323 research outputs found

    Maternal Phylogenetic Relationships and Genetic Variation among Rare, Phenotypically Similar Donkey Breeds

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    The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop of endangered and critically endangered breeds has been studied to identify maternal lineages, characterize genetic inheritance, reconstruct phylogenetic relations among breeds, and develop biodiversity conservation and breeding programs. The aim of the study was to determine the variability remaining and the phylogenetic relationship of Martina Franca (MF, with total population of 160 females and 36 males), Ragusano (RG, 344 females and 30 males), Pantesco (PT, 47 females and 15 males), and Catalonian (CT) donkeys by collecting genetic data from maternal lineages. Genetic material was collected from saliva, and a 350 bp fragment of D-loop mtDNA was amplified and sequenced. Sequences were aligned and evaluated using standard bioinformatics software. A total of 56 haplotypes including 33 polymorphic sites were found in 77 samples (27 MF, 22 RG, 8 PT, 19 CT, 1 crossbred). The breed nucleotide diversity value (Ď€) for all the breeds was 0.128 (MF: 0.162, RG: 0.132, PT: 0.025, CT: 0.038). Principal components analysis grouped most of the haplogroups into two different clusters, I (including all haplotypes from PT and CT, together with haplotypes from MF and RG) and II (including haplotypes from MF and RG only). In conclusion, we found that the primeval haplotypes, haplogroup variability, and a large number of maternal lineages were preserved in MF and RG; thus, these breeds play putative pivotal roles in the phyletic relationships of donkey breeds. Maternal inheritance is indispensable genetic information required to evaluate inheritance, variability, and breeding programs

    Coupling of the oxygen-linked interaction energy for inositol hexakisphosphate and bezafibrate binding to human HbA0.

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    The energetics of signal propagation between different functional domains (i.e. the binding sites for O2, inositol hexakisphospate (IHP), and bezafibrate (BZF)) of human HbA0 was analyzed at different heme ligation states and through the use of a stable, partially heme ligated intermediate. Present data allow three main conclusions to be drawn, and namely: (i) IHP and BZF enhance each others binding as the oxygenation proceeds, the coupling free energy going from close to zero in the deoxy state to -3.4 kJ/mol in the oxygenated form; (ii) the simultaneous presence of IHP and BZF stabilizes the hemoglobin T quaternary structure at very low O2 pressures, but as oxygenation proceeds it does not impair the transition toward the R structure, which indeed occurs also under these conditions; (iii) under room air pressure (i.e. pO2 = 150 torr), IHP and BZF together induce the formation of an asymmetric dioxygenated hemoglobin tetramer, whose features appear reminiscent of those suggested for transition state species (i.e. T- and R-like tertiary conformation(s) within a quaternary R-like structure)

    Maternal Phylogenetic Relationships and Genetic Variation among Rare, Phenotypically Similar Donkey Breeds

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    The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop of endangered and critically endangered breeds has been studied to identify maternal lineages, characterize genetic inheritance, reconstruct phylogenetic relations among breeds, and develop biodiversity conservation and breeding programs. The aim of the study was to determine the variability remaining and the phylogenetic relationship of Martina Franca (MF, with total population of 160 females and 36 males), Ragusano (RG, 344 females and 30 males), Pantesco (PT, 47 females and 15 males), and Catalonian (CT) donkeys by collecting genetic data from maternal lineages. Genetic material was collected from saliva, and a 350 bp fragment of D-loop mtDNA was amplified and sequenced. Sequences were aligned and evaluated using standard bioinformatics software. A total of 56 haplotypes including 33 polymorphic sites were found in 77 samples (27 MF, 22 RG, 8 PT, 19 CT, 1 crossbred). The breed nucleotide diversity value (Ď€) for all the breeds was 0.128 (MF: 0.162, RG: 0.132, PT: 0.025, CT: 0.038). Principal components analysis grouped most of the haplogroups into two different clusters, I (including all haplotypes from PT and CT, together with haplotypes from MF and RG) and II (including haplotypes from MF and RG only). In conclusion, we found that the primeval haplotypes, haplogroup variability, and a large number of maternal lineages were preserved in MF and RG; thus, these breeds play putative pivotal roles in the phyletic relationships of donkey breeds. Maternal inheritance is indispensable genetic information required to evaluate inheritance, variability, and breeding programs

    Erosione del suolo e inquinamento da nitrati: valutazione integrata e partecipativa delle misure agro-ambientali

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    L’Unione Europea richiede ai paesi membri una valutazione ex-post dei Piani di Sviluppo Rurale (PSR) per la quale fornisce un set di indicatori agro-ambientali (IAA) e di criteri di valutazione (Doc. STAR VI/43517/02, VI/12004/00, VI/8865/99). La Regione Marche, ad integrazione della valutazione indipendente del PSR condotta dalla Ati Ecoter-Resco-Unicab, ha commissionato agli autori (gruppo di lavoro SAPROV) una valutazione quantitativa dell’impatto delle misure agroambientali (basso impatto ambientale e biologico) sulle perdite di nitrati ed erosione idrica del suolo. In questo lavoro, si riportano in sintesi le “lessons learned” da questa esperienza, che è stata condotta attraverso l’integrazione di metodologie a diversa scala d’indagine relative ad aspetti agro-ambientali, politico-istituzionali e partecipative

    Human fibroblasts in vitro exposed to 2.45 GHz continuous and pulsed wave signals: Evaluation of biological effects with a multimethodological approach

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    The increasing exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), especially from wireless communication devices, raises questions about their possible adverse health effects. So far, several in vitro studies evaluating RF-EMF genotoxic and cytotoxic non-thermal effects have reported contradictory results that could be mainly due to inadequate experimental design and lack of well-characterized exposure systems and conditions. Moreover, a topic poorly investigated is related to signal modulation induced by electromagnetic fields. The aim of this study was to perform an analysis of the potential non-thermal biological effects induced by 2.45 GHz exposures through a characterized exposure system and a multimethodological approach. Human fibroblasts were exposed to continuous (CW) and pulsed (PW) signals for 2 h in a wire patch cell-based exposure system at the specific absorption rate (SAR) of 0.7 W/kg. The evaluation of the potential biological effects was carried out through a multimethodological approach, including classical biological markers (genotoxic, cell cycle, and ultrastructural) and the evaluation of gene expression profile through the powerful high-throughput next generation sequencing (NGS) RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) approach. Our results suggest that 2.45 GHz radiofrequency fields did not induce significant biological effects at a cellular or molecular level for the evaluated exposure parameters and conditions

    Lmx1a-Dependent Activation of miR-204/211 Controls the Timing of Nurr1-Mediated Dopaminergic Differentiation

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    The development of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) neurons requires a fine temporal and spatial regulation of a very specific gene expression program. Here, we report that during mouse brain development, the microRNA (miR-) 204/211 is present at a high level in a subset of DA precursors expressing the transcription factor Lmx1a, an early determinant for DA-commitment, but not in more mature neurons expressing Th or Pitx3. By combining different in vitro model systems of DA differentiation, we show that the levels of Lmx1a influence the expression of miR-204/211. Using published transcriptomic data, we found a significant enrichment of miR-204/211 target genes in midbrain dopaminergic neurons where Lmx1a was selectively deleted at embryonic stages. We further demonstrated that miR-204/211 controls the timing of the DA differentiation by directly downregulating the expression of Nurr1, a late DA differentiation master gene. Thus, our data indicate the Lmx1a-miR-204/211-Nurr1 axis as a key component in the cascade of events that ultimately lead to mature midbrain dopaminergic neurons differentiation and point to miR-204/211 as the molecular switch regulating the timing of Nurr1 expression

    Sequestro potenziale di carbonio in sistemi colturali cerealicoli della collina marchigiana

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    Una delle sfide più importanti dell’agricoltura di questi anni è lo sviluppo di pratiche colturali in grado di aumentare il sequestro di carbonio organico nel suolo (Purakayastha et al. 2008). La scelta del sistema colturale e in particolare l’utilizzo di una bilanciata gestione della fertilizzazione può influenzare in misura molto rilevante il potenziale di incremento del carbonio organico nei suoli agrari (Lal, 2002). Il lavoro aveva l’obiettivo di valutare, attraverso sperimentazioni di campo e modelli di simulazione, l’impatto sulla sostanza organica del suolo di diverse modalità di fertilizzazione azotata nell’ambito di un avvicendamento asciutto frumento duro-mais della collina marchigiana

    The new phylogenesis of the genus Mycobacterium

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    Abstract Phylogenetic knowledge of the genus Mycobacterium is based on comparative analysis of their genetic sequences. The 16S rRNA has remained for many years the only target of such analyses, but in the last few years, other housekeeping genes have been investigated and the phylogeny based on their concatenated sequences become a standard. It is now clear that the robustness of the phylogenetic analysis is strictly related to the size of the genomic target used. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is nowadays becoming widely accessible and comparatively cheap. It was decided, therefore, to use this approach to reconstruct the ultimate phylogeny of the genus Mycobacterium . Over 50 types of strains of the same number of species of Mycobacterium were sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq platform. The majority of the strains of which the whole sequence was already available in GenBank were excluded from this panel with the aim of maximizing the number of the species with genome available. Following assembling and annotation with proper software, the phylogenetic analysis was conducted with PhyloPhlAn and the pan-genome analysis pipeline. The phylogenetic three which emerged was characterized by a clear-cut distinction of slowly and rapidly growing species with the latter being more ancestral. The species of the Mycobacterium terrae complex occupied an intermediate position between rapid and slow growers. Most of the species revealed clearly related and occupied specific phylogenetic branches. Thanks to the WGS technology, the genus Mycobacterium is finally approaching its definitive location

    Long term effects of nitrogen fertilization on soil organic matter: applications of the DSSAT model

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    The conversion from natural to agricultural ecosystems and unsustainable land management and agricultural practices have often lowered the soil organic matter (SOM) content (Doran, 2002). An increase of SOM is required almost everywhere (Triberti et al. 2008), since it plays a key role to maintain sustainable cropping systems. It prevents soil degradation by limiting soil cracking and erosion, reduces pollution risks by adsorbing toxic substances, improves soil structure, plant nutrients availability and soil microbial biodiversity. Part of SOM which has been lost can be re-sequestered through adoption of recommended soil and crop management practices. DSSAT 4.02 (Jones et al., 2003) has been recently integrated with the CENTURY SOM module (Gijsman et aI., 2002) and the module for tillage effects on soil processes, to simulate the long term dynamics of SOM. The objective of this study was to analyze the long term impact of tillage and fertility management on soil organic matter fractions in a durum wheat-corn rotation in a hilly rainfed area using field experiments and model simulations. In this paper we report the results of the effect of the nitrogen fertilization on SOM
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