2,763 research outputs found

    Utility perception on virtual learning environments used in Brazilian blended learning

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    This research aimed to use a data collection instrument, previously proposed, with the purpose of evaluating 11 different factors related to the perception of self-declared utility by users of a virtual learning environment and its information and communication technologies, as pedagogical resources used in the implementation of the blended learning methodology. Based on descriptive statistics and the application of the non-parametric test of Wilcoxon posts, a comparative assessment was carried out between the levels of utility perceived by 71 students and their teachers, in three curricular components of different undergraduate courses of a public university in the state from São Paulo. In addition, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the data collection instrument used in this research. At the end of this study, it was observed that, although the subjects included in the sample of this research present different levels of perception of utility for most of the factors analyzed, there is a certain degree of convergence in relation to the factors considered most relevant by both, that is, teachers and students attributed a greater perception of usefulness to factors such as interaction and complementarity between classroom and online content, and also to the general utility of information and communication technologies in the respective virtual learning environment. In the specific case of students, the interaction between teacher and student was also considered as one of the most important factors, in the three undergraduate courses analyzed

    Wavelet artificial immune system algorithm applied to the faults aeronautical structural monitoring / Algoritmo do sistema imune artificial Wavelet aplicado a falhas monitoramento estrutural aeronáutico

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    This paper presents a Wavelet-artificial immune system algorithm to diagnose failures. Basically, after obtaining the vibration signals, is used the wavelet module for transformed the signals into the wavelet domain. Afterward, a negative selection artificial immune system realizes the diagnosis, identifying and classifying the failures. The main application of this methodology is the auxiliary structures inspection process in order to identify and characterize the flaws. To evaluate this methodology, we carried out the modeling and simulation of signals from a numerical model of an aluminum beam, representing an aircraft structure. The results demonstrate the robustness and accuracy methodology

    An hybrid artificial inteligence aplied to diagnosis of failures in aeronautical and civil structures / Uma inteligência artificial híbrida aplicada ao diagnóstico de falhas em estruturas aeronáuticas e civis

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    This paper presents a new hybrid methodology to diagnose failures in aeronautical and civil structures using as a tool the Perceptron multi-layer artificial neural networks and ARTMAP-Fuzzy and the wavelet transform. The main application of this hybrid methodology. The main application of this methodology is the auxiliary structures inspection process in order to identify and characterize the flaws, as well as perform the decisions aiming at avoiding accidents or disasters. In order to evaluate this methodology, we carried out the modeling and simulation of signals from a numerical model of an aluminum beam and a building. The results demonstrate the robustness and accuracy methodology

    A valorização dos atrativos religiosos tangíveis e intangíveis do Município de Ponta Grossa - PR por meio do projeto de extensão conhecendo PG

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: CulturaTendo seu início em 2011, o projeto Conhecendo PG, por meio de parceria do Curso de Bacharelado em Turismo da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Fundação Municipal de Cultura e Turismo - FUMTUR, Viação Campos Gerais - VCG, tendo bolsas de extensão financiadas pela Fundação Araucária para os acadêmicos do curso de Turismo o projeto visa levar à comunidade local o conhecimento dos atrativos turísticos do município, com o intuito de fazer com que os mesmos possam ter as informações necessárias para obter um perfil de valorização e conservação destes. O projeto é executado pelos acadêmicos do curso de Turismo, em conjunto com uma funcionária da FUMTUR. Os participantes podem optar entre cinco roteiros: roteiro religioso, natural, histórico-cultural, industrial e alternativo. O presente trabalho tem como foco o roteiro religioso, que inclui o Mosteiro da Ressurreição, Catedral de Sant’Ana, Casa do Divino e Paróquia São Sebastião. Os visitantes tem a oportunidade de adquirir conhecimento sobre a história e a cultura da religião da cidade, e ajuda na preservação do atrativo turístic

    Oropouche virus: clinical, epidemiological, and molecular aspects of a neglected orthobunyavirus.

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    Oropouche virus (OROV) is an important cause of arboviral illness in Latin American countries, more specifically in the Amazon region of Brazil, Venezuela and Peru, as well as in other countries such as Panama. In the past decades, the clinical, epidemiological, pathological, and molecular aspects of OROV have been published and provide the basis for a better understanding of this important human pathogen. Here, we describe the milestones in a comprehensive review of OROV epidemiology, pathogenesis, and molecular biology, including a description of the first isolation of the virus, the outbreaks during the past six decades, clinical aspects of OROV infection, diagnostic methods, genome and genetic traits, evolution, and viral dispersal

    Structural failures diagnosis using a hybrid artificial intelligence method / Diagnóstico de falhas estruturais utilizando um método híbrido de inteligência artificial

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    This paper presents a Wavelet-artificial immune system algorithm to diagnose failures in aeronautical structures. Basically, after obtaining the vibration signals in the structure, is used the wavelet module for transformed the signals into the wavelet domain. Afterward, a negative selection artificial immune system realizes the diagnosis, identifying and classifying the failures. The main application of this methodology is the auxiliary structures inspection process in order to identify and characterize the flaws, as well as perform the decisions aiming at avoiding accidents or disasters. In order to evaluate this methodology, we carried out the modeling and simulation of signals from a numerical model of an aluminum beam, representing an aircraft structure such as a wing. The results demonstrate the robustness and accuracy methodology

    A new approach experimental to diagnosis of the failures in mechanical structures using the artificial immune algorithm with negative selection / Uma nova abordagem experimental para o diagnóstico das falhas nas estruturas mecânicas utilizando o algoritmo de imunidade artificial com seleção negativa

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    In this paper we present a new experimental approach to diagnose failures in mechanical structures using as decision tool an artificial immune algorithm with negative selection. This method is divided into two modules, and the acquisition and data processing module and analysis, detecting and characterizing flaws module. The module for data acquisition and processing of the experimental apparatus is constituted as sensors and actuators, so as to capture the signals in the structure and store it in the computer. From the signal acquisition executed if the negative selection algorithm to identify and characterize flaws in the structure. The main application of this methodology is to assist in the inspection process of mechanical structures in order to identify and characterize the flaws, as well as perform the decisions in order to avoid accidents. To evaluate the proposed methodology, experiments were performed in the laboratory where a real signs database was captured in a structure of the beam type, made of aluminum. The results obtained in the tests show robustness and efficiency when compared to literature

    Study of gas turbulent dispersion process in the Alcântara Launch Center

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    The Alcântara Launch Center (ALC) is the Brazilian gate to the space located at the north coast of Maranhão State, close to the Equator. Topographical local characteristics modify the parameters of incident atmospheric winds and it can cause great influence on the gas dispersion process. In this work, detailed scale models of the ALC region was experimentally evaluated using a wind tunnel. The topographical scale models were built where mean and fluctuating flow characteristics were analysed in order to understand the real behaviour of ALC winds and then, simulations of the effluent dispersion process were made using these scale models. The wind velocity was measured by a hot wire anemometer and the concentration fields in the proximities of a gas emission source were analysed by an aspirating probe connected to the anemometer system. The results obtained show similarity with numerical outputs from previous study in the case of the emission at ground level. A coherent behaviour with the physic of the phenomena was observed for the case of emission downward

    As finanças públicas e o impacto fiscal entre 2003 e 2012: 10 anos de governo do Partido dos Trabalhadores

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    Desde a crise externa no final da década de 90, a economia brasileira tem adotado um conjunto de políticas econômicas conhecido como “tripé macroeconômico”. O principal objetivo estabelecido para a política fiscal nesse contexto foi a obtenção de superávits primários. Tal diretriz seguiu sendo utilizada mesmo com a chegada ao poder do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), a despeito desse ter criticado essas medidas. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a política fiscal durante dez anos do governo do PT (2003 a 2012), baseado nos dados oficiais de finanças públicas e no cálculo de indicadores de impacto fiscal (IF). Concluiu-se que a meta de superávit primário tornou-se mais um dogma do que um instrumento racional de política econômica. No que diz respeito ao impacto do setor público sobre o crescimento econômico, não se pode afirmar que esse tenha sido contracionista, mas, na maioria dos anos, também não contribuiu para um crescimento mais robusto. Palavras-chave: finanças públicas; política fiscal. TÍTULO EM INGLÊS Public finances and fiscal impact between 2003 and 2012: ten years of the Workers' Party government Abstract Brazilian economy adopted a set of economic policies known as "the macroeconomic tripod" after the foreign crisis at the end of the 1990´s. The main goal set for the fiscal policy in such context was the attainment of primary surplus. Such a guideline remained in use even after the Workers’ Party (PT) took over, despite their criticism to those measures. This article aims at analyzing the fiscal policy during the ten-year period (between 2003 and 2012) of PT's government, based on the official data on public finances and on the calculation of fiscal impact indicators . We conclude that the aim for primary surplus became more of a political dogma than a rational instrument of economic policy. As far as the impact of the public sector on the economic growth is concerned, we can not assure it has been contractionary, but in most of the years analyzed it did not contribute to a more robust growth either. Keywords: public finances; fiscal policies. Classificação JEL: H60. Artigo recebido em jul. de 2014 e aceito para publicação em nov. 2014

    Um espaço para educação ambiental baseado na avaliação dos gêneros de Orquídeas encontrados em fragmentos de Floresta Atlântica

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    O presente trabalho objetivou não só a identificação das orchidaceas presentes nos remanescentes de floresta Atlântica do Parque Natural Municipal Fazenda Santa Cecília do Ingá, Volta Redonda RJ, região bastante impactada ambientalmente devido ao seu passado cafeeiro, mas também o conhecimento das espécies de orquídeas desse lugar, para proporcionar à comunidade local noções de Educação Ambiental valorizando o processo de ensino e aprendizagem das determinadas espécies encontradas. Foram realizadas amostragens em campo com identificação de 4 espécies de orquídeas: Oceoclades macullata, Pollystachia estrellensis, Rodriguesia venusta e Catasetum fimbriatum. Acredita-se que estas espécies sobreviveram as profundas mudanças ocorridas no uso e ocupação do solo no passado por estarem presentes em fragmentos florestais vizinhos aos da área de estudo, de relevo mais acidentado, pouco interessantes para a agricultura. Com o passar dos anos os processos de dispersão estariam pouco a pouco promovendo o repovoamento dos fragmentos florestais em processo de sucessão, como os da área de estudo, que já apresentam condições bióticas e abióticas para abrigar representantes desta família. Embora o número de espécies encontradas seja baixo para os padrões de diversidade desta família nas Matas Atlânticas, pode-se evidenciar o potencial biótico da mesma, assim como evidenciar a necessidade de implantação de corredores ecológicos que facilitem a regeneração e a sucessão vegetal na região do vale do Paraíba