75 research outputs found

    Ten years in the dump: An updated review of the Miocene primate-bearing localities from Abocador de Can Mata (NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    More than ten years of paleontological fieldwork during the enlargement of the Can Mata Landfill (Abocador de Can Mata [ACM]), in els Hostalets de Pierola (Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula) led to the recovery of >60,000 Miocene vertebrate remains. The huge sampling effort (due to continuous surveillance of heavy machinery digging activity, coupled with manual excavation and screen-washing of sediments) enabled generally rare faunal elements such as pliopithecoid and hominoid primates to be found. Thanks to detailed litho-, bio- and magnetostratigraphic controls, accurate dating is possible for all the recovered primate remains from 19 of the 235 localities defined along the 234 m-thick composite stratigraphic sequence of the ACM. Here we report updated estimated (interpolated) ages for these paleontological localities and review the timing of the primate succession in this area. Our results indicate that the whole ACM sequence is late Aragonian in age (MN6 and MN7+8) and includes seven magnetozones that are correlated to subchrons C5Ar.1r to C5r.2r (ca. 12.6 to 11.4 Ma). Great apes (dryopithecines) are first recorded at 12.4-12.3 Ma, but most of the finds (Anoiapithecus, Pierolapithecus and Dryopithecus) cluster between 12.0 and 11.9 Ma, followed by some indeterminate dryopithecine remains between 11.7 and 11.6 Ma. Pliopithecoids first appear at 12.1 Ma, being subsequently represented by Pliopithecus between 11.9 and 11.7 Ma. The small-bodied hominoid Pliobates is the youngest ACM primate, with an estimated age of 11.6 Ma. Although these primates probably overlapped in time, their co-occurrence is recorded only twice, at 11.9 Ma (a dryopithecine with Pliopithecus) and at 11.6 Ma (a dryopithecine with Pliobates). The rare co-occurrence between great apes and small-bodied catarrhines might be attributable to sampling biases and/or to presumed diverging ecological preferences of these groups. In the future, more detailed analyses of the fauna recovered from the long and densely-sampled ACM sequence will hopefully throw new light on this long-standing, unresolved question

    Distinctive dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystal dimers

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    We provide an overview of the effect of the molecular structure on the dielectric properties of dimers exhibiting nematic and twist-bend nematic phases with special focus on how the conformational distribution changes are reflected by the dielectric behaviour. Nematic dimers show distinctive dielectric properties which differ from those of archetypical nematic liquid crystals, as for example, unusual temperature dependence of the static permittivity or dielectric spectra characterised by two low-frequency relaxation processes with correlated strengths. The interpretation of such characteristic behaviour requires that account is taken of the effect of molecular flexibility on the energetically favoured molecular shapes. The anisotropic nematic interactions greatly influence the conformational distribution. Dielectric behaviour can be used to track those conformational changes due to dependence of the averaged molecular dipole moment on the averaged molecular shape. Results for a number of dimers are compared and analysed on the basis of the influence of details of the molecular structure, using a recently developed theory for the dielectric properties of dimers.Postprint (author's final draft

    An updated biostratigraphy for the late Aragonian and the Vallesian of the Vallès-Penedès Basin (Catalonia)

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    The Vallès-Penedès Basin (Catalonia, Spain) is a classical area for the study of the Miocene land mammal faunas and includes one of the densest and most continuous records in Eurasia. Furthermore, it is the type area for the Vallesian European land mammal age. After decades of study a huge amount of bio- and magnetostratigraphic data have been collected, allowing an unprecedented dating accuracy. Here we provide an updated local biostratigraphy for the late Aragonian, Vallesian and Turolian of the Vallès-Penedès Basin. This new biostratigraphic scheme is almost exclusively based on fossil rodents, which are the most abundant and one of the best known mammal orders in the area. Our proposal represents a significant refinement compared to previous attempts and provides a formal diagnosis and description of each zone, as well as clear definition of boundaries and a reference locality and section. The chronology of zone boundaries and main bioevents is based on detailed magnetostratigraphic data. The defined biozones allow for the correlation of the sites without associated magnetostratigraphical data. Finally, the correlation of the Vallès-Penedès local zones with other detailed local biostratigraphies, such as those of the Calatayud-Montalbán and Teruel basins (east-central Spain) is discussed. The sequence and chronology of the main bioevents is roughly comparable, although the rodent succession and the structure of the assemblage show important differences between these areas

    Bio- and magnetostratigraphic correlation of the Miocene primate bearing site of Castell de Barber a to the earliest Vallesian

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    Castell de Barberà, located in the Vallès-Penedès Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula), is one of the few European sites where pliopithecoids (Barberapithecus) and hominoids (cf. Dryopithecus) co-occur. The dating of this Miocene site has proven controversial. A latest Aragonian (MN7+8, ca. 11.88-11.18 Ma) age was long accepted by most authors, despite subsequent reports of hipparionin remains that signaled a Vallesian age. On the latter basis, Castell de Barberà was recently correlated to the early Vallesian (MN9, ca. 11.18-10.3 Ma) on tentative grounds. Uncertainties about the provenance of the Hippotherium material and the lack of magnetostratigraphic data precluded more accurate dating. After decades of inactivity, fieldwork was resumed in 2014-2015 at Castell de Barberà, including the original layer (CB-D) that in the past delivered most of the fossils. Here we report magnetostratigraphic results for the original outcrop and another nearby section. Our results indicate that CB-D is located in a normal polarity magnetozone at about midheight of a short (~20 m-thick) stratigraphic section. The composite magnetostratigraphic section (~50 m) has as many as four to six magnetozones. These multiple reversals, coupled with the in situ recovery of a Hippotherium humerus from CB-D in 2015, make it very unlikely the correlation of any of the sampled normal polarity magnetozones with the long normal polarity subchron C5n.2n (11.056-9.984 Ma), which is characteristic of the early Vallesian. Our results support instead a correlation of CB-D with C5r.1n (11.188-11.146 Ma), where the Aragonian/Vallesian boundary is situated, and therefore indicate an earliest Vallesian age of ~11.2 Ma for Castell de Barberà. Our results settle the longstanding debate about the Aragonian vs. Vallesian age of this site, which appears roughly coeval with the Creu de Conill 20 locality (11.18 Ma), where hipparionins are first recorded in the Vallès- Penedès Basi

    Reingresos hospitalarios en un servicio de Medicina Interna de un hospital de tercer nivel

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    Objetivo principal: Identificar la tipología de pacientes que reingresan y los factores que intervienen en el reingreso hospitalario no planificado de un Servicio de Medicina Interna de tercer nivel. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo con una muestra de 100 pacien-tes que reingresaron de forma consecutiva y no programada, antes de haber transcurrido 180 días. De cada uno de ellos se estudió variables demográficas, socio-familiares, salud-enfermedad, preocupación al alta anterior, continuidad asistencial y seguimiento terapéutico. Resultados principales: Los reingresos se produjeron en un 65% antes de 1 mes. Un 50% tenía más de 80 años y un 60% eran mujeres. El 40% convivía con personas de igual edad, siendo estas su principal cuidador. El principal motivo de ingreso, de reingreso y de proble-ma en domicilio fue la disnea. El diagnóstico mayoritario fue la infección respiratoria, con una media de comorbilidad de 4 y una media de cuidados al alta anterior de 3. Las personas se sintieron bien informadas al alta. Un 42 % recibió respuesta de su centro de atención primaria antes de las 48 horas y se sintió satisfecho por la atención que recibió. Un 18% de los pacientes no fueron cumplidores. Conclusión principal: los reingresos son más frecuentes en los primeros 30 días. Los mayores de 71 años con problemas respiratorios son los que presentaron mayor riesgo de reingreso

    Miscibility studies of two twist-bend nematic liquid crystal dimers with different average molecular curvatures. A comparison between experimental data and predictions of a Landau mean-field theory for the NTB-N phase transition

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    We report a calorimetric study of a series of mixtures of two twist-bend liquid crystal dimers, the 1'',7''-bis(4-cyanobiphenyl)-4'-yl heptane (CB7CB) and 1''-(2',4-difluorobiphenyl-4'-yloxy)-9''-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yloxy) nonane (FFO9OCB), the molecules of which have different effective molecular curvatures. High-resolution heat capacity measurements in the vicinity of the NTB-N phase transition for a selected number of binary mixtures clearly indicate a first order NTB-N phase transition for all the investigated mixtures, the strength of which decreases when the nematic range increases. Published theories predict a second order NTB-N phase transition, but we have developed a self-consistent mean field Landau model using two key order parameters: A symmetric and traceless tensor for the orientational order and a short-range vector field which is orthogonal to the helix axis and rotates around of the heliconical structure with an extremely short periodicity. The theory, in its simplified form, depends on two effective elastic constants and explains satisfactorily our heat capacity measurements and also predicts a first-order NTB-N phase transition. In addition, as a complementary source of experimental measurements, the splay (K1) and bend (K3) elastic constants in the conventional nematic phase for the pure compounds and some selected mixtures have been determined.Postprint (author's final draft

    Molecular dynamics of a binary mixture of twist-bend nematic liquid crystal dimers studied by dielectric spectroscopy

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    We report a comprehensive dielectric characterization of a liquid crystalline binary mixture composed of the symmetric mesogenic dimer CB7CB and the nonsymmetric mesogenic dimer FFO9OCB. In addition to the high-temperature nematic phase, such a binary mixture shows a twist-bend nematic phase at room temperature which readily vitrifies on slow cooling. Changes in the conformational distribution of the dimers are reflected in the dielectric permittivity and successfully analyzed by means of an appropriate theoretical model. It is shown that the dielectric spectra of the mixture reflect the different molecular dipole properties of the components, resembling in the present case the characteristic dielectric spectra of nonsymmetric dimers. Comparison of the nematic and twist-bend nematic phases reveals that molecular dynamics are similar despite the difference in the molecular environment.Postprint (author's final draft

    Los vertebrados fosiles del Abocador de Can Mata (els Hostalets de Pierola, l'Anoia, CataluÑa), una sucesion de localidades del Aragoniense superior (MN6 y MN7+8) de la cuenca del Valles-Penedes. CampaÑas 2002-2003, 2004-2005

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    Se presenta una síntesis del registro de vertebrados fósiles del Abocador de Can Mata (els Hostalets de Pierola, cuenca neógena del Vallès-Penedès), con especial énfasis en los aspectos taxonómico y bioestratigráfico. Este macroyacimiento incluye por el momento una sucesión de 91 localidades de micro- y/o macrovertebrados muestreadas, repartidas a lo largo de unos 300 m de serie estratigráfica, abarcando un intervalo de tiempo de más de un millón de años correspondiente al Aragoniense superior. Durante los 28 meses de trabajo de campo desarrollados a lo largo de las campañas 2002-2003, 2004 y 2005, se han recuperado más de 15.000 restos de macrovertebrados fósiles y más de 1.300 dientes de micromamíferos (cantidad que se verá incrementada en el futuro cuando haya finalizado el lavado y triado de los sedimentos acumulados). Se presenta por primera vez una lista exhaustiva del conjunto de localidades y su contextualización estratigráfica, además de una lista faunística actualizada y una propuesta de biozonación local. La gran riqueza fosilífera de la zona y el enorme esfuerzo de muestreo, combinados con los requerimientos de la legislación vigente sobre protección del patrimonio paleontológico, explican el éxito de la intervención paleontológica. En conjunto, la ampliación del vertedero de Can Mata, con el adecuado control paleontológico, proporciona una oportunidad única para investigar la composición faunística de los ecosistemas terrestres del Aragoniense superior en el suroeste de Europa

    Avaluació comparativa de la qualitat hospitalària a Catalunya: marca Q; exercici metodològic

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    Hospitals d’aguts; Qualitat i seguretat assistencial; Avaluació; Marca Q de qualitatHospitales de agudos; Calidad y seguridad asistencial; Evaluación; Marca Q de calidadAcute hospitals; Quality and safety of healthcare; Evaluation; Q-Mark in hospital care qualityLa qualitat i la seguretat assistencials són elements clau del Sistema Sanitari que cal garantir i maximitzar, tal com estableix el Pla de salut de Catalunya 2016-2020. En aquest sentit, una estratègia del Departament de Salut és la promoció de les millors pràctiques en relació amb la qualitat i la seguretat assistencials mitjançant diverses iniciatives, com ara és el Projecte Marca Q de qualitat hospitalària, que té com a finalitat dissenyar una eina que permeti identificar la qualitat assistencial —en un sentit ampli—, i que sigui útil per poder avaluar comparativament els nivells de qualitat assolits pels hospitals d’aguts del sistema sanitari integral d'utilització pública de Catalunya (SISCAT). El propòsit d’aquesta eina serà identificar aquells aspectes del procés i dels resultats assistencials que són excel·lents, però també aquells que caldria millorar o corregir progressivament. Una condició essencial en el seu desenvolupament també ha de ser que incorpori l’opinió dels professionals de la salut i dels ciutadans en relació amb aquells aspectes i indicadors de qualitat assistencial més rellevants per a l’avaluació. En definitiva, es pretén comptar amb una nova eina que aporti valor afegit per a l’avaluació i la millora continuada de la qualitat assistencial. L’objectiu general d’aquest exercici metodològic ha estat desenvolupar una metodologia per construir un indicador combinat o sintètic de diversos indicadors de qualitat assistencial que permeti objectivar i valorar la qualitat de l’atenció hospitalària d’aguts a Catalunya.La calidad y la seguridad asistenciales son elementos clave del Sistema Sanitario que hay que garantizar y maximizar, tal y como establece el Pla de salut de Catalunya 2016-2020. En este sentido, una estrategia del Departament de Salut es la promoción de las mejores prácticas en relación con la calidad y la seguridad asistenciales mediante diferentes iniciativas, como es el Projecte Marca Q de qualitat hospitalària, que tiene como finalidad diseñar una herramienta que permita identificar la calidad asistencial —en un sentido amplio—, y que sea útil para poder evaluar comparativamente los niveles de calidad alcanzados por los hospitales de agudos del sistema sanitario integral de utilización pública de Cataluña (SISCAT). El propósito de esta herramienta será identificar aquellos aspectos del proceso y de los resultados asistenciales que son excelentes, pero también aquellos que habría que mejorar o corregir progresivamente. Una condición esencial en su desarrollo también debe ser la incorporación de la opinión de los profesionales de la salud y de los ciudadanos en relación con aquellos aspectos e indicadores de calidad asistencial más relevantes para la evaluación. En definitiva, se pretende contar con una nueva herramienta que aporte valor añadido para la evaluación y la mejora continuada de la calidad asistencial. El objetivo general de este ejercicio metodológico ha sido desarrollar una metodología para construir un indicador combinado o sintético de diversos indicadores de calidad asistencial que permita objetivar y valorar la calidad de la atención hospitalaria de agudos en Cataluña.The quality and safety of healthcare are key elements of the Health System that must be guaranteed and maximised, as established in the Pla de salut de Catalunya 2016-2020 (Catalan Health Plan of Catalonia 2016-2020. In this sense, one of the strategies of the Departament de Salut (the Ministry of Health) is the promotion of the best practices in regards to the quality and safety of healthcare by means of several initiatives, such as Projecte Marca Q de qualitat hospitalària (Q-Mark in hospital care quality project), which aims to create a tool that is able to assess the quality of healthcare —in a broad sense— and that is also useful to comparatively evaluate the quality levels reached by acute care hospitals belonging to the Integrated Public Use Healthcare System of Catalonia (SISCAT). The purpose of this tool will be to identify those aspects of the process and the healthcare results that are excellent, but also the ones that could be progressively improved or corrected. The incorporation of the opinion given by healthcare professionals and citizens in regards to those healthcare quality aspects and indicators that are more relevant for evaluation is a basic condition for the development of this tool. In other words, it is expected that this new tool will bring added value to the evaluation and continuous improvement of healthcare quality. The main objective of this methodological exercise has been the development of a methodology to elaborate a combined or synthetic indicator of several healthcare quality indicators that enables the objectification and valuation of the acute hospital care in Catalonia
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