463 research outputs found

    The Egyptian Temple as a Place to House Collections (from the Old Kingdom to the Late Period)

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    As did Greek and Roman temples, Egyptian temples preserved collections of valuable objects or nouophores, i.e. ‘bearers of meaning’ (I). Two main types of nouophores can be distinguished in Egyptian temples (II): statues displayed in the temple (III), and ritual objects of costly materials stored in special chambers (IV). An examination of these collections suggests that the Egyptian temple functioned as an institution to collect and preserve the cultural heritage of ancient Egypt (V). </jats:p

    Análisis de los efectos de Cytisus multiflorus en la emergencia y supervivencia de las plántulas procedentes de bellotas de dos especies contrastadas de Quercus, y de los mecanismos implicados

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    [ES] El objetivo ecológico general es el estudio de los factores que condicionan el establecimiento de dos especies contrastadas del género Quercus, en zonas adehesadas de coexistencia de ambas especies, en las que Cytisus multiflorus (L'Her.) Sweet es la especie de matorral dominante, y los mecanismos implicados. En concreto se pretende evaluar : 1. el efecto del matorral (Cytisus multiflorus), de la exclusión de grandes herbívoros y el tamaño de las bellotas, en la emergencia de plántulas a partir de la siembra de bellotas de las dos especies de Quercus: encina (Q. ilex L. subsp ballota (Desf.) Samp.) y roble (Q. pyrenaica Willd.). 2. el efecto de esos mismos factores en la supervivencia de las plántulas emergidas a partir de bellotas, durante los primeros años. 3. los cambios ambientales que proporciona el matorral de C. multiflorus, en cuanto a temperatura, humedad relativa, radiación y cantidad de agua del suelo; y cuales pueden explicar mejor los resultados obtenidos en el establecimiento de las plántulas. Para alcanzar estos objetivos se han realizado experimentos de manipulación en campo y los resultados se han organizado en la Tesis en los siguientes capítulos: En el capítulo 3 se estudia la fase de emergencia de plántulas a partir de la siembra de bellotas. En el capítulo 4 se exponen los resultados de la fase de supervivencia de las plántulas emergidas, durante los tres primeros años. En el capítulo 5 se analizan los cambios ambientales que proporciona el matorral de C. multiflorus, en cuanto a temperatura, humedad relativa, radiación y cantidad de agua del suelo; y se relacionan con los resultados obtenidos en el establecimiento de las plántulas

    Numerical Analysis and Diagnosis of the Hydrodynamic Effects Produced by Hurricane Gordon along the Coast of Spain

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    This paper presents a detailed hindcast for the generation and propagation of sea state variables—significant wave heightHs, peak period Tp,mean direction u, and spectral shape g –s —associated with cyclonic events to numerically diagnose their possible hydrodynamic effects over the northeastern Atlantic. An example of such cyclonic events is Hurricane Gordon, which occurred during the second half of August 2012. Extreme hurricane-strength winds produced new and atypically low-frequency (about 14 s) packs of energy. The preexistent wave spectrum suddenly experienced an addition of low-frequency energy along the coast of Cadiz, Spain. This study presents the results of a comprehensive analysis developed to reconstruct the events produced by Hurricane Gordon (2012) along the coast of Cadiz. The analysis features the use of (i) parametric models for the characterization of hurricane winds and pressure fields, (ii) implementation of the Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) model for the generation and propagation of waves in the northeast Atlantic Ocean, and (iii) its coupling with theMOPLA—taken fromthe Spanish acronym for wave propagation model, current, and morphodynamic evolution of beaches—model for the evaluation of longshore currents. The numerical wave characterization, generation, and propagation were validated with instrumental data from deep-water and coastal buoys.This work was partially funded by projects ‘‘GRACCIE’’ (SD 2007- 00067, CONSOLIDER INGENIO2010) and ‘‘iMar21’’ (BiA2011-2890) from the Spanish government

    Integral field spectroscopy of HII regions in M33

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    Integral field spectroscopy (IFS) is presented for star forming regions in M33. A central area of 300 x 500 pc^2 and the external HII region IC 132, at a galactocentric distance {\sim} 19arcmin (4.69 kpc) were observed with the Potsdam Multi Aperture Spectrophotometer (PMAS) instrument at the 3.5 m telescope of the Calar Alto Hispano- Alem\'an observatory (CAHA). The spectral coverage goes from 3600 A to 1{\mu}m to include from [OII]{\lambda}3727 A to the near infrared lines required for deriving sulphur electron temperature and abundance diagnostics. Local conditions within individual HII regions are presented in the form of emission line fluxes and physical conditions for each spatial resolution element (spaxel) and for segments with similar H{\alpha} surface brightness. A clear dichotomy is observed when comparing the central to outer disc HII regions. While the external HII region has higher electron temperature plus larger H{\beta} equivalent width, size and excitation, the central region has higher extinction and metal content. The dichotomy extends to the BPT diagnostic diagrams that show two orthogonal broad distributions of points. By comparing with pseudo-3D photoionization models we conclude that the bulk observed differences are probably related to a different ionization parameter and metallicity. Wolf-Rayet features are detected in IC 132, and resolved into two concentrations whose integrated spectra were used to estimate the characteristic number of WR stars. No WR features were detected in the central HII regions despite their higher metallicity.Comment: 72 pages, 37 figure

    The effects of native shrub, fencing, and acorn size on the emergence of contrasting co-occurring oak in Mediterranean grazed areas

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    Producción CientíficaResearch Highlights: The regeneration of Quercus species is usually very difficult in many oak woodlands transformed by livestock farming. Some studies have reported that shrubs can facilitate regeneration. However, the strength of interaction may vary depending on, among other factors, the shrub species and the stress tolerance of the oak species. Moreover, further studies are necessary to clarify the relative importance of the two facilitation mechanisms in the same community. Background and Objectives: Cytisus multiflorus (L’Her.) Sweet is a predominant shrub species in the Mediterranean grazed open-oak-woodlands found in the central west of the Iberian Peninsula (bioclimatic limit) and is present with Quercus pyrenaicaWilld and Quercus ilex subsp. ballota Samp trees. Thus, we assessed the effect of these native shrubs and acorn size, and the effect of excluding large herbivores, on the seedling emergence of two contrasting co-occurring Quercus species under a bioclimatic limit. Materials and Methods: A manipulative field experiment was carried out considering four treatments as a combination of shrubs (shrub/no-shrub) and fence (fenced/open) factors. A total of twenty plots, five replicates for each treatment were available. In each plot, 20 acorns were sown: 10 acorns (5 small and 5 large) for each Quercus species. Acorn emergence was recorded during the first four years following the sowing. Results: Seedling emergence took place mostly in the spring of the first year after sowing. The presence of shrub was the main significant factor and incremented the emergence of both Q. ilex and Q. pyrenaica. The effect of the fence depended on the Quercus species considered, improving only the emergence of Q. pyrenaica. A negative effect with the small acorns was detected but only for Q. pyrenaica. In all treatments, Q. ilex emerged more than Q. pyrenaica. Conclusions: C. multiflorus had a clear facilitative effect on the seedling emergence of Q. ilex and Q. pyrenaica, which was much greater than the physical effect that acorn size and excluding large herbivores had. As such, this native shrub may have a key role in oak regeneration in Mediterranean grazed areas. Furthermore, in these areas of contact between marcescent and sclerophyllous Quercus species, Q. ilex currently emerges more than Q. pyrenaica. This could be indicative of a shift towards more xeric climatic conditions, which could lead to a change in the dominant tree species in the future. However, this change could be modulated by the effects of native shrub and large herbivores.Junta de Castilla y León - (Project SA013G19)Universidad de Salamanca - (Programa de financiación de grupos de investigación (2014/00165/001)

    Pattern Dystrophy of the Macula in a Case of Steinert Disease

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    IntroductionMyotonic dystrophies are typically associated with ocular complications like ptosis, weakness of the ocular muscle and cataracts, but also with less recognized retinal changes.Case ReportA 41-year-old female with type 1 myotonic dystrophy complained of progressive vision loss. Slit lamp examination revealed the presence of typical bilateral polychromatic cataract with posterior subcapsular component. Dilated fundus examination was remarkable for bilateral macular depigmented changes. Multimodal imaging analysis of the macula suggested the presence of a butterfly-shaped pattern dystrophy.DiscussionIn cases of myotonic dystrophies it is of great relevance to analyze the presence of retinal changes that might limit the visual improvement following cataract extraction

    The Effects of Native Shrub, Fencing, and Acorn Size on the Emergence of Contrasting Co-Occurring Oak in Mediterranean Grazed Areas

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    [ENG]Research Highlights: The regeneration of Quercus species is usually very difficult in many oak woodlands transformed by livestock farming. Some studies have reported that shrubs can facilitate regeneration. However, the strength of interaction may vary depending on, among other factors, the shrub species and the stress tolerance of the oak species. Moreover, further studies are necessary to clarify the relative importance of the two facilitation mechanisms in the same community. Background and Objectives: Cytisus multiflorus (L’Her.) Sweet is a predominant shrub species in the Mediterranean grazed open-oak-woodlands found in the central west of the Iberian Peninsula (bioclimatic limit) and is present with Quercus pyrenaicaWilld and Quercus ilex subsp. ballota Samp trees. Thus, we assessed the effect of these native shrubs and acorn size, and the effect of excluding large herbivores, on the seedling emergence of two contrasting co-occurring Quercus species under a bioclimatic limit. Materials and Methods: A manipulative field experiment was carried out considering four treatments as a combination of shrubs (shrub/no-shrub) and fence (fenced/open) factors. A total of twenty plots, five replicates for each treatment were available. In each plot, 20 acorns were sown: 10 acorns (5 small and 5 large) for each Quercus species. Acorn emergence was recorded during the first four years following the sowing. Results: Seedling emergence took place mostly in the spring of the first year after sowing. The presence of shrub was the main significant factor and incremented the emergence of both Q. ilex and Q. pyrenaica. The effect of the fence depended on the Quercus species considered, improving only the emergence of Q. pyrenaica. A negative effect with the small acorns was detected but only for Q. pyrenaica. In all treatments, Q. ilex emerged more than Q. pyrenaica. Conclusions: C. multiflorus had a clear facilitative effect on the seedling emergence of Q. ilex and Q. pyrenaica, which was much greater than the physical effect that acorn size and excluding large herbivores had. As such, this native shrub may have a key role in oak regeneration in Mediterranean grazed areas. Furthermore, in these areas of contact between marcescent and sclerophyllous Quercus species, Q. ilex currently emerges more than Q. pyrenaica. This could be indicative of a shift towards more xeric climatic conditions, which could lead to a change in the dominant tree species in the future. However, this change could be modulated by the effects of native shrub and large herbivores

    Creencias y perspectivas docentes sobre objetivos curriculares y factores determinantes de actividad física

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    The purpose of the study was to find out what relevance certain curriculum aims are given by teachers and their beliefs about the importance that several factors have on students taking after school physical activities. One hundred and seventy-three Physical Education (PE) teachers from nine Autonomous Communities were interviewed. The questionnaire was designed and validated by the research team. The results show that teachers think that their efforts must aim particularly at meeting �\supradisciplinary. social demands which are included in the planning of other subjects too, and they regard as less urgent those aims which are exclusive to PE (disciplinary knowledge and motor performance). Also, they believe that the factors with the lowest degree of relevance for boys and girls to practise after school physical activity are those included in aims belonging exclusively to PE. Teachers show lack of confidence in their specific possibilities to motivate the adherence of students to physical activity.El estudio tuvo como propósito conocer la relevancia para el profesorado de determinados objetivos curriculares y sus creencias sobre la importancia que tienen diversos factores para que el alumnado realice actividad física extraescolar. Participaron 173 docentes de Educacion Fisica (EF), distribuidos geograficamente en 9 Comunidades Autonomas. Se aplico un cuestionario disenado y validado por el grupo de investigacion. Los resultados muestran que el profesorado opina que su ensenanza ha de orientarse sobre todo a dar respuesta a demandas sociales �\supradisciplinares. de las que tambien se ocupan otras materias, considerando que son menos prioritarios aquellos objetivos exclusivos de la EF (conocimiento disciplinar y rendimiento motor). Asimismo, creen que los factores con menor relevancia para que chicos y chicas practiquen actividad fisica extraescolar son aquellos que directamente recogen objetivos a los que la EF contribuye en exclusividad. El profesorado muestra falta de confianza en sus posibilidades mas especificas de influir en la adherencia hacia la actividad fisica de su alumnado

    Phosphomannosylation and the functional analysis of the extended Candida albicans MNN4-like gene family

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    We thank Luz A. López-Ramírez (Universidad de Guanajuato) for technical assistance. This work was supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (ref. CB2011/166860; PDCPN2014-247109, and FC 2015-02-834), Universidad de Guanajuato (ref. 000025/11; 0087/13; ref. 1025/2016; Convocatoria Institucional para Fortalecer la Excelencia Académica 2015; CIFOREA 89/2016), Programa de Mejoramiento de Profesorado (ref. UGTO-PTC-261), and Red Temática Glicociencia en Salud (CONACYT-México). NG acknowledges the Wellcome Trust (086827, 075470, 101873, and 200208) and MRC Centre for Medical Mycology for funding (N006364/1). KJ was supported by a research visitor grant to Aberdeen from China Scholarship Council (CSC No. 201406055024). The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2017.02156/full#supplementary-materialPeer reviewedPublisher PD