548 research outputs found
Nitrogen abundances from UV lines of HgMn and standard late-B stars
A recent survey by Roby (1987) discovered that the relatively weak high excitation lines of N 1 near 7468 and 8680 A were undetectable in the majority of HgMn stars, leading to upper limits on the N abundance of roughly ten times below that of the solar N abundance. Standard stars with similar temperatures (10,000 to 13,000 K) did exhibit these same N lines and were found to have roughly solar N abundances. The N abundances were redetermined in two HgMn stars and four standard stars using the strong, low excitation lines of N 1 found in the ultraviolet. The observational data consisted of high quality, high resolution, co-added International Ultraviolet Explorer spectra which was previously collected and reduced. Examination of the spectra plus considerations of signal/noise and severe line blending led to the choice of three promising N 1 lines located at 1742.7, 1745.3 and 1411.9 A. The atomic data for these lines were previously calculated using the best laboratory measurements found in a search of the relevant literature. The chosen N lines turned out to be blended significantly with Fe 2 lines. To obtain the abundances for N synthetic spectra were computed to match the observed spectra. The synthetic spectra were calculated using lie-blanketed model atmospheres, stellar parameters, and abundances for the other elements based upon previous work by S. Adelman. The N abundance was then adjusted to give the best fit of the observed line profiles. In the 2 HgMn stars, the N lines were again found to be undetectable, but the stronger intrinsic strength of the new lines yield more stringent upper limits than those obtained previously. Model atmosphere and abundances were updated in two stars where new results were reported. An additional N 1 line and an additional standard star were added to the program. A line opacity model was developed for a missing feature adjacent to the N 1 line at 1745.2 A, leading to a 25 percent improvement in the determined from this line
Private Scandal in the Public Sphere: Sexual Scandal as Early Eighteenth-Century Polemics
Changes in literary strategies and polemical contest in the early eighteenth century legitimized the use of sexual scandal as a means of attack in the mainstream commercial press. Authors embraced scandal to obscure and temper partisan conflicts that motivated animosities, and in doing so they sanctioned inquiry into the private lives of public figures. This strategic use of scandal emerged as a reaction against the political–religious polemics of the English civil war of the mid 1600s. The discourse of scandal developed as an alternative to the discourse of politeness, which similarly evaded explicitly partisan exchanges. Instead of using politeness to cultivate decorous public debate, some authors turned to scandalous (often calumnious) exposés because it allowed them to veil troubling conflicts while still venting animosities. Chapter One examines how early modern sexual libels were transformed after the civil war. I show how in The Rehearsal Transpros’d Andrew Marvell adapted these precedents into his religious polemics; he redirected them against a quasi–public target, the Anglican cleric Samuel Parker, in order to ridicule Parker as an individual. Chapter Two demonstrates how Delarivier Manley perfected this strategy of obfuscation in The New Atalantis. At moments of political crisis throughout the text, Manley’s political narrative pivots towards amatory encounters to distract readers from the crisis at hand. By casting her political tract as a sexual allegory, she legitimized the personalization, privatization and sexualization of political discourse. As Chapter Three illustrates, in the Tatler and Spectator Joseph Addison and Richard Steele repudiated the public’s appetite for scandal, but their very censures reflect that scandalous discourse permeated public debate. Although known for shaping the public sphere, in denouncing scandal, they revealed skepticism of the public’s ability to engage in rational dialogue. Chapter Four shows that Alexander Pope and his literary rivals adapted scandal as a means of satiric attack against each other—that is, against private figures in the public eye—to undermine one another’s cultural standing. I reveal the buried political–religious conflicts that motivated these hostilities, and I demonstrate that Pope refined his use of scandal as a literary tool throughout his career
Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Pasal 15 Ayat (3) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 74 Tahun 2014 Tentang Angkutan Jalan Terkait Kewajiban Pemerintah Daerah Menjamin Ketersediaan Angkutan Umum ( Studi di Dinas Perhubungan, Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Rembang)
Angkutan merupakan elemen penting dalam perekonomian karena berkaitandengan distribusi barang, jasa dan tenaga kerja serta merupakan inti daripergerakan ekonomi kota. Hal ini yang kemudian memerlukan peranpemerintah untuk mewujudkan jaminan ketersediaan jenis transportasi iniuntuk kebutuhan masyarakat. Kewajiban tersebut seperti yang telah tertuangdalam Pasal 15 ayat (3) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 74 Tahun 2014 tentangAngkutan Jalan tentang kewajiban pemerintah daerah menjamin ketersediaanangkutan umum. Kabupaten Rembang merupakan salah satu kabupaten diprovinsi Jawa Tengah dengan luas wilayah yang cukup luas dibandingbeberapa kabupaten di Jawa Tengah yang lain. Hal ini yang mendasari pentingnya alat transportasi guna menunjang mobilitas warga KabupatenRembang yang cukup luas ini. Ketersediaan jumlah angkutan umum terutamaangkutan angkutan perdesaan di Kabupaten Rembang dapat dikatakan cukup.Namun, dalam kondisi dan keadaan tertentu memang tidak seimbang denganjumlah penumpang atau peminat angkutan tersebut. Tidak meratanyapersebaran angkutan perdesaan yang ada di Kabupaten Rembang juga menjadimasalah bagi mobilitas masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah yang tidak dilewatiangkutan umum. Selain itu, adanya sebagian angkutan umum yang tidakberjalan sesuai trayek yang telah ditentukan juga menambah masalah efektivitas pelaksanaaan Pasal 15 ayat (3) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 74 Tahun 2014 tentang Angkutan Jalan.Kata Kunci: Efektivitas, Kewajiban Pemerintah Daerah, Penyediaan AngkutanUmum
Optimasi Massa Rangka Kendaraan Elektrik Pengangkut Sampah Dengan Simulasi Metode Elemen Hingga
Residential waste contributes up to 55% of the total volume of urban waste such as in Jakarta. It makes the transport process of residential waste to temprorary landfill site (TPS) that has been existed, less efficient. Transporting waste process with garbage cart is depended on the manpower, while with the garbage truck, the vehicle's width and the use of fossil fuels are the weaknesses. Thus, the design concept of a waste transport vehicle using electric motor as driving source is made which has the same payload capacity as a garbage cart in general. Garbage payload along with the main components must be strongly supported by the vehicle frame, which incidentally serves as the support vehicle. In this study, discussed the optimization of electric waste transport vehicle with the help of 3-dimensional CAD modelling, then simulated with static loading to obtain the results of the stress, displacement with the maximum value and location, and can assign the payload distribution position. With variable of the beam profile shape and its thickness, then obtained the optimal order forms, which frame weighs as light as possible but still robust in supporting given loads, which is frame with a cylindrical hollow profile with diameter of 60.3 mm and thickness of 4 mm
Analisa Aspek Keuangan Pada Perencanaan Klaster Bangunan Rumah Tinggal Dengan Konsep Efisiensi Energi
Saat ini bisnis properti di Indonesia berkembang sangat pesat, khususnya bidang Perumahan. Tetapi pembangunan rumah tinggal yang dilakukan banyak investor kerap kali berorientasi pada keuntungan yang maksimum tanpa memperhatikan dampak terhadap lingkungan dalam jangka panjang. Maka, diperlukan pembangunan klaster Perumahan dengan konsep efisiensi energi. Pembangunan harus disertai dengan analisis keuangan yang matang agar proyek dapat dibangun dan memiliki nilai tambah bagi pengembang. Desain rumah pada klaster ini terlebih dahulu dianalisis dengan 4 aspek yaitu perhitungan Overall Thermal Transfer Value, pencahayaan buatan, sistem pengkondisian udara, dan adanya sumber energi yang terbarukan.Desain rumah kemudian diperhitungkan rencana anggaran biayanya dan disimulasikan dilakukan dengan membuat sebuah cashflow dan dianalisis dengan NPV.Hasil analisa menunjukkan investasi yang dilakukan adalah menguntungkan untuk dilaksanakan jika disimulasikan selama 4 tahun. Keuntungan yang diperoleh pada bulan Januari 2016 adalah sebesar Rp11.278.849.952,99
Sebagai karya masa lampau, sesenggak sasak merupakan salah satu Aspek budaya yang muncul berdasarkan motivasi kreasi ide dan karya masyarakat pendukungnya. Secara harfiah sesenggak sasak belum banyak dikenal orang terutama kalangan generasi muda. Oleh karena itu sesenggak sasak sangat membutuhkan perhatian khusus dari berbagai pihak. Hasil penelitian ini di harapkan dapat membantu menyelamatkan sesanggak sasak (ungkapan tradisional sasak) dari kepunahan. Teori-teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data penelitian ini adalah teori analisis oleh kerlinger dan sumber lainnya, nilai oleh Schwartz dan sumber lainnya, pendidikan menurut bahasa yunani, moral oleh Nurgiyantoro dan Horhby, Garanby, dan Wakefield, ungkapan oleh Cervantes, kegiatan struktural oleh Ali, kajian fungsi oleh Merton, teori semiotik oleh Riffaterre. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah di desa Batu Jangkih Kec. Praya Barat Daya. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara, dan metode terjemahan yaitu metode penterjemahan semantic (semantic trasn location). Data dan sumeber data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua macam yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Data yang sudah terkumpul di analisis menggunakan metode kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dalam penelitian ini dapat di simpulkan bahwa bagian struktural dalam sesenggak (ungkapan tradisional ) berupa diksi, tipologi, pola kalimat, dan gaya bahasa, diksi menjelaskan tentang kata-kata atau pilihan kata yang digunakan dalam ungkapan tradisional. Tipologi dalam sesenggak sasak di Desa Batu Jangkih Kec. Praya Barat Daya Kabupaten Lombok Tengah terdiri atas 3 macam yaitu 2 kata, 3 kata dan 4 kata. Pola kalimat dalam pembentukan sesenggak sasak Desa Batu Jangkih Kec. Praya Barat Daya, Kabupaten Lombok tengah terdiri dari 9 pola pembentuk yaitu kata benda – kata benda, kata kerja, kata benda, kata kerja – kata sifat, kata sifat – kata benda – kata benda – kata kerja, kata kerja – kata kerja, kata sifat – kata kerja. Gaya bahasa dalam sesenggak ini terdiri dari 4 gaya bahasa yaitu simile, terdiri dari 2 sesenggak, antithesis 2 sesenggak, ironi 14 sesenggak dan repetisi 4 sesenggak. Sebelum menganalisis nilai-nilai kependidikan dalam sesenggak sasak terlebih dahulu yang dilakukan adalah menganlisis makna yang terkandung dalam sesenggak berupa nilai pendidikan moral dan sosial. Nilai pendidikan tradisional 10 sesenggak, moral terdiri atas 8 sesenggak dan sosial 5 sesenggak
Ternary algebras and groups
We construct explicitly groups associated to specific ternary algebras which
extend the Lie (super)algebras (called Lie algebras of order three). It turns
out that the natural variables which appear in this construction are variables
which generate the three-exterior algebra. An explicit matrix representation of
a group associated to a peculiar Lie algebra of order three is constructed
considering matrices with entry which belong to the three exterior algebra.Comment: 11 pages contribution to the 5th International Symposium on Quantum
Theory and Symmetries (QTS5
Enhancing Science Return During the Rapid Expansion of IRSA
The NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive is undergoing a rapid expansion in the portfolio of missions for which we serve data, including the recent additions of the Spitzer Heritage Archive, the WISE archive, and NASA's Planck archive. This expansion has led to more than an order of magnitude increase in data holdings within a few years, and the inclusion of catalogs up to 10 billion rows. As a result, IRSA has a special opportunity to grow its services to support not only individual IR missions, but to optimize the synergy between them. We discuss the ways in which we enhance the science return from multiple IR data sets, including data discovery, moving object “precovery,” and image cross-comparison
Firefly: Embracing Future Web Technologies
At IPAC/Caltech, we have developed the Firefly web archive and visualization system. Used in production for the last eight years in many missions, Firefly gives the scientist significant capabilities to study data. Firefly provided the first completely web based FITS viewer as well as a growing set of tabular and plotting visualizers. Further, it will be used for the science user interface of the LSST telescope which goes online in 2021. Firefly must meet the needs of archive access and visualization for the 2021 LSST telescope and must serve astronomers beyond the year 2030. Recently, our team has faced the fact that the technology behind Firefly software was becoming obsolete. We were searching for ways to utilize the current breakthroughs in maintaining stability, testability, speed, and reliability of large web applications, which Firefly exemplifies. In the last year, we have ported the Firefly to cutting edge web technologies. Embarking on this massive overhaul is no small feat to say the least. Choosing the technologies that will maintain a forward trajectory in a future development project is always hard and often overwhelming. When a team must port 150,000 lines of code for a production-level product there is little room to make poor choices. This paper will give an overview of the most modern web technologies and lessons learned in our conversion from GWT based system to React/Redux based system
Halo orbit mission correction maneuvers using optimal control
This paper addresses the computation of the required trajectory correction maneuvers for a halo orbit space mission to compensate for the launch velocity errors introduced by inaccuracies of the launch vehicle. By combining dynamical systems theory with optimal control techniques, we are able to provide a compelling portrait of the complex landscape of the trajectory design space. This approach enables automation of the analysis to perform parametric studies that simply were not available to mission designers a few years ago, such as how the magnitude of the errors and the timing of the first trajectory correction maneuver affects the correction ΔV. The impetus for combining dynamical systems theory and optimal control in this problem arises from design issues for the Genesis Discovery Mission being developed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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