1,062 research outputs found

    Low trophic niche overlap among trap-nesting bee species (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) in a semideciduous forest fragment

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    International audienceAbstractBees are important components of mutualistic interactions with plants, playing a key role as pollinators of both wild and crop plants. In this context, studies on the plants visited by bees are important to determining conservation strategies. We investigated the use of floral resources by the trap-nesting bee species sampled in a semideciduous forest fragment. Trap nests were set in the forest fragment in three different zones: forest edge, 250 m away from the edge and 500 m away from the forest edge. Pollen analysis of the residual pollen content removed from the nests of 12 bee species revealed a total of 63 pollen types from 16 botanical families. The bee community showed specialized populations with no overlap in diet. Within the community, the diet overlap was higher in closely related species, the two Tetrapedia species and the two Centris (Heterocentris) species, than in the other sampled species. Although the studied bee community is composed of widespread bee species, our data showed a low niche overlap among them, suggesting the occurrence of food niche partitioning at our study site. The asymmetry in the period of nesting activities and floral preferences among the bee species are factors that might have contributed to the low niche overlap observed

    Polícia militar e o direito fundamental a sindicalização

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    The present work aims to study the military police institution and the prohibition of its members to have the right of unionization. In the academic and legal environment, the general understanding is that the National Constitutional Assembly of 1987-1988 opted to keep an institution based on dictatorial models, which is a contradiction to its proposes: on the one hand, to end the military dictatorship, on the other hand, to institute a democracy in the Brazilian State. This study reveals an inconsistency between the national and the international legal systems, based on the International Labor Organization (ILO) agreement adopted by Brazil, which regulates the unionization, i.e., the right to unionization of the national states institutions. This right is denied to the members of the military police, since they are subordinate to the Brazilian Army and structured in the same manner, thus militarizing them. This structure did not take into account the functional differences between these institutions; while the army protect the state and combat the enemies, as in cases of war, the military police protects the citizens and the society against crimes, assuring the tranquility and social harmony. How can the workers, who are responsible for ensuring citizens’ rights, do their activities without a fundamental right, which is to set trade unions that protect their own rights? This work is a bibliographical and documental research, in which a deductive method was used.O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a instituição polícia militar e a proibição de seus integrantes de gozarem do direito de sindicalização. No meio acadêmico e jurídico, predomina o entendimento de que a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1987-1988 optou por continuar com uma instituição nos moldes ditatoriais, o que constitui uma contradição para os seus propósitos: de um lado pôr fim a ditadura militar e de outro, instituir a democracia no Estado Brasileiro. O estudo traz à tona uma incongruência do ordenamento jurídico nacional e o internacional, tendo como parâmetro as convenções da Organização Internacional do Trabalho(OIT) adotadas pelo Brasil e que disciplinam a sindicalização, ou seja, o direito de sindicalização nas instituições dos estados nacionais. Esse direito é negado aos integrantes das polícias militares, uma vez que são subordinados ao Exército brasileiro e estruturado a sua semelhança, portanto militarizando-os. Essa estrutura não levou em consideração as diferenças funcionais entre essas instituições, enquanto o exército tem como tarefa defender estado e combater o inimigo, como em caso de guerra, as polícias militares têm como obrigação a defesa do cidadão e da sociedade face o crime, garantindo a tranquilidade e a harmonia social. Assim o presente trabalho constitui-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e utilizou-se do método dedutivo, tentou-se demonstrar que a polícia por ser militar não incorpora a ideia de defesa do cidadão e não garante os direitos básicos dos seus profissionais, como exemplo, a carga horária definida em lei para o trabalhador policial uma vez que sendo militar são proibidos de reivindicá-los


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    Objective: To identify the average length of patients’ stay before and after the Lean methodology application in a Teaching Hospital’s Emergency Room. Method: cross-sectional, retrospective, documentary, quantitative study. The data was collected in December 2019 via the TASY system. The list of patients admitted to the emergency room, from November 2018 to November 2019, in Western Paraná – Brazil, was obtained. A descriptive statistical analysis was carried out, and the Statistica 7.0 program was used, with Levene and Scheff tests. Results: there was an increase of 61% in the number of hospitalizations, a 30% reduction in the stay, and 26% of the maximum stay recorded. However, there was no significant difference in the period before and after Lean in the stay length. Conclusion: it was evident that Lean can potentially collaborate in improving the patients’ flow, increasing the visits, and reducing the stay period in the unit.Objetivo: identificar a média de permanência dos pacientes antes e após a aplicação da metodologia Lean em um Pronto Socorro de um Hospital de Ensino.Método: estudo transversal, retrospectivo, documental, quantitativo. Os dados foram coletados em dezembro de 2019 via sistema TASY. Obteve-se a relação dos pacientes internados no pronto socorro no período de novembro de 2018 a novembro de 2019, no Oeste do Paraná – Brasil. Procedeu-se análise estatística descritiva e uso do programa Statistica 7.0, com os testes Levene e Scheff.Resultados: identificou-se aumento de 61% no número de internamentos, redução de 30% no tempo de permanência e 26% do tempo máximo de permanência registrado. Entretanto, não houve diferença significativa no período antes e depois do Lean no tempo de permanência. Conclusão: evidenciou-se que o Lean possui potencial para colaborar no aperfeiçoamento do fluxo de pacientes, aumentando os atendimentos e reduzindo o tempo de permanência na unidade.Objetivo: identificar la duración media de permanencia de los pacientes antes y después de la aplicación de la metodología Lean en un Servicio de Emergencias de un Hospital de Enseñanza. Método: estudio transversal, retrospectivo, documental y cuantitativo. Los dados fueron recolectados en diciembre de 2019 a través del sistemaTASY. Se obtuvo la lista de pacientes ingresados en el servicio de emergencias en el periodo de noviembre de 2019, en el Oeste de Paraná – Brasil. Se procedió al análisis estadístico descriptivo y uso del programa Statistica 7.0, con las pruebas de Levene y Scheff. Resultados: Se identificó un aumento del 61% en el número de internamientos, una reducción del 30% en el tiempo de permanencia y un 26% en el tiempo máximo de permanencia registrado. Sin embargo, no hubo diferencias significativas en el periodo anterior y posterior a Lean en el tiempo de permanencia. Conclusión: se evidenció que el Lean tiene potencial para colaborar en el perfeccionamiento del flujo de pacientes, aumentando las atenciones y reduciendo el tiempo de permanencia en la unidad


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    A partir da compreensão do desenvolvimento humano como resultado de um processo sociocultural de apreensão do conhecimento, tem-se, na escola, a interdisciplinaridade como um dos principais instrumentos capazes de modificar a percepção do aluno sobre o ensino, revelando novas possibilidades de estudo. A exploração dos conhecimentos matemáticos pode ser ampliada a partir da exploração da proporcionalidade nas notas e escalas musicais na visão pitagórica a partir de conhecimentos que norteiam a teoria musical (leitura e interpretação de partituras) e da utilização dos conhecimentos para construção de um monocórdio em sala de aula, provando que matemática e música constituem uma união capaz de fomentar a compreensão dos alunos

    O/A Profissional: As Interfaces de Gênero, Carreira e Expatriação na Construção de Trajetórias de Mulheres Expatriadas

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    While the organizational world has been experiencing the phenomenon of expatriation, the availability of mobile and international careers stand out. The differences in the expatriate experience are gendered, and few studies focus primarily on the experiences of women. This research aims to analyze the construction of the career trajectories of 19 Brazilian expatriate women, using as conceptual bases the interfaces of gender, career, and expatriation. The experiences of the participants come near to each other but compose unique trajectories, including in their personal life and professional field. The study highlights a way of being and acting in the work environment, understood as “the” model of a professional woman expatriate, who intercalates elements perceived as masculine and/or feminine. The construction of this trajectory is anchored by elements that build and influence it: personal characteristics, support and family influence, affective relationships, motherhood, professional plans and organizations in which they work, and countries of destination. With the results, possible paths are envisioned for other women seeking this experience, considering the foregrounded implications shown by this study.Ao passo que o mundo organizacional vem vivenciando o fenômeno da expatriação, destacam-se a disponibilidade para mobilidade e as carreiras internacionais. Experiências em contexto de expatriação diferenciam-se com base no sexo, entretanto poucos estudos abordam as particularidades das mulheres. Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a construção das trajetórias de carreira de 19 mulheres brasileiras expatriadas, utilizando como bases conceituais as interfaces de gênero, carreira e expatriação. As vivências das participantes aproximam-se, mas compõem trajetórias singulares, incluindo campo pessoal e profissional. Destacou-se um modo de ser e portar-se no ambiente de trabalho, compreendido como o/a profissional mulher expatriada, que intercala elementos percebidos como masculinos e/ou femininos. A construção dessa trajetória foi ancorada por elementos que a edificam e a influenciam: características pessoais, apoio e influência familiar; relacionamentos afetivos e maternidade; planos profissionais e organizações em que trabalham; e países de destino. Com os resultados, vislumbramse caminhos possíveis para outras mulheres que buscam essa experiência, levando em conta as implicações advindas.&nbsp


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    The purpose of this study was to characterise the preferred cycling cadence (PC) using biomechanical and physiological parameters. Seven male cyclists have cycled at 60, 75, 90, 105 rpm, and PC. The movement economy (physiological parameter) and angular impulse (biomechanical parameter) values at each pedalling rate were analysed. Results showed that the pedalling rate minimising angular impulse and PC were similar (

    Difficulties Found by Students in the Disciplines of Post-graduation in Electrical Engineering

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    In this study, we explore the difficulties of students in the disciplines of post-graduation in electrical engineering. To the extent that the student is able to elucidate his difficulties during the disciplines of the postgraduate course, your research can flow with greater satisfaction and success. Our findings are based on interviews of students with different backgrounds and educational experiences, allowing to capture different difficulties and motivations found in the classroom, which influence the researches of masters and doctoral students. We found that most of the students in the postgraduate course in electrical engineering had background training in distinct areas (73.3%), and that they are generally related area students, such as math, computing, and other areas of engineering. Another aspect is that most interviewees reported that their difficulties were related to the disciplines that addressed the development of algorithms and mathematical calculations (66%), suggesting that this problem was a consequence of insufficient knowledge base for the disciplines. The findings suggest that even with the difficulties encountered in the classroom, the students of the course had no disapproval, because most of the time they sought to discuss their difficulties in groups of studies created by classmates, and thus, elucidating the difficulties faced with colleagues who had different skills


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    O caso narra a história de fraude e falência da instituição financeira Barings Bank e tem como objetivo discutir o papel decisivo dos diversos agentes e órgãos de governança corporativa como elementos de prevenção e controle de ações nocivas aos interesses dos diversos stakeholders e como o não cumprimento das funções que lhes são conferidas abre espaço para fraudes como a ocorrida. A discussão do caso busca desenvolver as seguintes habilidades nos participantes: familiaridade com situação de conflitos de agência, compreensão de problemas relacionados à ausência de boa governança corporativa, habilidade de identificação de mecanismos de governança corporativa capazes de evitar a situação-problema vivenciada e capacidade de implementar as soluções para os problemas identificados. O estudo desse caso colabora para a compreensão de aspectos referentes à Teoria da Agência como a inexistência de contrato completo e de agente perfeito, reforçando a importância dos mecanismos de governança corporativa para a continuidade das organizações. Palavras-chave: Governança corporativa. Teoria da agência. Barings Bank. Abstract The case narrates the history of fraud and bankruptcy of the financial institution Barings Bank. It discusses the crucial role of the various actors and bodies of corporate governance in preventing and controlling actions that are harmful to the interests of the various stakeholders, and how non compliance with their functions opens the way for the fraud that occurred. The discussion of the case seeks to develop the following capabilities in the subjects: familiarity with situations of agency conflict, an understanding of problems that can occur when there is a lack of proper corporate governance, the ability to identify corporate governance mechanisms, so as to avoid the type of problem that occurred, and the ability to implement solutions to the problems identified. The study of this case helps further understanding of issues related to Agency Theory, such as the absence of a complete contract and a perfect agent, reinforcing the importance of corporate governance mechanisms for the continuity of organizations. Keywords: Corporate Governance. Agency theory. Barings Bank

    Models of Self in Families of People with Spina Bifida

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    Os modelos de self revelam a visão cultural acerca das competências que as crianças devem adquirir e tendem a ser compartilhados pelas pessoas que integram o mesmo ambiente. Neste sentido, este estudo objetiva avaliar os modelos de self em famílias de pessoas com espinha bífida. Dezessete cuidadores responderam um questionário virtual contendo questões sociodemográficas e três Escalas de Self: Autônomo, Relacionado e Autônomo Relacionado. Os dados foram tratados por meio de estatística descritiva, com técnicas de análises multivariadas. Os principais resultados indicam que o modelo de self mais valorizado foi o autônomo relacional que se reflete no desejo que os filhos e filhas desenvolvam a autonomia e, também, relacionamentos interpessoais. Tal modelo, porém, distingue-se dos grupos familiares de pessoas com desenvolvimento típico que residem no mesmo ambiente cultural, o que evidencia a necessidade das famílias de pessoas com espinha bífida receberem apoio para alcançarem seus alvos desenvolvimentais.Los modelos de self revelan la visión cultural de las habilidades que los niños deben adquirir y suelen ser compartidos por personas que pertenecen a un mismo entorno. Así, este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los modelos de self en familias de personas con espina bífida. Diecisiete cuidadores contestaron un cuestionario virtual que contiene preguntas demográficas y tres Escalas de Self: Autónomo, Relacional y Autónomo-relacional. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva, con las técnicas del análisis multivariado. Los principales resultados indican que el modelo de self más valorado es el autónomo relacional, que se refleja en el deseo de que los hijos e hijas puedan desarrollar la autonomía y también las relaciones interpersonales. Este hallazgo es distinto de los grupos familiares de personas con desarrollo típico del mismo entorno cultural. Por eso, las familias de personas con espina bífida deben recibir apoyo para lograr sus objetivos de desarrollo.Models of self reveal cultural views regarding the competences that children should acquire, and these views tend to be shared by people within the same environment. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the models of self in families of people with spina bifida. Seventeen caregivers answered an online questionnaire containing socio-demographic questions and three scales of self: autonomous, related and autonomous-related. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and techniques of multivariate analysis. The main results indicate that the most valued model of self was the autonomous-related model, reflecting the desire that children develop autonomy as well as interpersonal relationships. Such a model, however, is distinct from that of family groups of people with typical development living in the same cultural environment, indicating the need for families of people with spina bifida to receive support to reach their developmental goals

    Laboratory biochemical markers of cardiac injury by COVID-19: an integrative review.

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    The damaging effects of Sars-CoV-2 on cardiac tissue may be intensified with the presence of cardiocirculatory pathologies. The use of clinical biomarkers has grown, in order to monitor this cardiotoxicity early. In this sense, this study aimed to investigate, through an integrative review, the main biomarkers of cardiac injury associated with comorbidities in patients with COVID-19. A systematic bibliographic search was conducted on July 26, 2020, in the Scopus database. Of the total of 669 publications purchased, only 40 articles were eligible for this review. From the content of these publications, 16 systemic cardiac and inflammatory biomarkers that are part of the clinical findings of critically ill patients with COVID-19 were identified. Most of these patients were male, had a mean age of 63 years, and pre-existing comorbidities, such as were hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cardiac injuries in patients infected with COVID-19 are related to the increase in cardiac and systemic biomarkers observed in most of these individuals. Finally, it is expected to increase physicians' awareness of biochemical markers of non-invasive cardiac injury, for diagnosis and prognosis, of unusual extrapulmonary pathophysiological presentations during infection by COVID-19