepatite fulminante. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 10 pacientes com hepatite fulminante em encefalopatia grau IV e monitorização de pressão intracraniana submetidos ao transplante do fígado. A hemodinâmica sistêmica e cerebral de 3 pacientes que receberam solução salina hipertônica durante a fase anepática (Grupo SSH) foi analisada comparando com os dados obtidos de 7 pacientes transplantados anteriormente nas mesmas condições (Grupo Controle). Os valores de pressão intracraniana máxima e a correspondente pressão arterial média foram coletados em quatro tempos: (T1) nos últimos 10 min da fase de disseccão, (T2) nos primeiros 10 minutos da fase anepática, (T3) no final da fase anepática e (T4) nos primeiros 5 min da reperfusão RESULTADO: Imediatamente após a infusão da solução salina hipertônica a pressão intracraniana diminuiu 50,4%. Nos primeiros 5 min da reperfusão a pressão intracraniana no Grupo SSH se manteve estável e todos os pacientes apresentavam pressão intracraniana menor que 20 mmHg enquanto no Grupo Controle a pressão intracraniana aumentou 46,5% (

    New generation of nitric oxide-releasing porous materials: assessment of their potential to regulate biological functions

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    Nitric oxide (NO) presents innumerable biological roles, and its exogenous supplementation for therapeutic purposes has become a necessity. Some nanoporous materials proved to be potential vehicles for NO with high storage capacity. However, there is still a lack of information about their efficiency to release controlled NO and if they are biocompatible and biologically stable. In this work, we address this knowledge gap starting by evaluating the NO release and stability under biological conditions and their toxicity with primary keratinocyte cells. Titanosilicates (ETS-4 and ETS-10 types) and clay-based materials were the materials under study, which have shown in previous studies suitable NO gas adsorption/release rates. ETS-4 proved to be the most promising material, combining good biocompatibility at 180 μg/mL, stability and slower NO release. ETS-10 and ETAS-10 showed the best biocompatibility at the same concentration and, in the case of clay-based materials, CoOS is the least toxic of those tested and the one that releases the highest NO amount. The potentiality of these new NO donors to regulate biological functions was assessed next by controlling the mitochondrial respiration and the cell migration. NO-loaded ETS-4 regulates O2 consumption and cell migration in a dose-dependent manner. For cell migration, a biphasic effect was observed in a narrow range of ETS-4 concentration, with a stimulatory effect becoming inhibitory just by doubling ETS-4 concentration. For the other materials, no effective regulation was achieved, which highlights the relevance of the new assessment presented in this work for nanoporous NO carriers that will pave the way for further developments.publishe

    Quadros de unidades estratigráficas e da estratigrafia portuguesa

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    Existem em quase todos os países escalas estratigráficas destinadas a utilização geral sobretudo nas escolas e instituições que se dedicam as ciencias geológicas. Em virtude da falta de escalas semelhantes em Iíngua portuguesa tentou-se, há anos, elaborar uma escala estratigráfica geral, de que se esgotaram varias edições. Em virtude disso, e sendo aconselhavel preparar nova edição da escala em referência, decidiu-se fazê-Ia em novos moldes, revista e actualizada, dar-Ihe maior eficiência e maior volume de informação. Procurou-se elaborar escala com indicação não só dos termos nomenclaturais mais correctos, como da posição de cada unidade, da cronologia e das correlações mais significativas. Além das unidades estratigráficas, juntam-se elementos referentes a Geocronologia isotópica, Geologia de Portugal, bem como se acrescentam quadros de biozonas de alguns fósseis característicos. Na utilização destes quadros chama-se a atenção do leitor para as seguintes indicações: 1) Algumas unidades estratigraticas sao utilizadas com significado (ou valor relativo) diferente do que habitualmente Ihes tem side atribuído. O significado que se Ihes atribui agora e o internacionalmente aceite neste momento. Por exemplo, o Landoveriano, que tem sido interpretado em Portugal como andar, tem actual mente valor de Série. 2) A correlação entre as unidades cronostratigráficas a esquerda, e as unidades da Geologia portuguesa a direita, devem ser estabelecidas apenas com base nas linhas horizontais contínuas. As linhas a tracejado representam limites de unidades diferentes, de datação insuficientemente definida; aquelas linhas descontínuas nao devem pois ser utilizadas como limites cronológicos exactos. 3) São incluídos quadros de biozonas definidas a partir de organismos passíveis de fornecerem datações bastante finas mas que tem side pouco utilizados em formações portuguesas. É o caso de Acritarcas, Dinoflagelados, Nanoplâncton, Foraminíferos e Conodontes. Estamos convictos de que a obra sera útil a todos os que, de algum modo, estao ligados às Geociências. Não será no entanto de estranhar, que em obra desta índole, susceptível de aperfeiçoamento constante, possam ter passado lapsos, mesmo erros ou lacunas. Ficaremos muito gratos aos que porventura os descubram, que no-los comuniquem, a fim de serem corrigidos em eventuais futuras edições