35 research outputs found

    A general model of dioxin contamination in breast milk: results from a study on 94 women from the Caserta and Naples areas in Italy.

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    BackgroundThe Caserta and Naples areas in Campania Region experience heavy environmental contamination due to illegal waste disposal and burns, thus representing a valuable setting to develop a general model of human contamination with dioxins (PCDDs-PCDFs) and dioxin-like-PCBs (dl-PCBs).Methods94 breastfeeding women (aged 19-32 years; mean age 27.9 ± 3.0) were recruited to determine concentrations of PCDDs-PCDFs and dl-PCBs in their milk. Individual milk samples were collected and analyzed according to standard international procedures. A generalized linear model was used to test potential predictors of pollutant concentration in breast milk: age, exposure to waste fires, cigarette smoking, diet, and residence in high/low risk area (defined at high/low environmental pressure by a specific 2007 WHO report). A Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis was carried out by taking into account PCDDs-PCDFs and dl-PCBs as endogenous variables and age, waste fires, risk area and smoking as exogenous variables.ResultsAll milk samples were contaminated by PCDDs-PCDFs (8.6 pg WHO-TEQ/98g fat ± 2.7; range 3.8-19) and dl-PCBs (8.0 pg WHO-TEQ/98g fat ± 3.7; range 2.5-24), with their concentrations being associated with age and exposure to waste fires (p < 0.01). Exposure to fires resulted in larger increases of dioxins concentrations in people living in low risk areas than those from high risk areas (p < 0.01).ConclusionsA diffuse human exposure to persistent organic pollutants was observed in the Caserta and Naples areas. Dioxins concentration in women living in areas classified at low environmental pressure in 2007 WHO report was significantly influenced by exposure to burns

    Epithelial thymic tumours in paediatric age: a report from the TREP project

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Thymic epithelial tumours (thymoma and carcinoma) are exceptionally rare in children. We describe a national multicentre series with a view to illustrating their clinical behaviour and the results of treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From January 2000 all patients under 18 years of age diagnosed with "<it>rare paediatric tumours</it>" were centrally registered by the Italian centres participating in the TREP project (<b>T</b>umori <b>R</b>ari in <b>E</b>tà <b>P</b>ediatrica [Rare Tumours in Paediatric Age]). The clinical data of children with a thymic epithelial tumour registered as at December 2009 were analyzed for the purposes of the present study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our series comprised 4 patients with thymoma and 5 with carcinoma (4 males, 5 females; median age 12.4 years). The tumour masses were mainly large, exceeding 5 cm in largest diameter. Based on the Masaoka staging system, 3 patients were stage I, 1 was stage III, 1 was stage IVa and 4 were stage IVb.</p> <p>All 3 patients with stage I thymoma underwent complete tumour resection at diagnosis and were alive 22, 35 and 93 months after surgery. One patient with a thymoma metastasizing to the kidneys died rapidly due to respiratory failure.</p> <p>Thymic carcinomas were much more aggressive, infiltrating nearby organs (in 4 cases) and regional nodes (in 5), and spreading to the bone (in 3) and liver (in 1). All patients received multidrug chemotherapy (platinum derivatives + etoposide or other drugs) with evidence of tumour reduction in 3 cases. Two patients underwent partial tumour resection (after chemo-radiotherapy in one case) and 4 patients were given radiotherapy (45-54 Gy). All patients died of their disease.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Children with thymomas completely resected at diagnosis have an excellent prognosis while thymic carcinomas behave aggressively and carry a poor prognosis despite multimodal treatment.</p

    Thermotolerant Campylobacter spp. in chicken and bovine meat in Italy: Prevalence, level of contamination and molecular characterization of isolates

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    Campylobacter species are common foodborne pathogens associated with cases of human gastroenteritis worldwide. A detailed understanding of the prevalence, contamination levels and molecular characteristics of Campylobacter spp. in cattle and chicken, which are likely the most important sources of human contamination, is imperative. A collection of 1243 poultry meat samples (665 chicken breasts and 578 chicken thighs) and 1203 bovine meat samples (689 hamburgers and 514 knife-cut meat preparations) were collected at retail outlets, in randomly selected supermarkets located in different Italian regions during one year. Of these samples, 17.38% of the poultry meat and 0.58% of the bovine meat samples tested positive for Campylobacter, of which 131 were Campylobacter jejuni (57.96%) and 95 were Campylobacter coli (42.03%). Campylobacter isolates were genotyped with the aim of assessing the genetic diversity, population structure, source distribution and Campylobacter transmission route to humans. All isolates were molecularly characterized by pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and further genotyped using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and fla-SVR sequencing to gain better insight into the population structure. Antibiotic resistance was also investigate. The highest levels of resistance among chicken strains were observed for ciprofloxacin (88.25%), nalidixic acid (81.45%) and tetracycline (75.6%). PFGE analysis revealed 73 pulsotypes for C. jejuni and 54 pulsotypes for C. coli, demonstrating the existance of different and specific clones circulating in Italy. MLST of C.jejuni isolates mainly clustered in the CC353, CC354, CC21, CC206 and CC443; while C.coli isolates clustered only in CC828. The most common flaA alleles were 287 for C. jejuni and 66 for C. coli. Our study confirms that poultry meat is the main source of Campylobacteriosis, whereas red meat had a low level of contamination suggesting a minor role in transmission. The high presence of Campylobacter in retail chicken meat, paired with its increased resistance to antimicrobials with several multidrug resistance profiles detected, is alarming and represents a persistent threat to public health

    Polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PBDD/Fs) in Italian food: Occurrence and dietary exposure

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    Human exposure to polychlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) through the dietary pathway is widely recognised and regulations in some regions of the world help to limit food contamination. Similar information on the analogous polybrominated dioxins and furans (PBDD/Fs) is scarce, partly due to the higher threshold to analytical access and unavailability of some standard materials. The analytical methodology developed here determined twelve planar PBDD/F congeners using 13Carbon labelled PBDD/F surrogates and high resolution mass spectrometric detection, and was extensively validated prior to the analysis of a range of commonly consumed Italian foods. The methodology also allowed simultaneous determination of PCDD/Fs and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The results show that PBDD/Fs occurred in different foods over a range of concentrations from <0.001 pg/g to 4.58 pg/g in fish. The dietary exposure (upper bound) of different Italian population groups, resulting from these occurrence levels was estimated using the toxic equivalency (TEQ) approach that is commonly used for dioxin-like contaminants and ranged from 0.17 to 0.42 pg TEQ/kg bodyweight/day (lower bound – 0.01 pg TEQ/kg bodyweight/day) depending on the population subgroup. Although precautionary, upper bound values may provide a more realistic estimate of toxicity as not all congeners and foods were measured. As expected, children were more highly exposed than adults due to lower body weight. These exposure levels were between a quarter and a third of that arising from the sum of PCDD/Fs and PCBs (0.61 to 1.38 pg WHO-TEQ/kg bodyweight/day), but they contribute to the dioxin-like toxicity. If this data is considered in view of the revised tolerable dioxin-like dietary intake published by EFSA in 2018, it is evident that the tolerable weekly intake of 2 pg/kg bodyweight/week would be exceeded by some of the assessed population sub-groups, or all sub-groups if the cumulative intake is considered

    Ensemble modelling, uncertainty and robust predictions of organic carbon in long-term bare-fallow soils

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was supported by the project “C and N models inter-comparison and improvement to assess management options for GHG mitigation in agro-systems worldwide” (CN-MIP, 2014- 2017), which received funding by a multi-partner call on agricultural greenhouse gas research of the Joint Programming Initiative ‘FACCE’ through national financing bodies. S. Recous, R. Farina, L. Brilli, G. Bellocchi and L. Bechini received mobility funding by way of the French Italian GALILEO programme (CLIMSOC project). The authors acknowledge particularly the data holders for the Long Term Bare-Fallows, who made their data available and provided additional information on the sites: V. Romanenkov, B.T. Christensen, T. Kätterer, S. Houot, F. van Oort, A. Mc Donald, as well as P. Barré. The input of B. Guenet and C. Chenu contributes to the ANR “Investissements d’avenir” programme with the reference CLAND ANR-16-CONV-0003. The input of P. Smith and C. Chenu contributes to the CIRCASA project, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no 774378 and the projects: DEVIL (NE/M021327/1) and Soils‐R‐GRREAT (NE/P019455/1). The input of B. Grant and W. Smith was funded by Science and Technology Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, under the scope of project J-001793. The input of A. Taghizadeh-Toosi was funded by Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark as part of the SINKS2 project. The input of M. Abdalla contributes to the SUPER-G project, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no 774124.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Ion Chromatography–High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Method for the Determination of Bromide Ions in Cereals and Legumes: New Scenario for Global Food Security

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    The new scenario for global food production and supply is decidedly complex given the current forecast of an increase in food fragility due to international tensions. In this period, exports from other parts of the world require different routes and treatments to preserve the food quality and integrity. Fumigation is a procedure used for the killing, removal, or rendering infertile of pests, with serious dangers to human health. The most-used fumigants are methyl bromide and ethylene dibromide. It is important to bear in mind that the soil may contain bromide ions naturally or from anthropogenic source (fertilizers and pesticides that contain bromide or previous fumigations). Different methods (titrimetric, spectrophotometric, and fluorometric approaches) are available to rapidly determine the amount of bromide ion on site in the containers, but these are non-specific and with high limits of quantification. The increasing interest in healthy food, without xenobiotic residues, requires the use of more sensitive, specific, and accurate analytical methods. In order to help give an overview of the bromide ion scenario, a new, fast method was developed and validated according to SANTE 11312/2021. It involves the determination of bromide ion in cereals and legumes through ion chromatography–Q-Orbitrap. The extraction was performed by the QuPPe method, but some modifications were applied based on the matrix. The method described here was validated at four different levels. Recoveries were satisfactory and the mean values ranged between 99 and 106%, with a relative standard deviation lower than 3%. The linearity in the matrix was evaluated to be between 0.010 and 2.5 mg kg−1, with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.9962. Finally, the proposed method was applied to different cereals and legumes (rice, wheat, beans, lentils pearled barley, and spelt) and tested with satisfactory results in EUPT-SMR16 organized by EURL

    Hepatic sinusoidal dilation in the course of histiocytosis X

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    We present a case of disseminated histiocytosis X with hepatic involvement characterized by sinusoidal dilation. This histological feature regressed in connection with the clinical remission of the disease. The present report suggests that sinusoidal dilation might represent a feature of hepatic involvement in the course of histiocytosis